Laura Cantrell

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Post by johnfoyle » ... /qeh.shtml

Radio 1 are putting on a special gig at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London on Wednesday 12th October.

Is the the night before the massive John Peel Day happening across the country and around the world on Thursday 13th October.

Artists confirmed to play so far are:
New Order
Super Furry Animals
The Fall
Laura Cantrell
Misty in Roots
Venetian Snares

More will be announced soon.

Radio 1 are recording the night and will be broadcasting highlights the next day.

The show runs from 6.30pm until 10.45pm. Doors open at 6pm.
Ticket Details
Tickets: £25 + booking fees

They go on sale ay 9.30am on Monday 19th September.

They are available from the venue box office, by calling 0870 160 2516 or online at

Tickets are restricted to 4 per person.
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Post by johnfoyle »

Michelle Robeck/LIVE

The Independent ( London) , Sept. 23 '05

( scanned from print edition - not on site)

Islington Academy
LONDON *****

You have to wonder what someone has to do to fill a medium-sized Islington venue on a Tuesday night. It can be concluded from this night’s proceedings that it’s not sufficient to release three utterly astonishing albums, and be arguably the most vital new country voice in decades. John Peel described Cantrell’s 2000 debut, Not the Tremblin’ Kind, as “my favourite record of the last 10 years, and possibly my life”.

Cantrell and her three-piece backing group are welcomed by an audience that has plenty of room to move (or, towards the back, play croquet, if they feel like it).

Being part of this underwhelming turnout is not unpleasant -better than being herded into another overstuffed tobacco sauna — but it does feel kind of embarrassing on behalf of one’s dunderheaded fellow citizens. Why would anyone pass up Laura Cantrell? What could there possibly be on television?
If she’s bothered, she’s too well-mannered to show it, and the wisdom of those here is rewarded by a performance that would have been worth the journey if it had involved negotiating towering waves and the odd sea monster.

Cantrell’s take on country is resolutely orthodox. She disdains the histrionics and hats that disfigure the output of Nashville, but she’s equally averse to the punkishness and irony of the big-city bands. That means she’s managed to recoil from two sets of surroundings (Cantrell grew up in Nashville, but she lives in New York, where until recently she worked for a Wall Street investment firm).

Her songs are largely constructed as they are delivered, from acoustic guitar, upright.bass and mandolin. They could have been performed like this anytime in the last 200 years, and someof them were — Cantrell has an archivist’s fascination for her genre, and the Appalachian murder ballad “Poor Ellen Smith”, a highlight of her current album, Humming by the Flowered Vine, is given tonight.

Cantrell’s band look as country musicians should— as if they were bailed out of the local lock-up about five minutes before taking the stage. They also play as country musicians should, with a dazzling virtuosity all the more impressive for its understatement.

Ultimately, though, it’s all about Cantrell’s songs, each brilliantly written or astutely chosen, and her voice. This is an instrument of almost shocking beauty, the more beguiling for a deceptively easy, conversational tone that somehow emphasises the pathos of her upbeat songs (“Churches off the Interstate”, “Yonder Comes a Freight Train”) and reins in the ballads to heartbreaking effect. Her version of Lucinda Williams’s “Letters”, a song that could easily be whipped up into Nashville nonsense, instead finds its desperation presented as the terrible dignity of restraint.

At the end, the dozens present generate applause that sounds like thousands, and quite properly so.

Andrew Mueller
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Post by johnfoyle »

Original date and re-arranged date tickets -


My post to Laura's forum -

In the four months since Laura and co.s show in London they have really jelled , producing a show last night of astonishing subtly and depth. The New York song trio - Khacki/Letters/14th St- was a particular joy to behold. Rather than do straight recreations of the studio versions they have stirred them up a bit, teasing out some lines , riffing out on some guitar/mandolin lines etc. How much this was a merely responding to circumstances - Dublin is still enjoying very mild weather and the venue was rather warm - or just fine musicians seeking to find something new is , of course, a matter of opinion. I liked it - and that'll do me!

