This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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A rope leash
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Post by A rope leash »

Maybe some of you'se can fill me in on the reasons behind some of the current human activities...

...or maybe not...

Why does the governer of New Jersey have to resign now that he has been outed as gay? How long will it be before all gay people are rounded up and caged?

Why are we blasting away at an Iraq holy shrine? Did someone throw a rock at us? What happens when we knock a big hole in it? Will they love us even more?

Why are we still in Iraq? Didn't we turn the governement over to a new legal authority? Will we ever leave? Will we ever learn?

Is Iran next?

Is democracy real, or just an ideal?

Who gives a shit if Laci Peterson was killed by her husband? Isn't there literally hundreds of spousal murder cases active around the country? What's so special about this one?

What killed Rick James?

What will become of me? Where will I go? When will I regain the pride I once had for my country? Who here can help?

Will I ever grow up, and become the hating, spiteful, disparaging creep that my country wants me to be? Am I already there?

Does being gay in this country feel like having leprosy? Is leprosy preferable to being gay? When my brother died, was he granted a new body? Is he now in Hell, being punished? Who here believes that? Who here can prove that?

My brother was a wonderful person. He understood love. What if almost everyone was gay? Would we make pariahs of hertros?

When everything gets blown to smithers, will the profits make the profiteers safe?

When Judeo-Christianity conquers Islam, will it then be the Only Real Truth?

Does anyone think a rope leash will accept it then as fact?

Whatever happened to science?

Doesn't it feel good to spew and vent?

Can you answer a question, or give me a hint?

*takes a deep breath, clicks "submit"*
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A rope leash
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Just don't look Just don't look Just don't look Just don't l

Post by A rope leash »

Perhaps I did not make myself clear! I want IMMEDIATE answers!

I know that's too much, and I know a lot of you are afraid. Blame So Lack. He's the one who woke me up...

What the Hell, maybe I'll just post pictures and eat bandwidth until I puke up my own brain...


Does this guy look like your dad or what?
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Post by Tim(e) »

Additional angst inducing material in relation to your first question re gays: ... ?from=top5
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Weapons of mass distraction

Post by A rope leash »

Gotta love the headline on that one, T.

It sounds like the same thing that is happening here in the USA. Gay marriage is a contrived non-issue, designed to distract us from the wreckage of our true values.


Who are the brain police?
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Post by clairequilty »

Here here.

Why did Jack Ryan have to fold his cards after his matrimonial sexual exploits were exposed?

Why was Ted Kennedy's hearing about his role in the death of the young woman at Chappaquittic (sp?) completely closed?

The list goes on and on across the US and the world.

Power, the desire for it. Everybody wants it, and will lie, cheat, and steal to retain it.
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Post by A rope leash »

So, is the quest for truth by the average individual a total waste of time?

Image ... nCabal.cfm

What will you do when the label comes off?
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Post by clairequilty »

The "truth" swirls around you, me, and every thing indefinitely.

It invades every pore. GWB says Bin Laden is evil. Garafaolo says GWB is evil. Everybody fighting to survive, and stake their claim.

O'Reilly hates Moore. Moore hates Heston. Round and round we go.

The twin towers are gone. It's GWB's fault. It's Spike Lee's fault. It's Mary Jo Kepcny's fault.

Bottom line is politics is power. We're all gonna fight to preserve our power. How do humans preserve it? The Repubs and Dems have different methods, but in the end they all want to preserve their power.

Go ahead, fight for truth. But it's a stray dog that will bite you in the ass, and never let go.
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Post by A rope leash »

I knew that seeking the truth was a pain in the ass, but...


So, instead of the truth setting us free, we should set ourselves free from the truth?
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Post by clairequilty »

The pictures are pretty Rope, and if they help you find the truth, then good for you. But your version of the truth and mine come shaded differently.

My version will omit things you hold as fact, and vice versa. Existence isn't a card game where somebody yells Gin and wins.

