San Diego tonight!

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San Diego tonight!

Post by ahawkman »

I'll be there, and will report back. Ought to be great! If anyone's going, drop me a line SOON!
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Re: San Diego tonight!

Post by LittleFoole »

ahawkman wrote:I'll be there, and will report back. Ought to be great! If anyone's going, drop me a line SOON!
Enjoy !!! Haven't heard any complaints 'bout his shows so far (when he played Knoxville, I didn't notice his voice sounding any "rougher" than usual...LOL)
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Post by AlmostBlue »

I heard a lot of complaints from those in the audience who didn't know that there are typically no oncores on this tour, and that he will play straight through 2 hours or 2 and one half house, ending with scarlet tide. There will be many who get a shock when the house lights go on. In Oakland, Paddy was practically dragging him off the stage so he could get the busses on the road to San Diego :-(
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Post by johnfoyle »

Jill writes to listserv -

San Diego 4th and B, 23.03.05 (long setlist and long account 34 SONGS)

All in all a really great show...only to be marred by some
really unruly people!

Here's the setlist with things that John E. may want to omit,
but it goes nicely with the soundtrack :-) hope I didn't forget

1. Next Time Round

(My first time hearing it live I do believe! I screamed
unvoluntarily for a short moment)

2. Uncomplicated

3. Beyond Belief

4. Radio Radio

5. Button My Lip

6. Country Darkness

7. Bedlam

8. Needletime

9. Green Shirt

10. Possession

11. Either Side of the Same Town

12. Chelsea

13. Clubland

14. Little Triggers

15. Girls Talk

16. Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down

17. Kinder Murder

18. When I Was Cruel No. 2

19. Watching the Detectives

20. The Delivery Man

21. Monkey to Man

22. Mystery Dance

23. Why Don't You Love Me (Like You Used To Do)?

24. There's A Story In Your Voice

25. I Can't Stand Up (For Falling Down)

26. Pump It Up (and band intros)

27. Heart of the City (!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(me fighting chicks by slamming back into them...I gave up my
standing strong pose for an obnoxious jig for a while and the
women melt away and then come back the audience and
getting really embarrassed for the audience the faces I was
making were probably confusing Elvis and he probably thought it
was a comment on the music, but it was my reaction to the
audience going nutzo)

28. (What's so Funny 'bout) Peace Love and Understanding?

(more shoving during this song and women singing/screaming the
wrong words in my ears...and the security guard coming over)
29. No Action

(Me really going at it with this other chick, I have a really
strong will, they say they are trying to help me not get
squished when they are the ones doing the squishing and
slamming!! It was totally a riot, I'm sad he didn't sing Riot
Act at this point)

30. Lipstick Vogue

31. You Belong to Me

32. Hurry Down Doomsday

(how ironic that he's play this while more of the melee
continues, it was great though)

(yes you are reading it right...33! Girl continues fighting me
verbally and keeps her arm wedged into mine, Elvis is seething
and plugging in guitar for )

33. I Want You

Band intros again

34. Scarlet Tide

(another irony if I were actually bleeding...which I wasn't
thank goodness...I almost bit a woman's arm that was in my face
tonight for goodness sake!)


On to the wonderful start to the show! I was in heaven. Right
up front in between Elvis and Davey! Really nice people all
around, pleasant company, we were enjoying it all. The show
starts off with a bang and just keeps rolling.

Slo leaves to get away from the stage an hour in, and then all
hell breaks loose. Out of the back I hear someone shouting
about a guy who's trying to get up front and feel a push from
behind. Security half assedly comes to scare him. No big deal.
I go back to watching the show. Slowly a group of at least
three individual girls start clawing their way to the front.
Bound and determined to get Elvis' attention, not from one deep,
but by dislodging the people on the fence. This starts during
When I Was Cruel No. 2 with the people shoving and wooing and
singing along and shoving and shoving and pushing and prying
their hands into people. When we didn't move they pushed harder
and harder and yelled into our ears to try to get us to move.

