Rank Trust

Pretty self-explanatory
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King Hoarse
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Post by King Hoarse »

To wardo68 - yes, I will post one on Ten Bloody Liberties eventually, but I thought I'd wait until it gets rereleased and remastered, which I hope it will, along with Out Of Our Idiot, so more people will get a chance to buy it. Not that I don't think most people here knows all the songs, but...

And to everyone else, I'm happy and amazed that you aren't getting tired of ranking off yet. Keep 'em coming!
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Post by wehitandrun »

I know Taking Liberties is getting the Rhino treatment, is this the same as "Ten..."?

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Post by TheImposter »

New Lace Sleeves
From A Whisper To A Scream
White Knuckles
Different Finger
Pretty Words
Shot With His Own Gun
Lover's Walk
You'll Never Be A Man
Fish 'N' Chip Papers
Strict Time
Watch Your Step
Big Sister's Clothes
Sour Milk Cow
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Post by Sour Milk Cow »

New Lace Sleeves
You'll Never Be A Man
Big Sister's Clothes
White Knuckles
Watch Your Step
Pretty Words
Different Finger
Fish 'N' Chip Papers
Lover's Walk
Strict Time
Shot With His Own Gun
From A Whisper To A Scream

It is hard, but doing this makes me realize, somewhat reluctantly, that TRUST is a very 50-50 affair for me. Half the songs are GREAT, and half of them are very definitely NOT great. They're not bad, they're good. They're fine. And they sit well on the album. But they benefit greatly from being surrounded by the GREAT half.

The album is well-sequenced. Every song that's not so great is either preceeded or folllowed by a bonafide classic.

One thing is clear: Black Sails In The Sunset should be on TRUST. It fits, and it is better than at least 6 of the songs here, IMHO.

Another thing is clear, in spite of these new realizations: I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!!!!!!!! Admitting that it is not perfect just makes me love it even more. Even my least favorite songs here have something that makes me want to jump for joy. Yes, "Different Finger" is lame compared the almost anything on King of America, but it's still a damn good little country song. I wish he'd sing it live on the Delivery Man tour.

What an album.
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Post by wehitandrun »

Pretty Words
Fish 'N' Chip Papers
Lover's Walk
Strict Time
Shot With His Own Gun
From A Whisper To A Scream

These songs are on the "not great" part of the record?

Awww. Well, hopefully in time you'll see the genius of "Strict Time" and "Lovers Walk".
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Post by VonOfterdingen »

1. Watch your step
2. Big sister's clothes
3. You'll never be a man

4. Shot with his own gun
5. Different Finger
6. Fish n' chip paper
7. Strict time
8. Pretty words
9. Lover's walk
10. New lace sleeves

11. White Knuckles

12. From a whisper to a scream
13. Luxembourg
14. Clubland

No. 4-10 are impossible for me to rank. All great songs. Clubland is very exhausting though...
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Re: Rank Trust

Post by RinghioStarr »

One of my top 4 Elvis' Album.

01. White Knuckles
02. From A Whisper To A Scream
03. Lovers Walk
04. You’ll Never Be A Man
05. Watch Your Step
06. Clubland
07. New Lace Sleeves
08. Pretty Words
09. Strict Time
10. Big Sister’s Clothes
11. Shot With His Own Gun
12. Luxembourg
13. Different Finger
14. Fish ’N’ Chip Paper
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Post by Chrille »

Strange, when I searched for this thread, as well all pre-Rank Imperial Bedroom rank threads, I couldn't find anything. Oh well, hopefully someone will help me dig up the rest. Not sure King Hoarse will be too happy about putting together new statistics for all of them though ;).

1. Big Sister's Clothes
2. Watch Your Step
3. White Knuckles
4. From A Whisper To A Scream
5. Lover's Walk
6. Strict Time
7. New Lace Sleeves
8. Clubland
9. Luxembourg
10. Shot With His Own Gun
11. You'll Never Be A Man
12. Fish N Chip Paper
13. Different Finger
14. Pretty Words
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Post by King Hoarse »

No problem, it takes a minute or so, and I enjoy it too. I've already modified the results after Ringhio's post, and I'll do yours tomorrow, 'cause I'm on my way to bed.

Most of the time, when an old ranking gets a new contribution I'll just edit the old Results post and not make a new one for it, so if anyone's interested, just search for example "Results: Trust ranked" 'cause they're likely to be pretty far from the first page.

If you want to rank a particular record, just use the search function (the one for all the typed words) and type for example Rank This Years Model, and you'll find it.

Just keep 'em coming, folks!
Last edited by King Hoarse on Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bobster »

Steve's finest hour (and a pretty good for everyone else!)

You'll Never Be A Man
Watch Your Step
Lover's Walk
From A Whisper To A Scream
New Lace Sleeves
Strict Time
Big Sister's Clothes
Fish N Chip Paper
Shot With His Own Gun
Different Finger
White Knuckles
Pretty Words
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Emotional Toothpaste
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Post by Emotional Toothpaste »

Trust is a great album, in the top 5 for me. Very diffiuclt. I like the punkish mayhem of Luxembourg. Snappy melody of Pretty Words. The country twang of Different Finger. The percussive drive to Lovers Walk. Its all here.

