Random Thoughts

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by mood swung »


I need a good prank to play on the kids tonight.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by scielle »

Went to the G20 protests for a while yesterday.
Very anti-climactic.
The riot police I saw were more preoccupied with posing for pictures with tourists and taping crowds on their personal camcorders than keeping anarchists at bay.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by ice nine »

Zac Efron is hosting SNL. John Belushi is turning over in his grave.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Good news - all the hard work I've been doing has not gone unnoticed and has been rewarded by way of a promotion at work.

Bad news is I'm still really busy and will be for a while.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Gillibeanz »

Congrats VG - you must be really pleased seeing the state of unemployment figures! My daughter has just got a job after being made redundant and out of work for 6 months.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by so lacklustre »

Is she a greeter at the Disney Store?
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Gillibeanz »

She could be anything she wanted to SL - not only is she beautiful but shes super smart too!
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by oily slick »

i wonder if jim carroll really knew all those people who died, died.
I'm not concerned about the very poor.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Who Shot Sam? »

oily slick wrote:i wonder if jim carroll really knew all those people who died, died.
He said they were all his friends. I'll take his word for it.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by mood swung »


new album out 6/2. You can tell it's going to be good by the EC glasses. 3 out of 4 band members lean my way.

(I fought, AND won, the urge to create a thread just for this)
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by ice nine »

The piano has been drinking.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by miss buenos aires »

I never want to move house again. That is all.
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Re: Random Thoughts

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I lived thru one more high school sports season. I have this to say: Hell isn't other people, it's other parents.
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Re: Random Thoughts

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there is a very fine line between not enough hairspray and waaaaaay too much.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Mrs VG is out, mini VG is in bed and I'm here on my own with a laptop, crisps and beer. What could possibly go wrong... :lol:
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Gillibeanz »

verbal gymnastics wrote:Mrs VG is out, mini VG is in bed and I'm here on my own with a laptop, crisps and beer. What could possibly go wrong... :lol:
Ummm....lets see.....your wife could have left you for another man, the baby will wake up and keep you up all night screaming, your laptop could explode setting fire to your house, and your crisps and beer could give you cronic flatulence? :D
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Re: Random Thoughts

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we had FROST this morning. It's almost fuhreacking Memorial day!!!!
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Gillibeanz wrote:
verbal gymnastics wrote:Mrs VG is out, mini VG is in bed and I'm here on my own with a laptop, crisps and beer. What could possibly go wrong... :lol:
Ummm....lets see.....your wife could have left you for another man, the baby will wake up and keep you up all night screaming, your laptop could explode setting fire to your house, and your crisps and beer could give you cronic flatulence? :D
Fortunately none of that happened (except the chronic flatulence - but then that happens everyday anyway).

Same gig, different day. Mrs VG is out etc.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by mood swung »

Oddly enough, as I was folding laundry this weekend, I thought to myself 'mr. swung sure needs some new drawers.'

perhaps things are looking up.

http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/In ... ssion.aspx
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Mr. Average »

It strikes me that when GWB was in office this website was afire with protestation and derogation. Now that Obama is literaly kissing the ass, on behalf of everyone in the free world, of the radical muslim nation, it is best to sit in the corner and be quiet. Forget about your wallets, although he has already started discussions of a global currency. So those on the board who work hard for their money, hold it, hid it. For those who have been waiting for a handout and entitlement benefits, hurrah for you.

God Bless America.

Shame on all of you who didn't use your heads, who didn't think, and jumped on the wagon. You get the governement you deserve.

Elvis fans are thoughtful, intelligent and kind people. But political fools. Shame on you. I am sure Elvis is very proud of all of you who had the courgae to scourge past administrations, but sit idly by now while America is sold down the river.

Think of your kids? Think of your kids!!!!
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Nice to see you again Mr. A. How is it out there on the ledge? :D :D
We did not go by choice, we went because of necessity. I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: al-Qaida killed nearly 3,000 people on that day. The victims were innocent men, women and children from America and many other nations who had done nothing to harm anybody. And yet al-Qaida chose to ruthlessly murder these people, claimed credit for the attack, and even now states their determination to kill on a massive scale. They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts ...
Yeah what a panderer. :roll:
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Mr. Average »

I love it here, on the ledge. Wish more people would take the risk, instead of being the lemmings that follow the crowd.

And I am not alone, WSS.

