EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

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EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by wordnat »

1. Imperial Bedroom
2. Get Happy!!
3. King of America
4. Armed Forces
5. All This Useless Beauty
6. Blood & Chocolate
7. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane (It's early, but yes -- I rate it this high. Replace "Changing Partners" with "Dirty Rotten Shame" and I'd put it in the Top 5.)
8. The Delivery Man
9. Momofuku
10. This Year's Model
11. Trust
12. Brutal Youth
13. The Juliet Letters
14. When I Was Cruel
15. Punch the Clock
16. Spike
17. My Aim is True
18. Painted from Memory
19. The River in Reverse
20. My Flame Burns Blue
21. Mighty Like a Rose
22. Goodbye Cruel World
23. North
24. Almost Blue
25. Kojack Variety
26. Il Sogno
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by cwr »

1. Mighty Like a Rose
2. Get Happy!!
3. Brutal Youth
4. Blood & Chocolate
5. Trust
6. King of America
7. The Juliet Letters
8. Spike
9. Imperial Bedroom
10. This Year's Model
11. Punch the Clock
12. Armed Forces
13. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
14. North
15. All This Useless Beauty
16. My Aim is True
17. The George Jones Demos
18. Painted from Memory
19. The Delivery Man
20. The River in Reverse
21. When I Was Cruel
22. Momofuku
23. The Wendy James Demos
24. Almost Blue
25. Kojak Variety
26. Goodbye Cruel World

Hmm... I'm sure I could change my mind on half of these rankings in less than a minute, but it's interesting to see what my first attempt looks like before I go over-thinking it. What's clear enough is that the past ten years don't seem to crack the top 10. That's not to say that I haven't liked all those records in the bottom half-- in fact, I really enjoy listening to 90 percent of GCW, so last place is hardly a place of dishonor-- but when push comes to shove, none of the albums since BY can surpass the likes of the best albums of 1977-1994. (If I were to rank individual SONGS, however, quite a few of them would fare pretty well.)

I'm choosing not to count Il Sogno or My Flame Burns Blue, as I sort of think of them on a separate track from all of these "proper" studio collections. Instead, I'm including two sort of "lost albums"-- The George Jones Demos and The Wendy James Demos. As you can see, I hold TGJD in pretty high regard-- I think it's his best collection of covers by some distance, and I say that as someone who likes both AB and KV. (For those of you who are wondering what The George Jones Demos are, they can be found, in their proper sequence, on the Bonus Disc for the Rhino KV reissue. They are superb.) The Wendy James Demos are good, too, but still rank below Momofuku-- they're good fun but it's still mostly too difficult to place them above most of his other records.

The one ranking I'm absolutely certain of is MLAR at #1-- I just think it's his best album from start-to-finish-- and his best structured album, in particular; it really seems to tell a story from "The Other Side Of Summer" to "Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4." I know some people will think this is insanity, but it's the Costello album I find myself returning to the most over the course of the past 15 years.

Get Happy!! is in the #2 spot because it's just packed to the limit with amazing songs and amazing sounds-- they really captured something, they'd never sound quite like this ever again.

Brutal Youth is #3 because it's the first album to come out AFTER I became a fan, hence, my first "new" EC album. And because it shows off practically everything that's great about EC, almost like a "Best Of" made up of all new songs.

Blood & Chocolate is #4 because it's just a perfect record. Every single thing about it is great.

Trust is #5 despite being a mixed bag-- not every song on here is great, but the ones that are are through the roof great-- and the ones that aren't are indicative of an artist suddenly realizing that he can be ANYTHING HE WANTS TO BE, musically speaking. And that's thrilling. From here there would be no turning back...
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by Ypsilanti »

Wow! This is really interesting--how different people react to the same music. For what it's worth, here is my list (based on how I'm feeling today--I'm sure I could rearrange the same albums a thousand times and still come up with a good list). I can see I definitely rank "Old Elvis" above "Young Elvis". A lot of people would probably disagree with that, but I really do feel that his music is just getting better--smarter, riskier, more emotionally direct, more connected with the wide world, more diverse--as he progresses through his career.

I think it goes without saying that I have a lot of love even for the albums at the bottom of the list. I could almost make it a 25-way tie.

I've left "Almost Blue" & "Punch the Clock" off the list because I haven't heard them yet--I'm still working my way through the back catalog.

CWR--your comments are thoughtful and really fascinating. I especially liked what you said about "Trust". I'm going to give it another chance.

