Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Pretty self-explanatory
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by A rope leash »

I think that it would be appropriate to note that, when Elton presented Elvis with his induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Elton admitted that he wished his career had followed a path closer to the career of Elvis. What he meant by this seemed pretty clear...Elton is a sold-out tool. He bowed down. Elvis has always stuck with his rebellion, and has always spoken out against oppression and governmental deceit. Elton sells more soda-pop, but Elvis gets to speak his mind.

The fact that Elvis has rejected the chosen state of Israel is very telling. In other parts of the Western world, dissent is quite audible, although it's getting quieter all the time. I keep hearing that not all of the citizens of Israel agree with the policies of the Israeli government, but I certainly don't see any Israeli dissent in the newspaper or on the television. The Israelis that I have met and worked with in the USA all insist that Israel is a "free country", and a "secular nation", but they are also quick to confirm that it is a "Jewish state". They sound pretty mixed up, and they are.

From the information provided by the mass media, though, one would think that every Israeli approves of every murder of any Palestinian. I don't expect the world to approve of America's pre-emptive wars of choice, and the world doesn't...they just have to put up with it because who's gonna stop us? So, a lot of the people of Earth hate Americans...and they hate Israel because Israel is America's sweetheart, and they act with the same arrogant ham-handedness that America does when it comes to the use of their overblown militaries.

Of course, Elvis should boycott the entire human race, but he has to make a living. Israel is the offspring of the "free world"...basically, a capitalist invention. All this baloney about a homeland for Jews is just the ruse they used to get this toehold in Arab oil land. By boycotting Israel, Elvis is telling the hand that feeds him that he doesn't have to put up with their sqawling baby. Quintessential Elvis Costello.

Seems like it might be working, too. Easing up on the blockade some, and that's good. Now, how about eating some humble pie and apologizing for killing Rachel Corrie or killing innocents during the attack on the flotilla? Seems like the Judeo/Christian thing to do. Heck, even Big Daddy America once in a while admits it slaughtered a hundred innocents to get to one bad guy. You can do it, too.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rachelhasen »


I really appreciated the manner of your above post. And I know you don't care what I think, but it was easy to read and to consider.

I would only say, to that pedestal upon which you put Elvis, ... you are forgetting that he did a Lexus commercial for a LOT of money, a car that few could ever own, a commercial aimed at only the elite among us and for a paycheck that could feed thousands. Many of his concerts also have corporate sponsorship, requiring not only a certain type of credit card, but also a select type of certain credit card. So, he is not a pure man, by any judgment. And I am only considering his professional life here.

I would also call attention to the fact that Elvis recently sang for a president who has only escalated wars that he promised to end and who has more than tripled drone attacks into Pakistan that, of course, he DID promise he would do and this in just a year an a half! I was pretty shocked at the hypocrisy of all in attendance at the "gala," at the outrage shown one president, while another who does the same, if not worse, is given adulation and even a peace prize? It's surreal.

Also, I would like to suggest here: Flotillas for Darfur! These people are REALLY STARVING in what has been labeled the Islamic killing fields.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by A rope leash »

O yes, I am well aware of the arbitrary nature of Elvis' political actions. I was dismayed by the Lexus ad, outraged by his singing for Mrs. Clinton, and more than a little miffed that he had Madeline "Iraq sanctions were worth the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children" Albright on his show.

Hard core fans like me don't take this stuff lightly...but, it makes his snub of Israel even more intriguing. Why exactly did he decide to make this particular statement? It's almost like there's some sort of personal anger there...some kind of grudge. I think he senses the world's anger at Western military power, and chose to kick Israel as his call of solidarity.

I've forgiven Elvis for quite a few things, but he has always paid great dividends in excellent songwriting and performances. He remains, in my view, one of the few jewels of rock-n-roll rebellion...shunned by the radio, hated by media pundits, and yet still able to draw a crowd and sell a few records. Can you name another?
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rsternb1 »

I have been a long time Elvis fan. I just returned yesterday from an incredible trip to Israel and even visited the Roman Theatre in Caeserea where these concerts were to have taken place (a unique venue to say the least). I had toyed with going to one of the shows but couldn't work it out with my tour itinerary.

