'I Love Your Work' on DVD

Pretty self-explanatory
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sweetest punch
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'I Love Your Work' on DVD

Post by sweetest punch »

Belgian radiostation 'Radio 1' is giving away 5 DVD's of 'I Love Your Work', with EC as an actor. See http://www.radio1.be .

I guess, this means that this DVD will become available, allthough I didn't find it on amazon in the UK and the USA.
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Post by johnfoyle »



I love your work
Win deze film op dvd!

Neon geeft 5 exemplaren weg van de dvd 'I love your work'. Het enige wat je moet doen is de wedstrijdvraag juist beantwoorden.

Het leven van de jonge acteur Gray Evans (Giovanni Ribisi is in korte tijd ingrijpend veranderd. Zijn nieuwe film is een enorme hit en door het glamourhuwelijk met een succesvolle actrice neemt zijn celebritystatus nog toe. Maar temidden van alle verworvenheden worden de eerste tekenen van een inzinking zichtbaar. Hij raakt verzeild in een paranoïde delerium vol onbeantwoorde verlangens.

Deze film was helaas bij ons nooit in de bioscoop te zien, maar nu dus wel verkrijgbaar op dvd. De regie is in handen van Adam Goldberg en de cast bestaat uit Giovanni Ribisi, Christina Ricci, Vince Vaughn en... inderdaad Elvis Costello.

Ook de vrouwelijke hoofdrol is een grote naam.

Wie speelt de partner van Gray in 'I love your work' en is vooral bekend van de film 'Lola Rennt'?


The film's maker tells all -


I Love Your Work. What happens when a star starts stalking his own fan? Giovanni Ribisi, Franka Potente, Joshua Jackson, Christina Ricci, Jason Lee, Vince Vaughn and Elvis Costello star. Now in theaters worldwide; coming to the US this spring.

Where the Hell is ILYW?

For the last year and a half, since it premiered at the Toronto Film Festival, I've been getting daily emails from people waiting for the release of I Love Your Work. In the past few weeks, that number has escalated; people are banging on our door, wanting to see the movie. And, frankly, we really, really want them to. So, for those wondering when the film is coming out and why it's taken so ridiculously long, or for anyone interested in an inside scoop of the mess that is making movies, here's the whole ugly story:

When a film premieres at a festival, the festival usually schedules a press and industry screening prior to the public ones. Given the strong early buzz the film had generated, the press and industry screening for ILYW filled up exceedingly quickly. Too quickly, in fact, as the sold-out audience turned out to be mostly local journalists rather than the acquisitions execs from distribution companies we had hoped would get in, but weren't able to.

The press screening was, in a word, mediocre. Very few people walked out (something quite common at such screenings, as most journalists and execs need to squeeze in as many films as possible each day), but neither did the audience respond much to the film. They didn't laugh at the funny parts, they didn't clap at the end, and they didn't really talk to us much on their way out.

Obviously, we were absolutely terrified. After all the hard work by so many talented people, had we made a crappy film?

That evening, we had our first public screening, in the festival's second largest venue. That sold out as well. And, to our great relief, people loved it. They laughed, they cried, it was at least as good as if not better than Cats. The film got a standing ovation. And, very quickly, the film's second screening, the following night in the largest venue, completely sold out as well.

We were, basically, thrilled. Some people hated the film, but a lot really, really liked it. The buzz was good. Unfortunately, the buzz was too late. Having heard that our press screening was so quiet, most of the distribution execs skipped the public screenings. By the time word got back that perhaps ILYW was worth watching after all, it was no longer appearing at the festival.

No problem, we thought. While we'd rather they'd seen it with an audience, we could certainly pass along screeners to the growing line of interested distributors. Our co-investor in the film, the foreign sales agency Fireworks, suggested we make a few last-minute tweaks to sound and color, then send DVDs out. So we sent the masters to Fireworks, who passed them along to their lab.

And then Fireworks went out of business. Or, not exactly out of business, but got rolled back into its Canadian parent company. Essentially everyone we knew at the company was laid off, not feeling particularly happy about continuing to promote one of their ex-employer's films. If we'd had good copies of the film ourselves, we would have duped off of them. But all we had were grainy VHS tapes with poor sound; the originals had all gone back to the lab.

So, for several months, we tried to figure out where our movie had gone. What lab, exactly, had it? Then, once we found the masters, we spent several months trying to convince the lab that we had actually produced the film, that it was therefore okay for them to let us make DVDs of it.

When we finally got screeners, six or seven months after the festival, we were essentially starting the sales process again from scratch. We weren't optimistic.

