This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
little martinet
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Post by little martinet »

Extreme Honey,

why are you sooo concerned about these things?! chill the hell out man...this thread is about ICE CREAM for f#$% sakes.

...and for the record, I'm Canadian and your comments disgust and embarrass me. The characters/stereotypes you describe certainly exist in Canada too...I'm from anything against Newfies I should know about?!

So far I've been pretty successful at ignoring you (I don't post a lot anyway) but I've just gotta speak up. Why do you have such a chip on your shoulder against Americans...they're our neighbor and they ain't going anywhere.

YAY America! YAY for Americans! I love you guys!

Nothing you post makes sense.

Anyway, I don't want to start another attack on EH but I just can't bite my tongue (or errr....stop my hand from typing)...
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Post by verena »

Hi there. Sorry but right now I don't feel like shouting. Hope it's OK. Don't mind me if you do, though ! :lol:
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King Hoarse
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Post by King Hoarse »

I like American flavor, but Canadian is my favorite. (The Canucks I've met have either been close to soul mates or antisocial freaks. It's weird.)

My fave ice cream flavor is poppy.
What this world needs is more silly men.
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Post by stormwarning »

I must admit that I've never been able to use the terms "smart" and "bigoted" to describe the same person.
Where's North from 'ere?

Post by selfmademug »

More about Molecular Gastronomy... I wonder if this branch of science could explain why I find the combination of black coffee and knife-sharp cheddar cheese to be so heavenly.

Science and food mix in molecular cooking
By Mark Wilkinson
[Reuters, via Yahoo]

Pino Maffeo throws on plastic safety goggles and vanishes in a puff of smoke as he pours liquid nitrogen out of a large metallic canister. But appearances aside, Maffeo is no mad scientist.

His experiments are of the culinary kind and his lab is the basement kitchen at Boston's swank Restaurant L, where he is the chef and dinner for two with wine averages about $130.

Maffeo, who describes his cuisine as mainly European with Asian accents, is one of a new breed of American cooks who practice what has become known as molecular gastronomy.

Using liquid nitrogen, emulsifiers and an arsenal of equipment typically stocked in scientific laboratories, Maffeo creates what he calls "one-bite wonders."

"If science can make my cuisine better, then I'll use it," he said, while putting ravioli made from mango and dry cured ham on skewers alongside aloe vera and muscato grape juice gelatin cubes.

"I've opened my doors to anything."

To create unusual and original recipes -- such as pairing fried calamari with watermelon and cantaloupe -- Maffeo analyzes the molecular make-up of the ingredients with an infrared spectrometer nuclear magnetic resonance machine, equipment usually used by synthetic chemists and physicists. He believes foods with similar composition pair well together.

He meets weekly to discuss projects with Angela Buffone, a visiting professor of organic chemistry at Suffolk University and partner in Maffeo's culinary experiments.

For his signature dish, seared foie gras with a 24 carat golden egg, Maffeo pulls out a keg of liquid nitrogen -- a gas more commonly used to zap away skin growths such as warts.

The browned foie gras is placed on a bed of shaved pickled fennel and a small oblong and airy meringue is then dredged in lightly whipped cream and dunked into the liquid nitrogen.

The gas -- a cool 300 or more degrees Fahrenheit below zero (184 degrees Celsius below zero) -- flash freezes the cream, creating a texture resembling an egg shell. Using a syringe, Maffeo then injects mango sauce into the meringue, which is then dipped into the frigid bath.

As a finishing touch, the egg is wrapped in 24 carat gold leaf and placed on the plate, where once cracked it oozes with yolk-like mango sauce.


As creative and innovative as molecular cuisine can be, the line separating it from overkill or the absurd is thin, said food writer Michael Ruhlman, author of "Soul of a Chef" and "The Making of a Chef."

"Just because you can do something doesn't mean you have to," he said. "Do it if it's a pleasure to taste."

Maffeo agreed, saying "it's all about flavor, if people don't say 'Wow, this is bloody delicious,' then all this is unnecessary."

While modern science provides room for more tricks, it's no replacement for traditional technique. "No matter how you do it, cooking comes down to fundamentals," Ruhlman said.

Molecular gastronomy was spearheaded by Spanish chef Ferran Adria, who spends half the year testing his world-acclaimed dishes and the rest cooking at El Bulli on Spain's Mediterranean coast. Other world-renowned chefs such as Heston Blumenthal of Fat Duck in the English town of Bray have joined the ranks of molecular cooks.

In the United States, few have ventured into molecular gastronomy but the style is here to stay, said Ruhlman, even if the market is relatively small and restricted to more discerning diners.


"I wouldn't make every dish on my menu a science project, but it's way exciting," said celebrity chef David Burke of davidburke & donatella in New York City. "It's like going back to school, and I find it naturally appealing."

The avant-garde type of cooking could give chefs a deeper understanding of how foods work together, making the final dish more creative and better tasting, he said.

Burke has taken his experimenting outside the kitchen and sells spray bottles for $5.95 containing flavorings ranging from bacon to Memphis barbecue and chocolate fudge designed to flavor food while cutting on calories.

In New York City, Shea Gallante, executive chef of Cru, uses a medical machine known as a thermo-circulator to cook foods in a vacuum, a technique known as "sous-vide." The device is typically used to grow cultures and bacteria.

While the sous-vide method isn't novel, Gallante's use of the thermo-circulator breaks the norms. Because the machine can maintain an exact temperature better than a stove, Gallante says he can pack in all the natural flavors of the foods he cooks sous-vide while retaining their juices and nutrients.

He also uses emulsifiers to make hot foams and has experimented with carbonating ingredients, such as whole gooseberries.

While he admitted that some of it was "kind of noveltyish," he sees an important role for molecular cooking in a still-maturing American cuisine.

"Food is going to turn very simplistic," Gallante said. "So these techniques will play a greater role because you can't pack that much emphasis into something as simple as a carrot."
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Extreme Honey
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Post by Extreme Honey »

Selfmademug and the other one you're both right. Canada is becoming a hell of alot more americans and I could say the same stuff about it. You got it all wrong, lady, I can complain about any person and any country on a daily basis. But since america is more widely spoken in this board, that's my first target. Nver in a million years will I be a racist, why? I don't point to a group of people and generalize and make hateful comments. I point the world and do that. As for the generalizin', I don't have a problem with it. It had to start from somewhere and it has to be somewhat accurate for people to beleive it, so I choose to stand by generalizing comment (Be it Canada or South Africa). BTW, America is in a state of emergency so god help it. If you want to call me a stereotypical racist you can go ahead, see how much I care. Canada is m¿not much better than the USA and I know perfectly well that they are almost alike, but I still live in Canada don't I? So all in all, the typical american attitude does frustrate me...but so does the Chinese and the Sri Lankan, so don't feel hated by me because you're a poor american, feel hated by me because I'm a cold heartless bastard who critizies about people he never met and makes comments that would appear as "Untrue" (but somehow made their way around the million of people on Earth).
It's just not worth it defending some feeble aspect of your nation and making a big, long drama out if it...Honor? Screw honor!
Preacher was a talkin' there's a sermon he gave,
He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved,
You cannot depend on it to be your guide
When it's you who must keep it satisfied
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