Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Pretty self-explanatory
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sulky lad
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Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by sulky lad »

Quite a night in Liverpool. After the amount of shouting we had in Glasgow I thought we’d get a more onboard but typically vibrant audience but from the start, every time Elvis spoke there were shouts from the crowd ( everyone is a megaphone!) Things reached a climax during the start of “ The Difference” where the shouting got so bad Elvis stopped playing the song and people called out that the mic wasn’t working. Eventually a roadie changed the mic but though the crowd cheered, Elvis was a bit upset and he walked off after that one song. I thought he maybe wouldn’t return but Steve started the grandiose piano introduction to “Big Stars Have Tumbled” which must have lasted 45 seconds before Elvis came back on ! After the song he made a speech about his last Liverpool concert and his mother attending and got a ripple of applause but he snapped that he didn’t want our pity and to save it for our own loved ones ! Surprisingly the crowd continued to shout out although not to the same degree as earlier. The rest of the gig passed off relatively calmly although quite a few left by degrees as the lateness of the show continued.Apparently many stormed off though whether this was due to the sound and the problem with the mic or because it wasn’t a greatest hits show, we’ll never now. As they wound down with Alison, the audience joined in with the “My Aim Is True” section, one woman who loved the sound of her own voice continued as he went into Mr. Crescent sustaining just one note - I’m glad I wasn’t sitting next to her! Definitely the most intriguing gig of the tour and Elvis was quite moved at the end though whether that was due to the sadness of his mothers passing or disappointment with the rowdier elements.


1. Truth Drug
2. Green Shirt
3. Either Side Of The Same Town
4. Hetty O’Hara Confidential
5. The Death If Magic Thinking
6. Watching The Detectives - Invisible Lady
7. Beyond Belief
8. The Difference ( including heckling and mic change)
9. Big Stars Have Tumbled
10. Farewell OK
11. The Boy Named If
12. Let Me Roll It ( McCartney)
13. Tipsy Woman ( said it was from an old B side but it’s mine now)
14. Penelope Halfpenny
15. What If I Can’t Give You Anything But Love
16. Shipbuilding with lines on the end
Evacuees from the Mersey
Freezing gasping swallowing brine
Sailors from the ( Black ??)
The boys from the Mersey and the Thames abd the Tyne
17. Good Year For The Roses
18. The Comedians
19. (I Don’t Want To Go To) Chelsea
20. Magnificent Hurt
21. Pump It Up
22. (What’s So Funny’Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding
23. Mr. And Mrs. Hush
24.I Can’t Stand Up ( For Falling Down)
25. We Are All Cowards Now with extra verse)
26. Alison
27. Mr. Crescent
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Psc »

Wow sounds like an eventful gig to say the least! Epic setlist though :shock:
Sadly this sounds typical of a lot of the shows I’ve attended since Lockdown ended. People have forgotten how to behave at gigs. The lack of respect shown towards performers and fellow audience members is appalling..
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Fishfinger king »

It sounds as if the sound problems were worse for some than others. We were near the front off to the left, and although there was a subtle difference to the lead vocals, it wasn’t that noticeable and no-one around us was complaining. It seems most of the complaints/ heckling was from middle stalls further back.
I was surprised either Elvis didn’t realise there was a problem sooner or someone in the venue hadn’t let him know. Presumably his mind was elsewhere but it could have been interpreted as arrogance, which might have pissed some people off.
Things definitely improved later and the last few songs were fantastic. We had to leave during Alison, not because of being peeved, but to catch the last train back to our daughter’s in Manchester. No such problem tonight!
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by John »

I think this report is actually a fair assessment of what happened last night. People upstairs were shouting out about the sound. Elvis was completely drowned out for the first few songs. Elvis thought he was being heckled and directed some unpleasant language towards his audience. He then mentioned his mum and drew a sympathetic response but he seemed to lash out at that a little by saying that he didn’t want our pity.
Once the microphone was replaced I thought it was a great show. Unfortunately the mood upstairs was not great and lots of people left.
When people did stand towards the end Mrs John got me up and we were the only 2 moving (couldn’t call in dancing) upstairs. Nobody else joined in.
Ian Prowse was great and it was great to catch up with Sulky, Top Balcony and others who I am not sure if they are in this group. ... 200544.amp
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Hawksmoor »