Elllen Smith is similarly treated. Rather than singing it straight , Laura created all kinds of new emphaises by narrating some of the lines ( she does the same on the Sept.8 Grimey's tape I've just listened too). She did something similar in other songs - this was truly a show that continually delighted.

One musical moment really intrigued and I wish I remembered to ask Mark Spencer about it afterwards. Towards the end of All The Same.. he started riffing away at a tune which , to my ears anyway , just had to be that infernally catchy guitar hook from - get this! - ABBA's 'Fernando'. Did anyone else spot this at other shows?

Holly Williams did a excellent support show. The songs from her album sounded so much better in acoustic , the emotion coming through in such a more direct manner. Beside's Hank's I'm so lonesome I could cry she also did a heartfelt version of John Prines's Angel from Montgomery.

Chatting with her afterwards she was utterly charming . She's looking forward to her Scandinavian shows and , since I'm travelling there for something else next week , we talked about , guess what, the weather! And, since no one else here has bothered to say so , she is drop dead gorgeous!

And very tall. When she joined Laura on stage for Orphan Girl she had to radically alter the setting of the centre-stage michrophone that Laura had been using , joking about having to do so. By the way , describing this performance as a duet is questionable . More specifically I'd say it was a Holly song , with Laura on backing vocals. An evocative performance , with Laura picking up on the audience's close familarity with it ( Gillian Welch is very popular here) by quietening down everyone on stage so that we could sing the song. I know, quite bizarre , all us blokes singing 'I am orphan girl' .

Other covers in the show included George Jone's All Blue , Homer Henderson's Lee Harvey Was Friend Of Mine ( an audience member requested it with a loud comment about the JFK assassination , God bless him) and, of course, songs from the albums. The Humming outake Hammer and Nails was done , introduced as a tribute to the recently deceased New York Blugrass stalwart John Herald.


Laura was full of chat afterwards about all kinds of things. After some sparse audiences in the U.K. she was delighted to get such a great turnout. She had sold-out, in the venue, of copies of Humming' , the ground behind being covered in the discarded plastic wrap from the digidisc format. There are tentative plans for more Irish shows in December , dependant on finalising of taking part in the filming of a TV show here. This would be the 'Other Voices' series , a Irish TV production, usually filmed in the 200-year-old St James' Church in Dingle, Co Kerry.

See -

They were asked last year but the Humming' recording schedule didn't allow it.

Jeremy Chatsky chatted about how much he was looking forward to having a few days at home in New York. Their 'plane is due to land in the JFK at 7.15 this Monday evening - allowing him two hours to dash home to be in time to see the Bob Dylan documentary! He seemed horrified - but understanding! - of how I would be waiting for the DVD release and not be watching/taping the BBC airing.....because it clashes with Law And Order on Irish TV !

In short , a great evening.
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Post by johnfoyle » ... ew_je.html

Posted by Chris T. on January 16, 2006 at 04:49 AM in Chris T's Posts, Music, New Jersey

Meet The New (Jersey) Boss


I've had a tortured relationship to Bruce Springsteen since I first heard his music on the radio. I grew up on Long Island where Bruce didn't get much airplay, probably in deference to our own home-grown musical son, the execrable Billy Joel. I'm assuming Bruce was perceived as "Jersey" and - short of Born To Run - I don't remembering hearing him much until Born In The USA, which was HUGE on the radio. I couldn't stand that record because - like many people - I wasn't listening carefully and thought Bruce was praising a country I felt had gone horribly wrong under Ronald Reagan (I also hated the synthesizers). Because Springsteen's music tends to the anthemic, which the radio loves and which was anathema to me in my punk rock days, Bruce was someone whose music I actively avoided.

