Elvis to Play Hillary Clinton's Birthday Bash, NY, Oct.25th

Pretty self-explanatory
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Post by BlueChair »

But why "Evil"? Can someone explain this to me?
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Post by bronxapostle »


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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:56 pm Post subject:


As has been pointed out elsewhere, a Hillary victory would mean that from 1988-2012 the U.S. would have a Bush or a Clinton as President. Egads man!
The bear has been drinking.

TRY AGAIN...until 2016!!!!!!!!! bush, clinton, bush, clinton!
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Post by Fishfinger king »

BlueChair wrote:But why "Evil"? Can someone explain this to me?

Sorry, virtually all the political and footballing comments from the other side of the Atlantic don't make much sense to me and this makes less than most (Less than zero as a Clinton aide might say).
EC has a long history of doing gigs with a political bent, from Rock against Racism to Miner's strike support here in Blighty. This might be not quite as right-on, but hardly seems evil. Would you all rather he supported Dubya?
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What do they have on our boy?

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He's doing this at gunpoint, right? Elvis, get back in your Lexus and go away. Far away. Go back to England if they'll have you, and suck the Queen's teats. Maybe she'll knight your sorry ass. Not for courage mind you...but for fealty.

This is not the Elvis Costello I grew up with. He knows good and well that he is simply endorsing one evil over another. Hillary means more war, and Elvis has to know this. She's all for going after Iran, including using nukes. What did they do? Take photos of him with an underage girl?




Of all the candidates running in both halves of the War Party, this is the only guy making any sense...


The empire is over. The revolution is here, but only if we want it.

(who wants to lay odds that Elvis' next pop record will be a smash hit no matter how much it sucks?)

Gagh! I'm sick!

I never thought I'd say it, but Elvis can stick his Hillary bumper sticker where the sun don't shine.

Shall I quote from Tramp the Dirt Down? Eh, what's the use...

You stinking hypocrite! How can you let them use you like this?! Can't you see she's just the other side of the corporate war coin?

Puke! I spit on your catalogue! Die corporate shill-meister! Die you lying bastard! Die you two-faced coward! Nobody likes an insincere twerp! Jesus Christos, brother, do you REALLY think the Democrats are any better than the Republicans? They're the same thing, idiot! You can't possibly be that stupid, can you? You may get your media acceptance and phony Hollywood fame, but from me...the kind of fan that stuck by you for all these thirty years...you get NOTHING NADA ZILCH!

Instant Karma's gonna get you.


...and O yeah...go fuck yourself!
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Ron Paul for President 2008

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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Fishfinger king wrote:Sorry, virtually all the political and footballing comments from the other side of the Atlantic don't make much sense to me and this makes less than most (Less than zero as a Clinton aide might say). EC has a long history of doing gigs with a political bent, from Rock against Racism to Miner's strike support here in Blighty. This might be not quite as right-on, but hardly seems evil. Would you all rather he supported Dubya?
"Evil" is a ridiculous word to use in this context I agree, but I'm disappointed to see him supporting arguably the least progressive candidate on the Democratic side. pophead raises a good point about the Bush and Clinton families dominating American politics over the last 20 years. We desperately need a president who is willing to break new ground, and I just don't see Clinton as that type of politician.
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Post by MOJO »

Hey Rope on a Lesion - You need a life coach.


and Go Hillary!
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Post by A rope leash »

Go Hillary! Go! Go far far away!

MOJO! Who gives a fuck? Get some ju-ju, fool!
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Hey coach! Put me in!

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A "life coach"? What kind of brainwashed idiot would even suggest such a thing? No one will EVER tell me how to "be", or what to do, or what to say, or what to think...that kind of thing is for corporatized sheep, which is apparently Elvis Costello's new target audience.

Being who you are is called "freedom". Look it up. Expressing yourself plainly is a natural right. Check it out. I say what I want where I want, and so can you, too. But you won't, because you are frightened.

Hillary won't change that, or anything else. A vote for her is a vote for war. War sucks, especially a war built on phony pretense. I guess you think killing's fine, so long as you have a plausable excuse. Who is your "life coach"? Dick Cheney?

God I miss Frank!

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Post by colrow26 »

Sorry, im english and new around these parts, can someone direct me to the Elvis Costello General Discussion forum........
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Post by sabreman »

BlueChair wrote:
sabreman wrote:The Clinton's are about as bad as it gets.
Forgive my international perspective, but I think the past six or seven years have proven this not to be the case.
I meant as political slime. I don't like the Bush family either.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

colrow26 wrote:Sorry, im english and new around these parts, can someone direct me to the Elvis Costello General Discussion forum........
You're in it. He's playing a gig in support of a political candidate - how is that not appropriate for discussion here?
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Post by colrow26 »

colrow26 wrote:
Sorry, im english and new around these parts, can someone direct me to the Elvis Costello General Discussion forum........

You're in it. He's playing a gig in support of a political candidate - how is that not appropriate for discussion here?

It was just an attempt to inject some levity or irony....yuo guys carry on.....
...I want him to hurt...
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Post by mood swung »

levity? irony? here?

virtually all the political and footballing comments from the other side of the Atlantic don't make much sense to me

I have the exact same problem! only, like, in reverse! weird!
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Is the Clinton bird worth two George Bushes?
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Post by johnfoyle »

http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/ ... 639160.ece

The Times (London)

October 12, 2007

How Elvis Costello stayed cool

Carol Midgley

Several theories circulate about why Bill and Hillary Clinton named their daughter Chelsea. One is that they once enjoyed a visit to the Chelsea Flower Show, another that they were fond of the Joni Mitchell song Chelsea Morning. Now we can add another theory: news that Hillary has invited Elvis Costello to headline at her 60th birthday bash later this month raises the tantalising possibility that the Clintons named their only child after Costello’s 1978 hit I Don’t Want to go to Chelsea (she was born two years later).

