Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

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Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by DrSpooky »

I have posted to listserv and tried to let everyone know what happened. The server for the Fan Forum and Wiki is in Huntsville Alabama which was in the path of the storm April 27th 2011. This is a nice weather summary without the heart wrenching photos of the death and devastation.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/cap ... _blog.html

Huntsville had three systems pass over it that day. The first was nasty but no issues impacting the server or our home. The second system resulted in water getting into the server area but we still had power. This allowed us to clean up and get the server back online. The third system was the killer. It was the devastating one that wiped out communities from Mississippi through Alabama and Georgia to points further north. It destroyed the major power transmission lines into north Alabama and Mississippi. Local utilities get power from the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and TVA could not supply power to them. Their blog is here with details:


We went to a hotel in a neighbouring city and waited for power to be restored. We just got home and I started ensuring the server came back up OK. Michele is cleaning the fridge and freezer out. If we didn't lose any electronics due to power spikes, then that's all I think we have. That makes us very lucky. Michele and I know people with deaths in their families or homes destroyed. Cleaning the fridge looks pretty tame in comparison.

We tried to stay in touch using our cell phones for email and we really appreciate the good karma that was sent our way. We are both tired and frazzled but that's no biggie.

Now for the spinning songwheel to come close to us. Any chance Elvis would do a benefit and ensure we got tickets? Hint, hint... :)
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by legman open to offers »

I was so happy to hear you guys are ok, though sad and wanting to do something for your affected neighbors. You're greatness for keeping up the site, I gratefully thank you! I hope EC gets your message. Eric S.
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by sulky lad »

Can only reiterate what Legman has said and thank God that you're Ok. Thoughts and prayers for all those suffering in so many ways at this time :(
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by wardo68 »

I didn't even consider how the tornados might have affected our little world here. So happy to find that the ECFF is alive and well, and even more so to find that the Spookys are the same. Hang in there!
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by terryhurley »

Glad you're OK, people
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by Neil. »

Yeah, just to say glad you're okay - sorry to hear about the casualties over there.
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by Ypsilanti »

So glad to know you guys are OK!!!!
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by woz »

I just want to echo what everyone else has said and that I am glad you are safe.

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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by verbal gymnastics »

I can only also echo the sentiments about the Spooky family's safety.

What astonished me more though is that in the midst of everything happening around you, you still find time to look after us on this board.

For that I, and I'm sure I'm not alone, am grateful more than you can know.
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Re: Horrible Storm and Extended Outage

Post by Top balcony »

All of the above applies to my thoughts too.

Particularly want to echo everyone's sentiments about your safety, and also Verbal's about your generosity.

Best wishes

Colin Top Balcony
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