What are you reading?

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What are you reading?

Post by taz »

I just finished The Fountainhead (had been sitting on my shelf for over a year, finally bit the bullet). Currently reading Jackdaws by Ken Follett (junk food)
A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do you think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fuckin' cross? It's kind of like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on.
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Post by shabbydoll »

You guys won't believe this, or maybe you would, I'm on my third Harry Potter book. Nuts, I know.
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Post by pip_52 »

Just finished reading Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell.

Just started We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (the inspiration for 1984).
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Post by so lacklustre »

Shabby - I've read all the Harry Potter books, they're okay but a lot of the ideas are borrowed from elsewhere, notably Terry Pratchett.

I'm ploughing through another Colin Bateman book, called Murphy's Law.
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

"Are You Ready For The Country?" by Peter Doggett. Elvis, Dylan, Parsons and the roots of counrty rock.

Re-reading "The Outsider" by Albert Camus. It's my only trusted travelling companion.

I've got to re-read the last Harry Potter one before The Order of the Phoenix comes out in a couple of weeks.
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Post by BlueChair »

I'm reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Believe it or not, I have never read this before. A lot of my friends had to in high school, but we didn't read it in my class.
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Post by mood swung »

I'm going to bring the IQ level down a bit (ok, a lot!) and admit that I'm reading Bebe's book. It's hell. Between her and her co-writer you'd think they could tell a story. I had Catch-22 out from the library for a month and couldn't get started on it and the library demanded it back!! Can you imagine? I was so angry, I used their restroom and didn't flush!

Colin Bateman's up after that, and I've managed to get two other books out of my stingy librarian's hands-a book by Jessamyn West about her time in a camping alone, and I can't remember the other one.
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Post by bambooneedle »

Metamorhosis and other stories by Franz Kafka.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Well, the kids are out of school for the summer, either eating or fighting all day, and I'm trying to still finish Who's Who in Hell. Also trying to read the Poisoned Rose. But I also have a wedding reception to cater on Saturday, so not much reading until after that.

Spending what little free time I have typing on this damn website. :)
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Post by tokyo vogue »

spooky girlfriend wrote:Well, the kids are out of school for the summer



i'm re-reading Foucalt's Pendulum, by Umberto Eco, for like the 7th time now...it's comforting, which is odd, considering how unsettling it is. anyway.

mostly, i'm reading fanfic - which is absolutely horrible for the most part, but if you catch it right, can be waaaayyy better than whatever it's based on. plus, more sex. usually.

i just finished school, i don't wanna read anything taxing. bleh.
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Post by SoLikeCandy »

I just finished "Lolita". It's really quite funny in places--strange, since it's a book about a man in his forties who essentially kidnaps a 12 year old girl to molest her. An excellent book, if you can get past the initial shock of the plot.
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Post by double dutchess »

I just started "All Men are Mortal" by Simone de Beauvior. And I've been reading Chekov short stories at different intervals.

Mood Swung, I have to confess, when I worked at Borders I would read parts of Bebe's book during some lunch breaks. I completely agree, her writing ability (or lack thereof) is apalling!

Hee hee, but it's a great guilty pleasure, no? :wink:
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Post by sulkygirl »

Currently reading Tom Robbins "Jitterbug Perfume"...may have to cough up some cash later on & invest in a copy of "Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates"...hmmm.

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Post by SweetPear »

Hey, well, I just read Harry and the Lady Next Door. It's an I Can Read book! :)
I didn't get to do much reading when the kids were in school and I don't know if it'll be much better now that they're out. Not in less I plan on locking myself in the bath.
Who am I kidding...with four kids (and one extra living with us also), a BIG dog, three cats, a pond with six fish and a husband who is very little help....I lock myself in the bath and pray for five minutes of peace.