Then the arms of the women start being thrown over our heads
doing the hidious "look at me" dance and waving wildly and
hitting people in the head with their flailing arms and
screaming in peoples ears at totally random points in songs. At
the end of all of the ugliness I had a woman grabbing on to my
arm and trying to pull it off by shaking me. I had to pry at
least three women off of me, but I was not going to give in, I
was enjoying the show a lot. The more pleasant loon was the
crazy woman that was bumping and grinding on me (really folks)
from behind rubbing my shoulders and petting my back and arms.
Davey caught me when I was grimacing and smiled.

At one point I leaned over so the stupid women (yes some were
older than me) could get up and get their face time but I was
not moving. The Crack monkey called security over to get me out
of there, and he asked if I wanted to move and I said no. So
more pushing and shoving and women telling me if I didn't like
to be battered about, that I should sit in the back (it's not
like I wasn't trying to bop around on my own...they were
flailing folks and I was just in their way...even though they
could see fine from their position right behind me). They were
absolutely vicious and unrelenting, but I stood my ground. A
fight seemed to break out in the middle right in front of Elvis
I think during the Delivery Man.

Then we get "Monkey To Man" and the crowd gets crazier (and
Elvis calls us 'gentle folk of San Diego'). Lots of shoving in
the newly started mosh pit...started by crazed women it seemed!
At various points during each song thereafter, I pluck another
woman off me and tell her to stand off in not so many words.
They continue to bash into me...mind you I was not the only one
in the path of destruction! There were the other folks up front

Lots of noise and screaming and screaming along to "I Want You"
too when Elvis tried to calm the audience down for the end after
he saw the fighting in front of him. He pointed in the audience
and looked really pissed. I wish I saw what he did. I just
know what I encountered :-)

I have a nice bruised face and I'm a little sore, but I'll
survive. They didn't terrorize me into giving up my space no
matter how entitled they felt. It was such an upsetting and
negative experience (that didn't let up for almost an hour) that
I started weeping a little in the middle of "Scarlet Tide" I was
so frustrated. They wouldn't even shut up after they got up
front and center and he was off mic, it was all I could take of
such an ugly audience.

I'm over it now...didn't last too long, but I'm completely
shocked and dismayed at the same time thinking back. Never
going to see Elvis at 4th and B ever again. Grooving along and
dancing is one thing but starting a mosh pit and prying people
away from their spot just so you can flail around in front was
really ugly at it's worst. These people were like wild monkeys
indeed. Elvis really got 'em all frothed up! Other than that
last ugliness ruining the night a bit....what a F*CKING
Fantastic Show!!

Elvis stayed after and I was afraid of the mob, so I held back.
He stuck around for quite a while and signed and posed. He was
cool and no one attacked him at least! :-) I did confront the
crack monkey who kept hitting me and pushing me and she asked me
what did I expect? Well, to be treated fairly, humanely and
kindly at a concert for one. She said that if I didn't like it
to go in the back. But she didn't get it. I *loved* it up
front but hated her and the other women bashing into me and
grabbing me and hitting me with their arms and fighting me and
screaming into my ears. But that's just my account. Other
folks had a good time in the back away from the melee. I've
been to many a show up front, even punk shows, and I've never
seen or felt anything like it...well, except for a real crowd
rushing the stage at a GA arena show. But that was real! This
was a few people trying to make it seem like the whole audience
wanted forward, when it was just them...when they went away it
was calm. Jean, I wish you were there to have my back, I bet
you'd kill 'em all :-) Missed you! At least it was memorable!

