35 Years Plus - Time for Celebration?

Pretty self-explanatory
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35 Years Plus - Time for Celebration?

Post by Wolverinefan »

Considering that EC has had such a long and successful career in music, I find it rather puzzling that he doesn't seem to get proper recognition for a career spanning 35 years plus. Other musicians/singers are often lauded for much shorter careers, having special anniversaries/TV specials to celebrate reaching just 10 or 20 years in the business, whilst with EC there has been nothing of the kind.

What is the feeling around here about this subject? I guess that the anniversaries/TV specials that we see for other performers are driven by their record/management companies looking for a way to cash in, but all the same it would be nice to see Elvis given some proper recognition for all his work. (I'm guessing that EC is unlikely to get any formal award through the honours system, due to his political views. Err... does that statement qualify me for the "Understatement of the Year" prize?)
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Re: 35 Years Plus - Time for Celebration?

Post by johnfoyle »

This documentary seems to be still 'on the way ' -


Aspects are discussed here -

http://www.elviscostellofans.com/phpBB3 ... ocumentary
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Re: 35 Years Plus - Time for Celebration?

Post by Wolverinefan »

Ah yes, that looks good. I guess some mention will be made in that of the fact that EC's first hit single was in 1977.

Apart from the endless reunion tour hype that goes on around various ageing rock/pop bands, it often seems to be the case that the media in the UK only give people the credit they deserve once they're no longer with us. It would be nice for EC to be given the credit while he's still very much here, in the pink, giving great live performances (unlike certain ageing rockers who have become rather pitiful of late).
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