It wasn't until I moved to New Jersey and heard Darkness On The Edge Of Town at a friend's house that I began to "get it" about Bruce. I went out and bought Darkness and Born To Run and Greetings From Asbury Park and whatever else I could find. I even managed to see him in concert a few times, years ago - to the great ridicule of my Long Island friends, who reminded me, "You said you HATED Bruce Springsteen!" Yes, I did. I was big on extreme emotions, back in the day. But Bruce eventually won me over with his understanding of working-class desperation and striving - and especially with the live show, an amazing display of energy and charisma. His willingness to be political, to come out against George Bush and take a humanistic stance earned my respect.

Because my path nearly crossed Springsteen's several times over the past few years (1. Red Bank record store, The Rising midnight release: Bruce shows up, hangs out - I almost went but didn't because I was too tired. 2. Exploring Asbury Park with my then-girlfriend, we come across a video shoot packing up and are told we missed Springsteen by half an hour. 3. Bruce is interviewed in Asbury by the company I work for - and another engineer is assigned.) I always wondered what I'd say if I ever met him. I don't get star-struck often because I meet famous people all the time at the aforementioned radio gig. But to come face-to-face with Springsteen - the idea freaked me out. I actually tried to prepare myself, come up with something witty to say that wouldn't sound too fawning but let Bruce know I appreciated what he did. Nothing came to me. I should've thought harder: Saturday night I met Bruce Springsteen.

It didn't happen in New Jersey. I was at the World Financial Center for the Nebraska concert, presented as part of the New York Guitar Festival. I'd gone to see Laura Cantrell - who performed Used Cars ( go to above link for link to video ) - and sat with her husband, Jeremy Tepper. Just after Laura was done, Jeremy turns to me and whispers, "Bruce is here."

"What? Where?"

"He's standing to the side. He's with Patty (Scialfa, his wife)."

"Get out of here. It must be someone who looks like Bruce..."

"Nope. It's him."

I looked off in the direction Jeremy indicated but saw no Bruce-like silhouette. And I couldn't imagine why Bruce would actually drag his wife to this free event on such a cold, miserable night. The last act (Kevin Kinney with Lenny Kaye, performing Reason To Believe) finished up but stayed on the stage, to be joined shortly by all the other performers. Just as I was thinking Dear God save us from the Super Jam! there was a murmuring throughout the place that grew into a roar when the crowd onstage parted and Bruce stepped through, strumming a jumbo acoustic. The audience rose to its feet as Springsteen led his fellow musicians in a stumbling take of Woody Guthrie's Oklahoma Hills . Watch for Laura and Dan Zanes being goaded by Bruce toward a working microphone, after theirs dies, and a little later notice when Laura holds the lyric sheet for him.

After a brief interview with the evening's MC, John Platt (during which Bruce answers the question, "Did we get any of it wrong?" by saying, "A lot of the interpretations of the songs... were wrong. Most of the songs were written... to get woman to pull their pants down." Bruce was leaving the stage when David Spelman - the co-founder and artistic director of the New York Guitar Festival - could be clearly seen imploring him to come back and perform solo. I could see Bruce shake his head "No" several times and I instantly knew why: he wasn't interested in upstaging any of the other performers. He hung around backstage a little, then went up an escalator to a bar upstairs at the World Financial Center.

The concert over, Jeremy, Laura and I headed to the same bar for the after-party.
I knew Bruce was in the bar somewhere but I was intent on getting a beer, so I sidled up to the bar and waited for a complimentary Brooklyn Lager. A beer materialized but I wasn't sure if it was for me or the woman next to me, who turned out to be Patty Scialfa. I tapped her on the shoulder and politely inquired, "Is that your beer - or mine?"

"I think it's yours. I'm drinking wine."

"Thanks. I just didn't want to take your beer. Or Bruce's." Patty laughed. And then - speak of the devil - there I was face-to-face with the Boss. I stuck out my hand, said, "I'm from New Jersey, too."

