Relay for Life

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Relay for Life

Post by RedShoes »

Blue and I are participating in the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life this weekend - an all-night event that celebrates Cancer Survivors and pays tribute to loved ones lost (for more information about the event:,370 ... 05,00.html).

I hope you don't mind this post - basically requesting donations - but I'm sure each of us knows at least one person who has been touched by cancer, and when it comes to raising money for such worthy causes I'm not shy about asking.

So if you can spare a few dollars, follow the link below. No donation is too small (or too large :wink:). ... 032b2df244

Thanks, everyone!
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Post by SweetPear »

You are so very kind and generous to donate your time for such a truly worthy cause. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and I'm going through my treatment now. We need people like you. It's such an incredibly wonderful thing to do for others.

I thank God for every single one of you!

I'm not angry anymore....
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