Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

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Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by taramasalata »

Wow, that's great news!!!

And he is playing at the "Volkshaus", finally, after haven played the rather dull (at least for a rock concert) "Kongresshaus" a couple of times...
Looking forward to that a lot!
And Zurich in summer is especially lovely, at the marvelous lake, great for a 3-day-trip, although the 1st of June 2016 will be a Wednesday.
Might give "Wednesday week" a different significance ...
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

Ticket got !
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by Man out of Time »

Interview and preview in German by Dominik Hug published on 24 March 2016 in Blick am Abend:

"Smalltalk mit Elvis Costello (61), Sänger/Songwriter
«Wir können mal einen Monat frei machen»

Sie werden heuer 62 Jahre alt. Wie schlimm ist das Älterwerden?

Es ist okay. Die Zweifel, die damit verbunden sind, konnte ich glücklicherweise schon vor längerer Zeit ablegen. Bei mir waren die 20er-, 30er- und 40er schlimmer. Ich hatte meinen Platz im Leben noch nicht gefunden. Dann aber kehrte plötzlich eine Ruhe ein und ich akzeptierte den Weg, den ich eingeschlagen habe. Und heute bin ich sogar richtig zufrieden auf diesem Weg. Natürlich aber auch mit dem Wissen, dass er endlich ist.

Je weniger Zeit einem bleibt, desto sinnvoller erscheint einem das Leben?

Genau. Weil man die verbleibenden Jahre eben nicht mit sinnlosen Dingen verplempern will, sondern jede Sekunde voll auskosten möchte.

Sie haben gerade Ihre Memoiren veröffentlicht. Ist Ihnen das Niederschreiben Ihres Lebens leichtgefallen?

Himmel, das Buch hat mehr als 600 Seiten. Wäre es leicht gewesen, hätte ich schon nach 200 Seiten Schluss gemacht. Aber der Aufwand hat sich gelohnt. Die meisten Kritiker fanden das Buch gut. Und die wenigen, die etwas bemängelt haben, taten dies so clever, dass ich überzeugt bin, dass sie es tatsächlich zu Ende gelesen haben. Was wiederum für meine Memoiren spricht, finde ich (lacht).

Im Sommer kommen Sie auf grosse Europa-Tournee. Machen Konzerte noch gleich viel Spass wie früher?

Sogar noch mehr! Würde es das nicht, liesse ich es bleiben. Das einzige Problem ist, dass meine Frau (Jazz-Sängerin Diana Krall) ebenfalls oft wochenlang in der Welt herumtingelt. Und ich verbringe eigentlich sehr gerne Zeit mit ihr und unserer Familie (lacht). Dafür haben wir andere Freiheiten als Leute mit normalen Jobs: Wir können beide auch mal einen Monat frei machen und uns dann nur um die Kinder kümmern. Ich sollte mich also über nichts beklagen.

Buch: «Unfaithful Music – Mein Leben» (Berlin Verlag). Konzert: Mittwoch, 1. Juni, Volkshaus Zürich"

Or in "English" via Google Translate -

Smalltalk with Elvis Costello (61), singer / songwriter
"We can sometimes make a month off"

"You are 62 years old this year. How bad is getting older?

It's OK. The doubts which are associated with it, I could fortunately take a long time ago. For me, the 20s, 30s and 40s were worse. I had not yet found my place in life. Then suddenly came a a rest and I accepted the path I have chosen. And today I am actually pretty happy in this way. Of course, but also with the knowledge that he is finite.

The less time remains one, the more sense appears a life?

I agree. Because one the remaining years just does not want to fritter away with meaningless things, but want to fully enjoy every second.

You have just published your memoirs. Is it easy like writing down your life?

Sky, the book has more than 600 pages. Would it have been easy, I would have done after 200 pages Final. But the effort was worthwhile. Most critics found the book well. And the few who have criticized some did so so clever that I am convinced that they have actually finished it. Which in turn speaks for my memoirs, I think (laughs).

In summer, come on big European tour. Make concerts yet equally fun as it used to?

Even more! Would it not, I were to be there to stay. The only problem is that my wife (jazz singer Diana Krall) also often around for weeks tingelt in the world. And I spend actually very happy time with her and our family (laughs). We have other freedoms as people with normal jobs: We can both sometimes take a month off and then take care of only the children. I should not complain about anything me so.