"Hey! A Jersey boy." Bruce laughed and shook my hand vigorously a few times. I decided to try a joke and added, "Can I get a lift back with you?" Bruce laughed again, as other people began pressing in for a word, an autograph, a picture. I knew I had mere moments to step up to the plate and say something real. Smiling, I said, "Thanks for the courage of your convictions. I appreciate it." Bruce smiled back and said, "Thanks!" Then I patted him on the back and managed to slip my camera to Laura Cantrell, who took the picture you saw earlier (I repaid Laura later by snapping this lovely shot of the Proprietess with Bruce).


I didn't get an autograph, however - something about slipping a piece of paper and a Sharpie to Springsteen seemed wrong.
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Post by johnfoyle »

Laura will be appearing on the Irish television programme "Other Voices" with presenter John Kelly on RTE Two, on Wednesday, January 25 @ 11:30 p.m.


Laura appears in the second segment of the show. John Kelly does an intro. piece ( usual spiel, Nashville via New York, bank etc.) , walking in the streets of Dingle in the rain, finishing as he arrives at An Cafe Liteartha , a cafe/bookshop. The scene changes to the stage in the church and we see Laura and Mark Spencer, playing acoustic guitars, perform California Rose. Both in dark clothes , facing packed , darkened pews . Back to the bookshop and John and Laura talk about giving up the bank job, touring with Elvis Costello etc. Laura then sings , with acoustic guitar accompaniment, The Singing Waterfall ( written by Hank Williams in the 1940's, recorded then by Molly O'Day) , sitting with the bookshelves around her. A bit more chat about her Nashville credentials and then back to the church stage for Two Seconds.

See it here -

You can vote to see Laura in the 'best of ' show at the end of the series ( on March 22) -

It was , of course , an excellent performance...but then I would say that! Hopefully it will serve to generate interest etc.
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Post by martinfoyle »

I've done up flac files of the audio of the diffferent parts of the tv appearance from wednesday, which someone may be torrenting soon. Here they are if you want to get a jump on that. ... VC8GD9PB4F ... K6HRFNPMN2 ... DYZIO08UJW ... 78VIE8C8O6 ... CWN39MJW6Y ... 7C4JTTLMXQ

If you just want the Hank song, The Singing Waterfall, here's a mp3 ... 12JIF3XWF9
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Post by johnfoyle »

This will be available for re-listening on the 'net until April 10th -

Monday 3 April

Country Section presented by Laura Cantrell

The Carter Family - 'Keep On The Sunny Side' (LP- Anchored in Love) (Rounder)

Jimmie Rodgers - 'Never Known Mo' Blues' (LP- My Old Pal) (Living Era)

Molly O' Day - 'Poor Ellen Smith' (LP- Can't You Hear Me Callin' Blue Grass: 80 Years of American Music) (Columbia)

Bill Monroe - 'Mule Skinner Blues' (LP- The Music of Bill Monroe 1936-1994) (NCA Nashville)

Bob Wills & The Texan Playboys - 'Mean Mama Blues' (LP- Stay A Little Longer) (Rounder)

Hank Williams - 'Cold Cold Heart' (LP- The Hank Williams) (Hallmark)

George Jones - 'White Lightning' (LP- Cup of Loneliness: The Classic Mercury Years) (Mercury Nashville)

Johnny Cash - 'Folsom Prison Blues' (Pickwick International)

Gillian Welch - 'No One Knows My Name' (LP- Soul Journey) (Acony)

Loretta Lynn - 'Have Mercy' (LP- Van Lear Rose) (Interscope)
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Post by johnfoyle »

In his show on Irish radio John Kelly has just told his listeners that he got a e-mail from Laura last night....with news about her baby!

Isabella Mae Cantrell Tepper . Lovely name , great news!

To hear John tell the news , listen again via this link -

It'll be about 20 minutes into the show ( which should be available to hear in a hour or two)
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Post by johnfoyle »

Maybe the NY radio guy who did last November's interview could let Elvis know that childcare needn't stop him doing a radio show - Laura Cantrell has no problem with it !

