Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Pretty self-explanatory
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by geebot »

Coincidentally I had a dream about this last night. Everything went wrong, Steve and Nick couldn't get to Iceland in time and Elvis ended up performing with a Van Halen cover band on a stage that looked like a snow globe. As dreams go, it was entertaining.
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by Arnie »

Jealous of those that are going. And such a cool place. I've only spent a 24 hour lay-over in Iceland once before, and I am so glad I got a rental car (though very pricey) and made use of that time. So much beauty there, and we saw only a tiny fraction. I want to go back!

Gullfloss Falls was one of our stops. I've been to Niagara Falls many times, and other impressive falls out west and around, but Gulfloss seemed so much more wild and grand!
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by Offshoreram »

sweetest punch wrote:Sold Out!
Oh wow, I only just got in on time.

I wonder if the flyers on the merch desk at the Gramercy helped sell some more?
My head is spinning and my legs are weak
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by verbal gymnastics »

It won’t have harmed!
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by mv97445 »

I am one of the 100 who coughed up for the 4 day event... flying in from the States. Looking forward to it! Love Elvis and Steve together, and a (semi)-private show? AWESOME.
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by thepopeofpop »

I'll be there too!
Now put on your ironic dancing shoes
And dig my brand new rhythm and hues:
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by sulky lad »

thepopeofpop wrote:I'll be there too!
Amazingly, as a late addition I will also be there !
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by geebot »

Nick cancelled his Chicago shows over the weekend (it figures, I had front row seats :( ) . Hope it's because he's saving his voice for Reykjavik.
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by verbal gymnastics »

He’s watching Ron Sexsmith in London tonight.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by sheeptotheslaughter »

Hope all of you going have a really great time I am sure you will. Very Jealous my only Elvis 'away' will be Madrid
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by Man out of Time »

Júlía Aradóttir previews these shows for RÚV on 20 May 2023.

Tíu ár síðan Elvis Costello spilaði síðast á Íslandi

Breska söngvaskáldið Elvis Costello kemur fram á tónleikum í Hörpu í næstu viku. Ferillinn spannar 50 ár og lögin eftir hann hlaupa á hundruðum. Hann hlakkar til að taka mörg af sínum þekktustu lögum fyrir tónleikagesti í bland við minna þekkt lög.

Elvis Costello er einn af þessum stóru. Hann hefur samið tónlist með Bítlinum, Paul McCartney og Burt Bacharach, unnið til ótal tónlistarverðlauna, sent frá sér um 50 hljómplötur og verið í frægðarhöll rokksins í 20 ár. Costello heldur tónleika í Eldborg í Hörpu í næstu viku og fjöldi aðdáenda víðs vegar að úr heiminum hefur tryggt sér miða. Elvis Costello sagði Ólafi Páli Gunnarssyni um tónleikana í Rokklandi á Rás 2 ásamt því sem Ólafur Páll fór yfir sögu tónlistarmannsins.

Þekktasta lagið ekki dæmigert fyrir tónlistina
Elvis Costello heitir raunar alls ekki Elvis. Hann heitir Declan Patrick McManus og fæddist 1954 í London. Hann steig sín fyrstu skref í tónlist á áttunda áratugnum og hefur sent frá sér fjölda þekktra laga á borð við Alison, Watching the Detectives og ábreiðu af laginu She eftir Charles Aznavour sem Elvis Costello gerði sérstaklega fyrir kvikmyndina Notthing Hill á sínum tíma. Ólíklegt er að síðastnefnda lagið verði á efnisskránni í Eldborg í næstu viku enda segir Costello að það sé ekki dæmigert fyrir feril sinn.

„Það eru tíu ár síðan ég spilaði síðast á Íslandi,“ segir Costello. „Ég reyndi að spila fjölbreytt úrval laga því þegar maður spilar á nýjum stað í fyrsta sinn veit maður ekki hvers áhorfendur vænta.“ Í þetta sinn hefur Costello þá Nick Lowe og píanóleikarinn Steve Naive sér til halds og traust og lagalistinn á tónleikunum tekur mið af því. „Vinur okkar Nick Lowe kemur með. Hann var með mér alveg í byrjun ferilsins og er í raun ábyrgur fyrir því að ég er að koma til Íslands yfirhöfuð,“ segir Costello léttur.

