Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Pretty self-explanatory
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fred darden
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Re: New album Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Post by fred darden »

Can you say anal retentive?
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Re: New album Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Post by supplydavid »

sad i know, but don't get me going on the My Aim is true variations :D
fred darden
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Re: New album Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Post by fred darden »

Not knocking you, got every reissue of mait, tym, armed forces[including new box set], get happy, ad infinitum.
sweetest punch
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Re: New album Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Post by sweetest punch »

EC has put 4 new video’s (in French) on YouTube:
No Flag (Chanté): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsFYChNPq9I
No Flag (Parlé): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CvGvnqrGagQ
Hetty O’Hara Confidentiel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56hgA0rYMiA
Revolution #49 (Parlé): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3bGvZ2AtUo

These links will work in a few hours.
See also: http://www.elviscostellofans.com/phpBB3 ... =2&t=11783
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: New album Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
sweetest punch
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Re: New album Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Post by sweetest punch »

https://www.francenetinfos.com/elvis-co ... rd-209352/

Elvis Costello “Hey Clockface” : Un album singulier sur fond de music hall, jazz et spokenword

« Oliver’s Army, Everyday I Write the Book, Accident Will Happen, I Want You.. ». Auteur pour l’éternité de ces classiques entre new wave, country, jazz et pop-soul, ce vétéran des 70’s est une légende vivante au même titre que Randy Newman, Graham Parker ou Joe Jackson. Ses albums se bonifiant avec le temps, on ne va pas se priver de son tout nouveau tout chaud « Hey Clockface ».

Elvis Costello s’est fait connaître en 1977 avec son premier album, « My Aim is True », où il apparaît avec des lunettes énormes qui deviendront au fil du temps sa marque de fabrique. La même année, il monte The Attractions, une excellente formation qui restera pour des années son groupe fétiche. Deux ans plus tard, l’album « Armed Forces » deviendra son plus gros succès commercial et le single Oliver’s Army atteindra la deuxième place des charts anglais. Suivront dans les années suivantes une flopée de tubes « Everyday I Write the Book », « I Want You” ou encore “Veronica” co-écrit avec Paul McCartney. En 2017, il crééra la surprise en s’associant au groupe hip hop The Roots avec “Wise up Ghost”, un album étonnant entre funk, soul, ballade et rock.

Après le très rock classic “Look Now” (2018), voila qu’il récidive aujourd’hui avec le surprenant “Hey Clockface” qui nous montre une nouvelle facette de son travail. Voila des chansons intrigantes, parfois déroutantes mais construites sur de solides bases mélodiques qui sont le muscle et l’ossature de l’album. A commencer par ce spoken word « Revolution # 49 » qui s’ouvre en intro sur fond de trompette orientale, de cordes qui murmurent derrière cette vielle à roue d’un autre temps. Le charme est brusquement interrompu par une rafale de guitares mordante, qui telle une scie sauteuse broie les structures harmoniques du morceaux suivant « No Flag “. Voilà le ton est donné et vous comprenez que “Hey Clockface” s’annonce comme un album d’un genre particulier. Outre “Radio is Everything” un autre spokenword émouvant, le caméléon Costello se glisse tour à tour dans la peau d’un Dylan « Newspaper Pane » ou bien d’un slammer avec “Hetty O’Hara Confidential” sorte de boogie woogie tumultueux et brinquebalant en référence à la chroniqueuse américaine Hedda Hopper. Dans la foulée, on trouve “The Last Confession Of Vivian Whip” et “What Is It That I Need That I Don’t Already Have ? “et “Byline” trois magnifiques ballades piano voix où la voix douce et légèrement chevrotante sonne de manière suave, très langoureuse. On se laisse donc bercer. Et puis voilà que les titres s’enchainent de manière singulière, si singulière même que notre oreille n’est en tout cas pas habituée à entendre. On est agréablement surpris par « Hey Clockface / How Can You Face Me? » et « I Can’t Say Her Name” qui mélangent cacophonie jazzy et humeur festive, le tout savamment orchestré par Steve Nieve (piano), Bill Frisell (guitare) et Nels Cline (guitare). Voila un album déroutant mais diablement réussi. Le seul hic, c’est que l’auditeur puisse s’y perdre au risque de passer à coté. Il faut donc l’écouter et le réécouter pour en apprécier la substantifique moelle.

