Momofuko Vinyl Question

Pretty self-explanatory
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Momofuko Vinyl Question

Post by dminches »

I bought the vinyl 3 weeks ago and I am finally spending time listening to it. Lo and behold, my copy is "defective". Both sides of the first record have "Harry Worth", "Drum & Bone" and "Flutter & Wow." Does anyone else have a copy of the vinyl with this problem.

Guess I'll have to return it unless someone thinks it has some value.
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Re: Momofuko Vinyl Question

Post by bronxapostle »

no, mine's fine. sorry for you! glad they didn't all come pressed like that. go return it as're missing three great songs there. peace, ba
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Re: Momofuko Vinyl Question

Post by charliestumpy »

I would keep it 'as an investment curio' and buy another correctly stamped set of vinyls - surprisingly, it sounds IMO great even on CD on overpriced/resonably priced systems - played it again last night through some Naim-Linn things ...

One day I shall know all of the lyrics - as usual, still fun finding out whilst hearing the instruments ...
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Re: Momofuko Vinyl Question

Post by Bad Ambassador »

Mine's fine, but I did read on another forum that someone else has had the same problem.
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