drunken things we have done in the last week

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miss buenos aires
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drunken things we have done in the last week

Post by miss buenos aires »

Now, remember, this is only in the last week. No stories from twenty years ago, the embarrassment/pride must still be fresh.

-made out with three firemen
-chased two boys down a dark street at four in the morning, threatening to punch them because one of them had slapped my ass
-sang along to every word (at the top of my lungs) of Wham!'s "Freedom"
-danced on a table
-told off my friend's boyfriend for flirting with another girl in front of her
-demanded that the barman play some Elvis Costello
-pole-danced to "Alison"
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Post by taz »

-while I was posing as a fireman some random girl came up and started making out with me.

-After I accidentally brushed up against this girls 'posterior' I got chased down a dark street at 4:00 in the morning.

A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fuckin' cross? It's kind of like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on.
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Post by Poppet »

well, dang, i really doubt i could beat that, any week.

miss ba, my admiration for you just keeps on growing. :)

it is friday, but i plan on being relatively tame. MUST have energy to clean the apartment this weekend. well, at least, i'm starting out w/ good intentions. we'll see how it ends up.
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Re: drunken things we have done in the last week

Post by verbal gymnastics »

miss buenos aires wrote:Now, remember, this is only in the last week. No stories from twenty years ago, the embarrassment/pride must still be fresh.

-made out with three firemen
-chased two boys down a dark street at four in the morning, threatening to punch them because one of them had slapped my ass
-sang along to every word (at the top of my lungs) of Wham!'s "Freedom"
-danced on a table
-told off my friend's boyfriend for flirting with another girl in front of her
-demanded that the barman play some Elvis Costello
-pole-danced to "Alison"
Please let me know the next time you're in London! Who's up for a night out with MBA?
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

How does one pole dance to Alison? It's a bit slow, isn't it?

Post by selfmademug »

Holy crow, MBA. Damned impressive!!! The WHAM singalong was priceless...

Hmm.. lessee...

- Jawed endlessly but happily to tons of people I didn't know; consoled a crying woman in the ladies'; made a lovely new 'friend'; leered shamelessly at Elvis (this all at the Elvis show, see) and got a bit of a leer back (during guitar interlude of DETECTIVES, oddly).

- Took a lot of pretty useless photographs and one or two good ones

- With my pal Talullah, watched first in shamed horror, then in pity but ultimately in hysterics as a very sad grey carp humped his reflection in the side of his fishtank (in a bar, this was). (Narrating: "Oh, baby, you're always there for me! We're so in synch!," etc...) He then crumpled to the pebbly floor for a soggy smoke, we think...
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Post by oily slick »

define "pole".
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Oh, Oily...

*shaking head, disapprovingly*
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Post by Poppet »

selfmademug wrote: - Jawed endlessly but happily to tons of people I didn't know; consoled a crying woman in the ladies'; made a lovely new 'friend'; leered shamelessly at Elvis (this all at the Elvis show, see) and got a bit of a leer back (during guitar interlude of DETECTIVES, oddly)....
you didn't say anything before about a leer!!!! you're supposed to say things like that, i live vicariously thru all you people. come ON already!

lady crying in the loo? good lord. you really did have a day at the show.

i'm up for drinks anytime, dear. drop me a note. though, i'd be happy to miss the amorous fishies.
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Post by so lacklustre »

miss buenos aireswrote
made out with three firemen
Did you polish their helmets? :lol:

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Post by BlueChair »

Wow, you alcoholics! The last time I was even close to drunk was Saturday night, but I don't recall doing anything stupid. Then again, maybe that's a bad sign.
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Post by bambooneedle »

Was this too good for the "How did we sabotage ourselves.." thread?
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Post by SweetPear »

Fuck~ I have a fucking boring fucking life~

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Post by BlueChair »

Last night I was heckling people/items as we drove by them. In a more peaceful moment, I also stole a flower from outside a restaurant and placed it into my shirt pocket.
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The Lost Light

Post by A rope leash »

...because drinking makes everything wonderful! O Sweet, haven't you seen the advertisements? You're life will never be boring if you drink up. Get with it! Booze is cool!
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Post by Gillibeanz »

ROPE: You know as well as I do booze is only cool if taken in moderation. The things drunks find hysterically funny are usually not even remotely amusing to someone who is stone cold sober! :?
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Post by sulkygirl »

Tell me about it!!

Came home last night to a very drunken hubby...every time I tried to have a converstion with him about ANYTHING, he'd waltz off onto a completely unrelated tangent...then, he couldn't understand why I simply chose to stop talking to him!! HE thought he was being witty as hell---I just thought he was being annoying...

