The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by johnfoyle »

Today's Irish edition of The Sun (London) gets a bit 'Carry On' about this -

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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Mr. Average »

Congratulations Democrats on the Obama win for Presidency.

I am sure that the words (there have been no actions, none. Only words. Congressional approval rating is 10 points LOWER than Bush) have inspired many beyond belief, and one cannot deny the mandate of a true majority in the popular vote.

So I look to action and I will drive to support action. Not abortion, ever. Not sitting with rogue leaders without precondition. Never. Legitimizes murder on both levels, and I will go to my grave defending life and liberty, even if that happens during this administration.

For the record:

Russia has aligned missiles against our defense system, positioning along the Polish border. They remarked that they 'appreciated' Obama's chastisement of Georgia (invaded by Russia) for not showing restraint in fighting back the invaders. Yes, Obama challenged Georgia to show restraint against the aggressors when they tried to defends their familes and homes. So Russia wasted no time, diliberately failed to recognize Obama as president-elect, and threatened him that he either support the Russian agenda or suffer the consequences. Took less than a day. Biden wasn't kidding guys.

Many of the pharma companies are today laying off 10's of thousands of jobs, affected two very hard working americans that I love and care about who barely make enough to pay their electric bills. Yes, the layoffs are directly, and so stated , driven by the election of Obama. So these people, making between 60-80K$ US, are now unemployed. Great economic stimulus plan.

The Medical Device Manufacturers of America have announced deep cust in delivery of vital signs and new technology's because of fear of socialized medicine, which has failed miserably in canada and in france (I am not laughing at you , Blue, I feel bad for you and God forbid you or your loved ones get really ill in the culture that you celebrate)...why are Canadians flooding across the border to get stay ALIVE...because it is denied or delayed indefinitely in Canada. I realy fail to find the humour in that, nor the inspiration of a leader that will cut my Mothers life expectancy by his plans.

I am happy that you guys are happy, and a little repulsed that someone would behave like a southpark cartoon character and actually derogate the fact that someone wanted a different choice and voted accordingly. Very juvenile, but the board has gone so far south under HIS moderation that this wasn't unexpected.

See if you are still HAHAHAHAHAHing in 2 years. I really hope so! I want this to work, but not at the cost of innocent life and my national security.

Oh, and my wife quit her job today. Her income combined with mine made it cheaper for us to NOT have her work in 2009 and volunteer for conservative issues. She canot be replaced by anyone out of work that Obama promised jobs to because of a rare advanced educational skill set treating patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Under the proposed new plan she would be working soley for the government, and not have realized any significant take-home because of the socilaistic redistribution of wealth.

Only words? So far. Hold on to your wallets. Hold onto your mothers and fathers, and love your children. There is a rough road ahead.

Again, now that you have won, try to look past the ideology to the brutal reality of what you have wrought on good people. It makes you "feel" better. Until it hits you right between the eyes. Caveat emptor.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Mr. Average wrote:the brutal reality of what you have wrought on good people.
Oh you do amuse me Mr. A. You never fail to disappoint with your overheated rhetoric. Obama's already lost your family a job and he's not even President yet!

The guy hasn't even been inaugurated yet and you've already passed judgment. Nice to see you're so open minded about him.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by pophead2k »

I'm sick of the uninformed tossing around the term 'socialism' and its 'redistribution of wealth'. ALL taxes are a redistribution of wealth to some order. Who cashed their 'stimulus' checks? Socialists! Don't call it a rebate, because it wasn't. It was spreading the wealth.

Let's get one thing straight. The US is a federal republic- power concentrated at two levels, the state and the federal. The federal government is a central government. A major component of socialism is a centralized government. The government regulates fuel, power, utilities, etc. Some are state owned, some are not. We have a mixed economy folks, to a lesser degree than, say, Canada or Sweden, but a mixed economy nonetheless.

Extremes are bad. Complete free market economies cause the pile of shit we're in now. Complete centralized economies cause the malaise of the late Soviet Empire and Cuba. The US has found a relatively decent balance and there is NOTHING Obama has said or done that makes me think that will fundamentally change. All presidents bring in their own tax ideas. The Republicans call the Dems 'tax and spend'. In my eyes, all this administration has done is 'don't tax, but still spend', which has left us in terrible debt after the surpluses of the late 90s.