What I'm in the middle of is The Deepest Blue by Lauren Dockett. It's about how women face and overcome depression. (Is my vulnerability showing?) :oops:

PS. (MoodSwung and DD) Here's a confession for ya......I freakin bought that Bebe book! My God, what a totally pretentious little slut! I mean, C'MON!!! (NO jealousy implied AT ALL)
As it happened to be a cold winter evening, I was reading (and I use that term loosely here) by a crackling fire into which I tossed Ms. Buell's book in a fit of WHAT IS THIS CRAP?
I'm not angry anymore....
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

Hæ hæ..I just finished The Cold Six Thousand...a brilliant book by James Elroy.....It lives up to the greatness of American Tabloid.....

*reading also assorted crap in Danish...but don't know what these books are called in English*.....one of them is called The Dice Man...(translated directly)....a crazy shrink who starts up a macabre dice game where people play with their lives....good stuff.

I'm rolling the dice tonight baby...........
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Post by costellopunk »

i'm reading irvine welsh's maribou stork nightmares and bukowski's (i'm always reading bukowski) bwtting on the muse:poems and stories. i'm reading the second volume of hunter s. thompsons letters in between books.
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Post by miss buenos aires »

I just finally finished "Swann's Way" (volume one of In Search of Lost Time) and am working my way through several versions of the Tristan and Yseut legend. The next week is all about Medieval Lit (the exam looms a bit more dreadfully each day). Before bed, I read a little bit of this book called Les Céfrans parlent aux Français, which is about this teacher in the suburbs (read: ghetto) who makes a dictionary with his sixth-grade class of their slang words as a way to help them understand the way in which language can include, exclude, etc.
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Post by idle hands »

miss buenos aires wrote:I just finally finished "Swann's Way"
How long did it take? I've been reading that for months and I'm not past page 100... some other books got in the way, like Jorge Luis Borges complete works Vols I II and III. Books are soo cheap in Buenos Aires.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

I won't deny, for you gals that mentioned Bebe's book, that I have been curious about it. I've read several reviews on amazon.com and finally had decided not to purchase it because it just didn't look like a good read.

Still, ladies, I suppose we were all just wondering what it was like with Elvis, and she's the only one who wrote a book about it. . . . :wink:
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

Right, well this should do it....

I'm reading Frank Skinner by Frank Skinner (for those of you who don't know Frank Skinner is an English comedian who I find very funny).

I also bought Everyone Hide From Wibbly Pig by Mick Inkpen which I am reading to my 2 year old nephew.

It doesn't get much more highbrow than that does it?

For anyone who's read Wibbly Pig, isn't Pigley cute!
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Post by shabbydoll »

CP's new icon reminds me of the line 'somebody's in the kitchen'.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

VG - I'd never heard of Wibbly Pig, but I also have a two year old nephew who might like it. For a year I've been reading him tons of Thomas the Tank Engine.

But I looked up Wibbly on the net and he is cute. :)
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Post by Poppet »

i'm gonna bring the level down quite a ways w/ this one.

for the past two nights i've been reading "Death Brings Clarity", by J.K. Phillips. It's over 600 pp of self-published fan fiction.

met the author in person at the convention this weekend and bought the book and got her to sign it for me.

i'm still catching up on sleep. was up 'til 4 on sunday 'cause hey, you're supposed to stay up all night the last night of the convention. right?

i know, i am somewhat insane. everyone is entitled to their own personal insanity. mine is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. go ahead, mock me.
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Post by Poppet »

that was my first post here? gawd.

and where's maggie????? gotta go fix that.
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

spooky girlfriend wrote:I won't deny, for you gals that mentioned Bebe's book, that I have been curious about it. I've read several reviews on amazon.com and finally had decided not to purchase it because it just didn't look like a good read.

Still, ladies, I suppose we were all just wondering what it was like with Elvis, and she's the only one who wrote a book about it. . . . :wink:
The only Elvis fans who would read Buell's book are those who are only interested in how great a shag he was (I'm talking about the ladee fans here, the men, I don't know). From what I've heard and read, that and the fact that she still loves him, is all she talks about. I don't think I'd ever buy it....I'd feel.....well grubby, like!
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