Best/Most Memorable Kiss???

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Best/Most Memorable Kiss???

Post by Marxbro »

I've been posting stuff on my blog about some of the girls/women that I've been with and I just read a comment by someone there that gave me pause and then this question popped into my noggin: What was your best or most memorable kiss?

What do I mean? Well, out of all the times you have shared, given, or been given a kiss in your life which one (if there is one) stands out? Was it a kiss from your Dad on your forehead when you landed your first double axel? Was it a shared kiss under a waterfall somewhere? Did you kiss someone goodbye, knowing that it would be the last time you did?
This is one that you should think about before answering. Do some mental research and see what tops your list. I'm not sure what mine is yet, but when I get it I'll post it.

I'm Marxbro by the way, noob to the boards here but lifelong EC fan. I'm listening to the Juliet Letters right now as a matter of fact.
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spooky girlfriend
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

I suppose I have had many different kinds of kisses in my life - to friends, family, children, and romantic ones. But one kiss I guess I will always remember was with Doc.

We had been friends ever since breaking up as a couple during our freshman year in college. We were there for each other as we graduated college, married other people, had children, and then we helped each other through our respective divorces. I had been feeling strongly attracted to him again and wanted to act on it, but didn't want to ruin the friendship we had built upon for so many years. While visiting his house one day, I finally asked him to kiss me. It was as though the world stopped for that time that we stood there and I saw all the important events of my life flash before me. I realized that he had always been there for me, but now it was different. We were older, wiser, and ready to try it again. I knew once that kiss happened that I could never live without it again, and it wasn't until then that I understood how empty I had been.

I just thought today was an appropriate time to recall that. Plus I know Doc always jokes with me since I broke up with him on Valentine's Day when we dated in college. :roll:
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