Please, Mr. A. An overwhelming majority of Americans voted for Obama. For you to insinuate that all of us are mindless, spineless sheep is beyond insult. Maybe, just maybe, you are the one who has it all backward. Caveat Emptor indeed.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Very good first press conference. It's nice to have a President (-Elect) who can speak in complete sentences!

A little bit of humor in there as well.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Shame Mr A can't be as gracious in defeat as John McCain! I think he's secretly relieved as he was probably thinking 'I'm getting on a bit for this sort of challenge, what if my health doesn't hold out and that absurd VP they forced upon me has to take over?', so maybe some of that graciousness was pure relief. Sarah Palin may be 'pro-life', unless you're a moose, but she also referred to Africa as 'a country'.

One of the best Blair quotes from his early years was about wanting to create the kind of country that people want to belong to. Obama has already achieved more inclusiveness in his electorate than previously seen in US politics, now let's see what he can deliver within 2 years. Darren Bent scored a hat-trick last night and Spurs are playing with a confidence they had completely lost in themselves before. Let's hope the same level of empowering confidence can be shown in the US.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Goody2Shoes »

So pharmaceutical companies are laying off workers and medical device manufacturers are cutting deliveries for fear that government-administered healthcare will cut into their profits? Maybe it's just me, but doesn't that seem like an overly-hysterical response to something that won't happen for at least 3-4 years, if ever? Sounds more like a cynical excuse to cut costs and deflect responsibility away from those who created the current financial mess in which we find ourselves. Those are certainly not the only industries that have recently had to make cuts to keep from going under. There are people I know and love, too, who have recently lost jobs in the banking industry and to outsourcing. Perhaps we could blame their losses on someone who has yet to take office, too.

But hey, we already do have socialized medicine. It's Medicare. Today's workers are paying for the healthcare of those who are not working. Redistributing the wealth, as it were, and I'm all for it. My elderly parents, and yours, too, I suspect, would be bankrupt if they had to pay all their medical bills without our help. Is it not the least we can do for those who have paved the way for us, worked hard, supported industry, and paid for the healthcare of those before them while they themselves were working? There is no denying that it is bloated and inefficient and doesn't function as well as it should and could, but why throw the baby out with the bathwater because the baby is sick? We can fix it, we can change it. Why do opponents of socialized medicine hold out the examples of other flawed systems to explain why it won't work here? What makes them think we don't have the will and the brains to come up with something better? Why would we adopt France's healthcare system wholesale? We don't even like the French! And for every Canadian streaming across the border for healthcare, there is an American retiree illegally ordering prescription medications from Canadian pharmacies because they are 50% cheaper there.

We also participate in socialized medicine when we pay our own health insurance premiums. One of the many reasons healthcare costs have soared is that built into every insurance premium and every hospital bill is payment for the healthcare of the uninsured. As you know, the first contact that many uninsured folks have with healthcare is when an emergency crops up, and they get expensive tests and procedures to diagnose and treat conditions that might have been prevented had they been exposed to appropriate preventive healthcare and education. Hard to imagine that eliminating the expense of this kind of emergency care wouldn't be cheaper and more efficient all around. But we have been so conditioned to fear this spectre of 'socialized medicine', we aren't being very rational or innovative in solving the problem. We just say 'government can't run healthcare'. Government isn't inherently bad. Bad government is bad.

Sorry. Long rant from me.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by migdd »

Other examples of "spread the wealth" socialism?:

Social Security
Unemployment benefits
food stamps
Mortgage buy-downs

How many can you name?
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by spooky girlfriend »

Who Shot Sam? wrote:Very good first press conference. It's nice to have a President (-Elect) who can speak in complete sentences!

A little bit of humor in there as well.
That was the first thing I said after the first couple of minutes passed - my gosh, he hasn't even stuttered yet!

I thought his communication with the press was wonderful. Grace in motion. Haven't seen that in a while.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by migdd »

I thought Obama did well. It's a bit of a shame that the Nancy Reagan sceance comment will be the thing conservatives will remember most about the speech, Ronald Reagan being lionized as he is amongst that group. Besides, wasn't Hilary the one who employed phsychics in order to talk with Eleanor Roosevelt?