Google translation:

Elvis Costello “Hey Clockface”: A singular album with a background of music hall, jazz and spokenword

"Oliver's Army, Everyday I Write the Book, Accident Will Happen, I Want You ..". Author for eternity of these classics between new wave, country, jazz and pop-soul, this veteran of the 70's is a living legend just like Randy Newman, Graham Parker or Joe Jackson. His albums improving over time, we are not going to deprive ourselves of his brand new hot "Hey Clockface".

Elvis Costello rose to prominence in 1977 with his debut album, "My Aim is True," where he appeared wearing huge glasses that would over time become his trademark. The same year, he set up The Attractions, an excellent group that will remain his favorite group for years to come. Two years later, the album "Armed Forces" would become his biggest commercial success, and the single Oliver's Army reached number two on the UK charts. In the following years, a slew of hits "Everyday I Write the Book", "I Want You" or even "Veronica" co-written with Paul McCartney followed. In 2017, he created a surprise by teaming up with hip hop group The Roots with “Wise up Ghost”, an astonishing album between funk, soul, ballad and rock.

After the very rock classic “Look Now” (2018), he is doing it again today with the surprising “Hey Clockface” which shows us a new facet of his work. These are intriguing songs, sometimes confusing but built on solid melodic foundations which are the muscle and backbone of the album. Starting with this spoken word "Revolution # 49" which opens as an intro against the background of an oriental trumpet, strings that whisper behind this hurdy-gurdy from another time. The charm is abruptly interrupted by a burst of biting guitars, which like a jigsaw crushes the harmonic structures of the following track "No Flag". This is the tone and you understand that "Hey Clockface" is shaping up to be an album of a particular genre. Besides “Radio is Everything” another moving spokenword, the chameleon Costello slips in turn into the skin of a Dylan “Newspaper Pane” or a slammer with “Hetty O'Hara Confidential” a sort of tumultuous boogie woogie and brinquebalant in reference to the American columnist Hedda Hopper. In the process, we find “The Last Confession Of Vivian Whip” and “What Is It That I Need That I Don’t Already Have? “And“ Byline ”three magnificent piano voice ballads where the soft and slightly quavering voice sounds in a suave, very languorous way. So we let ourselves be rocked. And then the tracks follow one another in a singular way, so singular even that our ears are in any case not used to hearing. We are pleasantly surprised by “Hey Clockface / How Can You Face Me? And "I Can’t Say Her Name" which mix jazzy cacophony and festive mood, all expertly orchestrated by Steve Nieve (piano), Bill Frisell (guitar) and Nels Cline (guitar). Here is a confusing but devilishly successful album. The only catch is that the listener can get lost at the risk of missing out. We must therefore listen to it and listen to it again to appreciate its substance.
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Hey Clockface released October 30, 2020

Post by johnfoyle »

https://www.bkmag.com/2021/05/11/bill-f ... -learning/

May 11, 2021


The beloved jazz guitarist discusses emerging from lockdown, his surprise pop-up shows in Brooklyn, collaborating with Elvis Costello and more

By Allison Rapp


You played on and you also have two co-writing credits on Elvis Costello’s last album, “Hey Clockface.” You’ve worked with him a couple of different times. Can you tell me a little bit about what it’s been like to work with him?

That was another pandemic thing. [Trumpeter] Michael Leonhart worked on that album with Elvis. At the very beginning of this lockdown thing, he contacted me and said, “I’m working on this album. Could you maybe play on a couple things?” And then, we all had all this time. And I said, “Well, yeah, I could do it.” And I did a couple of these things for him and I didn’t even know what they were. I just played some long thing, and then some time later he said “Oh, I gave this to Elvis and he wrote some words.” It just happened.
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