My Car Accident

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My Car Accident

Post by spooky girlfriend »

Well, I thought it was enough when our van got hit three times in a multi-car accident back in April, an accident that wasn't our fault -but today I was involved in an accident where I am apparently lucky to have walked away.

Rotten luck in that the person responsible for the accident never stopped. Seems as though it was an elderly person who had already hit one person and had fled that scene, hit me and still kept going. I am thankful for the kind people who copied down the license plate number of that driver - one gentleman even wrote it on his hand in ink - and stayed with me at the accident until the police arrived. I am reminded of the kindness of strangers at a time like this.

Thankfully, none of my four children were with me and neither was my nephew, although I was on my way to pick him up when this happened. My husband was there within minutes after I called him and the poor van, which I understand now took more of a beating than I initially thought, will be in the shop for a while. It will be a few days before I find out who hit me and whether or not they had insurance. Sigh. Then we will go on from there.

I was told I was lucky to have walked away, reminded that it wasn't my fault, and glad to be here typing this message for you my board friends. I guess it could have been much worse.

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Post by El Vez »

Thank goodness you are all right!
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Post by noiseradio »

Glad you're okay. Hope they lock the bastard up.
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Post by laughingcrow »

Very sorry to hear that Spooky.. hope you're ok and taking it easy.
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Post by mood swung »

I'm glad you're ok!!!!

(this does remind me of another wreck story, tho....but I won't ask. until tomorrow anyway!)
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Post by Tim(e) »

Another who is glad you are fine.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

To answer your question that you didn't really ask, Mood, I was in full attire today - since I was ferrying chidren to and fro. No anniversary celebration or anything, so it was just me and some bum around town clothes. With full underwear this time. Funny though, I got hit right in front of the hospital I was taken to when that other accident happened.

But I am really sore now - I had time to know the accident would probably happen when I hit my brakes, so I tensed up and now my whole neck, shoulders, and stomach are pretty sore. It's amazing how many muscles can react when you think you're going to get hit.

I appreciate the concern from you guys - you're just the best and it means so much to me that you took time to post back to me. You're all wonderful.
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Post by sulkygirl »

Whoa, girl...

Glad you're okay. I hope they string the S.O.B. Up!!
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Post by taz »

So glad you are alright Spook!!!! Some of those old bastards need to be taken off the road!!!! (like that accident in California!). You better be careful, Joe Jackson is coming up!!!! :D
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Post by oily slick »

glad to here you had clean undies on this time. or undies on this time. cause you never know. they do need to get us old bastards off the road!
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Post by bobster »

Glad you're okay, spooky...

Also, I'm assuming you don't carry "uninsured motorist" coverage. (If you do, you might be covered regardless of whether the guy who hit you is insured, since you have the license plate number. If you are insured, and you haven't already, you need to call your insurance people.) -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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Post by so lacklustre »

Glad you're still in one piece Spooky. Have a long soak in the bath and a massage and I'm sure those aches will soon start healing.
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Post by SweetPear »

Spooky, it sounds very scarey! And I'm glad you're okay too!
I was just talking w/the mister the other day about elderly drivers and having to take a drivers test every so often. I just don't see how it's a violation of anyone's rights. Driving is a priviledge. If you had to pass a test to qualify to drive in the first place, what's so offensive about a little 'pop' quiz? Who are the people who think it better to put innocent people at risk just because they're afraid of offending someone who may not even be fit to be behind the wheel? It's not worth it. I don't want my kid out on the road if he can't pass his drivers test and the same should go for grandma and grandpa.....IMO.
I also got a dose of human kindness today, Spooky. I had to pull over to the side of a fairly busy route across town. It was two lane and cars could pass round me and I had my flashers on and was visible. This very kind woman drove up next to me and asked if I was okay and did I need her to call anybody for me. I was truely shocked! I thought that was incredibly kind.....and rare. It made me thankful that there ARE some good people out there.
Take care, Spooky!
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Lucky lady. Good to hear you're okay.
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

I too am glad that you're OK Spooky.

I don't quite understand the "With full underwear this time" comment but all sorts of thoughts have run through my naughty little head. I must get back onto the Photo Gallery! It's hot enough over here as it is!! :wink:

Take care.
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Post by Gillibeanz »

Doubly glad you are still with us Spooky. I really do believe we have a guardian angel looking out for us, and he certainly was with you on that day!
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Gosh, I'm really sore all over this morning. But so overwhelmed by everyone's genuine concern. :)

Bobster: I do carry uninsured motorists insurance. I carry quite a bit of car insurance for a few different reasons: 1) I have four kids, (2) I drive on school field trips and they require a certain amount in order to be a driver, (3) I've been hit before and I know that despite the laws requiring that every driver carry insurance, some get by without it.