After returning from my trip, I came on to this site to check out how that show went. To my dismay and utter disgust, I find out that this was just a grandstanding ploy by my now former favorite artisit. I always feared that Elvis was a closet Palestinian sympathiser, so I was pleased to see that he would be performing in Israel. But now I find out that he only scheduled the show in order to cancel it to make a "silent" protest that is anything but silent unless he somehow became enlightened to the plight of the Palestinians in the period between when he booked the shows and then decided to cancel. Perhaps he was influenced by folks in Engalnd, after all, "London is full of Arabs".

I am sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians and am frankly more sympathetic to the State of Israel. Having just returned I have a greater appreciation and 1st hand understanding of the realities of living in a tiny nation, surrounded by those that would be happy to dump you in the Mediterannean without a life jacket (by the way, Jews are not good swimmers).

Anyway, without rambling on any further, or arguing the politics, as this can go on endlessly, I feel a profound sense of betrayal and will now be placing my entire Elvis collection in the trash.
Last edited by rsternb1 on Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Elvis seems to have pissed off a lot of Israelis.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rsternb1 »

Actually, I'm from Philadelphia.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Dr. Luther »

rsternb1 wrote:
I always feared that Elvis was a closet Palestinian symathiser...

I had always feared that he liked Bruce Springsteen's music.
And that he didn't really need corrective lenses.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by A rope leash »

Come on, rsternb1! This thread was buried, and you came here and dug it up?! You're a megaphony, and you know what I'm talking about.

Throw your Elvis in the can, he doesn't care. He's already made the money.

His art means nothing now that he shows some empathy for your "enemy"? Shakespeare has often been labeled an anti-Semite...have you thrown out his books? Ever rode in a Ford of some sort? Ever seen a Walt Disney flick?

If the work is not by someone who who blesses everything the Jewish people and the state of Israel does, then the work is not acceptable? Is that what you're saying?

Seems like it is. Can you see why some folks might think you are a superior-minded exclusionist?
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rsternb1 »

Come on, rsternb1! This thread was buried, and you came here and dug it up?! You're a megaphony, and you know what I'm talking about.
Actually I have no idea what you are talking about. If you want this thread to disappear, then ignore it and don't attack me. Although I have not posted here before, I have been a fan since 1979 or so when I first saw him at the Tower Theatre around the time of Armed Forces and have seen just about every tour that passed through Philly ever since. I just returned from my 1st trip to Israel, which was amazing by the way. I came home riding an emotional high and read about this and yes I am upset. I understand that there are 2 sides to this conflict (and have just witnessed it firsthand), but Elvis either willingly or unwittingly has taken sides on this isuue (only he knows for sure).

I don't need him to bless everything that Israel does, but in spite of his carefully chosen words, I find his decision to be a slap in the face to me. I feel in my heart that I can no longer listen to his music after he has taken this stand. Just as he said in his carefully worded statement that his heart and consciense must ultimately guide his decision so must mine.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by alexv »

There clearly are at least two sides to this Israel/Palestinian thing, and like our Philadelphia poster, I'm disposed to the Isreali side. Lots of reasons, some of them totally irrational. Like a lot of other US residents (particularly those from cosmopolitan areas) I have known many american jews in my time, and very few, if any, palestinians or muslims; a number of these american jews have lived at one time or another in Israel, or have families who live in Israel; some are conservatives (i.e. pro-Israel pretty much down the line), some are liberal (i.e. frequently critical of Israeli policies); and I have over the years liked most of these people, in the sense of not just liking them personally, but appreciating the cultural aspects of their Jewishness (we could get in to a very long discussion as to what that means, but you'll just have to trust me that these aspects exists and are peculiarly Jewish) and their passion for Israel.