Upptökustjórinn og tónlistarmaðurinn Nick Lowe hitar upp fyrir Costello á tónleikunum í Eldborg. Hann var upptökustjóri á fyrstu plötum Costellos fyrir rúmum 40 árum og samdi eitt vinsælasta lag hans, What’s so Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding. Nýverið kom Costello fram á tónleikaröð í Gramercy Theatre í New York þar sem hann spilaði 25 lög á kvöldi, 250 lög í það heila og 239 mismunandi lög. What’s so Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding var eina lagið sem hann spilaði á öllum tíu tónleikunum.

Umdeilt lag í raun misskilið
Þrátt fyrir að vera Breti sló Costello í gegn í Bandaríkjunum. Hann fékk samning við Columbioa plötuútgáfuna og tók stigann upp á stjörnuhimininn í fáum stökkum á níunda áratugnum. Hann var fullur sjálfstrausts og útgáfufyrirtækið hafði mikla trú á þessum hæfileikaríka unga Breta. Costello hefur komið víða við á löngum og farsælum ferli. Hann hefur gert rokk, nútímaklassík og allt þar á milli.

Costsello hefur stundum verið á milli tannanna á fólki og textinn við lagið Oliver’s Army hefur til dæmis verið umdeildur. Lagið er um unga menn sem eru sendir í stríð og orðfærið í upprunalega textanum þykir ekki hafa staðist vel tímans tönn. Costello hefur breytt textanum og þvertekur fyrir meint kynþáttahatur í fyrri gerð hans enda hefur hann verið duglegur að taka þátt í baráttunni gegn kynþáttahatri.

Áratugasamstarf við Burt Bacharach
Costello hefur í gegnum tíðina notið mikillar virðingar í tónlistarbransanum og unnið með risum á borð við Paul McCartney og Burt Bacharach. Samstarf við þann síðarnefnda kom þannig til að Costello var beðinn að semja lag fyrir kvikmynd og fékk Bacharach til að semja það með sér.

Costello var fenginn til að semja lag fyrir kvikmyndina Grace from the Heart frá 1996 sem fjallar um lagahöfund sem fer sjálf að syngja. „Ég spurði Burt hvort hann væri til í að semja tónlist með mér,“ segir Costello. Þeir voru hvor á sínum staðnum og sendu tónlistina á milli og unnu þannig að henni saman. „Ég áttaði mig ekki strax á því hve einstakt þetta var því Burt vann yfirleitt ekki með öðru fólki.“ Samstarf þeirra varð farsælt og þeir sömdu saman heila plötu, Painted From Memory, sem kom út 1998. „Stundum samdi hann alla tónlistina og ég bara textana,“ segir Costello. „Oftast skiptumst við á hugmyndum. Hann skrifaði hluta og ég bætti við eða öfugt.“

Bacharach lést nú í febrúar en skömmu áður kom út stór safnplata með öllum lögunum sem þeir sömdu saman. „Tvö lög voru tekin upp í september 2021, ekki alls fyrir löngu, og hann var í hljóðverinu að segja öllum fyrir verkum,“ segir Costello. „Hann var algjörlega einbeittur í tónlistinni og þeim sögum sem hann var að segja.“ Costello segist hlakka til að flytja lög sem þeir sömdu saman á tónleikunum í Hörpu. „Þess vegna er gott að Steve sé með í för. Hann getur spilað lögin og tjáð tilfinninguna í þeim og ég elska að syngja þessi lög.“

Rætt var við Elvis Costello í Rokklandi á Rás 2 sem finna má hér í Spilara RÚV.

Or in "English" via Googletranslate:

" Ten years since Elvis Costello last played in Iceland

The British singer-songwriter Elvis Costello will perform at a concert in Harpa next week. His career spans 50 years and his songs number in the hundreds. He is looking forward to performing many of his best known songs for concertgoers mixed with lesser known songs.

Elvis Costello is one of those greats. He has written music with the Beatles, Paul McCartney and Burt Bacharach, won countless music awards, released around 50 albums and been in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for 20 years. Costello is holding a concert in Eldborg in Harpa next week, and a number of fans from all over the world have secured tickets. Elvis Costello told Ólafur Páll Gunnarsson about the concert in Rokklandi on Rás 2 together with Ólafur Páll's review of the musician's history.