'Tune in Friday, January 5, Noon-3:00 PM EST for a
brand new Radio Thrift Shop. Laura shares a
conversation with Country Music Hall of Famer Charlie
Louvin, and pays special tribute to recently deceased
Grand Ole Opry star Del Reeves in the Radio Funeral

Yay! It's a 'Baby on board' show, Laura and baby Bella in the studio . No playlist yet so I'll have to listen to the lot to hear whats played.

Great as it is to hear Bella burbling away in the backround, why do I keep having flashbacks to a certain (delightfully) horrid Lou Reed track........
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle » ... od_no,5260

Joe's Pub , New York

Laura Cantrell

* 7:30 PM - April 16

On stage, on record and on the radio, Laura Cantrell has made a name for herself by combining a love of traditional country and folk music with a modern sensibility that informs a sound both timeless and thoroughly original. A native of Nashville that has spent half her life in New York City, Laura’s unique perspective is evident on all of her albums, none more so than her latest Trains And Boats And Planes. A travel themed recording based around the Bacharach/David classic "Trains And Boats And Planes" this release will be in digital format only.
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »

Laura's fab, new versions of Burt Bacharach/Hal David's Trains and Boats and Planes and New Order's Love Vigilantes are up on her Myspace page.
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »

After taking a few years out after having a baby Laura Cantrell is getting ready to promote her first album since Humming by the Flowered Vine (2005). Elvis has been name checking her in interviews since 2001 . From conversations (and e-mails and letters) I've had with her and her husband Jeremy after shows over the years it always been clear that they are big fans of Elvis. Her new album, Kitty Wells Dresses, is due out in April. It will consist mostly of covers of tracks associated with Ms Wells. Laura tells me she had rehearsed the songs with a band for a show and decided to record them and , hopefully, use the income generated to finance recordings of her own songs.

I've been a fan of Laura's work from around the same time as Elvis. I seem to remember that I already had a copy of her first album ( I think Martin had got it, actually) when I saw him make reference to it ( Lonesome Highway fanzine, Nov. '01). "Rueful, haunted undertow" is a description that Laura has written of Kitty Wells' work - it's also a neat encapsulation of Laura's output. Her recordings can be heard time and again and something new seems to be apparent each time. Along with excellent musicianship on the tracks it helps that she is one of the most genuine people you could meet and a total, complete music nerd, happy to talk/write about the most arcane aspects of the subject. Damn that Jeremy - he's netted the girl of my dreams!

Laura appeared in Glasgow last Sunday as part of the Celtic Connections festival. Playing with Mark Spencer on second guitar it was delightful show, a c.80min. mix of old 'n new, covers and new compositions. After four songs she asked us if we had been listening to Elvis Costello's recent albums and how great they were, the musicians , T Bone etc. She then said she wanted to do a song from them and sang I Dreamed Of My Old Lover Last Night. Given that Elvis' lyric is sung from the female perspective ( for the 'Geraldine' character in The Delivery Man) it really comes alive in Laura's version and got a big applause from the sold out venue (the lovely Recital Room, City Halls, Glasgow). Laura then went on the ensure my continued , abject adoration by say 'That was for my friend John Foyle, who's come all the way from Dublin for this show - I think he knows that song ,a long with a few other Elvis songs...' and she grinned. Dumb-struck as I was I immediately remembered how she had given me a similar shout-out at a show in Dublin in '05. Back then she insisted on my standing and taking a bow. Mercifully she didn't this time!

In the usual post-show melee I only had a brief chat with her, thanked her for mortifying me and all that kind of stuff. She seems raring to go and promises to get to Dublin next time. I saw her again the following evening when she was part of a Bob Dylan 70th birthday tribute evening at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. The Costello connection sort of continued when she , and Mark and the resident band , did a version of I Threw It All Away. It'll all be on a forthcoming BBC tv show but I kept thinking of the 'Kojak Variety' version, Larry Knechtel's piano 'n keyboard led arrangement etc. Laura did introduce it with talk about her childhood reaction to ' Nashville Skyline' etc. Less successful was the other Dylan song Laura did , her version of Mr Tambourine Man seeming to be rather rushed and bassy , with a truly horrible screech of feedback for its finishing few bars.

