EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

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Man out of Time
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EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Man out of Time »

Just a thought, but as the Revolver tour takes a two week break, what do we suppose Elvis and the band are doing between now and the next show in Charlotte, NC on 16 July?

Yes, Elvis' voice is prone to wear and tear on this length of tour (as we saw in the cancellation of the Wellmont theatre gig), but he has days off each week to allow for some rest. Have Pete and Davey gone back home to put their feet up for a while; has Steve flown back to France? Or, it seems to me more likely, are they even now in some Missouri recording studio (maybe back at Sweet Tea in Oxford), recording a new album?

We've heard just one new song (For More Tears) on the current tour (cover versions aside), but isn't it likely that Elvis has written a few more in the year and more since National Ransom was recorded?

Interested in others' views.

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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Neil. »

Oh Christ, you've got my mouth watering now!

The new film theme song 'Sparkling Day' comes out in August. Apparently it was recorded with the Imposters. So perhaps they're getting an album ready in case that song proves a hit. I hope so with every fibre of my being!
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by krm »

I just got a mail about a Jackshit show on July 7th at "the Baked Potato". So, that´s where Pete and Davey will hang around.
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by sweetest punch »

I hope they will be recording, but I think Elvis just wants to spend two weeks with his family.
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by bronxapostle »

with the busy schedule of late, perhaps not. but with NO dates in august and only one thusly in september, i wouldn't be surprised to see the October shows both REVOLVER and SOLO in europe featuring a handful of new songs!!!
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by cwr »

I'm usually wrong about these things, but I find it hard to imagine that EC would jump right back into "album" mode so soon after the failure of National Ransom. Then again, he is changeable.

I hope I'm wrong. He doesn't even need to be writing new songs, he has enough unrecorded material for two or three albums, at least. Here's hoping that the song for the movie is a big enough hit to rekindle his interest in making records again..
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by SoulForHire »

I still can't believe that "National Ransom" was a "failure." It is fantastic.
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Failure schmailure

Post by A rope leash »

Elvis gets to do what he wants. That's success by any measure.

Not a Top 40 smash? Who wants to be part of that crap?

Elvis is above it.

It's just awful that I couldn't make the St. Louis show.

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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by johnfoyle »

Steve Nieve is doing some shows in Europe so he will not be around either - ... Revisited/

July 10th : LYON, FRANCE / Les Nuits de Fourvière festival / Grand Théâtre Romain de Fourvière
July 11th : MONTREUX, SWITZERLAND / Montreux Jazz Festival / Miles Davis Hall
July 13th : LONDON, ENGLAND / Barbican Centre

Nov 20th : EINDHOVEN, HOLLAND / Muziekgebouw
Nov 22nd : PARIS, FRANCE / Salle Pleyel ... p?ID=12049

Rain Dogs Revisited

Directed by David Coulter with Arthur H, The Tiger Lillies, Camille O’ Sullivan, Stef Kamil Carlens, St. Vincent, Erika Stucky

David Coulter (musical director, saw, guitar, banjo, percussions...)
Dave Okumu (guitar)
Terry Edwards (saxophones, trumpet)
Steve Nieve (piano)
Thomas Bloch (Ondes Martenot, Cristal Baschet, Glassharmonica...)
Tom Herbert (bass)
Seb Rochford (drums, percussions)
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by migdd »

It's doubtful that EC would record a new album with the Imposters this year, maybe even next year. The success of the Revolver Tour, if anything, enforces his feeling that playing live is the thing to do at this point in his career. It doesn't appear that he is currently in the song writing mode. I've got a feeling that a new album is a ways in the future and will be something really different when it does come to fruition. Right now, it's great that he's touring with the guys and enjoying it. I'd like to see him continue to tour with the Imposters in 2012 (perhaps without the wheel) and maybe write some new songs for an album release at some undetermined time.

Another season of Spectacle would be welcome, as well, but that doesn't appear to be in the cards.

rope leash wrote:
Not a Top 40 smash? Who wants to be part of that crap?
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Jeremy Dylan »

I'd quite like EC to scale the top 40. I mean, it's not rocket science, high album sales would lead to more records with the kind of budgets a NATIONAL RANSOM would require, and as a by-product, make more international touring financially viable. I'd much rather he were atop of the Billboard charts than, say, Britney Spears.
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by jardine »

is For More Tears the only new tune road tested on the current tour? if so, I expect maybe that that indicates that recording might be a bit off in the future...i'm thinking of how recently he has honed new stuff a bit in performances before recording...maybe...but "getting to do what he wants" also means (and this is why I've been a fan since '77) that that might not mean anything and anything might/can/will happen! another feature of not being linked to top 40 is this luscious freedom that we get to be witness to...

as fer britney spears, when I look at the top forty, to be part of it seems unseemly these days, doesn't it?? but i agree, j.d. that i want him to survive and flourish. i'm still confused about something like NR: did he lose money doing this?
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Hawksmoor »

Just in terms of timing, he's surely due a break from recording for a couple of years? By my count he's released seven 'regular' LPs in the last nine years - a productivity-rate that most up-and-coming new artists can't match, but which, relative to the average release-rate of an artist of Costello's age (and point in his career) is ridiculous really. And that doesn't include Cruel Smile, The Clarksdale Sessions, My Flame Burns Blue, Il Sogno, Piano Jazz or the Itunes Originals collection. Much as I love to see new product from EC every year, I couldn't really quibble if he took a bit of a break from recording. Mind you, if he wanted to fill the gap with some decent (and recent) live recordings, on CD or DVD, that'd be nice. :)
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Jeremy Dylan »

I'd say at this point in his career, productivity is more important than ever. Not to seem morbid, but he has less time left to put out records than he did in 1978.
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Neil. »

Actually, yeah, two weeks, he's gonna wanna take a break with the family if he's only got two weeks off.