1. Get Happy!!
2. King of America
3. North
4. Painted From Memory
5. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
6. All This Useless Beauty (including the Rhino bonus disk)
7. Blood & Chocolate
8. Goodbye Cruel World (Rhino bonus disk only)
9. Momofuku
10. Taking Liberties
11. When I Was Cruel / Cruel Smile
12. My Aim is True
13. The Juliet Letters (including the Rhino bonus disk)
14. Il Sogno
15. My Flame Burns Blue
16.The Delivery Man (including Clarksdale disk)
17. Brutal Youth
18. Mighty Like a Rose
19. Armed Forces
20. Marion McPartland's Piano Jazz w/ EC
20. The River in Reverse
21. This Year's Model
22. Imperial Bedroom
23. Spike
24. Trust
25. Kojak Variety
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by cwr »

Oh MAN! Factoring in the Rhino Bonus Discs completely changes things! To the point where I don't even think I can fathom making a Top 25-- for one thing, some perfect albums have only so-so Bonus Discs (B&C), while the bonus discs for GCW, ATUB, & KV definitely bump them up a few notches. It's overwhelming!

My top choice- MLAR- has a somewhat mixed bonus disc, since the demos are a bit synth-y compared to EC's normal aesthetic for home recordings, but it has at least one PERFECT album "outtake", "Just Another Mystery", that is worth the price of the album. But Get Happy!! almost manages to steal the top spot just by the virtue of having THIRTY BONUS TRACKS!! Unbelievable.

If I were to re-rank the albums including their bonus discs, the one guaranteed outcome is that ATUB would move from #15 to the top 10, largely on the strength of my all-time favorite Costello song/recording "My Dark Life." When, oh when, is Costello going to hire Brian Eno to produce a whole album for him-- he said he had the most fun he'd ever had in the studio making that track, why hasn't he attempted to do more with him??
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by wordnat »

I generally admire Eno's production work, but I'm not sure exactly what Eno could bring to EC's current stripped-dowm, less-is-more appraoch toward recording. I imagine an Eno-produced effort would fall somewhere between IB and WIWC, but those records seem very long ago at this point....

(While we're on the subject of Eno, anyone who hasn't heard "Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy" is urged to do so immediately -- wonderful/weird stuff!)
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by wardo68 »

1. Imperial Bedroom
2. Get Happy!!
3. Trust
4. King of America
5. Blood & Chocolate
6. This Year's Model
7. Armed Forces
8. Mighty Like a Rose
9. North
10. The Juliet Letters
11. My Aim is True
12. Painted from Memory
13. The Delivery Man
14. Momofuku
15. All This Useless Beauty
16. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
17. Brutal Youth
18. Punch the Clock
19. Goodbye Cruel World
20. Almost Blue
21. Spike
22. When I Was Cruel
23. The River in Reverse
24. Kojak Variety
25. My Flame Burns Blue
26. Il Sogno

These are based on the original (US) LPs, and do NOT take into consideration any bonus tracks or discs from reissues. Taking Liberties would be 14.5, and Out Of Our Idiot would be 11.5. SP&S may increase over time. I have yet to listen to all of Il Sogno.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by alexv »

We've done this before, in many variations, but we all love lists so... I'm working off of Wardo's list, since i'm too tired to check and make sure i'm not missing any gems. Today my list runs:
Great Elvis

1. Imperial Bedroom
2. This Year's Model
3. Armed Forces
4. Get Happy!!
5. Trust
6. King of America
7. My Aim is True
8. Almost Blue
9. Painted from Memory

Pretty Good Elvis but not up to Great Elvis

10. Blood & Chocolate
11. Brutal Youth
12. Punch the Clock
13. Mighty Like a Rose
14. Spike
15. Goodbye Cruel World

Genre Hopping Elvis, poking in places he ought not to be, but still Elvis and yet Not So Good Elvis and definitely not Great Elvis

16. North (One for My Baby Elvis)
17. The Juliet Letters (classical Elvis)
18. All this Useless Beauty (I'm covering meself Elvis)
19. Momofuku (Rilo Kiley hanging with the Cali kids Elvis, some good songs though)
20. Kojak Variety (I'm covering others Elvis in Bermuda)
21.The Delivery Man (southern soul man Elvis)
22. When I Was Cruel (heavy guitar Elvis)
23. The River in Reverse (Cajun Elvis)
24. My Flame Burns Blue (Classical guys forced to cover Elvis)
25. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane (Alison Krauss Elvis)
26. Il Sogno (on the list for completeness; have not been able to get through one listening)

