Punch the Clock...

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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Oi! Oi! Oi! Lay off I Wanna Be Loved!
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Post by seanpointblank »

I don't care if you said that to me or not. The point was you were the one, as usual, to start bringing hostility into a thread.

If you can't point out how I proved your point, that's your problem, not mine. I have done nothing but explain to you why I think the way I think, and you dismiss my reasoning as a "cop out" yet provide no reasoning of your own. That is the true cop out. Also, point out my immaturity, I would love to hear it. You're the one who takes all disagreements as personal attacks, not I, you're the one calling the other names, not I, my good chum!

And I'm not saying every single track on GCW is 100% dated. I'm saying the general production approach is painfully dated, and it shows, ESPECIALLY anytime the sax comes in. EC's vocal melodies and lyrics, of course, aren't dated at all. I still think most of the hooks and what not aren't near up to par with his work up to that point. I don't see how "Get Happy!!" is even relevant here, it sounds like nothing else from the time period.

Yes, I have bad record taste. Morrissey is for the weak minded, Glassjaw is just too high brow for me.

I don't think everything EC touches turns to gold, that's called being a fanboy, and that means to anyone but other fanboys, your opinion on the topic doesn't hold any water.

I like this board because, generally, things don't get taken too far and too personally. Lighten up WHAR, these are opinions, you don't need to attack everyone who disagrees with you and dismiss any reasoning they have as a "cop out". That's just not in the realm of common decency or respect.
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oily slick
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Post by oily slick »

you're killing me PoP. from the ridiculous to... i bitched up a storm and now i suffer eye strain from trying to study your avatar. how do you make one of these things bigger?....if you know what i mean....
I'm not concerned about the very poor.
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

You want a bigger one, Oily? Hang on and I'll see what I can do....
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Jackson Monk
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Post by Jackson Monk »

Nice one seanpointblank...I'm with you.

I could write a list a mile long of why you are right, but I won's bother. I share your view (as most EC fans appear to) that GCW is his weakest mainstream pop record.

It was certainly a long way behind anything he'd recorded to that point, and today it sounds even worse. The production was generally crap and EC himself has said as much several times since (though with a little more respect to Langer and Winstanley),
corruptio optimi pessima
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miss buenos aires
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Post by miss buenos aires »

By the way, everyone knows that Morrissey doesn't get his balls cradled. By anyone. That's part of what makes him so alluring...

Post by selfmademug »

For what it's worth:

- GCW has some excellent songs on it.
- I WANNA BE LOVED among them
- Morrissey is the very opposite of lame
- People in glass houses should not leave convenient piles of rocks lying around their yard if they're prone to prancing around naked inside making obscene gestures. Unless like the Jesus of Cool tyhey love the sound of breaking glass.

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El Vez
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Post by El Vez »

miss buenos aires wrote:By the way, everyone knows that Morrissey doesn't get his balls cradled. By anyone
Well, only his hairdresser knows for sure!

It is my humble opinion that anyone who can come up with the song title "America Is Not The World" is good peoples in my book.
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verbal gymnastics
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

El Vez wrote:It is my humble opinion that anyone who can come up with the song title "America Is Not The World" is good peoples in my book.
Morrissey/The Smiths came up with some brilliant song titles. My own favourite is Shoplifters of the World Unite.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Otis Westinghouse
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Tried living in the real world ...
There's more to life than books, you know, but not much more
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