Look at this fool on a MAIT sleeve!

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Look at this fool on a MAIT sleeve!

Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.ipodlounge.com/sitenews_comm ... 25_0_2_0_C

"Me and my iPod" contest winners announced

The Winners...

The last two iPodlounge contests were exciting for readers because of the prizes, but they've been even more exciting for iPodlounge editors because we've had a chance to see the tremendous creativity our users possess.

It was easier to pick winners for last month's iPod Concepts contest - this month's 200+ entries included a tremendous number of striking, funny, and creative concepts. (You can review the entries, including a few that couldn't be considered because of slight Photoshopping, in our Me and My iPod Photo Gallery.)

We considered each entry carefully and chose six possible winners from a pool of around twenty strong contenders, then picked the final three and ranked them as follows.

Judging Criteria: iPodlounge's editors picked three "best" photos from all the entries, based on our evaluations of the overall composition, creativeness, and appeal of the pictures. We did not expect that the winning shots would be perfect in each of these categories, but hoped that they would each make a strong visual statement.


Third prize: Etymotic ER-6 Isolator Earphones (Valued at $139.00)

Several of our favorite pictures emphasized the iPod's primary purpose - storing and playing music - but this one did it best. Using a fisheye lens to capture a wide angle shot, the photographer created the impression of a spherical pile of diverse music and media compressed into the tiny shell of the iPod, then casually enjoyed.
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Post by BlueChair »

Surely a 300 lb guy lying on CD's and vinyl (many of which are out of their cases/sleeves) isn't a good idea.
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Post by bobster »

Looks more like 195 to me. (Assuming he's under 6')
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Post by Boy With A Problem »

he needs a belt, his underpants are showing.
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Post by bobster »

It's a style thing, BWAP. The youngster are all displaying their underwear these days. C'mon, admit that you secretly think it looks way cool....
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Post by Jackson Monk »

WHAR - U r a young un...

do you show your underpants ? C'mon admit it.
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Post by wehitandrun »

Only when I'm relieving myself in the gaping, pleased mouths of your insatiable parents.
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

Please tell me the previous post contains typographical errors. That has to be one of the foulest things anyone has ever posted here.

Or did I miss something?

If so, never mind.
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Post by wehitandrun »

No, it was supposed to be foul. It's a game me and Jackson play.

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Post by bambooneedle »

WHAR, all you're doing is attracting unfavourable attention to yourself.
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Post by wehitandrun »

But, I'm listening to "Almost Ideal Eyes"! :cry:
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Post by Jackson Monk »

I'm shocked and stunned and offended. Is this kind of thing allowed on this board now? It used to be such a nice place. :(
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Post by wehitandrun »

Nice game Jackson. Reply to every one of my posts until I say something "risky", then milk it for all its worth.

Go join your ill-tempered MrAverage.
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Post by BlueChair »

Jackson isn't going anywhere, wehitandrun.
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Post by wehitandrun »

Aw, but that's his choice.

Knowing his love to harrass me, he'll stick around though.

Post by selfmademug »

If he does, I doubt it will be anything to do with you. He's been posting with this group for nearly two years.

This board has its share of loudmouthed egos, and I count myself semi-proudly among them at times. I must say your ego's on a serious hair-trigger there, WHAR. I hope you don't burn it out before you get to voting age.
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Post by BlueChair »

It's mostly that jokes involving giving oral sex to the parents of posters (particularly those over the age of 35) is wayyyyyyy below us.
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Post by wehitandrun »

Hey, I never promised oral sex to anybody's parents.

I see the true foulness of the joke went over your head, I guess that's a good thing.

Mug, I don't have an ego. I don't know where that's coming from, or what you're basing your assumption on. Jackson has been singleing my posts out with childish little remarks for a while now. He's been hoping for some sort of "risky" remark, and he got it(and obviously, he took advantage of it with his phoney little responce).

If I'm going to be victimized here, then that's really fucked.
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Post by tokyo vogue »

Monk's been around for a while (since the board that shall not be named, if I'm not mistaken). He's a decent guy. On the internet, at least. He could be the Fairmount Park Rapist for all I know. But I've been reading his replies to you and seriously, all he's done is josh you a little. You're so wanky it hurts, WHAR. It's kinda easy to poke fun at you. He hasn't been mean or profane. You posting shit like what you just did, there's no call for that.

Shape up or fuck off. You're making us young folk look bad.
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Post by RedShoes »

I'm not quite sure why it is you think you're being victimized, wehitandrun. How are you a victim? Because people took offense to an offensive statement? And why do you keep referring to your disgusting post as "risky"? What exactly do you think you were risking? The only risk I see is that you would disgust people....which seems to have been the point of the post in the first place.

If you and Jackson want to play your little game, perhaps you should do it through PM?
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Post by wehitandrun »

RedShoes wrote:If you and Jackson want to play your little game, perhaps you should do it through PM?
Great suggestion.

edit: but tokyo, i like saetia too?
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Post by Jackson Doofster »

Risky remark??

Now that does take the biscuit WHAR...

What is risky about being vulgar? Nothing at all. It just demeans you and makes you look childish and silly.

I'm disappointed in you.
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Who is he anyway? Why does he have nearly as many posts as me? I was only gone a few weeks, what have I missed?

Jackson, dear?
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Post by Jackson Doofster »

WHAR is a much misunderstood paragon of virtue. I'll PM you PoP as it would take several days to quantify the mystery that is WHAR.
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Thanks, Doof, but I think I've got all the answers after catching up on past threads.
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