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This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Mug: I liked your hair. :)

My husband went gray years ago. He even already had a few gray hairs when I met him - just before he turned 18!!! He just turned 38 and he's pretty much solid gray now, sort of "salt & peppery" if you're looking at it closely. I joke him, especially since he's nine months younger than me, and tell him it's all because of his hard livin'. :lol: But it's beautiful hair! He thought once about coloring it, right after he turned 30, but I told him I didn't mind it the way it was, so he left it alone. :)
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Post by sulkygirl »


That was the one thing that really got to me a few years back, when I ran into my so-called "High School Sweetheart" after 18 years...

He has the most gorgeous curly black salt & pepper hair...he looks 10 years older than me (although, still physically fit), even though he's a year younger than I am!!

My hubby (see photo thread) has long, blond, "George Armstrong Custer" hair that doesn't seem to gray at all (and he's 6 YEARS older than I), a red beard (better trimmed now than in the pic--Thanks, Mom!), and can JUST NOW pinch an inch.

I sometimes wanna SLAP him.

Vent, vent, vent....

Blame it on Rope...he "done went and got me started".

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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

hee hee MoodySwingy....

Dave Mathews is a hot guitar player...basta....and Cheryl Crow is quite good! I like her tunes....

hang me up on the stake........ :lol:
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Sulky, which one is the asshole, the ex-husband or the current one? I'm confused.
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miss buenos aires
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Post by miss buenos aires »

I think gray hair above a youthful face (à la Steve Martin) is one of the coolest things ever, right up there with a gap in between the two front teeth. It was a mini-trend in New York for a while for young women to dye their hair gray. I loved it. My friend Dan (an O.R.G.A.S.M.) tried it and turned out blond.
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

Personally, I find a cleanly shaven head to be the sexiest and most awe inspiring look ever for man.
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Post by mood swung »

I always thought Sinead O'Conner was utterly stunning when she had no hair--esp. in black and white pics. She looked so vulnerable and she has incredible features. But it's not a good look for my mom, after chemo.
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Post by Gillibeanz »

Copenhagen Fan wrote:Personally, I find a cleanly shaven head to be the sexiest and most awe inspiring look ever for man.
Yep....thats what all balding men say..... :lol:
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Post by idle hands »

not really Gilli, I don't necesarily agree with Cope, I've been balding since I was like 5 as u can see in my pic... but lucky me I happen to know a certain loved someone that seems to agree with Cope... :D
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Post by sulkygirl »

PlaythingOrPet wrote:Sulky, which one is the asshole, the ex-husband or the current one? I'm confused.
Both. Actually, the "ex" is my high-school sweetheart, he never has married, and we now reside in the same town.

My hubby is my first (and only) marriage, 16 years as of June 4th.

But, he's an asshole, too.

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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

Yes...I had bad hair genes! doh.....

But it's always better to take the bull by the horns and create an image rather than having one imposed on you.

You get the girls who love the look, and avoid those who are looking for an accountant or something...... :lol:
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Post by Gillibeanz »

COPE/IDLEHANDS: I personally do find a shaven head also sexy and much prefer that to 5 strands of hair grown 2 feet long and sculptured over a vast area!!

My partners dad who is now 70 has been totally hairless since his 20's. He was a bargeman and fell into the Thames one night and it took them half an hour to locate him and get him out. The shock combined probably with the pollution at the time made all his hair fall out and it never grew back. He is chuffed that after all these years of being a target for ridicule he is now considered trendy!! :D
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Gilli: That's quite a story! :o

There's been a running joke among my husband and his college roommates over the years about who had the least hair, who had the grayest hair. I guess the last time they all saw each other was the day of Joel's father's funeral - bless their hearts - his college roommates all came. Anyway, the other three roommates together put together didn't have as much hair as Joel, but he is the only one with gray hair! So, they just make stabs at each other and they all still have fun with it. :)

I think different men can be attractive with different kinds and different amounts of hair (or no hair maybe), and different colors. :wink:
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

