Stockholm solo 8th June 2012

Pretty self-explanatory
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Stockholm solo 8th June 2012

Post by krm »

EC will play solo in Sweden in November 2011!
Stockholm on the 13th and Malmö on the 14th ... Malmo.html#
More info ... olo-604162

Tix here:
Stockholm: Rival - ... er/RIS1113
Malmö: Nöjesteatern ... o&evID=505

Tickets available now for SEK 1200:-
Last edited by krm on Sat May 05, 2012 1:36 am, edited 3 times in total.
sulky lad
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by sulky lad »

lets hope these don't go the way of South America, krm !
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by krm »

The evening before is the Oslo gig, and he has cancelled shows there before.......

However, I am going to the Malmö show. Ticket prices are quite high for my taste but there is no way around it.
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by sulky lad »

I'm doing Amsterdam on 10th with VG and feeling quite tempted by a trip to Oslo .....!
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by krm »

sulky lad wrote:I'm doing Amsterdam on 10th with VG and feeling quite tempted by a trip to Oslo .....!
I was playing with the idea myself. Ticket prices also not that high in oslo!

Tickets available as of today.
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by VonOfterdingen »

I gotta go the Malmö to wipe out the memory of last summers concert in Copenhagen. Very steep prices though (as in Copehagen which could be the reason why it wasnt sold out), but what can you do?
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by krm »

The ticket prices for the show in Malmö, triggered an article in the local newspaper. ... appen.html#

Apparently we are quite a few that thinks that it is a bit expensive to pay 1245 SEK (€130, £120 or $190)
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by sweetest punch »

(this is the article)

Biljetten kan kosta över tusenlappen
Text: Emma Thörnkvist
Publicerad 31 mars 2011 6.30 Uppdaterad 31 mars 2011 12.592011-03-31 06:30:00

Kultur & Nöjen.Mer än tusen kronor för en konsertbiljett är ovanligt. Men just nu säljs biljetter till två evenemang i den prisklassen i Malmö: Elvis Costello på Nöjesteatern och Cecilia Bartoli på Malmö opera.
Det har blivit dyrare att gå på konsert, enligt flera arrangörer. Men det är sällan biljetter till evenemang kostar över tusenlappen.

– De flesta konserter kostar inte så mycket. Det är ett fåtal stora, internationella artister vars biljetter kan ligga i den prisklassen, säger Catarina Oscarsson, pressansvarig på arrangören Live Nation, bland annat aktuell med Roxette och Rihanna i Malmö.

I höstas uppträdde komikern John Cleese på Malmö konserthus för åhörare som hade betalat 1 025 kronor var. Och i nuläget pågår försäljning till två olika konserter i Malmö för över tusen kronor. Mezzosopranen Cecilia Bartoli på Malmö Opera i maj kostar mellan 1 235 och 1 685 kronor att höra. Och för att vara en av de 630 personerna i publiken på Nöjesteatern när Elvis Costello spelar solo i november får man gräva fram 1 245 kronor ur plånboken.

Båda konserterna arrangeras av Julius Production.

– Man utgår från artisters gage och kostnader och så sätter man biljettpriset efter det. Jag vet att Elvis Costello har en publik som är mellan sexhundra och kanske tusen personer i bästa fall och den publik som vill se Costello betalar vad det kostar, säger vd:n Julius Malmström.

När det gäller de stora klassiska namnen som exempelvis Cecilia Bartoli är den prisnivån normal, menar han. Världsartister kostar.

Till vissa konserter säljs biljetter i olika prisklasser beroende på hur bra platserna är. Det finns en hel del som tycker det är värt att betala mycket för en attraktiv plats.

– Väldigt ofta är det de dyraste, det vill säga de bästa, biljetterna som tar slut först vid biljettsläpp, säger Catarina Oscarsson på Live Nation.

Efterfrågan på de publikdragande artisterna är större än tillgången och priserna pressas upp, menar Julius Malmström. Den nedgång som branschen drabbades av hösten 2008 till följd av det ekonomiska världsläget var kort.

– Artistbolagen vill ha mer och mer betalt och det är svårt att hänga med. Jag kan inte göra konserter som drar tonåringar längre i den omfattning som jag gjorde förr i tiden därför att det bara är de vuxna som har råd att betala, säger Julius Malmström.

Kanske kommer konsertbesökare att få vänja sig vid fler fyrsiffriga biljettnotor framöver.

– Det kommer att bli mer och mer vanligt, helt klart. Artisterna kostar mer och vill ha mer betalt. Och så länge folk vill betala, så ..., säger Julius Malmström.

