national ransom two years next week

Pretty self-explanatory
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national ransom two years next week

Post by jardine »

oct 25. long stretch, and, for me, still a strangely unpleasant memory of its demise after all that flurry of lovely promotion/performance etc. I still think it is one of his best.
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Re: national ranson two years next week

Post by migdd »

It is one of his best. He went out with a bang, not a whimper.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by cwr »

It's a real shame. And it seems like a clear case of EC not being supported fully by his label.

Secret, Profane & Sugar Cane came out and was placed prominently on Starbucks' counters, resulting in his highest US chart placement since Get Happy!!

National Ransom, also on Starbucks' Hear Music label, comes out and features no such placement, despite being a more commercially viable album with an even better cover by Tony Millionaire, and it tanks, despite EC going out and aggressively promoting it everywhere he could.

It seems to me that the Starbucks placement was key, and it seems like a shame that a simple thing like that could have actually led to something as drastic as Elvis Costello not wanting to make records anymore, but until I'm provided with another explanation that makes more sense, it really does seem like that's what happened.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by Poor Deportee »

If EC wants some time off for personal reasons, that's one thing. But I fear that he is in fact petulant enough to be pulling a Billy Corgan.

This whole attitude seems to be that he doesn't want to make records anymore because the record companies are idiots (and I love the implication that he, Elvis Costello, is some sort of marketing genius whose sure-fire money-making gambits are somehow being squelched by the men in suits); or because his records don't sell. If the albums actually are costing him money, the refusal to record makes great sense. But otherwise, this is of a piece with the prima dona tendencies he has displayed fairly consistently throughout his career.

Elvis should record strong new material, assuming he has some. This especially true given his claims that he enjoys the recording process; and given that he is fortunate enough to be in a position to record albums at all. Sometimes they'll sell, sometimes they won't - such is the marketplace for older artists with a reputation for difficulty and bizarre stylistic meanderings. Taking your ball and going home is precisely as childish as it sounds.

Anyway, NR is a terrific record. It's only sin is excessive generosity, in that it could stand to have three or four fewer tracks. As sins go, that's a pretty sweet one.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by migdd »

Interesting thoughts on EC's reluctance to write and record a new album from both PD and crw. Thanks for those.

I can imagine it can be a bit discouraging to make an album as strong as National Ransom and see it whither on the charts as compared to the success (in terms of units sold) of SP&SC. NR couldn't have been an inexpensive album to make. It features an A-list of players and time in a wonderful studio. To see little return after spending so much of his own time to promote it could, again, be very disappointing. Artists thrive on the acceptance and appreciation of there efforts. Don't we all? It doesn't necessarily tag one as a prima donna although it doesn't exclude you from that club, either.

In past years, EC has been quick to blame record labels for poor sales. Now he seems to realize that the model for selling records isn't working for him so he has put it aside, waiting for a new model to emerge that might work for him. Don't know if that will ever happen.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Elvis is really NOT writing new material unless it is for a specific purpose (songs for the Nashville TV series, for instance). I'd like to be proven wrong on that account.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by docinwestchester »

migdd wrote:I have a sneaking suspicion that Elvis is really NOT writing new material unless it is for a specific purpose (songs for the Nashville TV series, for instance). I'd like to be proven wrong on that account.
I'm inclined to agree, unfortunately. He seems to be enjoying this 2 year long nostalgia tour a bit too much.

Oh yeah, and NR is an outstanding album.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by wardo68 »

Wow -- what's more shocking than the two-year stat is the admission that I haven't spent enough time with this album. Don't get me wrong -- I was happy with it then, and continue to be so now, but I haven't ingested it like I did Trust, KOA, B&C, MLAR, etc. Why is that? Have I not given it enough time? Does it deserve more time? Will there ever be enough time? Such is the ponderance of a Costello fan in his 40s with other distractions.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by Poor Deportee »

wardo68 wrote:Wow -- what's more shocking than the two-year stat is the admission that I haven't spent enough time with this album. Don't get me wrong -- I was happy with it then, and continue to be so now, but I haven't ingested it like I did Trust, KOA, B&C, MLAR, etc. Why is that? Have I not given it enough time? Does it deserve more time? Will there ever be enough time? Such is the ponderance of a Costello fan in his 40s with other distractions.
I wonder if we ever process music with the intensity that we experience in youth. And we probably don't, sad to say. And I hear you about busy-ness. Much of my listening actually occurs in the car, during my commute - as hapless a sonic scenario as that is.