It's just that we've already had to use our own personal collision insurance in April when we were involved in a 13 car accident here in town. None of it was our fault, but because so many cars hit in so many directions, the police never determined whose fault the accident "officially" was, so each person had to use their own insurance to cover their own vehicles. I was just hoping not to have to use my own insurance AGAIN when it's not my fault. I feel like it makes me look bad, you know?

And yes, insurance has been called - thanks for checking. My hubby came to the accident, changed the tire and put on the spare, and drove it to the garage. We have one certain business we deal with on these matters because they have proven themselves trustworthy. They told my husband it got knocked quite a bit out of line and until they could repair it, it was not safe to drive. Sigh. Another rental cometh. But we managed to let the insurance know while we were at the garage and already got a claim number and approval to start working on it, regardless of the outcome of the other driver.

For the record, it appears as though the other driver is so elderly or distracted from medication that they may end up losing their license. I have seen this becoming a growing problem and have watched both mine and hubby's older relatives lose their licenses because they were no longer able to conduct themselves on the road. There just comes a time when you have to stop driving.

Verbal: Not that my other story bears repeating, but in reference to the underwear, or the lack thereof, I was in an accident three years ago - ON my anniversary. I received several injuries, including a broken wrist, and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. When they finally got around to me in the ER, the nurses began to help me change into a hospital gown and noticed I wasn't wearing any underwear. I tried to explain that I had just been to purchase this new linen pantsuit I was wearing and one of my "gifts" for my husband for that night was to show up wearing it - with nothing underneath. Didn't quite work out that way. :? I got a few laughs in the ER, but I'm sure they've seen much worse. :D

Again, thanks to everyone for their concern. Really. You guys are the best. :wink: And Taz: I WILL be there with you at Joe Jackson - even if I'm still on pain medicine and in a rental car!!!! :) Hubby says we must be there!!
Last edited by spooky girlfriend on Fri Aug 08, 2003 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Copenhagen Fan »

jeeeez Spooky! That is a hell of a tale of horror!

It seems that old people in the States are just driving over people constantly and wiping them out like gnats!!!!!!!!!!

I heard two reports on the news when I was over there, that oldsters were plowing into crowds of people and destroying everything in their path! What the hell is going on over there????!
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Post by Boy With A Problem »

Spooky G -

Just reading about the accident this morning - thank god everyone is ok. These things are scary.

My grandfather was a really poor driver when he reached 80 - my parents had a hell of a time persuading the DMV to take his license away. A few months after it was taken away, his ex-wife (in her late 70's) got on the wrong ramp of the interstate - travelling north in the southbound lane - hit a pick up - literally lost her head. Thankfully, the people in the pick-up truck only suffered broken legs. To the best of my knowledge, my ex-step-grandmother was wearing underwear.

Post by selfmademug »

Wow, Spooks-- just saw this. So sorry you had to go through it-- the anxiety, the soreness today, the impending paperwork and that little extra bit of fear that inevitably comes when one's had an accident. Horrible. Take care of yourself, do something fun and nice, okay?


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Post by Pov »

Wow. I'm glad you're OK! At least the van is replaceable, you are not.
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

Spooky: So glad you are okay, and have only sore muscles today for your trouble (though that's bad enough).

Be careful out there, people!
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Post by selfmademug »

One small sociopolitical note, in answer to Cope's question and regarding this issue generally: just this morning I saw a bit in the paper about how the elderly are more and more reliant on cars. I didn't get to read the piece (so sue me) but I'd guess it has a lot to do with sprawl-- unlike Urban areas or traditional European towns, most suburban and exurban areas require 40-minute car trips for EVERYTHING. And as most of these 'independent living centers' (a good thing, I think) tend to locate themselves in just such areas, it means there are a helluva lot more older folks, in more cars, in more areas, more and more of the time. A hard thing for them, and a dangerous thing for everyone. Just another sad American development....
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

Old people and their cars is a really tough issue. The day we had to take away my grandmother's car keys was a terrible day for her, and for us, as well. She would take her car to the store, or doctor's appointment or whatever and she would get lost coming home. The DMV wouldn't revoke her license as we asked them to do, because she had never been involved in an accident. I guess they were waiting for her to kill someone.... They wouldn't even make her take a test to renew her license, because there was no law or mechanism to require them to do that. Senseless....

But here was a woman who raised 10 children, was active in her community (at 85, she went to the nursing home 3 days a week to play cards with the "old gents" there--she was a shark, and older than they), and to tell her that she couldn't take care of herself anymore was quite a blow. Thank God she never hurt anyone with her car; I'm sure it was just a matter of time. She was fortunate in that she had plenty of people to help her meet those basic needs; not all elderly do.
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Post by El Vez »

taz wrote: You better be careful, Joe Jackson is coming up!!!! :D
Yeah, he's fuckin' notorious behind the wheel of an automobile. Stay clear of George Jones too! :lol:
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