The most famous song not representative of the music
Elvis Costello's name isn't actually Elvis at all. His name is Declan Patrick McManus and he was born in 1954 in London. He took his first steps in music in the 1970s and has released a number of well-known songs such as Alison, Watching the Detectives and a cover of the song She by Charles Aznavour that Elvis Costello made especially for the film Notting Hill at the time. It is unlikely that the last-mentioned song will be on the program in Eldborg next week, as Costello says that it is not typical of his career.

"It's been ten years since I last played in Iceland," says Costello. "I tried to play a wide variety of songs because when you play in a new place for the first time you don't know what the audience is going to expect." This time Costello has Nick Lowe and pianist Steve Naive at his side and the set list for the concert takes into account because. “Our friend Nick Lowe is coming along. He was with me at the very beginning of my career and is actually responsible for me coming to Iceland at all," says Costello with relief.

Recording manager and musician Nick Lowe warms up for Costello at the concert in Eldborg. He was the recording manager on Costello's first albums over 40 years ago and wrote one of his most popular songs, What's so Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding. Recently, Costello performed a series of concerts at the Gramercy Theater in New York where he played 25 songs a night, 250 songs in total and 239 different songs. What's so Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding was the only song he played at all ten concerts.

Controversial song actually misunderstood
Despite being British, Costello was a hit in the US. He was signed to Columbia Records and rose to stardom in a few leaps in the 1980s. He was full of confidence and the label had a lot of faith in this talented young Brit. Costello has made many appearances in a long and successful career. He has done rock, modern classical and everything in between.

Costsello has sometimes been in the middle of people's teeth, and the lyrics to the song Oliver's Army, for example, have been controversial. The song is about young men who are sent to war and the wording in the original lyrics does not seem to have stood the test of time. Costello has changed the text and contradicts the alleged racism in his previous version, as he has been actively involved in the fight against racism.

Decade collaboration with Burt Bacharach
Throughout the years, Costello has enjoyed great respect in the music industry and has worked with giants such as Paul McCartney and Burt Bacharach. Collaboration with the latter led to Costello being asked to write a song for a film and getting Bacharach to write it with him.

Costello was brought in to write a song for the 1996 film Grace from the Heart, about a songwriter who starts singing on her own. "I asked Burt if he would be willing to write music with me," says Costello. They were each in their own place and sent the music to each other and thus worked on it together. "I didn't immediately realize how unique it was because Burt didn't usually work with other people." Their collaboration became successful and they wrote an entire album, Painted From Memory, which was released in 1998. "Sometimes he wrote all the music and I just the lyrics,” says Costello. "Most of the time we exchange ideas. He wrote parts and I added or vice versa."

Bacharach died in February, but shortly before that a big compilation album was released with all the songs they wrote together. "Two songs were recorded in September 2021, not too long ago, and he was in the studio telling everyone what to do," says Costello. "He was completely focused on the music and the stories he was telling." Costello says he is looking forward to performing songs they wrote together at the concert in Harpa. "That's why it's good to have Steve along." He can play the songs and express the feeling in them and I love singing those songs."

Elvis Costello was interviewed in Rokklandi on Rás 2, which can be found here in Spilara RÚV.

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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by johnfoyle »

Supposedly 6 new songs in last night's show.

Coverage is being closely controlled.

More details when possible.
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by JerseyPride78 »

According to the wiki Facebook group the new songs were:

My Blade (Indecent Notions)
That Blue Look
I Walk on Broken Glass
Clown Around Time

Also played (apparently for only the second known time) was Like Licorice on Your Tongue
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by And No Coffee Table »

http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... _Reykjavik

01. Green Shirt
02. Talking In The Dark
03. This Year's Girl
04. Tiny Steps
05. Waiting For The End Of The World
06. My Hidden Heart - live debut
07. When I Was Cruel No. 2 - including Dancing Queen
08. Like Licorice On Your Tongue - EC solo
09. Everyday I Write The Book - EC solo
10. Clown Around Town - EC solo, new song
11. Welcome To The Working Week - EC solo, including Workin' Man Blues
12. My Blade (Indecent Notions) - EC solo, new song
13. Sneaky Feelings
14. Almost Blue
15. That Blue Look - new song
16. I Still Have That Other Girl
17. Deep Dark Truthful Mirror
18. Watching The Detectives
19. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding? - with verse sung by Steve Nieve
20. Hamburg - new song
21. I Walk On Broken Glass - new song
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by bronxapostle »

johnfoyle wrote:Supposedly 6 new songs in last night's show.

