Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Pretty self-explanatory
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Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by krm »

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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016

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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016

Post by Man out of Time »

Preview at Nordjyske.dk

"Elvis Costello til Aalborg
Den britiske rockveteran optræder solo i Musikkens Hus i maj 2016
Elvis Costello kommer til Aalborg 20. maj 2016.
Elvis Costello kommer til Aalborg 20. maj 2016.
EC DK.jpg (66.33 KiB) Viewed 37700 times
AALBORG: Musikkens Hus fortsætter med at trække større internationale navne til byen.

Forleden blev det offentliggjort, at den amerikanske rocksanger Chris Cornell lægger vejen forbi i april 2016, og nu står det klart, at også britiske Elvis Costello kommer til byen. Det sker 20. maj 2016, hvor han optræder solo i Musikkens Hus’ koncertsal.

61-årige Costello var senest i landet sidste år, hvor han gav en koncert på Værket i Randers, der blev belønnet med fem stjerner i disse spalter.

Elvis Costello, der i virkeligheden hedder Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus, brød igennem i sluthalvfjerdserne i den new wave-bølge, som udsprang af punkmusikken. Siden har han dog formildet sit musikalske udtryk, som i dag spænder over blandt andet country, blues, jazz og folk.

Koncerten i Aalborg skulle være Elvis Costellos eneste danske stop på hans 2016-turné. Billetsalget starter fredag."

Or in "English" via Google Translate

" Elvis Costello to Aalborg
The British rock veteran performs solo in the House of Music in May 2016

AALBORG: House of Music continues to draw major international names to the city.

The other day it was announced that the American rock singer Chris Cornell'll visit in April 2016 and now it is clear that also the British Elvis Costello comes to town. It happens May 20, 2016, in which he performs solo in the House of Music 'concert.

61-year-old Costello was recently in the country last year, where he gave a concert at the plant in Randers, which was awarded five stars in these columns.

Elvis Costello, who real name is Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus, broke through in the final seventies the new wave-wave, which grew out of punk music. Since then, however, he softened his musical expression, which today spans among other things, country, blues, jazz and folk.

The concert in Aalborg had to be Elvis Costello's only Danish stop on his 2016 tour. Ticket sales start on Friday. "

Not I think a very recent picture of Elvis, looks more like 1996 /ATUB era.

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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016

Post by johnfoyle »

Who's going ?
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016

Post by krm »

I'll be there!
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016

Post by Man out of Time »

Preview in Danish published on 28 October 2015 in Aalborg idag

"Elvis Costello til Musikkens Hus

Rockveteranen, rebellen, multitalentet og manden med det markante brillestel stopper kun i Aalborg, når han næste år drager på soloturné.

Nu kan nordjyderne snart opleve én af rockens mest respekterede skikkelser live.

Britiske Elvis Costello har valgt kun at gøre ét dansk stop på sin kommende soloturné – og det bliver i Koncertsalen i Musikkens Hus.

- Vi er utrolig stolte af, at vi som ungt koncertsted allerede kan trække internationale stjerner inden for både klassisk og rytmisk musik til Nordjylland. Det glæder mig kolossalt, at vi kan give nordjyderne en helt unik mulighed for at møde et så stort og verdensberømt navn, siger Lasse Rich Henningsen, adm. direktør i Musikkens Hus.

Ingen snærende bånd
Rockveteranen brød gennem lydmuren i 1977 med den new wave-orienterede debut "My Aim Is True".

Samme år gjorde han et uforglemmelig indtryk, da han på afbud fra Sex Pistols optrådte i det amerikanske tv-show Saturday Night Live.

Her valgte den dengang 23-årige Costello at stoppe midt i det nummer, han havde aftalt med produceren, ”Less Than Zero”, for i stedet at kaste sig ud i det mere ukendte nummer ”Radio, Radio”.

Ulydigheden gjorde folkene bag tv-showet rasende, og Costello fik ikke lov til at optræde i Saturday Night Live de næste 12 år.

Men det er ikke langt fra kun Costellos rebelske side, der har gjort ham verdensberømt og dybt respekteret.

