Lincoln Center Second Night

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Lincoln Center Second Night

Post by Pov »

Roll call! Whose gonna be there tonite?
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Post by elvicos01 »

Looking forward to tonight (and Saturday).
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Post by miss buenos aires »

Me! And Pip! And Poppet! Is that rude, that I'm answering for more than myself?
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Post by mood swung »

you kids have fun. should we start a fund for bail money?

and get up early or stay up late and tell us all about it!
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

And no talking to strangers.


And no luring Steve into your lair, Pip and Pops - he has a very important job to do remember.
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Post by Pov »

Well, I just got back and all I can say is WOW! What a show!

I'm sure someone else will post a setlist, but it was one of the best Elvis shows I've seen (being in the third row didn't hurt ;)). The songs from the new album sounded great. I think it's going to be a real winner. The highlight for me, thoough, was "Sweet Dreams of You" - my favorite Patsy Cline song (I'll pay good money for an MP3 of that if someone has it :)). Also, Uncomplicated - one of my favorite EC songs, and the first time I've seen it live. The band sounded very tight, surprising since they haven't been touring. Show length was just shy of 2.5 hours. The first encore was kind of eclectic. The first song sounded very familiar but I didn't know what it was. He also played some excellent blues and was really into it. Well I'm tired now and going to bed. Hopefully my ears will stop ringing in the morining; I was right in front of the speakers.
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Post by HungupStrungup »

It was a 31-song marathon! I have to guess at some of the new song titles, because I haven't seen a list of what he's recorded for the album, but I think maybe 10 of these are from it.

I Hope You're Happy Now
Tear Off Your Own Head (It's a Doll Revolution)
Waiting for the End of the World
You Belong to Me
Radio Radio
The Name of This Thing Is Not Love
The Delivery Man
Country Darkness
(I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea
Honey Are You Straight or Are You Blind?
Nothing Clings Like Ivy
Monkey to Man
Indoor Fireworks
There's a Story in the Voice
Deep Dark Truthful Mirror
Sweet Dreams
'The Judgement
I Can't Stand Up for Falling Down
Man Out of Time
Either Side of the Same Town
High Fidelity
Invisible (or maybe Invincible, obviously I'm guessing but of one thing I'm certain - this is one fuckin' great song!)
Committing a Crime
The Scarlet Tide (EC solo w/ukelele)
The Love That Burns
Beyond Belief
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding
Pump It Up

He also mentioned that Emmylou Harris and Lucinda Williams guest on the album.
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Post by lovesickoflove »

HungupStrungup wrote:I have to guess at some of the new song titles
> Invisible (or maybe Invincible, obviously I'm guessing but of one thing I'm certain - this is one fuckin' great song!)

this was "Heart Shaped Bruise" yes?

> Committing a Crime

Needle Time

great show - thanks all for putting up with my refusing to sit down and well-received heckle :D -lsol
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Post by HungupStrungup »

lovesickoflove wrote:
HungupStrungup wrote:I have to guess at some of the new song titles
> Invisible (or maybe Invincible, obviously I'm guessing but of one thing I'm certain - this is one fuckin' great song!)

this was "Heart Shaped Bruise" yes?

>>I think "Heart Shaped Bruise" may be the one I called "There's a Story in the Voice" - hungup

> Committing a Crime

Needle Time

>> but this one you're probably right about - hungup

great show - thanks all for putting up with my refusing to sit down and well-received heckle :D -lsol
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Post by SweetPear »

Was at the show tonight and had a really great time. Elvis was in a great mood and the band was tight. EC was hot on the guitar tonight and seemed to be really enjoying it. It was very bluesy and very cool.

It was the first time I've heard any of the new stuff and I liked pretty much all of it. I esp. liked The Deliveryman and Monkey to a Man. There was only one I didn't care for, and I'm not sure of the name. It was a little too country sounding for me...Steve played that harmonica sounding thing. (Is that the melodica?)

I love Elvis, which should go without saying, or else I wouldn't be here. Having said that, and having been at Tuesday nights show, I've got to say that the first show was so much better than tonights. Not that there was anything wrong with tonights show.....I mean it was the Imposters and we got to hear the new stuff and EC was very talkative and having a great time.....but it just wasn't as emotionally charged as the first show. And it wasn't as good as the last handful of his shows that I've gone to in the past year or so (Bard, Towne Hall, Philly...)