Coverage is being closely controlled.

More details when possible.

Is this CLOSE CONTROL keeping May 28 show setlist top secret? :lol: It was nice getting the set two days ago in a timely manner. Oh well, curiosity killed the cat. Good night to all...hope attendees enjoyed.
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by sulky lad »

So another stunning concert, different in tone to the private gig with no new sings as I “recall” . It started much like the usual classic C&N shows with Accidents and then Shot With His Own Gun but we got a variety of ballads and rockers with WIWC No 2 and WTD both benefitting from Elvis” array of effects and samples. Nick came on and did the usual 2 duets with Elvis . I had two new additions to my collection of songs, the beautiful The Whirlwind and Isabelle In Tears. Our coaches were scheduled to pick us up around 10pm but Elvis didn’t stop until gone 23:13 !
I’m now up at 05:11 for my return flight to Luton. It’s been a most memorable trip due to the stunning location, amazing accommodation and food but also for the extraordinary performances put on by Elvis abd Steve over the two nights sorry BA will try and post a setlist from my ( ahem) notes on the way home on the train this pm !
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by bronxapostle »

8) :lol: :lol: great report sulky!! Glad you BOTH were there :)
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by And No Coffee Table »

http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... _Reykjavik

01. Accidents Will Happen
02. Shot With His Own Gun
03. Still
04. The Long Honeymoon
05. The Whirlwind
06. This Year's Girl
07. Isabelle In Tears
08. When I Was Cruel No. 2
09. Almost Blue
10. Jimmie Standing In The Rain
11. A Face In The Crowd
12. Veronica
13. Toledo
14. I Still Have That Other Girl
15. The Comedians
16. Indoor Fireworks - with Nick Lowe
17. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding? - with Nick Lowe
18. Watching The Detectives
19. Oliver's Army
20. Waiting For The End Of The World
21. Shipbuilding
22. Alison

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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by sulky lad »

This has been a most extraordinary event - Elvis has definitely " turned a page" as he said at the Q&A with the Gramercy stint and it would seem he has looked at both his catalogue and his legacy and considered his place in the history of popular music. From the recordings I've heard from Gramercy ( still no shows 2 and 8 in case anyone feels like sharing!;-)), Elvis has been able to review and re-evaluate their meanings and structures both lyrically and melodically without compromising on their original intent and scope. It still stuns me that he isn't considered one of the greatest songwriters of our time by the world at large - as a nearly semi-pro musician (sic) I can see how astounding and abundant his talent is - witness the new songs here in Iceland at the private concert. He seemed to suggest that he would maybe enjoy or look to performing live with themed shows, - at one stage he mentioned the Imperial Bedroom and Other Chambers tour -which would give him the freedom to dissect his repertoire. I think he also seemed to imply that there was little money to be made in making records at his level of the professional musician range, sadly. The re-ignition of the performing duo of Costello/Nieve seemed as potent and vibrant as ever though I wonder about the wisdom of the upcoming U.S. Imposters tour which seems to be underselling . The European (though non U.K) tour will allow him to further re-interpret and re-invent as well as present new songs in a relatively straightforward manner. Elvis also mentioned that the Sainte Germain Studio recordings and how they had limited time to record due to costs and how the musicians mostly played their parts spontaneously rather than with written charts and that the spontaneity was wonderful so that they had takes completed in a very short period due to the expertise and virtuosity of the players involved. As a long time fan, I think the chances of him now playing shows that will fascinate me and make me want to attend multiple concerts will only be viable for him if he choses smaller venues as it seems still many people only want a "Greatest Hits" package and this brings me to the surprise that there were a considerable number of people who were at the Iceland event that weren't ardent fans -some I spoke to knew precious little about Elvis and passed comments that showed how little they followed him. I couldn't help wondering why they came - the sightseeing parts were great, the catering was fantastic but I thought the vast majority would be hard-core fans and I think a large percentage probably weren't.
Finally, there were elements that were very disappointing -
1). the event was advertised as being for 100 people - in fact apparently over 190 were there and the sense of exclusivity was somewhat diminished
2) I think there was an implication that we would have photos and signings with Elvis but in the end we were herded into the hall before the final gig and a "team photo" taken which we will have to print off for ourselves when we get our jpg or pdf or whatever at our own expense. The signing turned out to be Elvis remotely signing a poster and then the team distributing these to us at the hotel, so no chance of getting a quick word on a personal level.
3) The allocation of seats and seating were very random - if you wanted a front seat you had to gamble as to which coach would reach the venue first and hope you could dive in to get the seat you wanted and for the final show it really did seem like pot luck where you ended up. At least one person who had signed up very early ended up with a balcony seat rather than being in the front two or three rows as expected.