Sulky's account is entirely accurate, so if you're reading stuff on Twitter about Elvis abusing the audience, crowds storming out in disgust, it's ridiculously exaggerated. There was an issue with the sound (a very minor issue, to my ears) which got sorted out good-humouredly about half-an-hour into the set. Elvis had a bit of a 'moment', which was understandable given the emotional investment he had in this gig (and the drunken pillocks who kept shouting and heckling). But it soon settled down, very few people actually walked out (and the ones next to me openly admitted they were walking out because they hadn't paid for their tickets), Elvis' 'blip' was seriously way down the spectrum from the abuse and vitriol that I've seen some lead singers throwing at the audience*. And people on Twitter complaining that he didn't 'play the hits' are just dumb. As you can see from Sulky's set-list, 'Every Day I Write the Book' was pretty much the only hit that he didn't play!

* I went to a lot of Fall gigs in the 1990s/early 2000s. Open and sweary antagonism (to the audience and to the band) was MES' default mode. All night. But that's partly why you kept going to the gigs - it was rock'n'roll!
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by John »

Were you upstairs or down Hawksmoor? Lots of people left from upstairs.
I really couldn’t understand why people kept shouting out after the microphone was changed. Drunken fools spoiling it for others.
I was really looking forward to Mr Crescent and what could have been a beautiful transition from Alison into it was spoilt by some woman upstairs on the right.
Those tender moments when in the past you could almost hear a pin drop are being ruined by people shouting out.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Hawksmoor »

John wrote:Were you upstairs or down Hawksmoor? Lots of people left from upstairs.
I really couldn’t understand why people kept shouting out after the microphone was changed. Drunken fools spoiling it for others.
I was really looking forward to Mr Crescent and what could have been a beautiful transition from Alison into it was spoilt by some woman upstairs on the right.
Those tender moments when in the past you could almost hear a pin drop are being ruined by people shouting out.
Downstairs. The people next to me left but they definitely muttered something about free tickets/'I'm glad we didn't pay for these' or whatever. Idiots want to leave, fine - their loss. Even after they'd left, there were probably more seats filled, overall, than there were in Newcastle. Newcastle was fine, but the number of empty seats was noticeable. And the 'rush to the front' for the last 4-5 numbers, was definitely greater in Liverpool than in Newcastle.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Offshoreram »

Elvis posted this on Facebook…

“Last night was our first show in Liverpool since my mother’s passing in January 2021. I knew our concert at the Philharmonic Hall would feel very different but hoped it would be worthy of our 2020 show at The Olympia - the last performance my Ma was able to attend - at the age of 93 - and a splendid evening for which I will always be thankful.

It seems this was not to be.

The last two or more years have been very trying and upsetting for all of us. I know I am not alone in this. There have been a lot of tears, a lot of losses, a lot of lies, no work and for many, money’s too tight to mention, so we appreciate you buying tickets for our show. I suspect we all get very frustrated when circumstance moves beyond our control and this easily tips into anger.

To say it was my worst nightmare that things would go so badly wrong after we took the stage, would be a massive understatement. The Imposters and I had rehearsed at length in the afternoon to prepare a unique setlist for the Liverpool show. The sound was perfectly in balance, as it was during the excellent opening set by Ian Prowse.

In the first part of the show, the band and I were blissfully unaware of the sound issues in the house, as we were moving swiftly from song-to-song. Unfortunately, the reason for the technical problem was not very easily determined but it was certainly nothing to do with the competence of our excellent sound engineer, who was working as hard as possible to fix the mystery glitch.

With the benefit of hindsight we might have been better to postpone or even cancel the show at this point but choose to assume the system problems could not possibly persist and tried to play on through. If it was unpleasant for you, I assure you it was immensely frustrating for us that our efforts were rendered incoherent by technology.