Oh, Elvis had on Black suit with green tie with purple
highlights. Rest of the crew looked the same too :-) Elvis had
to restart a couple of songs from the crazed audience! Used
that crazy mic thing. Sang off mic for Scarlet Tide and had to
try a couple of times. Changed guitars many times. Didn't see
the George Harrison but saw the Flying Mojo for the first time!!
Woo! Elvis was in a great mood. He'd stage flirt with the
tall woman with the red shirt next to me every once in a while,
well, how could he ignore a tall good looking woman? I swear he
wanted to keep playing all night but he finished it up nicely
with Scarlet Tide to the unappreciative.

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What A Set List!!

Post by ElvisKansasFan »


If you ever check out this website dedicated to your work, then I'm asking you to PLEASE bring the San Diego set list along with you to Kansas City on May 3rd. What a treat! What lucky fans in San Diego......... Paul
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Post by guidedbyvoices »

ElvisKansasFan, are you FROM Kansas, or do you like the BAND kansas? Because that could change EVERYTHING
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Post by ElvisKansasFan »

Born in Kansas and raised in Florida. It's a long story how I came full circle back to Kansas, but it's not a bad place. I wish Elvis would understand that as he only uses the roadways of Kansas to get to Denver, Tulsa or Kansas City without ever stopping in Wichita for a gig. As for the band Kansas, they are from Topeka and still have a few concerts from time to time. I liked some of their work but seriously hated their commercial work such as Point of No Return, Dust in the Wind, etc. Take care! Paul in Wichita
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Post by oily slick »

don't ever say "dust in the wind". what an amazing setlist--green shirt, girls talk, possession. and lipstick vogue! surely pete can't keep up like he did at hollywood high. i hope ec's biorhythms are right and that setlist comes on to st louis.
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Post by johnfoyle »

What a show ! A chick fight.......and now this poor soul -

Brunette With Glasses At Elvis Costello Concert - m4w

Reply to:
Date: 2005-03-24, 1:47AM PST

I know this is a long shot, but there was a gal, who seemed to be with a taller guy, and she had beautiful curly hair and glasses on. I couldnt keep my eyes off of you...You are very attractive and I love your smile. If you read this and want to know more and that guy wasnt your serious boyfriend, then get back to me. Thanks!

this is in or around San Diego
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Post by elvicos01 »

Thats looks like the best set list of the tour so far.

Any other comments on this show.

Nice to see the return of Button My Lip. I like the way BML has introduced the TDM songs into the show. 4 or 5 fast pace songs to kick-it start the show, then into BML and then to Country Darkness.

Has always sounded great to the shows I have heard so far.
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Post by MichaelM »

I was at that show last night night and the crowd was pretty crazy. I must have seen about 3 or 4 near fights break out just around us, and so many stupid drunk people. I was on the same side, probably just a few feet behind Jill from that previous post.

Near the end Elvis looked pretty pissed off at a couple people down front and pointed at them, didn't look like security did anything about it.

The set list was great but the sound wasn't that good. His guitar was too low in the mix and I could see Elvis and Davey look over at the sound guy a few times.

Fun show, but I never expected the crowed to act like they did. I figure 2/3rds were older than me(I'm 36) and many acted like drunk asses. This is a lot comming from me since I've played in bands for the last 20 years and spent a good portion of the 80's going to punk shows. I just didn't expect this from a bunch of 40 and 50 year olds dressed up in nice clothes. People here sure seemed pissed off.

Pete still amazes me, I hope I can still play with the same kind of energy and for 2+ hours when I'm his age.
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Welcome back, Michael M, it's been a while. Glad you got to the gig. I was reasonably close up front in London to be able to study Pete closely, a great experience. This gig reads like a scene from Fight Club. Completely terrifying! Unbelievably good setlist. Haven't been following the US setlists, so I don't know if Little Triggers has been played at other venues, but I would love to hear that live.
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Post by mimimartini »

WOW I wasn't expecting this at all! I mean he seems to play to an older crowd and not to some thugs.