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Post by Gillibeanz »

I dont find drink amusing at all Sulky. I never did like that feeling of being out of control, and even worse like death on a stick the next morning. I have only ever been drunk twice in my life and I guess in some peoples eyes that makes me a boring old fart but I dont give a damn. To me seeing a person drunk is a sad sight not a funny one - Its so bloody degrading for a start. It turns intelligent people into jibbering idiots.........

I spent the first 4 years of my relationship with my partner revolving mainly around drink. We had to be in places he could get it at all times, and couldnt go anywhere after 5pm as he would be over the limit to drive by then. I wont even go into the amount of days lost on holidays abroad or days out at home that had to be cancelled because of him feeling too ill to do anything after a binge the night before.

Also both my mother and my sister were alcoholics at one time and I guess thats why 2 glasses of red wine was always my limit. When my partner went teetotal 18 months ago I gave up that to support him - and god bless him hes stuck to it. Im very proud of him as he did it himself with no help from anyone but me and it wasnt easy! :D

By all means enjoy a drink, and many do without damaging themselves. But on the other hand too many lives have been ruined by it one way or another, and its a slippery slope to go down without realising you are becoming dependant on it for a good time or just to get through the day. :?
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Post by mood swung »

good points, Gilli. You are not a boring old fart. but why do I feel more alive when I'm on the edge of something cataclysmic and massively stupid?
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Post by sulkygirl »

I have to agree, but, then again, I'm a "certified" alcoholic.

In that, everyone in my family (with the exception of my 2 Grandmothers) are confirmed/reformed alcoholics.

You could say it's bred into the blood, I guess.

But I've been through the inpatient/outpatient courses (DWI in 1997), have read all of the AA literature (including the Blue Book), have DONE the 12 steps, and it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference in my life. I mean, the concepts & principles have always been OBVIOUS to me, nothing I learned was a real relavation...I only drink a few beers on Mondays (at my local "hidey hole"), and I enjoy a beer (or 10~JOKE) after work every other evening.

I don't drive when I drink, and I don't mess w/ the hard stuff hardly (occasional 'shot with a beer' on the rare occasions hubby & I go out)...too many cases in my younger days of drinking 6 or 7 cocktails, and "Hmmm..where's the buzz?", only to have ONE MORE and black out completely..."Well, did I at least have fun?"

So, I basically stick to beer (Rolling Rock, Corona, and Budweiser, in that order of preference), and I drink it at home while cleaning house, listening to tunes, or reading a book.

Still got the SR 22 insurance and a "Probationary License" until 2005...


Thanks for letting me vent, folks.

:roll: :oops:
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Post by miss buenos aires »

But clean living, that's my motto these days. I expect it to last until about noon tomorrow, when I roll into Amsterdam.
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The law does not see it as an illness.

Post by A rope leash »

*slams fist into wall*


Once alcohol gets you in trouble with law enforcement, then you begin to know that it's not a joke. The Budweiser ads never show anyone being handcuffed and and cradled into the back seat of a patrol car.

I've always said it was very strange. Here's a product that you're supposed to exercise care and restraint with, but by the very nature of it's effects care and restraint are obliterated. It's a trap, and once law enforcement gets ya, they drain you dry until you've learned your lesson.

There's no sympathy for reality involved. Ain't that right, Sulk?
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Post by SweetPear »

I could almost fall for that booze is fun and cool but I would do ANYTHING to NOT get that unbearable hangover.
For me, that reason alone is enough.

Every once in a while I could go for a cold beer or a glass of Chardonnay and even a margharita.....and it would be very rare for me to finish any of them. I guess too, I don't want to be that out of conttrol either.

Yes, I'm your basic responsible adult and mother of four impressionable children.
I'm also an incredibly curvy, sexy woman. Mature and intelligent and knows what she's looking for.
Huh, take a drink o that! :wink:

:lol: :lol:
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Sarcasm detectors on, please

Post by A rope leash »

Hmmm, it seems Gilli and Sweet did not detect the sarcasm that my two other posts on this thread were laden with. I've got to be more direct. Check out the last post on my Photo Gallery thread.

Incredibly curvy and sexy, we must see the photos....

Post by selfmademug »

Sulky-- my husband's like that even when he's sober... sigh.

As for drink, I love it but I've always thought of it as a dangerous sport. Some are physically suited to it and like it, others are suited and can't be bothered; still others really aren't suited.

I might like driving a race car if I tried it, for instance, but I'm certain I'd kill myself pretty quickly. Ditto any sport where one's life depended on tying a particular kind of knot properly, you know?

Luckily there are lots of fun things that don't require knot-tying skills-- or drinking.
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