When computer driven things, go wrong, they really go wrong, just look at Twitter.

When people start yelling at me at work - at first, incoherently - I tend to get a little testy. I’m sure you have known times at the Phil when people - perhaps befuddled by drink - have tried to insert themselves into the show but in this case I must apologize for my sharp and rather graceless reaction but adrenaline and emotion were running high.

Given what this night meant to me, the idea that we would be complacent or deliberately sabotage the evening, is frankly laughable. If you choose to believe that, then you are either massively insensitive or an idiot, you choose. Unexpected or bad things sometimes happen at work. We’ll be back on stage in Manchester tonight, that’s the way it is. I have to get over my disappointment and I hope you can do the same.

I’m sorry if you felt affronted or left early to demanded a refund but you should appreciate that the excellent Philharmonic Hall staff, had no more control over the situation than we did, on the stage.

For those who stuck with us, I hope you took something out of the night. Should our paths not cross again, it’s been nice knowing you, well, everyone that is except that "drunken “tw*t” who tried to pick a fight with me on the doorstep of my hotel. He can fuck right off.

YNWA. Elvis Costello”
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by John »

Back to the music for a minute.
Tipsy Woman sounded fantastic. I hope they record this. Where has he picked this up from?
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Hawksmoor »

John wrote:Back to the music for a minute.
Tipsy Woman sounded fantastic. I hope they record this. Where has he picked this up from?
People with obviously better ears than mine suggested that he said something about 'a B-side', but I didn't pick that up. Maybe the B-side for a new single from TBNI, but it feels a bit late in the day for that now?
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Ymaginatif »

Offshoreram wrote:Elvis posted this on Facebook…

“Last night was our first show in Liverpool since my mother’s passing in January 2021. I knew our concert at the Philharmonic Hall would feel very different but hoped it would be worthy of our 2020 show at The Olympia - the last performance my Ma was able to attend - at the age of 93 - and a splendid evening for which I will always be thankful.

It seems this was not to be.

The last two or more years have been very trying and upsetting for all of us. I know I am not alone in this. There have been a lot of tears, a lot of losses, a lot of lies, no work and for many, money’s too tight to mention, so we appreciate you buying tickets for our show. I suspect we all get very frustrated when circumstance moves beyond our control and this easily tips into anger.

To say it was my worst nightmare that things would go so badly wrong after we took the stage, would be a massive understatement. The Imposters and I had rehearsed at length in the afternoon to prepare a unique setlist for the Liverpool show. The sound was perfectly in balance, as it was during the excellent opening set by Ian Prowse.

In the first part of the show, the band and I were blissfully unaware of the sound issues in the house, as we were moving swiftly from song-to-song. Unfortunately, the reason for the technical problem was not very easily determined but it was certainly nothing to do with the competence of our excellent sound engineer, who was working as hard as possible to fix the mystery glitch.

With the benefit of hindsight we might have been better to postpone or even cancel the show at this point but choose to assume the system problems could not possibly persist and tried to play on through. If it was unpleasant for you, I assure you it was immensely frustrating for us that our efforts were rendered incoherent by technology.

When computer driven things, go wrong, they really go wrong, just look at Twitter.

When people start yelling at me at work - at first, incoherently - I tend to get a little testy. I’m sure you have known times at the Phil when people - perhaps befuddled by drink - have tried to insert themselves into the show but in this case I must apologize for my sharp and rather graceless reaction but adrenaline and emotion were running high.

Given what this night meant to me, the idea that we would be complacent or deliberately sabotage the evening, is frankly laughable. If you choose to believe that, then you are either massively insensitive or an idiot, you choose. Unexpected or bad things sometimes happen at work. We’ll be back on stage in Manchester tonight, that’s the way it is. I have to get over my disappointment and I hope you can do the same.

I’m sorry if you felt affronted or left early to demanded a refund but you should appreciate that the excellent Philharmonic Hall staff, had no more control over the situation than we did, on the stage.