Book: "Unfaithful Music - My Life" (Berlin Verlag). Concert: Wednesday, June 1, Volkshaus Zurich"

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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by Man out of Time »

Undated and anonymous preview in Trend Magazine

"Elvis Costello (ZÜRICH)
1. Juni 2016 20:00 - 23:59 | CHF0.00

Der 61-jährige Brite Elvis Costello gehört zu den begabtesten und intelligentesten Songwritern der Musikgeschichte und begeistert mit seinem ganz eigenen Vokabular, seiner Erfindungsgabe und mit den für ihn typischen Metaphern bis heute. Ende der 70er Jahre begann Costellos Stern zu leuchten: Anfangs kokettierte er mit der Punk-Ästhetik und benutzte sie als Plattform für seine grandiosen Pop-Perlen, mit denen er auf den Alben «This Year’s Model» und «Armed Forces» für Furore sorgte. Zusammen mit seiner Band The Attractions gelang ihm darauf der kommerzielle Durchbruch in seiner Heimat sowie in den USA. Ins Volkshaus kommt der grossartige Musiker mit vielen Gitarren und seiner unverkennbaren Stimme, aber ohne Band: Elvis Costello pur und solo im Volkshaus – ein ganz spezielles Konzertereignis des Frühsommers. Einziges Konzert in der Schweiz.

Es sind 4 Ticketkategorien ab CHF 0.00 erhältlich.

Tickets sind bei Ticketcorner erhältlich".

Or in "English" via Google Translate:

"Elvis Costello (ZURICH)
June 1, 2016 20:00 to 23:59 | CHF0.00

The 61-year-old Briton Elvis Costello is one of the most talented and smartest songwriters in music history and excited with its own vocabulary, its inventiveness and with his typical metaphors today. Late 70s began Costello's star to shine: first he flirted with the punk aesthetic and used them as a platform for its grandiose pop gems with which he made on the albums "This Year's Model" and "Armed Forces" sensation. Together with his band The Attractions succeeded it, the commercial breakthrough in his home and in the US. Ins Volkshaus the great musician comes with many guitars and his unmistakable voice, but without tape: Elvis Costello pure and solo at the Volkshaus - a very special concert event of early summer. The only concert in Switzerland.

There are 4 categories ticket from CHF 0.00 available.

Tickets are available at Ticket Corner."

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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by Man out of Time »

Preview article by Nick Joyce published on 25 May in the Zurich Tages Anzeiger The format seems to be a collection of press cuttings with the source and year preceding each.

"Elvis Costello

«Ich werde von neuen Songs geradezu heimgesucht: Kaum habe ich ein Stück fertig, kündigt sich bereits das nächste bei mir an.»

Cash, 1998

«Von ihrer Struktur her hat sich die Rockmusik über die letzten dreissig Jahre kaum weiterentwickelt. Das macht es schwierig, etwas Neues mit ihr anzufangen. Darum gibt es auch immer perversere Versuche, sie irgendwie aufzufrischen.»

Anfang der 80er-Jahre begann Costello, seine Fühler in neue Stilrichtungen auszustrecken. Mit dem Album «Almost Blue» (1981) tauchte er souverän in die amerikanische Country-Tradition ein: das Titelstück hat sich mittlerweile zum Standard entwickelt.

Cash, 1998

«Ich hatte nie ein Problem mit Wohlklang. Mir ist aber bewusst, dass sich viele Leute vor musikalischer Eloquenz fürchten. Was auch verständlich ist, wenn diese dazu verwendet wird, Gefühle zu kaschieren.»

Pathos und Sentimentalität sind Elvis Costello keineswegs fremd. Das weiss man spätestens seit dem Album «Painted From Memory», das Costello 1998 mit dem US-amerikanischen Songwriter-Veteran Burt Bacharach erarbeitete. Wobei er dessen Kompositionen schon zu seiner Zeit als Trittbrettfahrer auf der Punk-Welle im Repertoire hatte.

