New Elvis interview in The Word

Pretty self-explanatory
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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by bambooneedle »

" I like your Lexus advert where you just talk about Beethoven. Did they give you a car?

Not yet (laughs) but I never thought anyone would pay me to sit in the back of car and talk bollocks. They said talk about music that you like and I made a couple of suggestions. The other one was Harry J's 'Liquidator' but the guy that owned it wanted, like a hundred million dollars to license it. I think you just go in and you just improvise - they don't even mention the name of the product, I don't understand how it's supposed to be an ad. I've never understood advertising, frankly, I think you're an idiot if you buy something if it's in an advert. So I'm quite happy to take, you know, to be paid to talk about music, not that there's anything particularly illuminating about what I say. Are they showing it in the UK? "

What a liar. I bet he has been practicing this little speech for a while. And he knows very well where it would be showed, he's just getting ready to be even more defensive about the UK.
MOJO wrote:A liar? I don't follow you. It's a commercial and they hired a few artists/musicians to promote a high-end stereo system in luxury car. You're in/out and paid. If I were offered a gig like that - in/out, PAID - I would take it. Who wouldn't? At least, the theme was E.C.'s passion - music. I've seen the ad on PBS, about a month or two ago... Ads on PBS are usually tied to $$$ donated by the ad sponsor. The money goes back into the public broadcasting system - FREE AIRWAVES. So, to me, it seems like good vibes all around.
Yes, a liar. Oh noooo, he doesn't understand advertising, he's completely ignorant about how he let them use his name! And yeah, he's just happy to get paid to talk about music... :roll: Look, I really have no problem with anyone doing advertising, if they really need to do it and they don't expect me to believe phony justifications and bullshit.
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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Who Shot Sam? wrote:Seems like a very British thing to do. Those bastards at The Word are getting a bit too big for their britches. Time to write something nasty about them in the Guardian. Does the Guardian hire sarcastic twats by the dozen?
I'm not familiar with Inky Fingers and don't read the Guardian's music blog, only their print articles, but I do think the targets are often misjudged here. The worst thing here, which I didn't comment on above (and those words were also posted on the blog as a response), is that he completely misses the point of Hepworth's 5th anniversary comments. The bits about not being rich and inviting whisky producers to advertise are obviously humorous, and the bit about Word readers being hard to write for because they're diverse and non-predictable is affectionate and celebratory. This writer clearly is a twerp.
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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by Boy With A Problem »

johnfoyle wrote:Long warranted exposition of the weaknesses of 'The Word ' - ... ers_2.html
Thanks for this - even though I buy it every month it drives me crazy for many of the reasons described in the article. It's not any different than Mojo or Uncut (with the exception of the free cd as Otis points out) though it clearly thinks it's hipper than the other two.
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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by johnfoyle »

Another photo from the time of this feature -

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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by seanpointblank »

But what does it mean?
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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by MOJO »

Wow. There is nothing sexier than a grown man holding up an elongated root vegtable.
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Otis Westinghouse
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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Elvis asserts his virility?
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Re: New Elvis interview in The Word

Post by MOJO »

"Give me yams or give me death!" Seems like a good caption for this photo.
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