Question for the Texans

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El Vez
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Question for the Texans

Post by El Vez »

So, I've been listening quite frequently to David Cross' It's Not Funny (false advertising, to say the least) and there's one bit that he does that absolutely floors me. He talks about how in 2002 (or maybe 2003) Texas state legislators were moving hard to outlaw sodomy while at the same time attempting to repeal the law against bestiality. Is this true?
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Post by clairequilty »

Will this affect the bench warrant currently out on me for getting a blow from a turtle two weeks ago in Houston?

To complicate things, the turtle was only 14, and was a cousin of mine.

I was with Jack Ryan at the time.
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Post by noiseradio »

I don't think it's accurate, if only because sodomy was already illegal, and has been for decades uncounted in Texas. But that David Cross is a right funny fellow.
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El Vez
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Post by El Vez »

Thanks, Noise. It struck me as odd that the big S wasn't ALREADY long illegal in Texas.....but what about the bestiality part of the equation? Were there actually Texas lawmakers trying to repeal that one? Wouldn't suprise me as Molly Ivins has spun comedic gold again and again by simply quoting word for word what is said by aforementioned lawmakers. My favorite was the guy arguing that his booze tax bill should go through so that when adults went in to liquor stores and were confronted by children outside to store asking them for change......they would feel SO bad knowing that they are already paying more for that devil gin that they would be guilted into giving the kid the nickel. I think the guy actually closed with "This is for the children" or some such silliness.
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Post by noiseradio »

I think it highly unlikely that anyone was lobbying to repeal the bestiality law. This is Texas, not Arkansas.
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

what do Texans have against a good hummer???....or is it only Anal sodomy that's illegal?
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