Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Pretty self-explanatory
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sweetest punch
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Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sweetest punch »

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/elinor-ro ... 23753.html

Our boy turns 60 on August 25.
Will there be a release to celebrate this?
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by A rope leash »

Forget about the release...where's the party?!!!!!
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by Goon Squad »

Re-release of Party Party ? :roll: :lol:
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by bambooneedle »

There were always tears at the birthday party... and i doubt that any of us here would be invited. For talking all about him in public behind his back!
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sulky lad »

I reckon VG might be in with a chance of an invite cos Elvis always acknowledges him when they meet - but then he might remember his front row dancing and that'll change his mind ! :oops:
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by bambooneedle »

sulky lad wrote:I reckon VG might be in with a chance of an invite cos Elvis always acknowledges him when they meet - but then he might remember his front row dancing and that'll change his mind ! :oops:
What other choice does he have? :lol:
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sweetest punch »

Belgian news paper "De Standaard" has this article on their website to celebrate this birthday (with an "ultimate playlist"): http://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20140822_01227981
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sweetest punch »

Happy Birthday, Elvis!
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sweetest punch »

http://www.n-tv.de/leute/musik/Ein-Lebe ... 26641.html

60 Kerzen für Elvis Costello
Ein Leben ohne Scheuklappen

Wenn es jemanden gibt, der an keiner Branchentür vorbeiläuft, ohne nicht wenigstens einen Blick zu riskieren, dann ist es Elvis Costello. Rock? Punk? Country? Klassik? Der Brite ist stets offen für alles - und das schon seit über 40 Jahren. Nun wird er 60.

Elvis Costello ist ein Phänomen, eine Art Mysterium in menschlicher Gestalt, von dem jeder auch nur halbwegs informierte Musik-Kenner schon einmal was gehört hat. Geht es allerdings darum, dem Namen Costello ein Erscheinungsbild oder eine musikhistorische Großtat zur Seite zu stellen, damit sich bei unwissenden Neugierigen der berühmte Aha-Effekt einstellt, tun sich die meisten vermeintlich versierten Klang-Experten jedoch schwer.

Warum ein Künstler wie Elvis Costello nun schon seit über 40 Jahren mehr oder weniger unbemerkt seine Runden in internationalen Entertainment-Gewässern dreht, ist ein Rätsel. Die Rede ist hier schließlich von einem Mann, der im Jahr 2003 neben AC/DC, The Clash und The Police in die Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame aufgenommen wurde; einem Musiker, der bereits im Jahr 1977 mit seinem Pub-Rock-Debüt "My Aim Is True" sowohl in den britischen als auch in den US-amerikanischen Album-Charts mächtig Staub aufwirbelte, und der im Laufe seiner Karriere nicht nur mit Leuten wie Johnny Cash, Dusty Springfield und Paul McCartney zusammengearbeitet hat, sondern auch eine Unmenge von talentierten 60er- und 70er-Kindern mit seiner Musik die Verwirklichung von Lebensträumen ermöglichte.

Geboren als Declan Patrick MacManus

Gwen Stefani, Tori Amis, Damon Albarn, Billy Bragg: Die Liste derer, die von den Klängen Elvis Costellos zum Musizieren inspiriert wurden, ist lang. Sogar Bette Midler ist Fan des Musik-Workaholics, der im Spätsommer des Jahres 1954 mit dem Namen Declan Patrick MacManus zur Welt kam. Erst auf Betteln seines ersten Managers änderte der Brite seinen Namen in Elvis Costello um. Das war kurz vor Erscheinen seines Debütalbums. Danach zog es ihn in die weite Welt hinaus.

Mit jeder Menge Talent, dem nötigen Songwriting-Know-How und der unbändigen Lust auf musikalische Grenzgänge im Gepäck, hinterließ Elvis Costello in den folgenden Jahrzehnten in nahezu jedem Klang-Genre große Spuren. Festlegen wollte er sich nie: "Ich denke niemals daran, ob das, was ich mache, nun New Wave, Alternative, Americana oder sonst etwas ist. Solche Etiketten bergen immer die Gefahr, dass man den Blick für das Wesentliche verliert, nämlich für den tatsächlichen Inhalt der Musik, ihre Lebendigkeit", gab der Musiker vor einigen Jahren erklärend zu Protokoll.

Langlebige Meisterwerke

Und fürwahr: Einen Elvis Costello muss man einfach machen lassen. Dann entstehen nämlich langlebige Meisterwerke wie das zutiefst aufwühlende und vor Gift und Galle nur so sprühende Album "This Year's Model" aus dem Jahr 1978 oder das Rock-Pop-Spektakel "Spike", auf dem sich Costello und McCartney gegenseitig zu Höchstleistungen anstacheln.

Costello sorgte aber auch im Hintergrund immer wieder für großes Aufsehen. So produzierte er beispielsweise das grandiose The-Pogues-Zweitwerk "Rum, Sodomy & The Lash". Auch bei den britischen Ska-Legenden The Specials legte Costello im Studio des öfteren Hand an – von seinen Schattenbeiträgen für diverse Kino-Highlights ganz zu schweigen (The Big Lebowski, Notting Hill, Unterwegs nach Cold Mountain).