– I det allmänna prisläget är det klart att vi inte kan stå emot när det ökar. Men vi försöker hålla nere biljettpriserna för vi vill ju samtidigt att så många som möjligt ska känna att de har råd att gå på konserter. Det är ju vårt levebröd att folk köper konsertbiljetter, säger Catarina Oscarsson på Live Nation.

google translation:

The ticket can cost over a thousand patches
Text: Emma Thörnkvist
Published March 31, 2011 6:30 Updated March 31, 2011 06:30:00 12.592011-03-31

Culture & Nöjen.Mer than a thousand dollars for a concert ticket is rare. But right now, sold tickets to two events in the price range in London: Elvis Costello on Nöjesteatern and Cecilia Bartoli at the Malmö Opera.
It has become more expensive to go to a concert, according to several organizers. However, few tickets for events costing over a thousand patches.

- Most concerts do not cost that much. There are a few large, international artists whose tickets can be in the price category, "said Catarina Oscarsson, press officer at the organizer Live Nation, including up to date with Roxette and Rihanna in Malmo.

Last fall occurred comedian John Cleese at Malmö Concert Hall of the audience who had paid 1025 dollars each. And currently ongoing sales to two different concerts in Malmö for over a thousand dollars. Mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli at Malmö Opera in May costing between 1235 and 1685 crowns to hear. And to be one of the 630 people in the audience at Nöjesteatern when Elvis Costello played solo in November, to dig for the 1245 crowns from the wallet.

Both concerts are arranged by Julius Production.

- We start off artists gage and costs and so they put the ticket after it. I know that Elvis Costello has an audience that is between six hundred and perhaps a thousand people at best, and the audience wants to see Costello will pay what it costs, "says CEO Julius Malmström.

In the case of the classic names such as Cecilia Bartoli is the normal price, he says. World Artists costs.

For some concerts, tickets are sold at different prices depending on how well the sites are. There are a lot who think it is worth paying much for an attractive place.

- Very often it is the most expensive, that is the best, the tickets that run out first at the ticket release, "said Catarina Oscarsson at Live Nation.

Demand for the audience pull the artists is greater than supply and pushed up prices, says Julius Malmström. The slowdown that the industry was hit by the fall of 2008 as a result of the global economic situation was short.

- Artist companies want more and more money and it's hard to keep up. I can not do concerts that attract teenagers anymore to the degree I did in the past because it is only the adults who can afford to pay, "said Julius Malmström.

Perhaps the concert-goers to get accustomed to more four-figure ticket notes to come.

- There will be more and more common, for sure. The artists will cost more and more money. And as long as people want to pay, so ..., "said Julius Malmström.

- The general price situation, it is clear that we can not resist when it increases. But we try to keep ticket prices because we want simultaneously to as many people as possible feel they can afford to go to concerts. It's our livelihood that people buy concert tickets, "said Catarina Oscarsson at Live Nation.
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

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even the tourposter is expensive on the web.... ... _131645820
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by krm »

anyone here joining me for the Malmö show?
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Whilst I would love to go it's not possible.

However those prices are very steep :shock:

I could probably fly to the Sligo show, get a ticket and a hotel and it wouldn't cost much more.
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by johnfoyle »

Enjoy the show lads!
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by johnfoyle »

I could probably fly to the Sligo show, get a ticket and a hotel and it wouldn't cost much more.
A couple sitting next to me in Sligo had done just that. They were from Malmö - they had ,indeed, got tickets,flights and accommodation for the same price as tickets for their hometown show.
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by sulky lad »

Funny how John doesn't tell how he thought Malmo was in Norway and said so to these good folk. Fortunately they mistook him for a drink leprechaun !! :lol: :roll:
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by johnfoyle »

I was, er, absent the day we did Malmö in geography....
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by krm »

I spotted this one today!
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by VonOfterdingen »

Does anyone know if he has cancelled a concert before and actually giving a postponed concert later at the same venue?
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by johnfoyle »

He has, is the short answer.
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by johnfoyle »

Ulf posts to F/book-

I just got a message saying that Elvis will perform solo in Stockholm (Rival) on June 8th - instead of the cancelled/postponed November 13th concert
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Re: New shows added for Nov tour - Stockholm 13th and Malmö

Post by johnfoyle »

I think this is a competition for tickets for the Stockholm show on June 8 '12 - ... biljetter/
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Stockholm solo 8th June 2012

Post by krm »

Thanks for the info, John. It is a competition indeed. Needless to say - I participated.....
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Re: Stockholm solo 8th June 2012

Post by johnfoyle »

Who's going?
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Re: Stockholm solo 8th June 2012

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Poster for the show
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Re: Stockholm solo 8th June 2012

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