I am not alone.

You must be very proud.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by Mr. Average »


At least you have the courage to derogate with intelligence. And you have kids, so you clearly have thought this through, and I respect your opinion.

From the edge,


I still owe you a golden copy of Pangea. My job is on the block, I was told I was laid off June first because of the prospect of growth under the current (NOT INHERITED) adminsitration.

I am fighting the lay off. So far so good. I will be true to my promises and commitments. Hold on, folks, we have not seen the bottom. We aren't even close. I lost over 55% of my retirement (thanks Barnie Fudgepacker). It was managed by Fidelity. Shame on them.

I plan to work until the day I die. Unlike the average entitlement experts that frequent this board, who expect me to pay your retirement until time eternal While you are playin' slots at Pechanga, I wil be shovelin' shit in Louisianna.

So many softballs, not enought time. The Brits are usually the ones to take the bait. They can't resist.
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Same baloney in a new skin...

Post by A rope leash »

"We did not go by choice, we went because of necessity. I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: al-Qaida killed nearly 3,000 people on that day. The victims were innocent men, women and children from America and many other nations who had done nothing to harm anybody. And yet al-Qaida chose to ruthlessly murder these people, claimed credit for the attack, and even now states their determination to kill on a massive scale. They have affiliates in many countries and are trying to expand their reach. These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts ..."

...and all you baby brains will believe it...or else!

Mr. Average, please turn off your corporate controlled media machine. It is designed to make you think the enemy is among us in the form of "other people". Keep us fighting among ourselves, and they can do whatever they wish and get stone cold away with it. You know as well as anyone that the basic policies of BHO are the same as GWB...war and conquest for the benfit of the corporation. I have no idea why you would be so worried about a guy who is doing the same thing as your beloved party leaders did...slowly destroying the nation by wasting our treasure pursuing completely made-up enemies. "Starve the beast" has been the call of many a conservative, and since they have such trouble getting rid of taxes, they have resorted to a controlled demise through fraud, waste, and incompetence.

BHO continues on with the big lie, so that we might still have an enemy. Bailout here, stimulus package there...but O no the empire would never close a military base overseas, or even think of cutting the Pentagon budget. Face it, our weapons are all we got left. Out of Iraq in 2010? Sure, "combat troops"...50,000 "support troops" will remain, and the war in Afghanistan will be escalated. When will the last terrorist be brought to justice? Never...our corporations need them too badly to ever "win" against them.

"These are not opinions to be debated; these are facts ..." sounds a little like "yer either fer us er agin us". Mr. Average, are you angry because OBL is a better liar than anyone on your party has ever been?

Who has ever seen any solid proof of anyone's guilt in the events of 9/11? Yet, according to our new dictator, the official story is comprised of facts that are not debatable. This is what empire does...it creates it's own reality, and supresses any challenge to their authority on the matter. Who are you going to believe, a government that has just admitted they were involved in the 1953 Iran coup, who have recently admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin event never happened, or your own instincts? Al-Kaydee hates us for our freedoms? Get real. They hate us becasue we have been fucking with their culture for many many years.

Loyalty to a political party is the seed of fascism...but what so many Americans don't understand is that there is really only one party...the War Party...and no one outside of their domain will ever live to be elected. When you sit in front of your television or listen to the radio, you are listening to controlled media. They have no obligation to tell the truth, or to tell everything, or to present all sides of a debate. Essentially, by tuning in and believing what they tell you, you are saluting the fascism. Corporate media does not investigate anything very deep, they just report what the governent tells them to, and spin it according to the target audience's sensitivities.

The thing about BHO is his naivity. He really thinks that people can't see through his lies. Does he really believe that ordinary folks don't know that history is subjective? Many millions of people suspect that 9/11 was a controlled event, and that the war on terror is just a ruse that is used to justify improper and illegal invasions of sovereign nations. We have massive amounts of good solid evidence to support our assertions, but corporate media cannot and will not tolerate any talk of it.

So, you guys, when you go off arguing about BHO over GWB, or Democrat over Republican, you should be aware that you are falling into the trap they have set for you. To me, BHO represents little change at all. If anything, he's more dangerous than GWB, becasue he is a good orator, and people tend to fall for good orators...
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mood swung
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Re: Random Thoughts

Post by mood swung »

This reminds me of something.

Why is it ok to feed birds, but not "wildlife"?
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