1. Luxembourg
2. Pretty Words
3. Different Finger
4. Lovers Walk
5. New Lace Sleeves
6. Fish n Chips
7. Watch your Step
8. Strict Time
9. White Knuckles
10. From a Whisper
11. Clubland
12. You'll never be a man
13. Big Sisters Clothes
14. Shot withhis own gun
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Taste Of Poison
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Post by Taste Of Poison »

1. Watch Your Step
2. Big Sister's Clothes
3. New Lace Sleeves
4. Shot With His Own Gun
5. You'll Never Be A Man
6. Strict Time
7. Lover's Walk
8. Fish 'N' Chip Papers
9. Pretty Words
10. White Knuckles
11. From A Whisper To A Scream
12. Clubland
13. Luxembourg
14. Different Finger
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Post by DeathWearsABigHat »

1. New lace sleeves
2. Watch your step
3. Big sister's clothes
4. Lover's walk
5. Fish n' chip paper
6. From a whisper to a scream
7. You'll never be a man
8. Clubland
9. Shot with his own gun
10. Different Finger
11. Strict time
12. Pretty words
13. White Knuckles
14. Luxembourg
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Post by strangerinthehouse »

1. Watch your step
2. Pretty words
3. Big sister's clothes
4. New lace sleeves
5. You'll never be a man
6. Clubland
7. Lover's walk
8. Shot with his own gun
9. Different Finger
10. From a whisper to a scream
11. White Knuckles
12. Strict time
13. Luxembourg
14. Fish n' chip paper
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Post by wardo68 »

King Hoarse wrote: Just keep 'em coming, folks!
Many thanks to the good King for handling these threads so nicely. When I first arrived at this board I think I came in after a few of the albums had already been ranked, and King adjusted the results accordingly and immediately. It made me feel welcome.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

I somehow missed this one. Here goes:

1. New Lace Sleeves
2. Strict Time
3. Watch Your Step
4. You'll Never Be A Man
5. White Knuckles
6. Clubland
7. Shot With His Own Gun
8. Big Sister's Clothes
9. From A Whisper To A Scream
10. Lover's Walk
11. Different Finger
12. Fish 'N Chip Paper
13. Pretty Words
14. Luxembourg
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Post by Unexpected No.4 »

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Post by MistakenForLilies »

1. Clubland
2. Strict Time
3. Watch Your Step
4. You'll Never Be A Man
5. New Lace Sleeves
6. White Knuckles
7. From A Whisper To A Scream
8. Lover's Walk
9. Big Sister's Clothes
10. Pretty Words
11. Fish N Chip Paper
12. Shot With His Own Gun
13. Different Finger
14. Luxembourg

I feel bad putting those 3 last. I really do like them, though you have to be in the mood for Shot With His Own Gun.
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Post by randrew »

This one is really difficult too. 2-8 are thoroughly interchangeable in my view, and the ones that end the list are better than most of what you hear on the radio these days.

1 White Knuckles
2 Watch Your Step
3 Clubland
4 Pretty Words
5 Big Sister's Clothes (despite the murky production)
6 Different Finger (highly underrated)
7 Strict Time
8 New Lace Sleeves
9 Luxembourg (maybe not the best recording, but I love playing this on my guitar)
10 From a Whisper To A Scream
11 Shot With His Own Gun
12 You'll Never Be a Man
13 Lovers Walk
14 Fish 'N' Chip Paper

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Post by thepopeofpop »

Definitely my favourite album. I don't dislike any of these songs, I just think some are greater than others

1 New Lace Sleeves
2 You'll Never Be A Man
3 Pretty Words
4 Big Sister's Clothes
5 Watch Your Step
6 Shot With His Own Gun
7 White Knuckles
8 Clubland
9 Strict Time
10 Lover's Walk
11 Luxembourg
12 Fish 'N' Chip Paper
13 From A Whisper To A Scream
14 Different Finger
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Post by alexv »

Ah, it feels so good to rate an old EC record rom the Golden Era. Not a clunker in the bunch. Every song is full of energy, hooks, and ace melodies. I love every song, but 13 and 14 I love slightly less.

1. Clubland
2. Different Finger
3. Watch Your Step
4. You'll Never Be A Man
5. Shot With His Own Gun
6. Pretty Words
7. From A Whisper To A Scream
8. New Lace Sleeves
9. Big Sister's Clothes
10. White Knuckles
11. Fish N Chip Paper
12. Lover's Walk
13. Strict Time
14. Luxembourg
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Post by hollyh »

1. New Lace Sleeves
2. Watch Your Step
3. Different Finger
4. Big Sister's Clothes
5. Shot With His Own Gun
6. Lover's Walk
7. Strict Time
8. White Knuckles
9. From A Whisper to a Scream
10. Club Land
11. You'll Never Be a Man
12. Pretty Words
13. Luxembourg
14. Fisn 'n Chip Paper

One thing that struck me, listening this time through, was that some of these songs have a great chorus, others have a great bridge, others just have an excellent hook -- so they keep switching around on the list even as I was listening to them, when I'd say, oh yeah, I forgot this part of the song, and that raises it up. (Even now I'm beginning to think I should be moving Lover's Walk up the list.) But the first four on my list, those are absolute little pop gems from start to finish. White Knuckles and Shot with His Own Gun, I'd forgotten how unsettling those two are.
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Post by so lacklustre »

I think you made a mistake. Pretty Words can't be that low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
signed with love and vicious kisses
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