I feel pretty crumby having said that. I'm sure it was a lot of other little things that played a part in me feeling that way. Like I was in row AA. I can't remember the last time I sat so far away at one of his shows. I've been lucky enough to be in row 3 and row 9 and row 5.......not row 27!!
And I was REALLy bummed that I didn't get one of the sample CD's. I was asking all over before the show, but there were none there. This woman said they were expecting some and some t-shirts too, but they hadn't showed up and she didn't know why. And after the show, I ran after this guy I saw walking away with a bunch of obviously empty boxes.....and that's just what they were, empty. What few there were went fast.
And I guess the weirdo sitting next to me who smelled of fucking BO wasn't making me too happy either. There are so many weird, old guys....ALONE.....who come to EC's shows. It's really fucking bumming me out. It makes me wonder what he thinks when he looks out into the crowd and sees it made up of mostly men. Older men. Alone.

Anyway......I think that's it. Everyone else does a much better job at remembering the set lists and all that neat little stuff that the "unconnected," such as myself, haven't a clue about. And for that, I thank you very much. In this particular instance HungUpStrungUp seems to be da man. Thanks dude. I look forward to your take on Saturday's show.

See you then.
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Post by SweetPear »

And Steve got a haircut!

That's funny cause on Tuesday night I was sitting off to the right a bit and could only see Steve's mane of hair flopping all over the place.
And then he chops it all off.
(It looked pretty cute though.) :wink:

Speaking of Steve.....I'm sure one of you guys can tell me, what was he playing or doing with his hands on several of the earlier songs? It looked like he was waving his hand (or hands) back and forth in the air over the keyboard manipulating the sound in some way. Was that a synthesizer or something? I WAS SITTING SO FAR BACK I COULDN'T TELL!!!!!!
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Post by legman open to offers »

I could be one of the old guys at a EC show. I don't have BO, but don't be a hate'a. Hope you had a good time otherwise. Whose turn is it to explain the theremin? :P
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what a great night

Post by Sour Milk Cow »

two corrections to the set list: he also played "Heart Shaped Bruise", and "Invisible" might be called "Button My Lip"

I liked tonight so much more than Tuesday, which was great but had a few too many North ballads for my taste. (I like North, I just think I've heard them too much already. But I understand, having a 52 piece orchestra, why Costello wanted to give them another go.)

The Delivery Man material was exciting to hear. I think it was smart to start the show with a blast of "classics" to give the more casual fans what they wanted. And then I was glad that more of the concert leaned toward the new stuff. The band sounded great as always, and really tight. I couldn't make out a lot of the lyrics to the new songs, which makes me hunger to hear the studio versions (especially "Bedlam" which EC described jokingly as "our christmas single")

What a great concert.
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Post by johnfoyle » ... 3276c.html

Costello rocks in fusty venue


Someone should just go ahead and give Elvis Costello a
plaque with the words "Renaissance Man" on it.
Maybe then he'd stop feeling the need to be so
relentlessly creative.

Last night, the master songwriter of the New Wave era
turned in his second of three performances at Avery
Fisher Hall.

As part of the Lincoln Center Festival, he and the
Imposters delivered a blistering set that comprised
his best-known hits, a few rarities and a good chunk
of new songs from an upcoming album - due in

Two nights earlier, Costello and the Netherlands
Metropole Orkest performed a set of string-laden Big
Band pop songs.

Tomorrow, the Brooklyn Philharmonic will debut
Costello's first symphonic work, "Il Sogno."

But the high-mindedness of his "artist in residence"
stint at UCLA and his collaboration with the Brodsky
Quartet were forgotten when he launched into the
pogo-worthy riff of "I Hope You're Happy Now" and
"Radio Radio." Dedicated boomer fans ready to relive
their halcyon days quickly filled the aisles only to
be summarily ordered back to their seats by
no-nonsense Lincoln Center police.

But all security really needed to do was wait for
Costello to start playing his latest works. Though the
new tunes had grit, they were hardly the soundtrack to
a party.

The neo-Gothic song cycle tells the story of three
women in a small town who pin their hopes on a
delivery man.

Costello's description of one character, Vivian, was
the only sliver of levity. "She's pretty much a liar
and a drunk and a slattern into the bargain," he said.
"But we love her anyway."

Costello wrapped up his 145-minute performance with a
scathing version of the slow blues workout "Love That
Burns," then unleashed his full fury with a
crowd-pleasing combination of "Peace, Love and
Understanding," and "Pump It Up."

By punctuating two nights of ambitious new projects
with an evening of straightforward rock 'n' roll, he
put his protean talent into perspective and gave
frequently fusty Lincoln Center something to rave

Originally published on July 16, 2004
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Post by johnfoyle » ... chive.html

Jeremy - he no like Elvis!