More socialism is on the way in the form of another "economic stimulus" check! Surely we are all doomed! :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by bambooneedle »

I get how people would be worried about communism, but socialism? That one surprised me a bit. Isn't that where it's not 'everyone for themselves and stuff the rest'?
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by migdd »

Sadly, some of our lesser-educated Amuricans get our -ism words mixed up.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Mr. Average »

"The more that is given the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work the more their poverty will increase."-Leo Tolstoy, Russian author, essayist and philosopher wrote the epic novel War and Peace (1865-69)
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Boy With A Problem »

Now you've got yourself a brand new occupation
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by bambooneedle »

"The more that is given the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work the more their poverty will increase."-Leo Tolstoy, Russian author, essayist and philosopher wrote the epic novel War and Peace (1865-69)
Who is talking about charity? That's not socialism. I hate to state the obvious but people will support a system that supports them, that provides the stability and quality of life for them to want to participate in it and pay their taxes etc and thrive. And if it doesn't they're not going to work harder flipping burgers at $5 an hour or whatever, they're going to take shortcuts and sell drugs and steal and generally not support a system they feel doesn't support them. And you'll have ghettos. That's when you'll get people aspiring to nothing better and wanting handouts.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by spooky girlfriend »

Is it my imagination or did someone do a girls and guys clothing matchup ahead of time?


Also, CNN is collecting questions to ask Sarah Palin. I thought Moody might want to ask her why she winks during debates? :lol:
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Looks like a prime candidate for a caption competition!

Nicely put, 'Boo. Very succinct and to the point.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Mr. Average »

You reap what you sew.

“In a higher phase of communist society ... only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind and society inscribe on its banners: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875).

Be careful what you wish for.

I love my country too much to see it flushed and trashed.

God Bless you all and may Good Health follow you and your loved ones to the end of your days.
I sure enjoyed it while it lasted. Lots of great people here, but I cannot consign to spend time on a board where, by overwhelming consensus, people hate America, a country that has epitomized good over evil for so, so many years. Shame on those of you in the EU that have forgotten what my grandfather did for you, and for your children. And to those in the States that don't have a clue just how fortunate we have been to keep Al Queda off our soil and thier bombs off our childrens school buses, welcome to brutal reality.

You voted for it, now you can live with it.

Am I bitter? No. Am I sad, yes. For America and the nations that we have held high with unfettered support, rebuilding our enemies lands at taxpayer expense. And happy to do it!

The world will never be the same. The victory last week was a huge one for ideology...words and euphemisms. Now make it work. All of you, dammit, make it work. And as a final sign-off, Tolstoys quote will haunt you and haunt you as you have less and less, cut back your kids holidays and gifts, send them to inferior crumbling schools, and generally see them less safe and poorly prepared for the future.

"The more that is given the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work the more their poverty will increase."-Leo Tolstoy, Russian author, essayist and philosopher wrote the epic novel War and Peace (1865-69)
"The smarter mysteries are hidden in the light" - Jean Giono (1895-1970)
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by oily slick »

mr a go boom. stop sparring with him, you won't respect yourself in the morning.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by pophead2k »

I resent the fuck out of having someone say I hate America. I work for low wages to educate the children of this great nation so that one day they may pay into the trough from which Mr. A will doubtlessly gladly feed (Social Security, Medicare, etc.). Maybe I love this country and its ideals so much that I couldn't stand to see another four or eight years of those who would undermine its standards acting as the agents in charge. Your hysteria is bordering on the pathological Mr. A. I hope you seek help.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Otis Westinghouse »

I've always loved that Marx quote.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Mr. Average wrote:You reap what you sew.
Care to try that again? :D :D :D
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by BlueChair »

This morning you've got time for a hot, home-cooked breakfast! Delicious and piping hot in only 3 microwave minutes.
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Who Shot Sam? wrote:
Mr. Average wrote:You reap what you sew.
Care to try that again? :D :D :D
It's needle time!
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Re: The Politics of Politics: The Ride of a Lifetime

Post by mood swung »

I like this Marx quote - OK. You go Uruguay and I'll go mine!

Like me, the "g" is silent.
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