It's also more uneven than many of his classic albums in having a few songs that maybe aren't up to the level of the rest. Indeed, two of these are front-loaded (the dismal title track, Stations of the Cross) - plus there's a marked dip in quality as we pass through songs 12 through 14 - so it's an album that takes a certain amount of negotiation. Yet it still stands with his best work because of the sheer mass of truly outstanding songs on it. 'Jimmie' and 'Voice' are no-brainers as among his top recorded moments, while 'Moon,' 'Bullets,' the sublime 'Dr Watson,' and 'Strangers' can all plausibly be argued to be right up there as well; with 'Church' only betrayed by the overblown vocals. This is a massive creative outpouring, well worthy to stand with, say, KOA. And that's really saying something.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by Jack of All Parades »

I have stopped scratching my head as to his seeming obstinance when it comes to distribution models. That one's last release was one of the strongest efforts one has produced in a long and reasonably distinguised career and that it fell flat in terms of sales would, I would hope, cause one to fully begin to explore alternative means of distribution. To just petulantly throw in the recording towel is not a reaction I like to see.

A career that has managed to marginalize itself over the decades may not translate into significant sales of discs but it surely can support a distribution effort for new material that makes usage of the new channels for obtaining music. He clearly still has writing chops; he has achieved of late a narrative strength that takes my breathe away in individual songs that I have written about in the past. That he lacks the cache of certain acts from the previous decade before he burst upon the musical scene is a given. That should not bother him. A consistent fan base, myself included, will buy his product in alternative forms. It may not make him rich but it should justify his continued need to put words and notes in new combinations.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by Emotional Toothpaste »

Not a big fan of NR -- its too over-wrought and not easy on the ears. It has aged better than I thought it would, and I still give it the occasional spin, but too many clunkers mixed in with too few gems. Much prefer the SP & S. Last great work of Elvis' was Delivery Man.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by bronxapostle »

Jack of All Parades wrote:I have stopped scratching my head as to his seeming obstinance when it comes to distribution models. That one's last release was one of the strongest efforts one has produced in a long and reasonably distinguised career and that it fell flat in terms of sales would, I would hope, cause one to fully begin to explore alternative means of distribution. To just petulantly throw in the recording towel is not a reaction I like to see.

A career that has managed to marginalize itself over the decades may not translate into significant sales of discs but it surely can support a distribution effort for new material that makes usage of the new channels for obtaining music. He clearly still has writing chops; he has achieved of late a narrative strength that takes my breathe away in individual songs that I have written about in the past. That he lacks the cache of certain acts from the previous decade before he burst upon the musical scene is a given. That should not bother him. A consistent fan base, myself included, will buy his product in alternative forms. It may not make him rich but it should justify his continued need to put words and notes in new combinations.
relax Jack! i think he's only being momentarily "bitchy" about releasing new material. I HOPE at least! :lol: i truly believe the combination of the quick death on the charts of NR, alongside his father's passing has gotten us to this "spinning songbook/greatest hits tours" phase in his career. we've seen it in shorter bursts before, right? it will pass. how could a man that writes astronomical amounts all the sudden cease? NOT gonna happen. i feel before 2013 ends, we WILL get a new release or two. we will get new combinations of words and notes once again i can say relatively certainly. best, ba
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by Jack of All Parades »

"Costello wants to make sure there is plenty of time to devote to parenting his five-year-old twin sons with his wife, Canadian jazz singer Diana Krall, who has just released a new album, Glad Rag Doll.

"I enjoy playing and that's enough of my time really," Costello says. "Like a lot of people, I have to think about division of my time: the part of your life you value that you don't want to miss, and how you make your livelihood.

"I have plenty of ideas and one of these days I might write some more songs. But there is no possible way in the current market place that I can make a living making records. I have so many songs, I don't actually need to write any more.
"Partly I'm kidding. I don't know what is coming, is the truth. I could tell you I will never write another thing and then I could arrive with all new songs in the set and three records coming out. When you least expect it, fate stumbles in, as Percy Sledge once sang.""

From recent interview to promote his upcoming Australian tour in early 2013- coy, is he not? Surely there are other distribution models to explore-Elvis?
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by seanpointblank »

Well, I wish Elvis the best, but there's not much difference between recurring greatest hits tours and a standing gig in Vegas. The line between artist and mere performer is a thin one, but staking claim on one side of it is a surefire way to disinterest many.

Perhaps I'm naive, but I can't help but feel that when the urge to create is overcome by cynicism of the process, it may just mean there's not a lot left to create.

I agree with many that while NR is a solid piece, it does have enough clunkers to make it not a solid enough whole to be one of his best. Still easily his most enjoyable album in a long while with some of his best songs in a long while. I can't really even bare SP&S so clearly we have some divergence here.
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Re: national ransom two years next week

Post by Mikeh »

Two years???? Is it my imagination or does it seem like the older we get the faster time goes by?
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