Hans store talent og umættelige appetit på stort set alle musikgenrer har resulteret i, at han har udgivet et hav af plader i vidt forskellige stilarter: Rock, pop, jazz, easy listening, klassisk, country, reggae, punk og senest hiphop i 2013. På sine mange udgivelser har han samarbejdet med store kanoner som Chet Baker, Paul McCartney og Burt Bacharach.

I 1999 kom Elvis Costello på alles læber, da han sang Charles Aznavours ”She”, som blev kendingsmelodi til den berømte kærlighedsfilm ”Notting Hill”.

Elvis Costello er både sanger, musiker, sangskriver, komponist og producent.

Ud over sit soloprojekt har han udgivet flere albums med bandet The Attractions, og i de senere år har han stået i front for bandet The Imposters.

I Musikkens Hus optræder han uden band.

Elvis Costello går på scenen fredag 20. maj 2016 klokken 20.00 i Koncertsalen.

Billetterne går i salg fredag 30. oktober klokken 10.00 og kommer til at koste henholdsvis 380 og 425 kroner inklusive gebyr."

Copyright 2016 aalborgidag.dk.

Or in "English"via Google translate:

" Elvis Costello to House of Music

Rock veteran, rebel, multi talent and the man with the striking spectacle frame stops just in Aalborg when he next year embark on a solo tour.

Now northern Jutland soon experience one of rock's most respected figures live.

British Elvis Costello has chosen to make one Danish stop on his upcoming solo tour - and it is in the Concert Hall of the House of Music.

- We are very proud that we as young concert venue already draw international stars in both classical and popular music to North Jutland. I am pleased enormous that we can give Northern Jutland a unique opportunity to meet a large and world-famous name, says Lasse Rich Henningsen, adm. Director of House of Music.

No constraints
Rock veteran broke the sound barrier in 1977 with the New Wave-oriented debut "My Aim Is True".

That same year he made an unforgettable impression when he apologies from the Sex Pistols appeared in the US television show Saturday Night Live.

Here chose the then 23-year-old Costello to stop in the middle of the track he had agreed with the producer, "Less Than Zero", and instead embark on the more unknown number "Radio, Radio".

Disobedient unit did the people behind the TV show furious and Costello were not allowed to perform in the Saturday Night Live the next 12 years.

But it is not far from the only Costello's rebellious side, has made him world famous and deeply respected.

His great talent and insatiable appetite for virtually all music genres has resulted in that he has released a sea of ​​plates in different styles: rock, pop, jazz, easy listening, classical, country, reggae, punk and later hip hop in 2013. in his many publications, he has collaborated with big guns like Chet Baker, Paul McCartney and Burt Bacharach.

In 1999, Elvis Costello on everyone's lips as he sang Charles Aznavours "She", which was the jingle for the famous love movie "Notting Hill".

Elvis Costello is both a singer, musician, songwriter, composer and producer.

In addition to his solo project he has released several albums with the band The Attractions, and in recent years he has been at the front of the band The Imposters.

In the House of Music, he appears without the band.

Elvis Costello goes on stage Friday, May 20, 2016 at 20:00 in the Concert Hall.

Tickets go on sale Friday, October 30 at 10:00 and will cost 380 and 425 crowns inclusive fee."

Apparently still defined by that SNL appearance- at least in North Jutland.

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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016

Post by VonOfterdingen »

Got tickets for this. Guess it's cancelled too now that it's the day before Hamburg.
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016

Post by VonOfterdingen »

Now officially cancelled.
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled

Post by krm »

I got a mail today from the Venue that states more or less that they are doing everything to get a new date. I hope they manage.
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by krm »

New mail today with the new date communicated!
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by bronxapostle »

krm wrote:New mail today with the new date communicated!
Excellent news krm
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by krm »

bronxapostle wrote:
krm wrote:New mail today with the new date communicated!
Excellent news krm
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by Man out of Time »

New date confirmed on the venue website:

Solokoncert med britisk rockveteran

Det er lykkedes Musikkens Hus at sikre en ny koncertdato med det musikalske multigenretalent Elvis Costello.