For those who stuck with us, I hope you took something out of the night. Should our paths not cross again, it’s been nice knowing you, well, everyone that is except that "drunken “tw*t” who tried to pick a fight with me on the doorstep of my hotel. He can fuck right off.

YNWA. Elvis Costello”
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by MOJO »

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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Hawksmoor »

Ymaginatif wrote:Always the diplomat ...
More than 'diplomatic', I'd say. Everyone has a tough gig from time to time, either because they're in a bad place mentally, or because the audience reacts in an unexpected way, or because logistical/mechanical cock-ups occur, whatever. Very, very few bother to write a 600-word communication the next morning to say to their fans 'OK, here's what happened' in an open and transparent way.

I've had my ups and downs with Elvis over the years in terms of what I think of him as a person (and sure, even that is stupidly presumptuous, because I never even met the guy). But the last few years, he seems to have so many redeeming qualities that he's nothing but redeeming qualities.

His post is transparent, moving and takes great pains to protect certain people and to remind us that the technical problems were not their fault. He's gone up a notch in my estimation, and I don't think most 'rock stars' would bother to share this kind of stuff so honestly and openly.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Top balcony »

If this gig was a movie it would be the epic The Good The Bad and The Ugly :

The Good

Great to meet friends from far and near, treated to tea and a lift home as I had thought that the gig had outlasted the public transport. Special 'hello' to the guy with the cap who was tying to introduce himself from the stalls to my seat in the gods. If this was you please send me a PM!.

Sir Alan Bleasedale.

Fantastic opening set from Ian Prowse - Does This Train Stop had me in floods of tears.

Seeing John and Mrs John leading the dancing in the circle.

Very tight playing by the Imps + Charlie and fantastic set list. All the songs from TBNI sounded great, much better live than on my vinyl. In different circumstances this would have been an epic.

The Bad

EC has given his honest appraisal of what went wrong from the performer's perspective. From my seat , circle 5th row back plum centre, the sound of the vocals was truly awful. First time I've heard Beyond Belief as an instrumental!

Improved somewhat with a new mike although still way too low in the mix for me.

The Ugly

The " and rather graceless reaction..." which I found genuinely upsetting.

Aside from the audience calls of " we can't hear you" there were plenty of other occasions when "people - perhaps befuddled by drink - tried to insert themselves into the show". Found this extremely annoying and can completely understand the artist's annoyance too.

Would gigs be better without alcohol on sale? Phil doesn't help as they're selling cans of beer rather that ice creams at the interval.

I hope Manchester only gets The Good tonight.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Absolute classy response.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by DeathWearsABigHat »

Hawksmoor wrote:
John wrote:Back to the music for a minute.
Tipsy Woman sounded fantastic. I hope they record this. Where has he picked this up from?
People with obviously better ears than mine suggested that he said something about 'a B-side', but I didn't pick that up. Maybe the B-side for a new single from TBNI, but it feels a bit late in the day for that now?
During the gig last night, he said that he found that song on a b-side of a single at Defend Vinyl.
That's the independent record shop in Liverpool where he did the DJ broadcast from a few months ago.

I was sat in Row F over on Steve's side of the stage.
The early sound issues were frustrating before they changed the mikes over because there were a few songs where you really couldn't hear EC's singing at all!
This improved after they changed the mikes but the band sounded muddy all night. The band were playing a great gig but not a lot of Steve's contribution could be heard clearly from where I was sitting. The keyboards didn't really cut through the general hubbub on the louder songs.

Seen Elvis 31 times over the years including 2 previous gig at the same venue. First time there's ever been any issues like this but still got to say that it wasn't anything like as bad as the subsequent online hoohah has made it appear.

I'm definitely in the camp of people who "took something out of the night"
Lots of the new songs from Boy Named If were great, especially Mr Crescent, What If I can give you anything but love, Farewell Ok.
Apart from a below par version of Shipbuilding, there was absolutely nothing wrong with Elvis's voice in my opinion. Plenty of goosebump moments when he sang The Comedians, Mr & Mrs Hush, We are all Cowards now, Either Side Of the Same Town, Good Year for the Roses & the slow intro to I Can't Stand Up.