SPOOKY:..whadda ya mean "maybe", baby??? :lol:
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Post by SweetPear »

Gillibeanz wrote:COPE/IDLEHANDS: I personally do find a shaven head also sexy and much prefer that to 5 strands of hair grown 2 feet long and sculptured over a vast area.
Well said, Gilli.
I'm not angry anymore....
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

I didn't really mean that "maybe" like it sounded Cope. Would it help your ego if I just left out "maybe" altogether? :wink:
Last edited by spooky girlfriend on Thu Jul 03, 2003 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gillibeanz »

SWEETPEAR: It still makes me chuckle when I think of a story my friend Pat told me. She was a bit of a girl in her far flung youth and was always out for a good time with rich handsome men - if they didnt fit that bill she wasnt interested. Anyway she had been dating this rich handsome man who took her for a spin in his new expensive open top car. As they were zooming down the motorway she glanced over lovingly at him to see the whole top of his hair lifting in the wind in slow motion until it was wafting up and down gaily threequaters of the way down the back of his head!!
"stop the car" she screamed whereupon he slammed on the brakes in alarm and she got out.
"Im not dating a slaphead" she yelled and stomped off down the motorway. She told me she was ashamed of the way she had acted but claimed it was the shock of seeing it - she had no idea!

Bad bad Pat.....:lol:
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

I also find shaven heads extremely attractive, especially on black men. (sorry cope) The man of the house, who has a lush head of hair, cannot understand my viewpoint on this.

Black, white, or in-between, bald is infinitely better than "2-foot strands sculpted over a vast area". What an image!

I feel bad for Gilli's friend Pat; it's a traumatic experience to accidentally "discover" someone's toupe.
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Post by A rope leash »

Now come on! If bald heads were beautiful, Rogain and Propecia wouldn't be such successful products! It depends on the shape of the skull, and whatever else (moles, scars, creases, abnormal growths) adorns the scalp.

Elvis is going bald, but it's not making him any better looking. His massive forehead, however necessary to hold his massive brain, is not any more attractive with less hair. If he shaved it, like Paul Schaffer, we'd get used to it, but you can't say he'd be better looking. That's why the hats, people!

Without my moustache, I look absolutely freakish. I'm going thin on top, and I'm considering medication, since I am nothing without my hair! I know, I know, shave it and grow a goat...!
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

GOODY GOODY...I'm totally in agreement with men can pull off the bald look much better than Whitey! I was inspired by the power of the look and its beauty. *I've always felt I was a black man trapped in a white man's body*

Now, SPOOKY...thanks for the ego boost! *yes a have a huge ego, but small hands*
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Post by firebetty »

does anyone here remember in the X Files episode when Skinner was running around in his briefs? Yes, he was tres sexie. Maybe the white bald man just needs to work out :lol:
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

Well , she is Miss Buenos Aries in a world of lacy lingerie...
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Post by miss buenos aires »

Did somebody page me?
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Post by firebetty »

this post was slipping off the first page so,
yo, miss buenos aires, what up?
fridays are now milkshake fridays here at the warehouse.
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Post by mood swung »

Nearly dead is Conver-killers
Too much fun, not enough thrillers
I’ve got a lot of things to say
Why listen? Psycho killers on the way!
Tomorrow is another day
At least that’s what Scarlet used to say.
I guess she’s out of other days
Buried by cheap sequel haze.
The boss is gone so I can play!
I do that a lot, anyway,
But it’s raining and I can’t go out
I’d be chased by water spouts
Sent inland by hurricanes
Them’s mean mothers, knowwhatimeanz?
So, sit I here and try to rhyme
I really shouldn’t waste my time.
No one really reads this shit
No one knows my rapier wit.
A last resuscitation I give to this
Read it now, or take a piss.
It matters not in the big grand scheme
Like Bobby said* ‘it was all a DREAM.’

*Dallas, the tv show. (and I ain’t even sure Bobby said it. Might’ve been JR)
Like me, the "g" is silent.
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