Blickt man dieser Tage auf Costellos bisheriges Gesamtschaffen zurück, fällt auf, dass kein Genre unberührt blieb. Egal, ob allein, mit seinen The-Attractions-Weggefährten, im Beisein eines kompletten Orchesters oder Hand in Hand mit der Creme de la Creme des internationalen Rock- und Pop-Business: Der zweifache Vater und Ehemann der kanadischen Jazzpianistin Diana Krall war stets auf der Suche nach neuen Türen. Dabei spielte es keine Rolle, ob an den Klingelschildern die Begriffe Rock, Punk, Wave, Country, Pop, Hip Hop oder Klassik standen: "Als Künstler muss man offen sein. Es darf keine Grenzen und auch keine Erwartungen geben. Nur so findet eine Entwicklung statt", so Costello. Sein Erbe liefert den Beweis. Heute feiert Elvis Costello seinen 60. Geburtstag. Wir sagen: Happy Birthday, Mr. Tausendsassa!

Google translation:

https://translate.google.be/translate?s ... t=&act=url

60 candles for Elvis Costello
A Life Without Blinders

If there is anyone who passes by every industry door without risking not at least have a look, it's Elvis Costello. Rock? Punk? Country? Classic? The Briton is always open to everything - and has been for over 40 years. Now he is 60th

Elvis Costello is a phenomenon, a kind of mystery in human form, of which every even semi-informed music connoisseur has heard that before. Is it, however, about the name Costello to make an appearance or a music historical feat to one side, so that the famous wow effect sets in unknowing onlookers, most supposedly savvy sound experts, however, have difficulties.

Why an artist like Elvis Costello now turns unnoticed for over 40 years, more or less its rounds in international waters entertainment, is a mystery. The speech is here, finally, of a man who was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2003 alongside AC / DC, The Clash and The Police; a musician who with his pub-rock debut "My Aim Is True" stirred up powerful dust already in 1977 both in the UK and in the American album charts, and the like throughout his career not only with people Johnny Cash, Dusty Springfield and Paul McCartney worked together, but also a plethora of talented 60 and 70 children with his music made ​​possible the realization of dreams life.

Declan Patrick MacManus was born as

Gwen Stefani, Tori Amis, Damon Albarn, Billy Bragg: The list of those who were inspired by the sounds of Elvis Costello's music-making is long. Even Bette Midler is a fan of Music-workaholics who came up with the name Declan Patrick MacManus to the world in the late summer of 1954. Only in begging his first manager changed his name in the Brit Elvis Costello to. That was shortly before the release of his debut album. Then he moved out into the wide world.

With a lot of talent, the songwriting necessary know-how and the irrepressible desire for musical border crossings in the luggage, Elvis Costello left in the following decades in almost every genre sound great tracks. He wanted to set himself never: "I never think about whether what I'm doing, now New Wave, Alternative, Americana or anything else is Such labels always run the risk that you lose sight of what is essential, namely for. actual content of the music, its vitality, "gave the musicians a few years before declaring for the record.

Durable masterpieces

And indeed: an Elvis Costello you just have to let go. For then arise durable masterpieces such as the deeply disturbing and before venom just as scintillating album "This Year's Model" from 1978, or the rock-pop spectacle "Spike" on which Costello and McCartney incite each other to maximum performance.

But Costello made ​​in the background over and over again for a great sensation. He produced, for example, the magnificent The-Pogues-second album "Rum, Sodomy & The Lash". Also presented at the British ska legends The Specials Costello in the studio often at hand - not to mention his shadow contributions for various movie highlights throughout (The Big Lebowski, Notting Hill, Cold Mountain).

If one surveys these days on Costello's entire achievements to date back, it is striking that no genre left untouched. Whether alone, with his The-Attractions-companions, in the presence of a full orchestra or hand in hand with the creme de la creme of international rock and pop business: The father of two and husband of Canadian jazz pianist Diana Krall was always on looking for new doors. It did not matter whether the terms Rock, Punk, Wave, Country, Pop, Hip Hop or Classical stood at the nameplates: "As an artist you have to be open, it should be no limits and no expectations only way to discover one.. development instead, "said Costello. His legacy is the proof. Today Elvis Costello celebrates his 60th birthday. We say: Happy Birthday, Mr. Jack of all trades!
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sulky lad »

Big birthday, hope it's a splendid one for our EC ! Have a great day, Elvis .
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by Ymaginatif »

It seems like only yesterday that he was making a big thing of turning 45?!
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by A rope leash »

Happy Birthday Elvis Costello!
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sheeptotheslaughter »

Happy Birthday Elvis watching mystery dance in celebration
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by Neil. »

Happy birthday, Elvis - thanks for all the wonderful songs. Keep 'em coming!
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by MOJO »

HB,EC. 60 is the new 40, so there is plenty of time to crank out more tunes... And now Bryan Cranston wins an Emmy for lead actor in a drama series. Yes!
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by frank »

For te occasion of Elvis' sixtieth birthday, listeners of Belgian radio 1 were asked for their favorite 3 Elvis-tracks. Apparently the response was massive. Based on all contributions, the following tot 15 was compiled. It was broadcast yesterday evening on our national radio.

http://www.radio1.be/programmas/exit/co ... favorieten
Judge Holden
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Re: Elvis turns 60 on August 25

Post by Judge Holden »

frank wrote:For te occasion of Elvis' sixtieth birthday, listeners of Belgian radio 1 were asked for their favorite 3 Elvis-tracks. Apparently the response was massive. Based on all contributions, the following tot 15 was compiled. It was broadcast yesterday evening on our national radio.

http://www.radio1.be/programmas/exit/co ... favorieten
Swap 'She' for 'Beyond Belief' & Belgium's pretty much spot on. Belated congratulations, Elvis!
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