Züritipp, 2003

«Den Glauben, die aktuelle Weltlage in seinen Songs kommentieren zu müssen, halte ich für äusserst arrogant. Er setzt voraus, dass man etwas wahnsinnig Originelles zum Zeitgeschehen beizutragen hat, das nicht auf ein Gefühl der verzweifelten Unumgänglichkeit hinausläuft. Statt den Einmarsch im Irak zu thematisieren, schreibe ich gerade über die stärkste Kraft auf dem Planeten, nämlich über die Liebe. Einen radikaleren Akt kann ich mir zu diesem Zeitpunkt kaum vorstellen.»

Weil er Margaret Thatchers erste Amtszeit inklusive dem Falkland-Konflikt mit bitteren Songs wie «Pills & Soap» oder «Shipbuilding» perfekt dokumentiert hatte, galt Elvis Costello lange als politischer Songwriter. In Wirklichkeit veröffentlicht er einfach die Musik, die er gerade zu Papier bringen kann oder will. Während George ?W. Bush und Tony Blair 2003 in den Irak einfielen, zelebrierte Costello auf dem Album «North» seine Vermählung mit der kanadischen Jazzpianistin Diana Krall.

Züritipp, 2012

«Ich verstehe nicht, warum man hinter allem, was ich anstelle, ein theoretisch überfrachtetes Konzept vermutet. Ich werde aufgrund meiner Texte für einen Intellektuellen gehalten, dabei bin ich in Wirklichkeit alles andere als intellektuell. Ich lese höchstens ein bisschen Lyrik und nehme von Zeit zu Zeit ein Geschichtsbuch in die Hand, aber das wars auch schon.»

Für Musikfans, die sich für Intellektuelle hielten, war Elvis Costello so etwas wie eine Kultfigur, die für sie das Leben in Gut und Böse, Schwarz und Weiss einteilen konnte. Über ihn sagte David Lee Roth (Van Halen) einst, dass die Musikkritiker Elvis Costello nur darum so liebten, weil sie alle wie Elvis Costello aussahen.

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2015

«Stiletiketten bergen immer die Gefahr, dass man den Blick für das Wesentliche an der Musik verliert, nämlich ihren Inhalt oder ihre Lebendigkeit. Das ist, als ob man eine Packung Kekse kauft und dann in der Erwartung in ?die Verpackung beisst, dass diese gut schmeckt.»

Wäre da nicht die Stimme mit der schnodderig klaren Diktion und der perfekten Intonation, würde man viele von Elvis Costellos Platten nicht als solche erkennen. Trotzdem ist der Eklektiker auch nach vierzig Jahren der Rockmusik treu geblieben. Fast immer enden seine Konzerte mit dem Punk-Stampfer «Pump It Up».

Züritipp, 2016

«Zum Glück bewege ich mich nicht mehr in einem kompetitiven Umfeld, wo ich mich mit allen Absurditäten des Musikgeschäfts herumschlagen muss. Playback-Auftritte muss ich keine mehr absolvieren, und wenn alles gut geht, werden Sie meine Visage auch nie wieder im Fernsehen begutachten müssen. Ich kann verstehen, warum es Playbackshows gibt. Würde ein Sender echte Emotionen zeigen, die die Zuschauer zum Denken oder Mitfühlen bringen könnten, würde der Kanal schnell weggezappt.»

Zu ihren Anfängen machten sich Costello und seine Begleitband The Attractions oft über das Medium Fernsehen lustig. Gerne liessen sie die Scharade einer Playbackshow auffliegen oder stellten bei Live-Übertragungen ihr Repertoire ohne Vorwarnung um. Mit einer solchen Spitzkehre handelte sich Costello 1977 ein zehnjähriges Auftrittsverbot in der amerikanischen Primetime-Sendung «Saturday Night Live» ein.

Züritipp, 2016

«Die Figur des Elvis Costello wurde mir von Journalisten und Plattenfirmen angedichtet. Im Jahre 1978 habe ich diese Rolle ganze 45 Minuten lang bekleidet. Seiter versuche ich mich als Mensch aus Fleisch und Blut, wenn auch nicht immer ganz überzeugend.»