But, fortunately, the film spoke for itself. A variety of distributors put down different offers, we talked to them all at length, and considered the different options. In the end, we all unanimously agreed that the best choice, mostly because we believed they'd do the best job in releasing and marketing the film, was Think, a newer company founded by the escaped founders of Lion's Gate.

For a few months, we batted deal points and term sheets back and forth. When we were all happy, we signed off on the deal. All we needed to do was to get a remaining handful of deliverables from CanWest, Fireworks' parent company, which had them in their vaults.

CanWest's response: no, no, no. Cyan doesn't have the rights to ink the US deal, that's our job; it says so right here in our contract.

Au contraire, we replied. According to our contract, CanWest has the foreign sales rights, the US is ours.

So, we faxed each other our contracts. And, unfortunately, we were both right. Both of us, according to the paperwork, had the US rights. Neither of us had seen these mutually exclusive versions of the other's contract. The company that brought us both in (and I won't name names here, other than saying we weren't aMused) had royally screwed us both.

So, since July, we've been trying to resolve the issue. And, fortunately, it looks like we're coming down the home stretch. With those internal issues resolved, we'll finally be able to move ahead with the film's US theatrical and DVD release. People will finally be able to watch the movie.

Or, at least, people in the US. If you're somewhere like South Africa or Denmark, you already can, as I Love Your Work has been released either theatrically or on DVD in a slew of other countries. We get email from people there saying they really like it. And when it, hopefully in the next couple of months, comes out right here in the US of A, we hope you will too.

Joshua Newman @ 11:05am 27 Jan. 05


I Love Your Work - more info
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Post by johnfoyle »

Here in Holland I got a copy of the DVD of this movie . I'll watch it when I get back to Dublin and tell you all.

I got it from a VanLeest shop , a Dutch chain store. Their site -

doesn't seem to list it for 'net ordering.

From the packaging I can see it's distributed by


Hunt around that site you'll see a Dutch write up and photos including this -

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Post by johnfoyle »

I finally got around to watching this. Its OK , if you can handle Giovanni Ribisi , a Upcoming Actor, as a tortured soul. I wasn't persuaded and found myself getting annoyed at his laboured, self reverential angst. Franka Potente , another Upcoming Actor and his partner , and Christina Ricci , his fomer partner , are more interesting but have too little to do . It's beautifully made with some very pleasing , if obvious , visuals. Basically a earlier , happier relationship is all bright and poppy , in sunlit exteriors. The later , unhappier one is all greys and blacks in art deco interiors.

What about Elvis? He appears once , fleetingly in a party scene about 30 minutes in. Black suit , grey shirt , red tie with dots , black frame glasses with orangey tint. Franka Potente greets him , they kiss , she introduces him to her female friend , Elvis kisses her and they chat. Quiet what they say is difficult to make out - I do believe Elvis at one point says something like ' Nice to live , kid'. We see all this from Ribisi's viewpoint , as he's sitting across the crowded room, getting an earful from his agent .

Giovanni squints , smokes and looks thoughtful. Earlier in the film , about 4 minutes in, he had heard a telephone message Elvis had left for Franka , something about being in town and how they must get together. We never get an explanation of any backround to this - I think we're supposed to assume that Lovely People get those kind of calls from Elvis all the time. Later in the film, about 30 minutes in, she gets another call from him, saying how nice it was to see her , lets have dinner. This interrupts a scene where he is giving out to her about how gossip magazines are incorrectly saying their relationship is breaking up. He reads from 'Them Weekly' a comment about Franka being seen with Elvis which , of course , manages to work in the line 'aim is true' somewhere. The magazine cover , dating from April '04 as a later detail suggests , shows them , along with Brad 'n Jen and Uma 'n Ethan.

Elvis makes a final , aural appearance about 50 minutes in. Ribisi answers the 'phone to hear a , apparently , inadvertent relay of a conversation between Franka and Elvis . Again, no explanation ; I guess Lovely People forget to turn of the key guard on their mobile 'phones and make mistake calls all the time. Elvis seems to be giving Franka a line about how groovy film people are , with comments like 'directors are the new rock stars ' and ' cameras are the new guitars'. We are later told that Elvis had been pitching a musical idea.

And thats about it. Ribisi does occasionally ask other characters about Elvis . This produces one great line from Jared Harris - playing a security advisor he's consulting about a potential stalker - that goes ' Do you think Elvis Costello is stalking you?!?!'. In the party scene we also just about hear someone babbling about Elvis and Bachrach.

Musicwise we get some generic jazz and a few other dissonant sounds. Jimmy Scott's 1952 Savoy recording of Be My Sunshine is beautifully used in the backround at one point.