It's a constant never ending struggle to succeed, and beat the other guy, girl, ideology, species, or nation up.

It's an endless shuffle. Nobody wins. Not even the house.
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Choose not

Post by A rope leash »

Would you agree that, between the shades and omissions, an actual, factual truth exists?


Are facts worth dying for?

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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

I still don't think being hetrosexual is all it's cracked up to would be much better to be more bullshit with women.
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Post by bambooneedle »

Cope, is there anything stopping you from going gay? No? Well there you go then.
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Post by miss buenos aires »

Does anybody watch Six Feet Under? Last week, Claire says, "It would be so much easier to be gay; no more dealing with unfamiliar sex organs." David, her (gay) brother, replies, "They're all unfamiliar unless they're your own." Truer words were never spoken.

This is my take on the McGreevey situation, as a New Jerseyan (and I believe I'm the only practicing one here): the gay affair is a smokescreen. McGreevey (like many New Jersey politicians) has been plagued with corruption scandals almost since day one. If it turns out that he played fast and loose with campaign finance laws, no one's going to remember, because everyone will fixate on him playing fast and loose with another man. I have to say, it's original.
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Post by A rope leash »

Cope, maybe you should try bi...


...that way, you automatically double your chances of getting a date!

(Woody Allen)

It's not easy being gay if you live in the Bible Belt.

Everywhere you go, well, there you are...

...and here I'm is.
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Post by Mr. Average »


An actual, factual Truth does exist. It is omniscient and pervasive. However, there is no scientific paradigm or method of this world that is capable of proving it. Its proof is other- worldly. The scope of our mental faculties is far too limited to fully grasp the implications of this Truth. There is no Grand-vizier, mentor, guru, high-priest, cleric, philosopher, or scientist who can prove it.

If incontrovertable proof is required for everything that you believe in, then life must be a very painful experience indeed.

Keep the Faith, baby.
"The smarter mysteries are hidden in the light" - Jean Giono (1895-1970)
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Of course...

Post by A rope leash »

It's true that we cannot perceive many things.

I don't have to know everything, but I think that when something is obviously impossible, then no one should "believe" in it. It leads to bad things, because when we start with an implausable theory, the equations become ever misleading.

As for human events, I think it is becoming more and more evident that we cannot trust other humans to reveal the absolute truth via the regular media.

I wouldn't say my existence is painful.


See? I'm perfectly normal...
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Post by Mr. Average »

I have been thinking a lot about you lately Rope, and what makes you "think and reflect on the world" the way you do. I imagine three fictional circumstances that have helped me to form a perspective:

1. Kwai Chang Caine of TV's Kung Fu finally breaks under the constant pain induced by picking up that pot of hot coals every week with his forrarms. Tranquility lost, he becomes a postal employee and smashes his flute over the head of the first customer demanding self-adhesive postage stamps with Butterfly images, and;

2. Elle Driver (Daryl Hannah) has it up to here (pointing around my neck region to approximate where here legs end and torso starts) with Pia Mei, her Kung fu Master, and poisons his fish heads. His spirit returns from the netherworld to blind her by plucking out her only good eye. Now, unable to manuever away from "Black Mambo" (Beatrix Kiddo and the snake) she suffers a life of complete and utter frustration and despair, and;

3. Ralph Macchio plants a bike bomb between the spokes of Mr. Miyagi's two-wheeler as he comes to grips with the repressed anger that was beset upon him directly as a function of the constant belittling by Pat Morita during the filming of the Karate Kid. With Mr. Miyagi blown to smithereens, Ralph plots his next sinister disaster by allowing himself to be cast in an acting role. The world cringes in dour anticipation of the worst....

How close am I?
"The smarter mysteries are hidden in the light" - Jean Giono (1895-1970)
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Not very...

Post by A rope leash »

I'm just out in the woods with my squirrel gun.
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