XTC Figures...

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Who Shot Sam?
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XTC Figures...

Post by Who Shot Sam? »

How cool are these?:

http://www.xtcidearecords.co.uk/acatalo ... gures.html

http://www.xtcidearecords.co.uk/cgi-bin ... 50&topic=1

An EC & the Attractions set would be boss, but hell will freeze over before that happens! I imagine Andy Partridge's interest in toy soldiers and the like has something to do with this set being produced.
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Post by laughingcrow »

They look smart! Have you ever perused a forbidden planet catalogue....they do some excellent rock replica models. Seem to remember an Alice Cooper one which looked awesome!!!
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

I know there are more than a few XTC fans on here, so I thought I'd post this link to a great, 2 hour interview with Andy Partridge, which covers his entire career, including his new label, Ape, the Fuzzy Warbles discs, the XTC albums, songwriting, etc. Definitely worth a listen - Partridge is up there with EC as an interviewee:

http://www.buhdge.com/audio%20buhdge/pa ... _audio.htm
Last edited by Who Shot Sam? on Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mr. Average
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Post by Mr. Average »

Partridge is up there with EC on many fronts. He is a brilliant songwriter, a great interpreter of lyrics, and gets exactly the sound that he wants. And he, together with Colin Moulding, has excellent 'staying power'. He has proven to be quite adaptable since Drums and Wires hit and started getting attention her in the US. The earlier efforts didn't create much interest.

Thanks for the link(s).
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battered old bird
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Post by battered old bird »

Many thanks for the interview link WSS.

I adore XTC, Partsy interviews are always great to listen too. He's hilarius - I loved the stuff they did on US college radios to promote O&L, once again AP is a laugh a minute. See K-rocking in pasedena from http://www.xtc4u.org
Who Shot Sam? wrote:I know there are more than a few XTC fans on here, so I thought I'd post this link to a great, 2 hour interview with Andy Partridge, which covers his entire career, including his new label, Ape, the Fuzzy Warbles discs, the XTC albums, songwriting, etc. Definitely worth a listen - Partridge is up there with EC as an interviewee:

http://www.buhdge.com/audio%20buhdge/pa ... _audio.htm
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Interview with Andy Partridge

Post by invisible Pole »

I haven't had time to read it yet, but after a quick glance I thought this 3-part feature/interview would be interesting for all XTC fans on this board.

http://www.popmatters.com/pm/features/a ... d-his-soul
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Nice. Thanks. Good stuff.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

May be time to say goodbye to XTC for good. Andy Partridge says, on their official forum:

Now that a big chunk of time isn't taken up by the Warbles, is it more likely that you'll be working on new XTC material? SPASTIC MINNOW

Big question there Spazmo. As you all know the whole FUZZY WARBLES project is finished up now, some of you even bought it! So after the release of MONSTRANCE in early 2007, I'm going to throw myself into writing and recording a whole mountain of new songs but I doubt, because of complex legal reasons it will be under the name XTC. Seeing that Colin is on holiday/resting/quitting music/or just plain tuckered out, it wont be XTC without him. Lets be honest, it was a darn sight less XTC without Dave, and some even argue that case for Terry or Barry. I would still like to use the name XTC as I spent 31 years making it a reliable brand, but I cant see it working out too smoothly getting hold of it in a legal sense. Colin does have a big claim on that name too. Only a very generous act by him to me would clear the way, and...well...
So unless our Col has a big change of heart, and to a big degree so do I, in wanting to work with him, there wont be any NEW XTC albums in the forseeable future. Chances are that some significant DVD releases will appear from VIRGIN along with rejigging of back catalogue etc., but anything new I release will have my big cumbersome unsnappy sounding name attached, and sadly not XTC. AP

:cry: :cry:
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Sad news. Understandable re Colin and the name. After seeing Scritti live this year, my hope was to see XTC next!

Time for a 10 best of XTC, WSS! I don't enough of their output, though I do have 5 LPs, so maybe I could partake.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

More terrific stuff from Andy. What a great interview!

http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?i ... 1000034151
Mother, Moose-Hunter, Maverick
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