We (the whole audience) sat down for most of the Knoxville gig. He even said we were well behaved. Everybody got up and the end and danced, maybe it was the venue.......
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San Diego

Post by jillbeast »

Well that description covers about every chick in the hall, but I may remember which girl he was talking about...cute short bob with curly hair...this guy's net is too wide...he needs to say short or long hair, what shade of brunette, what kind of glasses (wire or plastic, small or large), and what the woman was wearing. The brunette wasn't me!! I don't have curly enough hair! :-) Plus I think I'm on the redder side right now. There were a ton of folks there, how many does that hall hold?

So, yeah Michael M...that show was rough! I didn't care for the mix up front either, but it's so much more fun to see the band's reactions. The sound guy came down in front during Tift's set, but that's such a different sound I don't know how he could base it on that!

I hope the rest of the shows are a little more peaceful, it was truly upsetting to have my entire last hour ruined by disruptions by the audience. I barely remember some of the TYM songs because those women were really on the attack. My bruises are showing up now and I feel I've done battle and I'm still dissappointed that there was no compromise for one whole hour! Heck I even bent down so the women could see Elvis and then hopefully leave me alone but they tried to get me removed from the hall, telling security that I wasn't feeling well and that I should leave, which was so far from the truth...they were trying *anything* but standing in line early to get up front! I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought there was an inordinate amount of assholeishness going on.
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Post by ahawkman »

The show was great; I was geeked about the setlist too because many of the songs were unexpected. For (partially) that reason, Little Triggers was my personal highlight. Other fave moments were I Can't Stand Up..., Heart of the City (I gotta break out Nick's PPFNP again), Possession, Green Shirt, Clubland, and Country Darkness.

Thanks to Jill for the setlist, I was hoping someone was taking notes!

Agree that the sound wasn't great. Elvis was in ok voice, but didn't seem quite willing to let it all go, still solid of course. I sat in the balcony just to the left of the stage for the first half, and then moved to the floor for the last half. I only got about 20 deep from the stage, but was able to see well. I did see EC point, but the crowd was fine everywhere I saw. I think poor Jill must've just gotten unlucky to be in that spot. I would not characterize the crowd that I saw as unruly at all, they were into the music, but well-behaved.

I took a few pics, most were not very good, but will try to post them in the next few days.
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Post by AlmostBlue »

Wow - ouch. I am familiar with the technique. Someone will sqeeze of to the front, and make a couple of calculcated jabs with an elbow to hit you in the ribs, and then comes the push. It is incredibly rude. I am sure the victim hear would have moved back if she simply said. Can I step in front of you because I am shorter? , or whatever. I would avoid that anyway. Have tried before ; the sound is quite horrid up there. The sound is so much better at least 5 or six rows back. Even the front of the balcony is a better spot. On top of that, if you are in the "pit," there is guaranteed one or two people screaming the words WAY off key, and at least two people yelling into their cell phones.
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Post by ahawkman »

Well, the concert pics didn't turn out well at all, too dark and I didn't want to distract by using the flash. Oh, I DID end up with one picture that I'm rather fond of. :o

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Post by King Hoarse »

Wow! What a setlist!

Pity about the disturbing elements. Sometimes you kinda wonder why some places pay for security at all. Surely not to keep the audience off the stage?

(There's a place in Germany, Schweinfurt (or Schwinefart as we now like to call it for obvious reasons), where my band as well as many legendary punk acts used to play but won't now, because there's an American army base pretty close, and every time a band comes there a big bunch of them pays to get in and stands in front with their backs to the stage waiting for some poor local to get close enough to pick a fight with him/her. Consequently, fewer and fewer of the local punk fans go to gigs there. They have security because there's a law or something, but they don't even interfere when these young men threaten the bands. I asked one of the bouncers-by-name why and they said it was because "they're the ones who pay" and they didn't want to lose customers, not realizing they were losing their non-aggressive audience as well as the best bands. Hope that Kansas place is different.)
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Post by Monkey Girl »

Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie. Not to EC, but to this forum. I read Jill's posting and had to join so that I could share my account of that crazy night in San Diego! We thought we had it bad..but you obviously had it worse! I have never ever seen anything like it! Jill, you were just to our right. We were second row(ish), center. I remember noticing a mosh pit forming sometime after Monkey to Man...We got a little turbulence off of it, but nothing serious until PLU. (ironic?) One woman had worked her way over to us to get away from the crazy women...who soon followed. I think there were 3 crazies in all. And boy were they mean! I don't generally mind if nice people want to come up close to get a peek...but these women were out of control aggressive. Slamming, yelling, flailing... but when one started flipping off Elvis and yelling that he sucked... I had to say something! I turned to the crazy closest to me and told her to go back where she came from and she called me a B---- and punched me in the stomach! My husband did not like that very much and he turned to her and she punched him in the face! He got a fat lip....and was bleeding! At that point he held her back as her arms swung all over the place trying to hit him some more! That's when security came over and thought my husband was to blame! And Elvis may have too because that's when he pointed at him with a very pissed off face! I was mortified. Still am, really. It makes me sick to my stomach to see people behave like disrespectful and ugly. And then to make us part of it! I can't say it ruined the night because it was by far the best performance I have seen of Elvis (well, maybe the Hi-Tone beats it)...what a great setlist! And he was in such a good mood! (Well, until the end...when he got mad at MY husband!) But it was a really great night. Did you see him get the stuffed monkey? My girlfriend and I tossed it on stage after Monkey to Man. He seemed to like it. He tried to put it on his mic and then on his head. And we did get to see him after the show for a picture and an autograph. He was smiling, so my hope is that he understood what really happened!
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San Diego Show

Post by Pidgin »

Well...I for one, want to welcome Monkey Girl to this friendly forum! I will also welcome myself since I am new here too. I used to post on the original 'official EC site' and had lots of fun with that until it wasn't so fun anymore...remember? Since that time I've seen Elvis in San Diego twice, LA, Memphis and Charlotte and will always love his music! In the last three years Elvis has treated us in so many ways. The music has just been pouring out of him! AND there is still so much to look forward to.

Jillbeast, I understand your pain (and excitement) from the San Diego Show. I started to feel claustrophobic twords the end with all those people pushing on us. Did you see the freak wearing the black hooded sweatshirt?

About the mystery girl, I think i was standing next to the girl with the curly brown hair with dark rim glasses. We met her before the show and she was v sweet. She was there with a tall man who was her friend from Escondido. Her name was Naomi, I believe, but thats all I have for you.

MichealM, I was struck as well by Pete's seemingly endless amount of energy (not to mention everyone else in the band!) I was able to ask him about that after the show to which he replied,"it takes lots of carrot juice!"
So, maybe if you start drinking it now....

Monkey girl, I just think your terrific! We've had a great time as Elvis fans...more to come.
Also, I want to say Hello to Jean (don't know your screen name) who shared this new site with me in Memphis. Hello!

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Post by spooky girlfriend »

First of all, welcome to the new members. There's always room for more Elvis fans here.

Jill, I read your story on listserv and couldn't believe that such crappy people would show up at an Elvis show. Hope you're healing up well. Dang shame.

There were a lot of rude talking people at the Ryman show as well. I think I've just decided that there are rude people everywhere, even at Elvis shows.
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Thanks Spooky G

Post by Monkey Girl »

Thanks Spooky G! Nice to be welcomed!

Glad to be here to share in it all.

Any of you going to the Athens Show 4/27?
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Welcome to the newcomers.

My theory is it was zebrasnake going mental there. She reckoned there must have been at least one board member in the vicinity and decided to get her own back.
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Thanks Otis!

Post by Monkey Girl »

Zebrasnake? What's the story?
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Long time ago. Old Elvis board. Lots of trouble. Did I leave anything out guys? I wasn't even there myself, but I've heard. :roll:
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