But the August/Sep slot might have room for a recording session. That said, it's likely he'll be promoting 'Sparkling Day' during that period.

And for me, it's radio play that I want for Elvis - for people to get to know his songs. As I've said before, I despair when I think how many of the rock aristocrats have about twenty songs that lots of people know, but Elvis has far fewer - when his songs are far better!

Maybe 'Sparkling Day' will provide an 'in' for people who don't know him - If that song's a love song, perhaps this is a chance for him to release 'Elvis Costello - the Love Songs', with the new one heading the track list?

I think there's another thread about this, but I couldn't find it. So for Love Songs I think the track listing shoud be something like:

Sparkling Day (if it is a love song - I guess it must be, as the film is a love story)
So Like Candy
Everyday I Write the Book
Good Year for the Roses
God Give Me Strength
This House Is Empty Now
Almost Blue
My Funny Valentine
I Want You
Indoor Fireworks
Riot Act
Motel Matches
Shoes Without Heels
Town Cryer
Love For Sale
Sweet Dreams
My Three Sons
I'll Wear It Proudly
I'm In The Mood Again

I wouldn't necessarily choose all those, but I think some of them are non-negotiable in terms of recognition - the ones in bold are ones I think should be on there, but might not necessarily make the cut.

An album of ALL love songs, though - maybe that's too many slowies to take. Perhaps he'd have to include a number of 'fast' love songs to vary the tempo. Off the top of my head:

From Head To Toe
Fifteen Petals
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Jack of All Parades »

One really only need go 'blue'. You do seem to leave off some real beauties in favor of some questionable 'love' songs, though:

Blue Chair
Heart Shaped Bruise
My Flame Burns Blue
Can you be True
Almost Ideal Eyes
Upon a Veil of Midnight Blue
Favorite Hour
My Little Blue Window
For the Stars
No Wonder
Just a Curio
When Green Eyes Turn Blue

For starters and since you are including covers:

Changing Partners[the only song from that album worth retaining]
I Threw It All Away
Hidden Charms and How Long Has This been Going On for a little tempo variety.

Reality is there is a plethora from which to choose. Happy selections!
"....there's a merry song that starts in 'I' and ends in 'You', as many famous pop songs do....'
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by deerfried »

I have always liked, if not loved, every new recording that EC has put out so I don't really care if they're hits or not. I'm sure he and the band are making a fine living. But I have to believe that before he's finished with this career, he is going to strike upon one more album that will be a widespread hit and become his defining, late-career, Grammy home run -- as Robert Plant recently did (with Alison Krauss). I trust that Elvis will not need to "sell out" to make this happen, but I do think he's got it in him, and especially with the success of this tour and Spectacle, I think more people in their 20s-30s now think he's cool, so the stars could be aligning.
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by Hawksmoor »

Jeremy Dylan wrote:I'd say at this point in his career, productivity is more important than ever. Not to seem morbid, but he has less time left to put out records than he did in 1978.
In a sense, I see your point. On the other hand (leaving aside one's desire, as a fan, just to have as many Elvis Costello records as possible at any given point in his career) you could argue that as he's been so ridiculously prolific throughout most of his career so far, he could theoretically afford to ease off a bit now. Even if he retired from recording right now, a legacy of 25 top-quality LPs (and another 20 or so superb live or rarities LPs) is a legacy that few will match. It's a different situation to, say, Springsteen, who I know has alluded to trying to knock out as many LPs as he can at the moment, partly to make up for a (relatively) thin release-rate in his first 25 years or so.

Plus - without wanting to get too morbid or calculating about this - one would expect, God willing, that Elvis has at least another 15-20 years of writing, performing and recording left in him. If he knocks out as many in the next 15 years as he has in the last 15 years we can look forward to another ten or a dozen LPs, even assuming he's going to take a break (from recording) for 2011-2012.

Although in a sense I suspect it's all irrelevant. Most artists get an LP out, tour it, take a year to recuperate and then start writing the next one. Experience suggests to us that Elvis is not like that. I suspect there is never really a time when he's not either writing something and/or plotting the nature of the next LP. We shall see. :)
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Re: EC and the Imposters: New Recording?

Post by cwr »

Springsteen could easily up his release rate by putting out a couple of the solo albums he made in his home studio in the 90s that he never bothered to release. (I've heard there was a "country" album and also something with beats along the lines of the song "Missing" from the Crossing Guard soundtrack and at least one best of compilation)...
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