There's a theme here, and the anomaly is PFM done right smack in the middle of the genre hopping period (right after classical Elvis and before heavy guitar Elvis), but BB and EC together, a match made in heaven, overcame the funny hats and the obsession with "arrangements". A great record.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by FAVEHOUR »

1. Get Happy!!

2. Imperial Bedroom

3. The Juliet Letters

4. King of America

5. This Year's Model

6. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane

7. When I Was Cruel

8. My Aim is True

9. Brutal Youth

10. Mighty Like A Rose

11. Armed Forces

12. The Delivery Man

13. Painted From Memory

14. Momofuku

15. All This Useless Beauty

16. Spike

17. Trust

18. Goodbye Cruel World

19. Blood and Chocolate

20. Punch the Clock

21. The River in Reverse

22. North

23. Kojak Variety

24. Almost Blue
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by BlueChair »

As of right now, here's my list. Weird how most of the recent ones cluster around the middle.

1. Imperial Bedroom
2. Get Happy!!
3. All This Useless Beauty
4. Blood & Chocolate
5. Trust
6. Spike
7. My Aim Is True
8. King Of America
9. Armed Forces
10. This Year's Model
11. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
12. Momofuku
13. The River In Reverse
14. The Delivery Man
15. North
16. Brutal Youth
17. Punch The Clock
18. Mighty Like A Rose
19. When I Was Cruel
20. Kojak Variety
21. Painted From Memory
22. Almost Blue
23. The Juliet Letters
24. Goodbye Cruel World
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by Jackson Monk »

Wardo and I have similar taste. Amazed to see Trust so far down so many lists. His most underrated for me and I could easily have any of my top 4 at number one on any given day.

1. Imperial Bedroom
2. Get Happy!!
3. King of America
4. Trust
5. This Year's Model
6. Blood & Chocolate
7. North
8. Armed Forces
9. All This Useless Beauty
10. Painted from Memory
11. The Juliet Letters
12. My Aim is True
13. Brutal Youth
14. Punch the Clock
15 Mighty Like a Rose
16. Momofuku
17. The Delivery Man
18. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
19. The River in Reverse
20. Spike
21. Almost Blue
22. Goodbye Cruel World
23. When I Was Cruel
24. Kojak Variety
25. My Flame Burns Blue
26.Deep Dead Blue
27. Il Sogno
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by bronxapostle »

1. happy
2. model
3. blood &
4. brutal
5. fuku
6. aim
7. forces
8. delivery
9. useless
10. koa
11. pfm
12. bedroom
13. when cruel
14. secret profane
15. north
16. trust
17. almost blue
18. juliet
19. river reverse
20. mighty rose
21. cruel world
22. punch clock
23. kojak
24. spike
25. costello & nieve LIVE
26. piano jazz
27. for stars
28. cruel smile
29. dead blue
30. flame blue
31. sogno
32. jake's progress
33. g.b.h.
Last edited by bronxapostle on Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by Emotional Toothpaste »

1. B & C
2. Get Happy
3. My Aim
4. King of America
5. Trust
6. Armed
7. Almost Blue
8. Delivery Man
9. Brutal Youth
10. Kojack
11. This Years
12. Painted
13. Secret Profane
14. Imperial
15. River In Rev.
16. Juliet
17. North
18. Taking Liberties
19. Spike
20. Momo
21. goodbye
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by so lacklustre »

1 Mighty Like a Rose
2 Get Happy!!
3 Armed Forces
4 Trust
5 When I Was Cruel
6 This Year's Model
7 Spike
8 Almost Blue
9 King of America
10 My Aim is True
11 The River in Reverse
12 Imperial Bedroom
13 Brutal Youth
14 Blood & Chocolate
15 All This Useless Beauty
16 The Delivery Man
17 Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
18 Momofuku
19 Punch the Clock
20 North
21 Kojak Variety
22 Goodbye Cruel World
23 The Juliet Letters
24 Painted from Memory
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by thepopeofpop »

Based on the "what would I reach for first" rule - and then adjusting a bit for SP&S because it's new:

1. Trust
2. Get Happy!!
3. Imperial Bedroom
4. Blood and Chocolate
5. The Juliet Letters
6. King of America
7. Mighty Like A Rose
8. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
9. This Years Model
10. Armed Forces
11. The Delivery Man
12. My Aim Is True
13. Brutal Youth
14. Momofuku
15. Punch The Clock
16. All This Useless Beauty
17. Painted From Memory
18. Goodbye Cruel World
19. When I Was Cruel
20. Spike
21. North
22. The River In Reverse
23. Almost Blue
24. Piano Jazz
25. My Flame Burns Blue
26. Kojak Variety
27. Il Sogno

The WJ Demos would fit somewhere around 16.5 if they existed as an official release.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by InvisibleMan »

after twenty years of discographical cirumnavigation armed forces has returned to the top spot.