So I am predisposed to take the side of the Jews in these disputes. This doesn't mean that I am blind to the anti-israeli arguments that decry Israeli heavy-handedness, although I will not accept anti-jewish arguments. That's anti-semitism.

Having said all that, and getting back to ET's hypothetical from a ways back, I would hope that the Israeli side wins, even if it means that the belligerent Israelis come out victorious. This is all based on my biases. Unfortunately I am not neutral. The reality is that, for those of us living in the United States, Israel as a nation, and as an idea is if not our creation at least the product of ideas and policies nurtured by the US and its allies. Israel has always been our ally, and not just in a governmental sense. Folks like Rope clearly don't buy into this, and obviously his and their attitudes about the US play a huge role in where they come out. And that's fine. I have my biases so why should they not be allowed theirs.

This doesn't mean that I turn a blind eye to policies that are plain wrong or offensive. It just means that I am not neutral. There is a very big divide, leaving aside all the religious-based nonsense, between the Israeli/Jewish take on things in the 21st century and the Palestinian/Muslim view of the world. It's not just the events since 9/11, but it's also the sense of what kind of world I, particularly as an atheist, want to live in. If forced to choose, I am much more comfortable on the Jewish side, not the rabid, religiously fanatic Jewish element, but the progressive, liberal side, as well as the conservative (non-religious crazy) side. I don't feel the same about the other side.

Maybe that's my ignorance: I'm not sufficiently up on the moderate, modern, liberal or even conservative (non-crazy) Palestinian and/or Muslim view of the world. That's just the way it is unfortunately.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Jack of All Parades »

I too am disposed to the Israeli side. Those charges of liberalism, capitalism, individualism, humanism, materialism, socialism, decadence, moral looseness and rationalism sound familiar? Anyone remember the pronouncements of Zen and Shinto nativisim in Prewar Japan or the writings of German Nationalist Socialists and other Fascists as they cited what they saw as the chief characteristics of a Western enemy- those calls for a "holy war" to liberate Asia from the West or Europe from the nonpure. To purify minds of Western ideas. Sound suspiciously like the rantings of Osama bin Laden and other Islamic extremists? What lies underneath the banner of Occidentalism?

I will take Israel anyday. I have a much stronger cultural affinity there then I do with the Arab world. I can appreciate its friendship and shared cultural values with my country and value it as an ally.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by thepopeofpop »

To keep this in perspective, I don't think Elvis has been playing any Muslim countries either...

So to suggest that Elvis is pro-Muslim or pro-Palestinian by boycotting Israel would not seem to be borne out by logic. He doesn't play Muslim countries either, so by the same logic he must also be anti-Muslim.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rachelhasen »

"The reality is that, for those of us living in the United States, Israel as a nation, and as an idea is if not our creation at least the product of ideas and policies nurtured by the US and its allies. Israel has always been our ally, and not just in a governmental sense."

Alex, I see the Western world as the creation and idea of Israel, or the original land of Judah, as it was known, and the Jewish people and bible. Even in my religious antipathy, these holy books have historical significance and fuction in culture and law. The Bible is the blueprint of Western Civilization.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rachelhasen »

The Pope of Pop, Elvis has played Istanbul. Have you read of the religious persecution Christians are currently experiencing in Turkey under the current administration's push toward and Islamic theocracy?
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rsternb1 »

To keep this in perspective, I don't think Elvis has been playing any Muslim countries either...