Von Costello heisst es, ihm würde auf der Toilette ein ganzes Doppelalbum an neuen Songs einfallen. An dieser Kreativität hat sich nach vierzig Jahren nichts geändert. Kurz vor seiner aktuellen Solotournee verfasste Costello 17 neue Songs für das Musical «A Face in the Crowd», das 2017 uraufgeführt werden soll."
Datum und Uhrzeit
Mittwoch, 01.06.2016 20.00
Rock, New Wave
80 - 125 CHF
Elvis Costello (GB), Larkin Poe

Or in "English" via Google Translate:

"Elvis Costello
"Perverse TRIALS"

"I'm haunted by new songs almost: As soon as I've finished a piece, already promises to be the next me."

Cash, 1998

"The rock music over the last thirty years has hardly evolved from their structure. This makes it difficult to start something new with it. Why there is always more perverse attempts to freshen up somehow. "

Beginning of the 80s began Costello to stretch his tentacles into new styles. With the album "Almost Blue" (1981), he appeared confident in the American country tradition one: the title song has since become a standard.

Cash, 1998

"I never had a problem with euphony. but I am aware that many people afraid of musical eloquence. What is also evident when it is used to hide feelings. "

Pathos and sentimentality are Elvis Costello no stranger. The white one, at least since the album "Painted From Memory", Costello 1998 worked with the US songwriter veteran Burt Bacharach. Whereby it as freeloaders had his compositions even in his time on the punk wave repertoire.

Züritipp 2003

"The faith of having to comment on the current world situation in his songs, I think is extremely arrogant. It assumes that one has something to contribute insane Original current affairs, which does not result in a sense of desperate inevitability. Instead to address the invasion of Iraq, I am writing about the most powerful force on the planet, namely about love. A radical act can I not imagine at this time. "

Because he had Margaret Thatcher's first term, including the Falklands conflict with bitter songs like "Pills & Soap" or "Shipbuilding" perfectly documented, Elvis Costello has long been considered a political songwriter. In fact, he just released the music that he can put on paper or just want. While George W. Bush and Tony Blair invaded Iraq in 2003, Costello celebrated on the album "North" his marriage with the Canadian jazz pianist Diana Krall.

Züritipp 2012

"I do not understand why behind everything I instead, suggested a theoretical concept encumbered. I am held because of my texts for intellectuals, even though I am in reality anything but intellectually. I read more than a bit of poetry and take from time to time a history book in hand, but that's it. "

For music fans, who considered themselves intellectuals, Elvis Costello was something of a cult figure who could divide life into good and evil, black and white for them. About him said David Lee Roth (Van Halen) once that the music critic Elvis Costello just putting so loved because they all looked like Elvis Costello.

Süddeutsche Zeitung, 2015

"Style labels always run the risk that you lose sight of the essence of the music, namely their content or vividness. That's like buying a packet of biscuits and then the expectation in? Biting the packaging that this tastes good. "

Were it not for the voice with the brash clear diction and perfect intonation, you would not recognize many of Elvis Costello's plates as such. Nevertheless, the eclectics has remained true even after forty years of rock music. Almost always end his concerts with Punk Masher "Pump It Up".

Züritipp 2016

"Luckily I move me no more in a competitive environment, where I have to put up with all the absurdities of the music business. Playback performances I have to complete any more, and if all goes well, you are my Visage also never have to assess on television. I can understand why there are playback shows. If a transmitter show real emotions that could make the audience think or compassion, the channel would zapped away quickly. "

At its beginnings, Costello and his band The Attractions often made fun of the medium of television. They like left the charade a Playbackshow fly up or presented during a live broadcast their repertoire without warning around. With such a hairpin to Costello negotiated in 1977 a ten-year performance ban in American primetime program "Saturday Night Live" a.

Züritipp 2016

"The figure of Elvis Costello was me angedichtet of journalists and record labels. In 1978 I got this role clothed whole 45 minutes. Seiter I try myself as a person of flesh and blood, even if not always convincing. "

From Costello it is, it would not occur on the toilet for a whole double album of new songs. At this creativity has not changed after forty years. Shortly before his current solo tour authored Costello 17 new songs for the musical "A Face in the Crowd", to be premiered in 2017. "

Interesting to see the figure of 17 new songs for "A Face In The Crowd". No clue as to the source for that figure, which may be on the high side.

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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by sweetest punch »

Man out of Time wrote:Preview article by Nick Joyce published on 25 May in the Zurich Tages Anzeiger The format seems to be a collection of press cuttings with the source and year preceding each.