Our hosts were charming and obliging, the food and accommodation was faultless and flawless but I still felt as if I'd been a little bit cheated somehow - though in no way down to Elvis, Steve, Nick and even Chris T and Robbie who were both friendly and courteous to me even when they were obviously trying to get on with their occupation.
Still it seems to leave us with exciting prospects for future Elvis performances even if we're unlikely to see a new album - but don't quote me on that !
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Thanks sulky.

Sorry this was partly disappointing and for what was quite expensive. I was also irked to read about the numbers being 190 rather than the exclusive 100. I suspect there were 100 genuine fans and then a load of hangers on. One attendee mentioned about a young couple with preteen children who took up 4 valuable front row seats at the public gig, with the father falling asleep and none of them showing the remotest bit of interest.

I was saddened to hear about the poor access to Elvis. I was not there of course but so it’s not for me to criticise how the event was organised.

I always wonder what Elvis will do next and he never feels to surprise.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by MOJO »

Sorry to hear about some of the disappointments. Don’t forget about the new tunes! That is totally awesome.

Here is my counter on your disappointments. Not causing any conflict here just seeing it differently, I guess.

I hope they do it again next year - both NYC and Iceland (or another island ).

(( How much was it again? I recall thinking the deal was pretty decent with meals, accommodations, day trips, SHOWS, killer outdoor action. — all included - especially if coming from EU/UK/IRE))

1 - Maybe the extra 90 bodies were locals probably given a discount of some kind because they are local to Island. And let’s face it, those folks need a break. Hello, Iceland?! Is anything really going on up there other than some natural beauty and probably some cool, but very limited, underground arts stuff?

2 - Team photo sounds like fun. Imagine the amount of time it would take for 100 + photos, a little chit chat, etc. Who has the time for that? Time is money. Time is limited. Just being in Iceland would be cool enough, right? I would have been all over that town.

3 - yeah, I could understand the seating thing is a bit of a bummer. I would have bailed on the coach/bus to the show and considered a taxi with a coach/bus back. How much are taxis in town? Any reindeer for hire?

Seems like the disappointments are minor when you look at all of it. Plus, all the friendly EC fans mixing/mingling. You can’t find that on a normal vaca / trip, right?
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by Arnie »

That shuttle bus thing sounds jacked up and would've caused me unnecessary anxiety, with the race to the seats. Still . . . 190 is pretty damn small group. I was at Gramercy for night 2 and there was probably 3 to 4 times that number, and it still felt intimate and outstanding.

My only regret would've been, judging by the setlist, is not more songs with Elvis and Nick together. Like the Nick sings Elvis, Elvis sings Nick gig out in California a few years ago. And, the personal interaction after-show even for 20-30 minutes to sign a few autographs and talk to the true fans that made the journey and paid for the all-inclusive package . . . that doesn't seem like too much to ask.

I'm still extremely jealous of those who could attend and get to see such a beautiful country and its people.
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Re: Elvis In Iceland with Steve Nieve and Special Guest, Nick Lowe, May 25-29, 2023

Post by Nextyearsmodel »

Thanks to my son living in Reykjavik I was able to go there for the weekend and get a free bed for 3 nights so a relatively
cheap weekend by Icelandic standards.
My son was a Costello concert virgin but was sufficiently impressed not to rip me about loving the beloved entertainer.
I thought the show was up there as one of the best I have seen in a number of years.
I particularly liked the looped Detectives, greatly developed since the last time I heard it on the Boy named If tour. Lots
of menace. Other highlights were Waiting for the End of the World and an excellent Indoor Fireworks with Nick.
His voice was ropey on Veronica.
I was to right of the stage 9 rows back. I guess the fan club core were those on left hand side of stage around rows 5-6 who
got up for a mini standing ovation after each number.
The idiot next to me was asleep for most the gig - waste of a ticket.
Still not got to see him play After the fall - One day.
Excellent venue - acoustics were that good that at times you could hear his breathing in between songs.
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