Elvis/Allen play Sweden, July 23 '07

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Elvis/Allen play Sweden, July 23 '07

Post by johnfoyle »

Ronny posts to listerv -

According to a newsflash in today´s "VG", Elvis and Allen Toussaint are
headed for Europe in the summer of 2007. A Swedish date in Dalhalla on
July 23rd. has already been set. The newsflash doesn´t say whether it´s
festivals or regular gigs, though.

some more here -


and here-

http://www.dalhalla.se/06/svensk/releas ... 061116.pdf
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Post by migdd »

Glad to hear they are continuing to work together!
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Post by Chrille »

About damned time! I just saw the news in a paper over here, I can't believe I missed this thread.

It'll be my first time seeing him live and with A.C joining him makes it even better. I hope the Imposters will be joining :P ! I missed them last time during the TDM-tour because the Gothenburg-show was cancelled.
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Post by johnfoyle »

From listserv -

I had a chat with EC at the Dylan show (great show!) while in the

I said "Please tell me there's gonna be a duet" to which he replied
like to tell you but I can't". This of course left me wondering...he
because there isn't going to be one, or there is but he can't tell
:-) Added a little anticipation to the show at least (and it didn't

I also mentioned the Sweden show to which he said news to him, which
me no chance to prompt him for more dates. I told him it was posted on
internet, and he said it's all lies on the internet.

Thought I'd mention it in case nobody else had.

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Post by Chrille »

That sounds vaguely worrying. Would seem strange that this venue would announce it as a headline on their website without E.C knowing anything about it and I have no idea whether or not he's responsible for any specific tour dates. The venue's announcement says this show is part of a tour though.
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

Elvis said in Amsterdam in September that he was hoping to tour with Allen in 2007 in Europe.

And then of course there was our after show chat with Elvis who said he'd play in Dublin when hell freezes over...

Mind you, I wonder how these things are arranged. Will Elvis have told his management that he wants to tour in Summer and then his management book provisional dates before finalising them with Elvis? It could be that Elvis genuinely doesn't know what dates have been arranged, but he knows dates are actually being scheduled.
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Post by ulfg »

I got my ticket for this today, so I really hope there will be a concert! The "elviscostello.com"-site says that no appearances are scheduled, and it's a bad sign. But what do they know?

Hopefully this will give me a nice "mini-holiday" in mid-Sweden in the middle of July! Anyone to follow?

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Post by johnfoyle »

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Post by johnfoyle »

A listserver translates-

And in English...

>>> It has been one of Dalhallas desire to have the world famous
Elvis Costello on our stage. In 2007 it finally happens! During the
of 2007 Elvis Costello is on tour in Europe
and makes only one concert
Sweden - in Dalhalla! <<<
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Immigrant Song

Post by bambooneedle »

EC: "Dalhalla, I am commming..."
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

Are you sure it's not Valhalla?
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Post by bambooneedle »

Yes - I'm pretty sure it's Dalhalla.
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Post by johnfoyle »

Any E.C./A.T. tour of Europe will not start, it seems, until c.July '07 , going by A.T.'s latest tour dates -

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Post by verbal gymnastics »

That could tie in with a summer European tour.

Is anybody from England going? I quite fancy it. They may be touring other European venues so I may wait until nearer the time although getting tickets nearer the time may be a problem.
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Post by johnfoyle »

Ken on listserv comments -

I'm putting my money on The North Sea Jazz Festival (July 13-15) and/or
Montreux Jazz Festival (July 6-21)...should tie in nicely with the
show EC doesn't know anything about :-)

BTW, Montreux is offering new passes:

Your choice is guaranteed! You have 7 days time to make your choice
the program has been officially released.
1. Buy your Easy Day Pass today
2. Wait for the program to be released
3. Choose any day, do not bother about sold out concerts
Your advantages:
- Access garanteed for the 2 concert halls on the day of your choice
- Auditorium Stravinski (standing) and Miles Davis Hall (standing)
- Access to VIP Bars
CHF 150.-

Your choice is guaranteed!
You have 7 days time to make your choice once the program has been
officially released.
1. Buy your ticket today
2. Wait for the program to be released
3. Choose any concert without bothering about sold out concerts
(You have 7 days time to make your choice once the program has been
officially released).

CHF 70.- Miles Davis Hall (standing)
CHF 90.- Auditorium Stravinski (standing)
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Post by pophead2k »

Wow! Although bathed in that red light, it could pass for Hades too!
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Post by johnfoyle »

Anyone here going?
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Post by ulfg »

Yes, I am going!
This will be a perfect two-day mini holiday trip up to a part of Sweden I rarely visit!
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Post by johnfoyle »

Y'see the thing about bright red cases is that they're easier to spot at baggage reclaim..

http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp? ... 7&rss=2350

Foto: Jeff Gilbert

DN Kultur-Musik
23 July 2007

Orkanen förde Costello framåt

För Elvis Costello blev orkanen Katrina starten på ett musiksamarbete med New Orleans-musikern Allen Toussaint. I kväll står de på scen tillsammans i Dalhalla.

En naturkastastrof återförenade dem. Orkanen Katrina fick Elvis Costello att närma sig r'n'b-veteranen Allen Toussaint och föreslå ett samarbete. Deras gemensamma resa har i kväll fört dem till Dalhalla i Sverige.

Titellåten till skivan "The river in reverse" är fylld av sorg över en raserad stad. Elvis Costello skrev den innan han själv sett förödelsen i New Orleans. När han väl kom dit insåg han att orden inte räckte till - allt var mycket värre än det gått att föreställa sig. Då ökade hans beundran för vännen Allen Toussaint, producenten, låtskrivaren och mästerpianisten som alltid haft sin bas i New Orleans.