"Elvis Costello

Züritipp 2016

"The figure of Elvis Costello was me angedichtet of journalists and record labels. In 1978 I got this role clothed whole 45 minutes. Seiter I try myself as a person of flesh and blood, even if not always convincing. "

From Costello it is, it would not occur on the toilet for a whole double album of new songs. At this creativity has not changed after forty years. Shortly before his current solo tour authored Costello 17 new songs for the musical "A Face in the Crowd", to be premiered in 2017. "

Interesting to see the figure of 17 new songs for "A Face In The Crowd". No clue as to the source for that figure, which may be on the high side.

Problably these 17 songs: http://www.elviscostellofans.com/phpBB3 ... f=2&t=8947

"Quite a few new songs have been added to the ASCAP site, including all seven songs associated with "A Face In The Crowd":

A FACE IN THE CROWD (Work ID: 890398741)
AMERICAN MIRROR (Work ID: 890398548)
BLOOD AND HOT SAUCE (Work ID: 890398570)
THEY CALL ME, "MRS. LONESOME" (Work ID: 890398924)
TOWN CALLED RIDDLE (Work ID: 890398935)
VITAJEX (Work ID: 890398957)

Plus these titles I don't recognize:

BYLINE (Work ID: 890398585)
DOES YOUR DOLL SPEAK? (Work ID: 890398726)
DON'T PUT ME ON (Work ID: 890398727)
HE MAKES MY WATER BOIL (Work ID: 890398770)
HOW COULD YOU KNOW? (Work ID: 890398782)
NICE GUYS COME LAST (Work ID: 890398843)
THE LAST WORD (Work ID: 890398814)
WHY DON'T YOU JUMP IN? (Work ID: 890398967)"
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Aside from the toilet quote ( :? ) it also says the show will be premiered in 2017.
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

I'm leaving sunny Dublin tomorrow for forecasted rainy Zurich. A friend from the UK can't make the show after all & has sent me his ticket . It's in row B, 125 Swiss money (c.122 euro). Any takers?
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

Ticket is sold
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

Flying this evening to Zurich to see Elvis tomorrow. Today at work I've dealt with people called 'Chelsea' & 'Natasha'. Bizarre!
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by sulky lad »

All dealt with by the antithesis of "Mr Misery" !!
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

It's raining heavily as I now leave my hotel for the 20 minute tram journey to the venue.
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by And No Coffee Table »

Zurich, 6/1/16: “Blood & Hot Sauce.”

Zurich, 6/1/16: “Little White Lies.”

Zurich, 6/1/16: “TV Is The a Thing (This Year).”

Zurich, 6/1/16: “Alison” with ‪@LarkinPoe‬.

Zurich, 6/1/16: “American Mirror,” the finest of the ‪@ElvisCostello‬ and ‪@LarkinPoe‬ duets.

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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by And No Coffee Table »


"Big Stars Have Tumbled" is one of the songs recently registered with ASCAP and probably intended for A Face In The Crowd.
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by verbal gymnastics »

And there are some other great songs on that set list - Human Hands 8) I hope he played it!

Is Alison with Larkin Poe a first? Or is ecsongbysong guilty of more post gig drinks? With johnfoyle this time... :lol:
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by Man out of Time »

verbal gymnastics wrote:
Is Alison with Larkin Poe a first? Or is ecsongbysong guilty of more post gig drinks? With johnfoyle this time... :lol:
Alison with Larkin Poe is not a first. They accompanied Elvis on this song on 13 April 2016 in Jackson, Wyoming.

The setlist on the Wiki is here: http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... 13_Jackson

ecsongbysong provided that setlist from the Jackson show, so surprised by the suggestion that this is a first.