Joshua Jackson, Jason Lee, Vince Vaughn try their best but have too little to do also. In short , a movie for Ribissi fans .
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Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.boxofficeprophets.com/ticker ... ?TMID=3045

I Love Your Work
Release Date: November 4, 2005
Limited release
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Post by johnfoyle »

Yep, there's Elvis in the teeeny tiny print -
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Post by wehitandrun »

Any Jason Lee film is worth seeing twice- yes, even Enemy Of the State.
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Post by martinfoyle »

Here's the Yahoo movies page for this film


and details of its US box office

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Post by johnfoyle »

Bump, bump!
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Post by wehitandrun »

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Post by johnfoyle »

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000E1 ... ance&n=130

I Love Your Work

# Actors: Giovanni Ribisi, Franka Potente
# Format: Color, Widescreen, NTSC
# Region: Region 1
# Rated:
# Studio: Thinkfilm Llc
# DVD Release Date: March 28, 2006
# Run Time: 111 minutes
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Post by johnfoyle »

........and on to Australia -


Moviehole, Australia

I love your Work

Giovanni Ribisi, Frank Potente, Joshua Jackson, Marisa Coughlan, Christina Ricci, Jared Harris, Judy Greer, Elvis Costello, Jason Lee, Nicky Katt

Much like going to the grand prix, you’ll be quite fixated on “I love your work” for the first few laps, but then, after watching the talent continually go round and round, you’ll lose interest. Still, with so many celebs in this race – it is pretty hard to look away.

The directorial debut of actor Adam Goldberg [“The Hebrew Hammer”], “I love your Work” comes across as part vanity project / part engrossing statement. On one hand, it looks like a film that Goldberg’s used to show off how many A-list friends he’s got – as they all partake in proceedings – but on the other hand, there seems to be a reasonably gripping yarn bubbling underneath the surface.

The always-versatile Giovanni Ribisi plays hot young movie star, Gray Evans. He’s a troubled young soul. He spends too much time dreaming about the past and not enough trying to patch up his fledging marriage to actress Mia (Franka Potente). When he starts to suspect that a prominent musical figure might be chasing his wife for more than tea and scones, Gray’s life starts spinning out of control – and into the lives of a normal couple, John and Jane (Joshua Jackson and Marisa Coughlan), who own the local video-store.

Whilst Giovani Ribisi is quite OK (comes across as if he’s part android sometimes – and not just in this), it’s Joshua Jackson who’s a powerhouse here. Jackson, best known for his work on TV’s “Dawson’s Creek”, brings to the screen an ultra-real, very cordial, and ultimately temperate character. He’s a pleasure to watch, and a pleasure to spend time with – one wonders whether he might’ve been best served as the headline act. As his on-screen wife, Marisa Coughlan [“Gossip”] is near just as good – dishing out a divinely sweet, plausible turn.

Just for the record, they aren’t the only familiar faces in the film though: Christina Ricci pops up as an ex-girlfriend Evans is still fantasying about, Vince Vaughn pops up too, as does Jason Lee, Jared Harris, Shalom Harlow, Judy Greer, and most notably, Elvis Costello, playing a slightly threatening version of himself.

Where “I love your Work” starts to dip is the point where Goldberg decides he’s David Lynch. Suddenly plot is thrown out the window in a trade for tricky visuals and unfathomable mish-mashes of reverberation and colour, and most of the connection we had to the characters in it’s first half is gone. We start counting down the minutes to the finish line.

“I love your work” is a very admirable film though, and for a first-time filmmaker, it’s a great accomplishment. If it had been a little steadier throughout, it might’ve found a much wider audience though – than the one it’s going to garner.

Reviewer : Clint Morris
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Re: 'I Love Your Work' on DVD

Post by johnfoyle »



I Love Your Work (R2) in July

Scanbox Entertainment have announced the UK Region 2 DVD release of I Love Your Work on 7th July 2008 priced at £15.99. Written, produced, edited, scored and directed by Adam Goldberg (director of Scotch and Milk and recent star of Two Days in Paris), the film is a dissection of the perils of being a celebrity as seen from the point of view of a Hollywood star undergoing a total psychological collapse.

The cast includes Giovanni Ribisi, Franka Potente, Joshua Jackson, Marisa Coughlan and Christina Ricci, along with appearances and cameos by Jason Lee, Vince Vaughn, Judy Greer, Jared Harris, Nicky Katt, Lake Bell, Shalom Harlow, Kathleen Robertson and Elvis Costello

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Your-Work- ... 863&sr=1-3
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