Der bliver nok at glæde sig til, når Elvis Costello gæster Musikkens Hus. Han er nemlig en af rockens mest respekterede skikkelser. Siden han dukkede op i sen-70’ernes punkskygge, har han udgivet et hav af plader i vidt forskellige stilarter: rock, pop, jazz, easy listening, klassisk, country, reggae, punk og senest i 2013 hip-hop. Samarbejdspartnerne tæller store kanoner som Chet Baker, Paul McCartney og Burt Bacharach.

Den britiske rockveteran Elvis Costello har altså optrådt i et væld af forskellige konstellationer, men denne gang får publikum i Musikkens Hus fornøjelsen af at opleve ham solo.

Elvis Costello fik sit gennembrud med den new wave-orienterede debut "My Aim Is True" tilbage i 1977 og hittede i Danmark i sen-90'erne med sit easy listening-samarbejde med Burt Bacharach: "Painted From Memory". Elvis Costello er både sanger, musiker, sangskriver/komponist og producent. Ud over sit soloprojekt har han udgivet flere albums med bandet The Attractions, og i de senere år har han stået i front for bandet The Imposters.

Elvis Costello er en scenekunstner, der bjergtager og begejstrer. Med ham på scenen er der lagt op til en musikalsk stjernestund.

04/03 2017
Kl. 20:00

Dkk (1) 425,- (2) 380,- inkl. gebyr

Or in "English" via Google Translate:

Solo concert by British rock veteran

We have succeeded in the House of Music to secure a new concert date with the musical multi-genre talent Elvis Costello.

It is enough to look forward to when Elvis Costello guests House of Music. He is in fact one of rock's most respected figures. Since he appeared in the late-70s punk shade, he has released a sea of ​​plates in different styles: rock, pop, jazz, easy listening, classical, country, reggae, punk and by 2013 hip-hop. The partners counter big guns as Chet Baker, Paul McCartney and Burt Bacharach.

The British rock veteran Elvis Costello have all appeared in a host of different constellations, but this time the audience at the House of Music pleasure of seeing him solo.

Elvis Costello had his breakthrough with the new wave-oriented debut "My Aim Is True" back in 1977 and the big hit in Denmark in the late 90s with his easy listening collaboration with Burt Bacharach, "Painted From Memory". Elvis Costello is both a singer, musician, songwriter / composer and producer. In addition to his solo project he has released several albums with the band The Attractions, and in recent years he has been at the front of the band The Imposters.

Elvis Costello is a scene that would beguile and excite. With him on the stage is set for a musical stellar."

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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Who's going?
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by krm »

I´ll be there!
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by VonOfterdingen »

Me too.
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by VonOfterdingen »

And an old update announcing todays concert. I'm on the train to Aalborg :)

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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Thanks - I should have hit that 'translate' button! Still, it'll be a handy link to find any review tomorrow. Not that it'll be anyway as good as VonOfterdingen 's review :D
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by bronxapostle »

Ready for setlist Kjell...nice instagram!!
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by krm »

bronxapostle wrote:Ready for setlist Kjell...nice instagram!!
Thanks . I m driving home now and Will do setlist properly att home tonight
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Kjell's photos , via Facebook




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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by bronxapostle »

Hope that seven song setlist is NOT all you got.
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Re: Elvis solo, Aalborg (DK) May 20th 2016 - cancelled - New date: March 4th 2017

Post by krm »

Accidents will happen
Poison moon
New Amsterdam
Church Underground
Stella Hurt
Ascension day
Viceroys Row
Olivers Army
Deep Dark truthful mirror
Still – interrupted after 1m30s
Face in the Crowd
They call me Mrs Lonesome
Walking my baby back home
Ghost Train
Beyond Belief
Watching the detectives
- If I had a hammer, Ross McManus -
Blood and Hot Sauce
No Mans Woman
Jimmie standing in the rain
Peace Love and Understanding
- - -

no songs played inside the TV tonight!
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