- Allen har fullt upp med att spela offentligt nu, mer än han någonsin har gjort i sin karriär. Det är en beundransvärd reaktion. I stället för att sörja och bli apatisk har han skrivit låtar han aldrig skulle ha gjort annars, berättar Elvis Costello.

Allen Toussaint och Elvis Costello inledde sitt samarbete 1983 när Costello gjorde en cover på Yoko Onos "Walking on thin ice". Efter Katrina återupptog de båda musikerna kontakten och spelade tillsammans på flera välgörenhetskonserter. Förra året kom så "The river in reverse" som till största delen är fylld av nya tolkningar av Toussaints och Costellos material.

- Vi satt vid pianot och jobbade, men jag skämdes nästan över att spela på det när Allen var i närheten eftersom han är en så underbar pianist, säger Elvis Costello.

Det är en avslappnad Costello som gör intervjun på telefon från hemmet i USA. I år är det trettio år sedan han debuterade som skivartist med plattan "My aim is true".

Själv sammanfattar han sin karriär med orden "jag tycker att jag har klarat mig rätt bra, utan att någonsin göra succé".

- Har man en jättehit är risken stor att folk bara kommer ihåg en för det. Jag har liksom ackumulerat berömmelse för mina låtar genom åren och lyssnarna känner till mig av massor av olika anledningar. En del vill bara höra mig spela rock'n'roll, andra är bara intresserade av mina ballader.

I bakgrunden gnyr Frank och Dexter, de sju månader gamla tvillingsöner han har har tillsammans med jazzsångerskan Diana Krall. Myten om den argsinte rockstjärnan med en otäck förmåga att hitta dräpande svar kommer nästan helt på skam. Fast bara nästan - för är det något som Elvis Costello inte tål är det pr-klyschor. Frågan "hur orkar du återuppfinna dig själv gång på gång" triggar den något buttrare sidan i honom.

- Personligen ger jag inte mycket för den där sortens klyschor. Återuppfinna? Jag ser det inte som att jag återuppfinner. Jag gör bara saker jag gillar. Det kan vara med ett rockband, en symfoniorkester, ett jazzband eller en bluegrassgrupp.

Burt Bacharach, Paul McCartney, den svenska operasångerskan Ann Sofie von Otter och det 52 man starka jazzbandet Metropole Orkest är bara några av hans otaliga samarbetspartners. Men att det har blivit så många samarbeten genom åren är mest en slump, hävdar han.

Det är spelandet som upptar hans intresse nu för tiden. Studion och skivinspelningarna lockar inte alls.

- Jag är färdig med det där. Jag behöver det inte längre. Vad är det för mening med att lägga låtarna i en viss ordning när andra kan ändra den hur enkelt som helst i sin mp3? På en konsert måste folk lyssna på låtarna i den ordning jag har bestämt. I framtiden kommer jag nog bara att framföra mina låtar på scenen.

Friheten att själv bestämma riktning - oavsett om det gäller en smal operauppsättning i Danmark, eller en kommersiellt gångbar rocksatsning - är hans livsluft. Elvis Costello skäms inte över att vara en musikalisk kameleont.

- Folk gör misstaget att tro att du för alltid är samma person som när du gjorde en viss låt. Men vi som skriver låtarna är människor och kan inte leva upp till lyssnarnas eller kritikernas neurotiska behov av evig identifikation. Det tror jag har skadat stora artister som Bob Dylan och Joni Mitchell.

Sara Ullberg, sara.ullberg@dn.se
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Post by johnfoyle »

Ronny on listserv translates part of this -

http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp? ... rss=3D2350

Elvis does a telephone interview with Swedish newspaper "Dagens
Nyheter" and gives new meaning to the term: "Little Hitler":

"I'm through with making albums. I just don't need it anymore.
What's the point of making an album with the songs in a specific track order, when anyone with an mp3 player can re-set this track-order? When I' m doing a concert, people will actually have to listen to the songs in
whichever order I put them. In the future, I'll probably stick to performing my songs in live shows."
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Post by migdd »

I agree with Elvis in that few people listen to "albums" anymore; however, I find it depressing that he views it as an excuse to not put out new songs. So far, I've not seen any media better suited for publishing a selection of songs that comprise a musical journey than the old fashioned album/CD. Downloading diverse pop tunes onto an MP3 player is the folly of little children, as far as I'm concerned.
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Post by StrictTime »

I still listen to albums through...but I'm one of the few people my age who doesn't suffer from 'hit single syndrome.' Let's just hope that was Elvis having a prima donna moment. Even though that's never happened before.... :roll: :lol:
Why don't you write about it in your blag?
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Post by MOJO »

I think there are ways that you can set pointers in digital files which could automatically point and play the next track on an album. This request could either be mandatory by law, or at the request of the artists (ex. play at least 3 tracks in a row from the new release/album)... Anyhow, I don't know if this exists, but what it really comes down to is that the music industry needs to think out of the box and come up with new digital business models. As I see it, they only want to control the market and the distribution channel. Why not create a new one? The music industry is stifling the market and it's making it difficult to see any growth, specifically in the mobile market where they need to negotiate better royalty deals with the carriers. I know nothing, mind you... so maybe something is happening in the industry to create a new distribution model for the artists, rather than going through third party agents like Apple, etc... In my opinion, the distribution model needs to be built into the IP network/protocol.. with micro-cent payments built in, etc.... whatever, I know nothing.. just rambling off random thoughts here...
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Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/rss/story ... 54,00.html

I TOPPFORM Elvis Costello är bättre än han varit på minst 15 år – mycket tack vare bandet.


Elvis Costello & Allen Toussaint

Konsert i Dalhalla, Rättvik.
Bäst: â€
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