The State of Play (button)

Pretty self-explanatory
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The State of Play (button)

Post by laughingcrow »

Apologies if this has come up before as thread/post/rant/plea and if I'm dredging up rehashed wounds....BUT

Has anyone bought all the re-re-rereleased stuff? I did like the look of the cardboard covers, and then the big Lego block super-duper volumes (with less than the Rhino versions on), but was left wondering what the point would be.

The 2 new best ofs were tempting, but my sympathies were addled and I left well alone. Was I right to do so? I'm not even sure what I was missing, 2 live versions 'previously unreleased'...were they really worth shelling out for? Do tell.

I read some reviews of the big chunky releases of MAIT and TYM...and they focussed solely on the original albums - so reviewed well. Fair enough, I thought, but these reviews aren't in context. You can review a new translation of War And Peace, or a new adaptation of The Caretaker, or even the Director's Cut of Bladerunner (maybe that's a bad example actually, having been rereleased in several incarnations), and the review focusses on what's changed and how the new form is different to the original spirit of the thing. In this case though, noone seemed to mention the fact that they are rehashed and re-coloured in every few years. Does this take anything away from the original? Not really, but maybe it dilutes it somewhat.

I don't feel cheated or any faux outrage, as everything is always personal choice, and of course I realise there are bills to pay for the musician, but from an artistic perspective - should there be a point where someone stops rereleasing things?
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Re: The State of Play (button)

Post by migdd »

I guess he'll stop releasing them when people stop buying them.

There's no morality in play at all. There's no moral obligation to anyone; they're just freakin' records, fer chrissakes. If people keep buying the reissues, they'll keep coming out.
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Re: The State of Play (button)

Post by krm »

All is just a matter of two things
1) listening to music
2) the beauty of collcting and having!

I will probably end up with three different versions of momofuku within days. And that has not even been released as CD yet....

me, nerd?? I think so!!!
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