WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

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WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

Don't know exactly what's up with this, but it might be worth checking out...


Details at 7:00 AM on Tuesday, apparently.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »

hey ypsi!! you heard something pertaining to EC there??? more info please...thanks, b
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by EarlManchester »

bronxapostle wrote:more info please...
See part 2 of the three-part adobe flash running on the main page.

Then drill down into the Win Stuff section, where it has this:

RXP Session with Elvis Costello
Get on the guest list for the next RXP Session - an exclusive private performance with Elvis Costello! It will be an event you wouldn't want to miss!
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by always dancing »

OK I am entered lets see how my luck is
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

Yeah, I did too. WXRP has been promoting the hell out of this since the middle of the week, so I hope it turns out to be something really cool and fun.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »

i hope our internet entries still can win them as now they are looking for the 9th caller after hearing EC! and hope it's a decent size venue where we stand a chance of getting in. any leaks? b
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

i hope our internet entries still can win them as now they are looking for the 9th caller after hearing EC!
I know! It's sort of confusing! I wonder how many days they are going to take "9th callers" before they announce the venue and so forth. I think the internet entry just gets you on a list of "possibly chosen". But it's not really clear what's going on...
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by alexv »

I know someone who was lucky enough to be the 9th caller and is in. the show will be in the city in a small venue. It should be terrific.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »

okay, if he is at TODAY show in the a.m. and it looks like 9 p.m. at FUV, when the heck is this?? or is the FUV recorded from the afternoon. anyone know, is that FUV recorded on THE BRONX campus or downtown?
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

...unless the thing at FUV and the secret concert are actually the same thing. Maybe the secret location is some auditorium at Fordham.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »

i have been dying to see EC in the BRONX for 30 years now. i thought 1999 at randalls island did it, but manhattan it was!
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

Well, maybe this will be it! Maybe EC is Bronx-bound! Good luck!
I've been trying all weekend to win tickets, but so far I suck at it. I'm still on that "maybe list", but if I miss this show I'll be bitter. Seems like it's going to be really special.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »

Ypsilanti wrote:Well, maybe this will be it! Maybe EC is Bronx-bound! Good luck!
I've been trying all weekend to win tickets, but so far I suck at it. I'm still on that "maybe list", but if I miss this show I'll be bitter. Seems like it's going to be really special.

well, if it's in THE BRONX it will be special for me!!! i attempted U2 back in March but had to listen from the street! guess i'm getting old! 95% of the time i wrangle myself into these. when a winner gets a notice of where they are to go, maybe they will post it here please. thanks, ba
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by if200 »

Is it just being broadcast on fuv? I thought it would be from a Manhattan club. Or is it being performed at FUV? I find it hard to believe that XRP would be promoting a show that is being performed at another radio station. Won't somebody who won tickets let us know the location?

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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

I don't know about the 2 radio stations working together--it's just a thought because it seems like Elvis is booked at 2 places at once--live in the studio at FUV and at the XRP show.

I don't think the location is going to be announced until Tuesday, but I just heard a DJ say that it's not going to be a traditional music venue, but a very special and unusual place, chosen by Elvis. So that really opens things up--empty swimming pool? abandoned warehouse? museum after hours?
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by alexv »

the show will be in a downtown manhattan club.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by if200 »

It would be so lovely if you would tell us what club it is at or at least a clue of some sort.

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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »

we await your reports those who were there please....thanks, ba
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

I was not there--apparently I didn't make the list. Damn!!!!
Elvis is supposed to be on XRP this morning (not sure what time) talking about how fabulous it all was.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by alexv »

The show was at a downtown bar, Jim Brady's on Maiden Lane (way downtown) in the bowels of Wall Street. EC played acoustic versions of songs from the new album. As he played, the ESPN sports stayed on and service remained casual. The usual idiots called out for Alison and PIU. EC handled that rather well, "that's for another day". I doubt if EC has played in as casual a setting since the early 70s. That was nice. The beer signs, EC noted (referencing a comment made by his dad), were bigger than the signs announcing him. He came on about 7:10 and played about 45 minutes acoustic, then was interviewed by Matt Pinfield. It was the current chatty, cuddly EC, telling stories about Loretta keeping lyrics in underwear boxes, about Bing Crosby, namechecking his favorites. He was asked a particularly stupid question by some dj, something about what dead writers he would have liked to have written with, and responded that Lenon and ...Shakespeare would fit the bill. When the show was over he walked out, accepted some compliments and well wishes, got in his Esplanade and went back to Chelsea, presumably.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »

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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by sweetest punch »

http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/arc ... s_cost.php (with link to Complicated Shadows)

Live: Elvis Costello Swings by the Financial District

We (we = mostly 101.9 WRXP contest winners) have gathered at Jim Brady's, an Irish pub near Wall Street: After ordering a pint, you can turn 90 degrees and watch Sportscenter on a projection screen, and turn another 90 degrees and watch Elvis Costello, dapper and charming as ever, strum his acoustic and bellow a few tunes from his new album. "Anything more intimate would require a lapdance," murmurs the guy next to me to his buddy. Let's not give Elvis any ideas.

The album in question is Sacred, Profane and Sugarcane, which, as you may have already surmised, vies to hit the same reverent folk/American lore target Krauss & Plant's Raising Sand did, to spectacular affect. As such, it ain't bad. (Produced by T-Bone Burnett!) "My All Time Doll" is yet another of Elvis' splendid Songs of Obsession: "I thought I was immune," he moans, and then mutters a theatrically pained "Oh yeah" off-mic, perfectly audible to every whooping fan crammed in this tiny bar. Between songs he does some Storytellers-type banter, chatting amicably about P.T. Barnum, and the "extremely ugly" Hans Christian Andersen, and the famous singer the latter was in love with. "He asked her why she couldn't return his love," Elvis informs us. "And this is what she said." And with that, he launched into the sad-sack ballad "She Handed Me a Mirror."

No old stuff, of course (he remade "Complicated Shadows" for the record, so that don't count), and nearly half his time is taken up by an onstage Matt Pinfield interview. (He takes one question from the crowd, which turns out to be "Are there any more outtakes left from My Name Is True?" which is why you never take questions from the crowd.) But this is tolerable. The highlight of record and show both is "Sulfur to Sugarcane," a fabulously ribald travelogue romp: "The women in Poughkeepsie take their clothes of when they're tipsy," "I gave up married women/Cause i heard it was a sin/Now that I'm back in New York I may take them up again" (more whoops), etc. We wouldn't let just anyone rhyme "Ypsilanti" and "no panties." Can't guarantee if Grammy voters will love it, but he's got the Irish-bar demographic on lock.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by Ypsilanti »

Yes, thanks for the account AlexV. That sounds like it sort of sucked a little bit. Especially the Pinfield part. Now I'm not so upset about missing it. I'll wait for the real thing at the Beacon.
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by sweetest punch »

http://www.spinner.com/2009/06/03/elvis ... -pub-show/

Elvis Costello surprised a handful of bar patrons and fans with an acoustic set for WRXP on Tuesday night, when he unveiled some tunes from his new, T Bone Burnett-produced album, 'Secret, Profane and Sugarcane.' The setting at Jim Brady's, an Irish pub in NYC's Financial District, was ripe with enthusiasm as Costello raised a pint to the crowd.

"There's a couple of songs about love and lust," Costello opened. "It used to be that you bought a new record and it wasn't new music, it was just good music. Now you're lucky if you get two good songs on an album."

Like the album's title suggests, secret was the theme of the evening, with one song referencing Costello's unfinished commission for the Royal Danish Opera about the life of Hans Christian Andersen. The veteran singer-songwriter shared a story about Andersen's girlfriend, who convinced the public she was on a charity tour that P.T. Barnum was secretly funding. Costello called her a "shrewd business women," adding, "she was the Celine Dion of her day."

We'll drink to that.

''Secret, Profane and Sugarcane' hit proverbial shelves this week.

Elvis Costello setlist:

'Complicated Shadows'
'Down Among the Wine and Spirits'
'My All Time Doll'
'She Was No Good'
'Condemned Man'
'The Crooked Line'
'She Handed me a Mirror'
'Sulfur to Sugarcane'
'Changing Partners' (Bing Crosby)
'Five Little Words'
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Re: WXRP "Secret" Concert in NYC?

Post by bronxapostle »


dear alexv....as i re-read this, i sound offensive towards YOU, which was surely NOT my intention. please forgive me if it sounded that way. but, a ten song night was surely worth the trip and i hope you and all there did enjoy. best, ba
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