1.armed forces
5.punch the clock

6.imperial bedroom
7.get happy!!
8.all this useless beauty
9.mighty like a rose aim is true

11.brutal youth
12.king of america
13.the juliet letters
14.painted from memory
15.blood and chocolate
16.this year's model
17.goodbye cruel world

18.the delivery man
19.when i was cruel
21.deep dead blue
22.river in reverse flame burns blue
24.secret profane and sugarcane
25.for the stars / il sogno
Last edited by InvisibleMan on Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:36 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by Jackson Monk »

KOA at 15!! :shock:

Great to see North getting the showing it deserves in so many lists.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by John »

Excluding bonus discs and For The Stars I would today go something like this:-

1. Get Happy!!
2. King of America
3. Punch the Clock
4. This Year’s Model
5. Imperial Bedroom
6. Spike
7. Brutal Youth

8. Almost Blue
9. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
10. Armed Forces
11. My Aim Is True
12. Trust
13. All This Useless Beauty
14. Blood and Chocolate
15. When I Was Cruel
16. The Delivery Man
17. Mighty Like a Rose
18. North
19. The River in Reverse
20. Momofuku
21. Goodbye Cruel World

22. Painted From Memory
23. Kojak Variety
24. The Juliet Letters
25. Piano Jazz
26. Cruel Smile
27. My Flame Burns Blue
28. Il Sogno

I am not sure I could promote any of the rest into my top 7. Six of those seven (I only got into Elvis after This Year's Model) just seemed so special at the time of their release.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by InvisibleMan »

Jackson Monk wrote:KOA at 15!! :shock:
never grabbed me.

it's too sugarly mellow, and i find the fast country tracks rather clumsy or not convincing (the big light and the other one), while the two covers sounds a bit out of place. eisenhower blues is downright boring, should have been kept as b side for some single.

ah, little palaces is a good track, but it seems too much like the walrus singing about the oysters to me. it sounds like he's emoting through all the song.

my favourite of the album is "our little angel".

anyway, the winner of this thread is

"il sogno".
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by Top balcony »

Here's mine. As in the PL there's never much movement between the categories, but lots of too-ing and fro-ing within. However the bottom 3 will always be the bottom 3. Suprised at how highly - deservedly- Get Happy scores in peoples affections.

The cups section features honourable mentions from the days of vinyl and pre-bonus discs when EC issued outakes and curios as stand alone issues.

Champions League

1. King Of America
2. Get Happy!!
3. Spike
4. Brutal Youth


5. This Year's Model
6. Armed Forces
7. Aim Is True

Mid table

8. The Delivery Man
8. Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
9. Blood & Chocolate
10. Almost Blue
11. Mighty Like A Rose
12. River In Reverse
13. All This Useless Beauty
14. Punch The Clock
15. Imperial Bedroom
16. Momofuku.
17. When I Was Cruel
18. Trust

Relegation trouble

19. Kojak Variety
20. Goodbye Cruel World


20 Painted From Memory
21 The Juliet Letters
22 North

FA Cup Winners –10 bloody marys and 10 hows your fathers
: losers Girls+Girls+Girls ( on cassette)
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by John »

Colin, we shall have to meet. An Evertonian and Elvis nut, I thought there was just me!
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by Ypsilanti »

It's a shame everyone is crapping on Il Sogno. Do people really hate it, or they just don't like Classical music or what?

I'm no fan of Classical music, but I listen to Il Sogno pretty often and really enjoy it. As I'm listening to it I feel like I can really hear Elvis as he was writing it--almost like I can hear him humming it--which is rather thrilling.

I can't imagine creating something so complex and layered--being able to conceptualize all those instrumental parts--so many things happening at once. That's amazing to me. And knowing he wrote out the entire score by hand is like a bonus.

And I am also not a lover of Dance, generally, but Il Sogno could get me to the theater. I would love to see it--the full-on ballet performance. I'm very curious to know how the Middle Eastern elements and the Jazz-y parts work with the choreography.