All in all it made for a great trip - thanks Laura!
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Really enjoyed that read and was unaware of your friendship with Ms. Cantrell or the existence of this thread. Thank you for sharing. Fondly remember listening to her radio program, Radio Thrift Shop, first at my old school Columbia on WKCR and then when she moved it to WFMU in New Jersey. It was such an intelligent and eclectic show and she taught my ears quite a few lessons. Had wondered what had become of her. Will be on the lookout for this new CD. The Hummingbird record is pure joy but I have a sentimental heart for "Not The Tremblin' Kind" and "When the Roses Bloom Again"- this news makes my day. Thank you.
"....there's a merry song that starts in 'I' and ends in 'You', as many famous pop songs do....'
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »

REVIEW // Laura Cantrell – London

S. A. Lacey

– February 12, 2011


The covers don’t stop there either as she tries out a recent Elvis Costello song, I Dreamed Of My Old Lover, from his countrified album Secret, Profane And Sugarcane, and, as she does with many of her covers, makes the song totally her own turning it from a folky lament to a yearning country classic.
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »

Here's Laura's version of I Threw It All Away -

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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by Top balcony »

You've probably all seen this before, but this clip of Elvis & Laura Cantrell singing James Taylor's "Bartender's Blues" on Spectacle, 12/24/08 was one of the real highspots of either series for me, terrific song and their voices blend so beautifully:

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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »

Just got this -

New York's finest country singer the wonderful Laura Cantrell is back. Her brilliant new album "Kitty Wells Dresses - Songs Of The Queen Of Country Music" will be released on Spit & Polish, distributed by Cadiz Music, on CD & Digital on Monday 25th April - pre-order it - ... _rhf_p_t_1

Laura plays some UK shows in MAY:

1st Manchester Club Academy 0161 832 1111 ... 2011-05-01

2nd Bristol St Bonaventure's 0870 4444 4000 ... ent=436684

4th Sheffield Sheffield City Memorial Hall 0114 2789 789 ... a-cantrell

5th Nottingham The Glee Club 0871 472 0400 ... ormer=1624

6th Edinburgh Pleasance Theatre 0131 220 3234 ... m_listings

7 th Gateshead Old Town Hall 0191 4336965 ... px?ky=1023

8th London Union Chapel 0131 220 3234 ... m_listings
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Re: Laura Cantrell - UK tour, May '11

Post by johnfoyle »

This has finally turned up on youTube- ... ture=share
Laura Cantrell - Mr Tambourine Man

Great memories of this show in Glasgow last January. Better on the night , imho, was the other song Mark 'n Laura did with the band, I Threw It All Away ; here it is from the BBC radio broadcast -

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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by michaelp »

Thanks for the links John. Finally got to see Laura play live for the first time at the Union chapel in May, it was fantastic. I'm hoping she tours in England again very soon.
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by Jack of All Parades »

A very nice update piece from the Fall edition of my Alumni magazine about her current activities as well as a solid review of her career. New album sounds good and there is the obligatory reference to EC. You might enjoy this Mr. Foyle. ... essee-rose
"....there's a merry song that starts in 'I' and ends in 'You', as many famous pop songs do....'
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »

Thanks Jack. I'd seen this and it's good to hear something new is on the way from Laura.
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by Jack of All Parades »

Laura adds her distinctive voice to this new track by the The Sharp Things-"I Know You're Gonna Break My Heart": ... -my-heart/

Effective and moving.
"....there's a merry song that starts in 'I' and ends in 'You', as many famous pop songs do....'
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »

Thanks !
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Re: Laura Cantrell

Post by johnfoyle »


Laura did her first show in Dublin in nine years last night. It was great to catch up with her afterwards. Elvis' radio cohort here back in the day John Kelly was there also & I got to chat with him for the first time. John talked about Elvis' show here in October etc. He kept saying 'Declan' said this & that , which was nice.
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