How is everyone doing?

Pretty self-explanatory
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verbal gymnastics
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by verbal gymnastics »

It’s almost as if the UK and US are trying to create a new world order...
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
sulky lad
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by sulky lad »

Neil. wrote:Sulky, hope your return to the nursing sector will be safe. It is really concerning to hear all the news about lack of PPE. I hope you are well protected.

I'm lucky enough to have a job I can do from home, and am finding it okay - not going stir crazy here in Middlesex.

I am utterly appalled at our government here in the UK. And I was already appalled at them before we went into this crisis. When I thought I was unshockable at the depths that Johnson and his crew would go to, he has topped it.

The lying. Going to Tory donors like Dyson to make ventilators when actual ventilator makers were ignored.

The speech about herd immunity that he made in February to businessmen, basically saying that my parents (vulnerable group) are expendable to the juggernaut of business - let Covid do its thing, anything but slowing the wheels of industry.

Yes, I applaud anyone who sets up and runs a successful business. But not at the expense of everyone else. There is such a thing as a society - and we are a civilisation, we are not in the jungle, however much fat cats want it to be a jungle.

Not everyone is born with a business brain, or born into inherited business wealth. But the 1 per cent see non-business types as coal to run their furnace.

It's sickening to the core.

As Elvis said " 'Liberal' is an insult now, and care is what you pay for."

Luckily we still have the NHS, but the Tories have been chipping away at it for years. To see them clapping the nurses has been disgusting - they cheered when nurses' pay was capped back in 2017. The utter hypocrisy.

In what we see of America over here, the word 'socialism' is bandied about as some horrific diabolical thing to be avoided at all costs.

But surely to God we can have business-based economies with a social conscience? It can't be that hard, can it? Who needs billions and billions of pounds/dollars? Have business AND social care.

This is why I love you Neil, thanks for articulating the sickening in my heart.
Apparently in 2017 the top 1000 earners in the U.K.earned billions in bonuses - Can't remember the figure, sorry. If, just for one year, they gave up that bonus and it went to the NHS, we'd have an extraordinary service with money to spare for investment in the manufacturing of PPE and ventilators and research. But never mind, Joe Public contributed to a 100 year old walking along his garden and celebrity comics raised an equivalent amount by farting about on TV for a night so we're all pulling together aren't we?
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by Neil. »

sulky lad wrote:But never mind, Joe Public contributed to a 100 year old walking along his garden and celebrity comics raised an equivalent amount by farting about on TV for a night so we're all pulling together aren't we?
Oh God, yes, don't get me started on the poor 100-year-old man charity thing. The Tories must have loved the sentimental distraction of that. The NHS is not a charity, we pay our taxes for it. It shouldn't need propping up.

When the journalists do vox pops with people clapping on Thursday nights, I want them to ask the clappers who they voted for in the last election. It's not applause you NHS workers need, it's money and equipment.

Meanwhile footballers are asked to dock their wages (working class lads made good). But fat cats who pay no tax are not asked to.
sulky lad
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by sulky lad »

Neil. wrote:
sulky lad wrote:But never mind, Joe Public contributed to a 100 year old walking along his garden and celebrity comics raised an equivalent amount by farting about on TV for a night so we're all pulling together aren't we?
Oh God, yes, don't get me started on the poor 100-year-old man charity thing. The Tories must have loved the sentimental distraction of that. The NHS is not a charity, we pay our taxes for it. It shouldn't need propping up.

When the journalists do vox pops with people clapping on Thursday nights, I want them to ask the clappers who they voted for in the last election. It's not applause you NHS workers need, it's money and equipment.

Meanwhile footballers are asked to dock their wages (working class lads made good). But fat cats who pay no tax are not asked to.
Exactly - how much have the top 1% of the country given ?
not much for fear of losing dividends on their investments etc !!
and have no doubts, if they were making huge donations, the press would be there gobbling up their "generosity" :x
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by Top balcony »

Another for the reckoning : Remember when Tory MPs cheered after blocking a pay rise for NHS nurses ... hs-nurses/

And the Junior Doctor's pay dispute, when Dominic Raab was Health Secretary, which led to the first full walkout in the history of the NHS : ... r-11144011

Some day they're gonna have to face the deep dark truthful mirror.
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by bronxapostle »

ALL WELL HERE...most especially, including the teetering on the brink of mental health!!! :D HONESTLY, grateful to be well, still upon the payroll, similarly good tidings for the now momentarily unemployed Mrs. ba, hopeful for better days and most importantly, SORROWFUL FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THE BATTLE AND THEIR LOVING FAMILIES! :( :( naturally i am missing extended family, friends, church, concerts, work and the alleged normalcy of supermarket shopping, etc. BUT I TRUST WE SHALL SEE THE RETURN OF ALL THIS BEFORE MY 61st BIRTHDAY!!! stay safe, well, and loved. your ba
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Harry Worth
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by Harry Worth »

Neil. wrote: The lying. Going to Tory donors like Dyson to make ventilators when actual ventilator makers were ignored.

Luckily we still have the NHS, but the Tories have been chipping away at it for years. To see them clapping the nurses has been disgusting - they cheered when nurses' pay was capped back in 2017. The utter hypocrisy.

And now actually self-publicist Dyson isn't going to supply ventilators after all, but firms that already make them are: Dyson will not supply ventilators to NHS to treat Covid-19: ... t-covid-19

I too fume at Tory MPs who voted against NHS pay rises clapping, but I take solace that if all this has changed their mind (for good) then that is a silver lining we can be thankful for.
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Fishfinger king
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Re: How is everyone doing?

Post by Fishfinger king »

I sort of think all the recriminations should wait until this is over and there’s a degree of stability again.
There’s an advantage to having a wartime spirit of all sticking together to see us through. For now.
Let’s hope that after it’s all over, like for WW2, the leader gets ousted. The great British Public will hopefully see the light - but I’m not holding my breath.
Can't you see I'm trying to change this water to wine
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