It's one think to not play somewhere, but it's another thing to schedule a concert and then cancel it in such a public way.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by alexv »

Rachel, my comments about Israel (the modern state of Israel not the ancient states of Judah/Israel) being the creation of the West, are really just referring to the literal events sorrounding the creation of the modern state, in the 20th Century. I wasn't denigrating the impact of the area's ancient history on the West (and East for that matter). But, having said that, to me, with all due respect, the Old Testament, New Testament, Koran etc. are just books, put together (actually cobbled together) at different times by ancient peoples with very different perspectives on reality than our modern perspectives. To me, again with all due respect to folks with religious feelings, they are just literature, wonderful literature, echoing the myths and legends of the past. Clearly the Jewish contribution to these efforts (let's call it the Old Testament) is the foundational document for much of what followed, and is indeed the blueprint for monotheism in the West and East, whether it be for worship of Allah or Jesus. And that has of course had a huge impact on Western civilization. But let's not forget that the blueprint of Western Civilization also includes ideas fostered in pagan Greece and Rome, and god knows (no pun intended) how many other places. I for one, even though i'm appreciative of Jewish culture, put my money on the Greeks and Romans. I blame Constantine for a lot of our troubles.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rachelhasen »

I thought your thoughts were beautiful and well written. I once had a college professor ask my very tired, afternoon class who could tell what the Romans had given us and no one raised their hand. He just stood there incredoulous, one of those what's the matter with kids today look on his face. I finally raised my hand and said "hot tubs."
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Boy With A Problem »

Everyone just needs to fuckin’ relax. Smoke more weed, the world is ending.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Rachel, I am equally partial to concrete, running water, sewage systems, 'root' words, 'republics' and that dude Aeneas and his travels, particularly his layover with that lady, Dido[oh yeah! Carthage must be destoyed!]. Like Alexv, would put a considerable amount of blame on Constantine- after all "it is Istanbul, not Constantinople" as I am certain EC must be aware!
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/peopl ... 26051.html

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Johnny Rotten: 'Don't call me a national treasure'

In 1975, the Sex Pistol’s lead singer was the angriest man in the UK. Now living in LA, John Lydon is still furious – and as entertaining as ever. He talks to Guy Adams about insulting Hollywood’s elite, why he’s chosen gardening over amphetamines, and the real reason he didn’t make Malcolm McLaren’s funeral


What I do know, having hung out with him for an afternoon, is that he's still always spoiling for a fight. As we're about to say our goodbyes, he pulls a sheaf of faxes out of his pocket. They are complaints, e-mailed to his manager, John "Rambo" Stevens, who lives in Arkansas, complaining that PiL will shortly be performing in Israel. One, from a fan called Lawrence Casin, declares: "I will destroy all my albums and paraphernalia that I have collected over the years if you bastards play that hell hole."

Most musicians, particularly those who have been around for 30 years, wouldn't let hate mail upset them. They probably wouldn't even read it. But John's anger is genuine. He wants me to record it, for posterity. "I really resent the presumption that I'm going there to play to right-wing Nazi jews," he tells me. "If Elvis-fucking-Costello wants to pull out of a gig in Israel because he's suddenly got this compassion for Palestinians, then good on him. But I have absolutely one rule, right? Until I see an Arab country, a Muslim country, with a democracy, I won't understand how anyone can have a problem with how they're treated."

That's our Johnny Rotten. Always lively. Always entertaining. Often wrong. But, whatever you may think of him, never afraid to stick that bog-brush haircut exuberantly over the parapet.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by johnfoyle »

Ms Krall plays Beirut tonight, Aug, 3, and Tel Aviv tomorrow, Aug.4th ; lets see how the media coverage plays this out.


Mrs. Costello flies in

07/30/2010 15:35


Can you imagine the kind of dinner conversations that Diana Krall and her husband Elvis Costello must have been having the last couple months? “You know, Di, there are those who consider Israel to be an apartheid state for the way in which they’ve for years systematically discriminated against the Palestinians. Could you pass the tandoori chicken this way, luv?” “Oh Elvis, how many times can you keep bringing this up? I’m just going to play a concert there, it’s been booked for months.And you know, thanks so much for changing your mind midstream and canceling your shows there. I’m probably going to have to hide out in my hotel room, guilty by association. Here’s your damn tandoori.”