Particularly pleased to have heard him sing The Comedians, a massive favourite of mine that he's not sung at any of the previous gigs I've been to!!
Hopefully next time he tours I can tick off a few more favourites that I've never heard him sing live.... Town Cryer, The Imposter, Battered Old Bird, Black and White World, Jack of All Parades etc etc etc. Oh and some different songs from The Boy Named If would be good too The Man You Love To Hate & My Most Beautiful Mistake are my favourites.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by DeathWearsABigHat »

DeathWearsABigHat wrote:
Hawksmoor wrote:
John wrote:Back to the music for a minute.
Tipsy Woman sounded fantastic. I hope they record this. Where has he picked this up from?
People with obviously better ears than mine suggested that he said something about 'a B-side', but I didn't pick that up. Maybe the B-side for a new single from TBNI, but it feels a bit late in the day for that now?
During the gig last night, he said that he found that song on a b-side of a single at Defend Vinyl.
That's the independent record shop in Liverpool where he did the DJ broadcast from a few months ago.

I was sat in Row F over on Steve's side of the stage.
The early sound issues were frustrating before they changed the mikes over because there were a few songs where you really couldn't hear EC's singing at all!
This improved after they changed the mikes but the band sounded muddy all night. The band were playing a great gig but not a lot of Steve's contribution could be heard clearly from where I was sitting. The keyboards didn't really cut through the general hubbub on the louder songs.

Seen Elvis 31 times over the years including 2 previous gig at the same venue. First time there's ever been any issues like this but still got to say that it wasn't anything like as bad as the subsequent online hoohah has made it appear.

I'm definitely in the camp of people who "took something out of the night"
Lots of the new songs from Boy Named If were great, especially Mr Crescent, What If I can give you anything but love, Farewell Ok.
Apart from a below par version of Shipbuilding, there was absolutely nothing wrong with Elvis's voice in my opinion. Plenty of goosebump moments when he sang The Comedians, Mr & Mrs Hush, We are all Cowards now, Either Side Of the Same Town, Good Year for the Roses & the slow intro to I Can't Stand Up.

Particularly pleased to have heard him sing The Comedians, a massive favourite of mine that he's not sung at any of the previous gigs I've been to!!
Hopefully next time he tours I can tick off a few more favourites that I've never heard him sing live.... Town Cryer, The Imposter, Battered Old Bird, Black and White World, Jack of All Parades etc etc etc. Oh and some different songs from The Boy Named If would be good too The Man You Love To Hate & My Most Beautiful Mistake are my favourites.
Oh and forgot to say Big Stars Have Tumbled was also great, and so was Let Me Roll It (one of my favourite 70s McCartney songs)
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by sweetest punch » ... n-24200544

Elvis Costello and The Imposters get mixed reaction at Liverpool Philharmonic after sound problem
A technical issue meant some fans walked out of Friday's performance early

3 stars out of 5

Elvis Costello and The Imposters took to the stage at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall on Friday night, but things didn’t quite go to plan due to a technical issue.

The show, titled ‘The Boy Named If & Other Favourites’, was sold out at the Liverpool Philharmonic. Costello, 67, and band members Steve Nieve, Pete Thomas, Davey Faragher, plus Charlie Sexton, delighted fans with tracks from their 2022 album, as well as a few classics. Personally, I couldn’t wait to hear Pump It Up and I Don’t Want To Go To Chelsea live, but Costello kept me waiting right until the end.

There was a real buzz in the room following support act Ian Prowse, and when Costello stepped out onto the stage wearing a pair of shades and holding his guitar, the crowd erupted. The main man himself told the Liverpool crowd “it’s good to be home” before going into the first song of the night.