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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by And No Coffee Table »

http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... -01_Zurich


01. Watching The Detectives
02. I Can't Turn It Off
03. Accidents Will Happen
04. Ascension Day
05. Church Underground
06. Everyday I Write The Book
07. Shipbuilding - on piano
08. Shot With His Own Gun - on piano
09. A Face In The Crowd - on piano
10. Blood & Hot Sauce - on piano
11. Ghost Train - seated
12. Little White Lies - seated
13. She - seated
14. TV Is The Thing (This Year) - seated
15. Pads, Paws And Claws - with Larkin Poe
16. That's Not The Part Of Him You're Leaving - with Larkin Poe
17. Clown Strike - with Larkin Poe
18. Burn The Paper Down To Ash - with Larkin Poe, sung by Rebecca Lovell
19. Vitajex - with Larkin Poe. EC on ukulele
20. Alison - with Larkin Poe
21. American Mirror - with Larkin Poe, EC on piano
22. Jimmie Standing In The Rain - including Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?
23. I Want You
24. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding? - with Larkin Poe

("Big Stars Have Tumbled" was not actually played.)
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by Bradwellboy »

For the record, this is to my knowledge the second-ever "Alison" with @LarkinPoe. They backed EC on the song in Jackson, WY as well. (1)

A tweet from Steve
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by And No Coffee Table »

I believe the first "Alison" with Larkin Poe was in London in 2014.

Rebecca Lovell spoke about it in an interview:
Rebecca cherishes the first time just a couple of years ago that they sang “Alison” with Costello. While knowing his signature tune, it wasn’t on the list they worked out in advance.

“Out of the blue, he looked over at Megan and I and said, ‘Hey, let’s go into “Alison” in the key of A. Let’s go.’ And then kicked right in,” she recalled. “And that was a really exhilarating moment because there was so much trust in him being willing to go out on that tangent and go out on that limb and trust us to follow him. And that for me was a really cool turning moment in the relationship that we have because he, I guess, had enough faith stored up to just throw it on us and just trust that we could do it. And we did and it sounded great!”
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Man out of Time wrote: ecsongbysong provided that setlist from the Jackson show, so surprised by the suggestion that this is a first.
We geniuseses are entitled to get things wrong once in a while.

I made a mistake once but fortunately It's never been repeated :lol:
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Also was this the first time Elvis has done TV is the thing this year whilst seated?
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Man out of Time wrote:
verbal gymnastics wrote:
Is Alison with Larkin Poe a first? Or is ecsongbysong guilty of more post gig drinks? With johnfoyle this time... :lol:
Alison with Larkin Poe is not a first. They accompanied Elvis on this song on 13 April 2016 in Jackson, Wyoming.

The setlist on the Wiki is here: http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... 13_Jackson

ecsongbysong provided that setlist from the Jackson show, so surprised by the suggestion that this is a first.

I was at that show :lol:
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

Post by taramasalata »

johnfoyle wrote:Interesting, rewarding show.
Fully agree. It was a great evening: Musically focused and confident, in great voice, emotionally endearing the way the biographical anecdotes were told and yet entertaining and joyful as a show.
I can hardly remember having seen EC in such a heartfelt and simultaneously relaxed way, apparently fully at ease with the things he's doing and the life he's living.
Just the fun so vibrant within him while playing all these new songs, completely unknown to the audience. And the joy on his face while facing that those were the ones that nearly got most of the cheers and applause.
There has been some discussion on the forum a few weeks ago about him supposedly having given up on taking any more risks.
Which is not true I think. Okay, he might not be that innovative anymore on records like he was with songs like "Clubland", "Beyond belief" oder "Pills and soap" decades ago.
But watching him doing a show with all that unknown material, playing hidden gems like "Ghost train" or a gorgeous rendition of "Clown Strike" together with Larkin' Poe, reinventing "Everyday I write the book" in yet one more new, kind of funk-folky-acoustic guitar-way, presenting "She" very subtle and hushed in a slight swing version while strumming the guitar chords gently, ever switching between various settings and musical companionship and doing all that without ever appearing to be pressed or striving too hard, that was great.
He truly is unique.

Only too bad that I did not only miss John Foyle but that we missed Mr. Costello himself after the show. We were told that, after having given some autographs, he had already taken the cab to the fancy "Baur au Lac" hotel right at the lakeside. But we got at least some consolation by posing for a selfie with the lovely Megan from Larkin' Poe.
And we were also told that in the afternoon in between the soundcheck he took the chance to purchase a stack of vinyl in the record store "Zero Zero" just opposite the backstage entrance of the venue.

So next time we will know better where to meet him best.
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Re: Elvis plays Zurich, June 1st 2016

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