It is, perhaps, more believable than the official explanation – that Costello’s presence will give Hillary a “younger, hipper, more funâ€
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Post by Mr. Average »

BlueChair wrote:
Mr. Average wrote:Hillary is just short of the anti-Christ in my book. An evil woman whose legacy is more important than anything that you or I can imagine.
I'm not trying to create a huge political debate here, but I'm curious as to what makes Hillary "evil." Unlikeable I can understand, but I don't really know much about her history. Has she ever murdered anybody in cold blood or blown up any buildings? What constitutes evil? Educate me.
I cn only recommend that you skim Barbara Olsens "Last Days of the Clinton White House" and "Hell to Pay", her exposes about Bill and Hillary.
Well footnoted and referenced. If you read either of these and do not conclude that this is an evil powermonger unlike this country has ever seen, then God Bless you and your mental infirmities. Blue, I did not say you are mentally infirm! I did say that I cannot imagine how anyone can read Olsens excellent books and not come to the conclusion that she makes George W Bush look like Mother Teresa by comparison.
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Post by BlueChair »

I will keep my eye out for those books, Mr. A. Thanks for the recommendations.
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Barbara was a brilliant attorney and a well-balanced and fair. Incredibly, she was killed on 9/11, onthe eve of the release of her third book, when the hijacked plane she was traveling on slammed into the Pentagon. SHe called her husband and outlined the details of what was abbot to happen to her...that her death was imminent and she needed to say goodbye.

Given her staunch ant- Clinton position, it is ironic that she would die in the 9/11 crime. To the degree that anyone in the Bush administration would have wanted her dead is to the degree that Elvis Presley is pumping gas in Knoxville.
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Post by johnfoyle »

A Liverpool based blogster highlights a Costello lyric that Elvis is,hopefully, 'badass' enough to sing at the Beacon -

http://condensedthoughts.blogspot.com/2 ... -true.html

Despite reveling in punk & two-tone during my teenage years, I always steered clear of "guidance" from artists at the time. Joe Strummer effectively cautioned against searching for political solutions from those whose records you simply happened to like & agree with.

However, my admiration for Elvis Costello has, if anything, increased over the years. Quite often, he has, as the Americans say, walked the walk. A month after the Hillsborough disaster he played two nights at Liverpool's Royal Court Theatre. Costello announced on both evenings that all the proceeds would be going to the Hillsborough Fund.

This week, however, it was revealed that Costello will play at Hillary Clinton's 60th birthday party in New York later this month. Tickets start at a cool $250 (£125) & access to a post-gig party will set you back $25,000.

It reminds me of a song Costello wrote for
Roger McGuinn,

"You Bowed Down":-

"You value the burnt amber of falling leaves,
And long to delay,
When you feel their breath, they whisper,
'It won't hurt you now to betray',
And now every time that we meet on the edge of hysteria,
You're helping them sell off some new party line,
I remember a time when you would have seemed so superior,
Now you say, 'Will you please meet this good friend of mine?"
Now you're in demand, as long as you kiss their hand,
And all the applause is for their name, not yours".

Some might rush to Costello's defense (not that he'd need any assistance), saying that he is supporting a Democrat for the White House & registering his opposition to Dubya & his Republican party. That overlooks the fact that Clinton is far & away the most right wing of the Democrat contenders. In 2003 she voted enthusiastically for the Iraq war. Now she's trying to play down that decision, lest it draw attention to her suspect judgment.

And Elvis? Well, the guy won't be swayed by the bloggers, the music journos, etc., but he knows that he has prostituted his name, & once you become a corporate whore, the label sticks. Enjoy your fee, Declan.
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Post by MOJO »

It's just a gig... I don't understand why people and journalists have to associate a songwriter's lyrics with a political candidate's campaign agenda. The press is printing junk... and the citizens that buy into it haven't taken the time to educate themselves beyond their daily news rag... which if anyone knows, is lacking depth and insight... smucks... and oh, yeah, it's just a birthday party... who cares!
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Post by Mike Boom »

The thing is ... things have changed ... for musicians these days its a completely different world. People steal your music, or your forced to give it away, nobody buys it anymore. Radio is scattered all over the internet and up in space and there are no longer a core of fans huddled up to the radio (nowhere) to hear your latest single, (latest download?), the TV is full of amateurs trying to be pop stars on talent (less) shows. Hannah Montanna is the most popular act around. There is no "Sell Out" anymore, there is nothing to sell out, these days its just survival. The only way you are going to get your name out there and make a living is from live shows, commercials, getting your songs in films. Playing concerts, and shows , the musicians bread and butter. Believe it or not, EC has settled down and has a wife and kids, suddenly nothing else seems much to matter more than looking after them. He has every right in the world to make a living, and for him, these days, it means playing shows. Do you berate the plumber who comes and fixes the Clintons plumbing? Or the cook who cooks their food? He's playing a show, somebodys paying him. Thats what he does. I just wish he would get his ass in the studio and make some more great pop records, because thats what hes good at, and then go on tour and play them.
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Post by MOJO »

nice one mike boom. agreed - sort of.. The internet has potential for artists. .. just have to cut out the middle man.. you can start with ASCAP/BMI/Harry Fox.. these agencies can be replaced by code.
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Post by johnfoyle »

Anyone going?
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Post by bronxapostle »

okay, what i miss tonight?
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