Unfortunately, this was when the technical issue first became evident. It was quite difficult to hear Costello singing when the drums and guitars were being played loudly, and people all around me were turning to each other confused. After a couple of songs, the audience were really frustrated, and a few people tried to shout out to Costello to tell him his microphone was too quiet.

Clearly not understanding what was happening, Costello thought he was being heckled. Appearing insulted, he responded negatively to the crowd before playing on oblivious to the technical error. Fans tried their best to clap along and ignore the sound problem.

After a few more songs and shouts from audience members, someone from Costello’s team thankfully told him the crowd were shouting about the microphone issue. “That was the sound check, now it’s the gig”, joked Costello once the microphone had been fixed, but while the majority of the audience laughed and cheered, some fans got up from their seats and didn’t return.

Despite many fans clapping along for the remainder of the night, some chose to leave the performance early even after the microphone had been fixed. It was a huge shame about the technical issue and how Costello responded, as the mood of the room wasn’t the same.

When the microphone wasn’t an issue, you could appreciate the delightful tones of Costello’s strong voice and the musicianship from everyone on stage. Costello also had a few impressive guitar solos that I really enjoyed, as did the cheering audience.

Although the show was named after the 2022 album, ‘The Boy Named If’, it would have been good to hear a few more of Costello’s hits, especially as it was Pump It Up and I Don’t Want To Go To Chelsea that got the audience up on their feet dancing.

It’s a pity the night didn’t go as expected, and it’s hard to accurately judge a show when there’s an issue with the sound. The problem wasn’t Costello’s fault, but perhaps he could have handled the frustrated crowd better.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Hawksmoor »

DeathWearsABigHat wrote:
Hawksmoor wrote:
John wrote:Back to the music for a minute.
Tipsy Woman sounded fantastic. I hope they record this. Where has he picked this up from?
People with obviously better ears than mine suggested that he said something about 'a B-side', but I didn't pick that up. Maybe the B-side for a new single from TBNI, but it feels a bit late in the day for that now?
During the gig last night, he said that he found that song on a b-side of a single at Defend Vinyl.
That's the independent record shop in Liverpool where he did the DJ broadcast from a few months ago.
It's a curious one. You can go ten pages into Google with 'tipsy woman' and 'tipsy woman b-side' with nothing flickering on the radar at all. I wonder if he's doing a 'Lucky Dog' on this one?
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by verbal gymnastics »

It might be a joke about finding it on a b-side. That might have simply been him plugging Defend Vinyl.

I’m certain he introduced it at Brighton as being a song he wrote with his brother. I posted in the Brighton thread that this could be Ronan or his brother T Bone Burnett or a host of others.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by Hawksmoor »

verbal gymnastics wrote:It might be a joke about finding it on a b-side. That might have simply been him plugging Defend Vinyl.

I’m certain he introduced it at Brighton as being a song he wrote with his brother. I posted in the Brighton thread that this could be Ronan or his brother T Bone Burnett or a host of others.
That sounds much more likely. I hope it sees the light of day at some point and doesn't slip into the 'played live a few times but never got released' bag. It's a really fun song and has gone down very well on the two or three occasions he's played it so far.
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by WallyRando »

Sorry if I missed it - but there’s been a lot of mention of Elvis’s reaction to the crowd but not specifics. Aside from the comment about not wanting any pity, was there anything he specifically said that people are taking offense to?
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by sulky lad »

At one stage in the proceedings he was trying to talk and got interrupted several times and he shushed them , put his finger to his lips and eventually says “shut the fuck up!” Now if you weren’t the one individual shouting off your ignorant pissed up opinion , I don’t see how you could take offence unless you are such a sensitive soul - in which case why are you attending an Elvis Costello concert or indeed going outdoors at all! Still it gives people a chance to have their voices heard -,”We Are All Cowards Now - Everybody has a megaphone “ Sadly very few have enough brain cells to use one sensibly or articulately. Fortunately our Elvis’ response yesterday shows up all the other puerile detractors .
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Re: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall 10 June 2022

Post by WallyRando »

Thank you, sulky. As I suspected, much ado about nothing!
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