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Tonight, we had a summer associate trip to see Elvis Costello perform at Lincoln Center. While I'd heard of Elvis Costello, I couldn't have named a single song of his. After seeing him perform, I realize why. He writes extraordinarily unmemorable songs. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, or that I don't think he's quite talented. I enjoyed a lot of what he sang -- although the volume was way too loud (that could be because we were sitting pretty close) and so the actual words were really hard to decipher -- but can't remember a single tune. He writes over chords, and simply doesn't have linear melody lines that are hummable and memorable. And, he destroys any chance at remembering the songs by drowning his melodies in a wall of sound, the guitar jangle obscuring anything else, such that each up-tempo song is just non-stop jangle and they all sound the same -- and the slower songs get pretty dull. And, he doesn't let his songs breathe. It's non-stop words, no clear verse/chorus/verse pattern, no clear 8-bar phrasing... so it's hard to even understand where you are in a song. Which all combines to make it -- to me, and I respect that minds can surely differ about this sort of stuff -- not at all unpleasant, but just not memorable at all, and not something I have much interest in hearing again. Sorry, Elvis. I'm not joining the fan club.
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Post by laughingcrow »

Fusty! :lol:

LSOL...what was the 'well received heckle'?

Great to hear that EC's performances are still being enjoyed by lonely old men with BO. :lol:
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Sorry, Elvis. I'm not joining the fan club.
Whew. That's a relief. I was trying to figure out how to get along with that guy here on the board. :lol:
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Post by martinfoyle »

The same blog ... chive.html
has this
Last night, I went to see the off-Broadway show "Monster" starring Dylan Moran. Moran is a comedian from the UK.
Dylan is Irish, so this Jeremy guy clearly doesn't know his arse from his elbow. ... moran.html
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Post by Pov »

SweetPear wrote:And Steve got a haircut!

Speaking of Steve.....I'm sure one of you guys can tell me, what was he playing or doing with his hands on several of the earlier songs? It looked like he was waving his hand (or hands) back and forth in the air over the keyboard manipulating the sound in some way. Was that a synthesizer or something? I WAS SITTING SO FAR BACK I COULDN'T TELL!!!!!!
He was playing the ferriman (sp?) It's a musical instrument that changes pitch depending on how you move your hand around this little stick. I think it works based on capacitance, but not having taken any physics since high school I can't say much more.
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Post by HungupStrungup »

theremin (ther·e·min)
NOUN: An electronic instrument played by moving the hands near its two antennas, often used for high tremolo effects.
ETYMOLOGY: After Leo Theremin (born 1896), Russian engineer and inventor.
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Post by HungupStrungup »

Hey folks! Two straight nights without "Alison"!

Prediction (or maybe silly wish) for Saturday: "I Want You" scored for symphony orchestra.

Yes, I granted in a previous post that "Heart Shaped Bruise" was played - I had the wrong name.

And Isaac Guzman is right about "The Love That Burns." It was scathing, and great!

For those keeping track (or not), "Deep Dark Truthful Mirror" is the only song that was done both nights. I predict it will make an appearance Saturday as well. Night one was heavy on North songs, but he didn't do any of them last night. And so far, only two songs from When I Was Cruel have been done. My Aim Is True and This Year's Model are clearly ahead of it.

Oh, and he joked that he considered calling the new album South.
Last edited by HungupStrungup on Fri Jul 16, 2004 8:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pov »

HungupStrungup wrote: Shotgun
Did anyone else think, when they started playing that song, that he was going into Moods for Moderns?
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Post by Pov »

johnfoyle wrote:Tonight, we had a summer associate trip to see Elvis Costello perform at Lincoln Center.
This line says it all. He's probably some spoiled, twenty-something summer associate at a law firm who's getting paid lots of money and being wined and dined while doing virtually no productive work. I know. I used to be one myself :D

Wait till he goes back to that law firm full time after he graduates law school. He won't have any time for shows or concerts, let alone blogging becuase he'll be working 90 hours a week. Heh Heh Heh . . .
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Post by lovesickoflove »

laughingcrow wrote: LSOL...what was the 'well received heckle'?
well now it's a contribution to the "sliver of levity" i guess :lol: but I called Vivian a liar during the introduction to Delivery Man, and Elvis said, "Yes you're right..."

(then as quoted by the NY Post:)

"She's pretty much a liar and a drunk and a slattern into the bargain," he said. "But we love her anyway."

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Post by Poppet »

which one of those songs near the end was 'Needle Time' - is that from the new album?

holy mother of gods, that was the BESTEST song. elvis was once again wailing on the lead guitar. very trippy. LOVE it.

and thank you, Sweet Pear, for confirming that steve did have a haircut. i was confuzzled by the lack of professorial hair flying about, having been at tuesday's gig as well.
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