All I'm saying is...maybe give Il Sogno another chance.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by Jackson Monk »

Fair point my friend. For me personally, it's not that I dislike the album, I just haven't ever really given it a 3rd or 4th go - something I did do with every other EC album that didn't hit me straight away. I shall give it a spin this afternoon! 8)
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by wordnat »

re Il Sogno: easy to admire, hard to actually like....kind of like Radiohead.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by InvisibleMan »

i think i'll avoid it for the rest of my existence.

if i have to listen to a suite for a ballet, i think i'll choose the nutcracker or the lake of swans.

il sogno was even worse than mccartney's classical efforts, in my opinion.
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Re: EC's Discography: Top to Bottom

Post by johnfoyle »

Kind of related - ... id=2551855

July 9th, 2009

Underrated - Elvis Costello

By Eileen E Joyce

Elvis Costello is back on the road this summer and fans can't wait. Many of his tunes like "Beyond Belief" are required listening in my book but there are some gems out there that often get lost in his ample discography. Here are a few that are worth the extra effort to check out:

* Less Then Zero (My Aim is True, 1977) This was the song that never got played on Saturday Night Live. A few bars in, Elvis stopped the music and played "Radio, Radio" instead. But any song with a line about "trading in your baby for a Chevrolet" is good in my book.

* Running Out of Angels (This Year's Model, 1978) "Running Out of Angels" is actually a bonus track included on the 1993 reissue of this album so you can't go to the original for this one. It's a funny studio outtake that features Elvis and an acoustic guitar. After singing half of the first verse, he blows a high note, apologizes and starts the whole song again. I love demos that provide a stripped down version of a song, and the restart makes this one especially endearing.

* New Lace Sleeves (Trust, 1981) Trust was a commercial bomb in 1981 but today it's one of my favorite Costello albums. "New Lace Sleeves" is filled with witty lyrics sung longingly which means I automatically love it: "Oh I know they've got their problems, I wish I was one of them."

* Human Hands (Imperial Bedroom, 1982) Imperial Bedroom is filled with layers of music that seemed to go everywhere at once and "Human Hands" is no different. The syncopated piano holds everything together and instruments seem to fly in from every direction. Once again, though, the great lyrics are not be missed.

* Sleep of the Just (King of America, 1986) A sentimental ballad with an angry edge closes out what is perhaps the most underrated of Costello's albums. The whole thing feels loose and sparse and a little bit country. This song is no exception.

* Poor Napoleon (Blood & Chocolate, 1986) Elvis described the album this way: "This is us truthfully, we're thirty-two, a couple of us have got divorced, we're pissed off, and we've taken all the drugs and we've done all that stuff and we're still alive, and this is what we sound like. And you know what? We're much better at it now." That about sums it up. This album also credited Costello as Napoleon Dynamite, years before Mormons made it cool. "Poor Napoleon" is a bass-driven, mid-tempo ballad about a relationship falling apart. It's filled with that bitterness I love so much.

* God's Comic (Spike, 1989) Perhaps the strangest song on Spike, this jazzy tune shows us man from god's point of view: "I've been wading through all this unbelievable junk and wondering if I should have given the world to the monkeys." The multiple vocal tracks on the chorus blew my twelve-year-old mind when I bought this album and it's still worth a listen.

* Couldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4 (Mighty Like a Rose, 1991) As a rule I like any song that has a banjo in it. I'm not sure why, but I just do. If you listen hard to "Couldn't Call it Unexpected" you'll hear a banjo among the piano and drums. This one is a concert favorite of mine because he often sings it without a microphone - just getting all operatic on your ass.

* All The Rage (Brutal Youth, 1994)
With a jangly '60s guitar this song starts out sounding like it might be the feel good song of the summer. But then the lyrics kick in. Oh, the lyrics! The music may sound happy but Elvis is oh so angry and by now you know I love it when Elvis is angry.

* My Little Blue Window (When I Was Cruel, 2002) Here's a note to future wives of Elvis Costello: When he starts writing songs about how much he loves you or how only you could save him, it's time to find a good divorce lawyer because he's gonna leave you. When I Was Cruel is filled with such songs and poof! We're on to wife number 3 (see also, Imperial Bedroom). Anyway, "Blue Window" is a sweet little song about maybe not being so gloomy or angry and I love it anyway.

And now I have to mention two songs that I don't care if I ever hear again.
I've been to enough sporting events to have gotten my lifetime fill of hearing "Pump It Up." Enough already! The same goes for "What's So Funny ('bout Peace, Love and Understanding)." Something compels Elvis to play this tune every time he's on national t.v. and I'm just really tired of hearing it. I know, it's a concert favorite and people like it, but not me, and that should count for something!
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