“Don’t be cross, luv,” coos Costello, breaking into his version of “She” as the couple’s twin sons, Dexter and Frank, clap along. Krall rolls her eyes as she takes a bite and thinks: “I knew I should have married John Lydon.”

She’ll be arriving in Israel a day after performing in Beirut, another reason why she, unlike other family members, may not be too enthusiastic about spouting any political viewpoints. Better to say it with music.

http://www.touristisrael.com/diana-kral ... aviv/1087/

http://www.aawsat.com/english/news.asp? ... 7&id=21047

Lebanon Set for Star-Packed Summer Festivals


BEIRUT (AFP) – Award-winning jazz artist Diana Krall, pop sensation Mika and operatic quartet Il Divo will head the bill in a line-up of stars performing in Lebanon's summer festivals, scheduled to begin next month.

Lebanon, which registered a record year for tourism in 2009, hosts three prestigious festivals -- Baalbeck, Beiteddine and Byblos -- which are major attractions for tourists visiting the tiny Mediterranean country.

The Baalbeck International Festival, which was officially launched in 1956 and is the oldest in the Middle East, runs from June 24 to August 7 and is staged among spectacular Roman ruins in eastern Lebanon.

The festival opens with a concert by Lebanese-born pop sensation Mika and features performances by jazz saxophonist Odean Pope, the Boris Eifman Ballet Theatre and Iraqi musician Naseer Shamaa.

The Beiteddine Festival runs from June 25 to August 6 and stars award-winning pianist and singer Diana Krall, multi-national pop opera quartet Il Divo and Lebanese jazz icon Ziad Rahbani.

The Beiteddine concerts are held in a palatial 19th century residence in the Shouf mountains, an area of green hills and traditional villages southeast of Beirut popular with tourists.

The Byblos International Festival, staged against a backdrop of Phoenician ruins in the ancient port of Byblos north of Beirut, will announce its programme on June 1.

The festivals were cancelled in past years because of political crises, assassinations and all-out war, but made a comeback in 2008.

They were largely sold out last year with the arrival of a record two million tourists in Lebanon.

The three international festivals are widely expected to attract thousands of visitors this year despite rising tension in the region.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by thepopeofpop »

rachelhasen wrote:The Pope of Pop, Elvis has played Istanbul. Have you read of the religious persecution Christians are currently experiencing in Turkey under the current administration's push toward and Islamic theocracy?
I see he has played there once ... in 2005.

I've just read some articles about Christians being persecuted in Turkey and it seems to me that these are examples of individual Muslims attacking Christians, not the government.

I am aware that there are accusations that the current Turkish government is Islamist-leaning - of course, this government was elected in 2007. Elvis played Istanbul in 2005.
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rachelhasen »

I cannot find any news stories on it yet, but Diana Krall's wikipedia page has been updated to say that she did indeed perform for her fans in Ra'anana, Israel last night, as scheduled.

Pop, Erdogan has been in office for a long time. The re-islamization of Turkey has been going on for some time now. The good news is, looks like the tide may be shifting? One can hope. It would be devastating to see the Republic go the way of other Islamic theocracies, ... sad places to be alive. Also, Turkey is not exactly known for its human rights, especially against Kurds seeking their own homeland, again a population of people 3x that of the Palestinians. So where was Elvis' conscience then?
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Re: Elvis cancels shows in Israel , June/July '10

Post by rachelhasen »

http://www.israellycool.com/2010/08/08/ ... west-bank/

Well, this is all I can find thus far on Ms. Krall's performance in Israel. And yes Brian, it is often easy to view Ms. Krall as "disinterested." Some argue that she in an introvert and introverted people often come off as disinterested. At least we now know that she is a woman of her word who was not intimitadated by the MANY threats she recieved for even announcing a date in Israel. We now know that she is her own person. And I used to think Elvis was the smarter of the two! Great respect for this woman who stood her ground and kept her word. Way to rise above Diana!!!
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