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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Otis Westinghouse wrote:Or Kevin Keegan.
Yeah, wide-open, free-flowing football. We'd lose matches 6-5, but at least we'd be entertaining.
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Post by oldhamer »

Argh. Steve McClaren is a pillock :x
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Post by Jackson Monk »

I am so glad I recorded that tripe. Saved meat least an hour of my life as I fast forwarded through most of it.

McClaren seems to be recrerating his Middlesborough side. Why isn't there a yawning emotcion??
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

All the predictions coming true, and Lampard and Gerrard still being played together. Rooney sounded like he wasn't there. Can we handle the mighty Andorra?
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They looked burnt out. I think most have them have been playing too much football over the last several months. The match against Israel must have seemed like such an anti-climax after the games a lot of these guys have been playing in the Premiership, Champions League, FA Cup and Carling Cup.

You think McClaren is following this Woolmer thing closely?
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Post by Jackson Monk »

Boy With A Problem wrote:They looked burnt out. I think most have them have been playing too much football over the last several months. The match against Israel must have seemed like such an anti-climax after the games a lot of these guys have been playing in the Premiership, Champions League, FA Cup and Carling Cup.

You think McClaren is following this Woolmer thing closely?
Totally disagree. Do you think if Rooney,Terry, Lampard or Hargreaves were playing for their clubs they would have played like that??? Of course they wouldn't. Basically they are cunts who are only interested in money. Very few of them deserve to wear the shirt imho. Bunch of selfish gits who just dont give a toss.

Anyone want to defend them?
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Otis Westinghouse
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Rooney has off games fairly often with MU, but look at how he played against Bolton. And he was fired up in the World Cup, despite the painful formation. Hargreaves was exemplary then in terms of dedication. Stevie boy is obviously doing nothing to make them feel motivated. I agree it's not all down to him and that there are too many non-football distractors in their pampered worlds, but I guarantee you'd be seeing a different performance if someone like Fergie was in charge.
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Post by Jackson Monk »

I can't just leave it that way, I am so angry with the way English football has gone. It's all about money now. None of them care about the way they perform for England. As long as they get a big contract, who cares?

Is there a single player with the passion of Pearce, Robson, Seaman or Adams? No chance. An absolute total group of prima donna wankers.

I really have lost patience now. this is not why I got into footie. This is ust commercial shite.
:x :x :x :x
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

There's more to life than books, you know, but not much more
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I get your point Otis, but I don't buy it.

If I was chosen for England, it wouldn't matter what manager I had. They are all spoliled twats. I cannot replicate the level of anger i feel towards them all. Everything that happened last night proved my point. Rio not having a clue as to the words of the anthem, Phil Neville's selection five years after what should have been his last game, a player like Carragher selected at left back when a left footer like Barry was available.....just pure incompetence. :evil:
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OK, next try: get your job application in to the FA! :lol:
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Post by Jackson Monk »

Otis Westinghouse wrote:Rugby?
Not sure what this means? :?
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Just trying to help you with your anger management!
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Post by Jackson Monk »

I cannot beleive I am the only person who is unhappy with the shite we have had to put up with since christ knows when.......

never mind...as long as Ronaldo keeps winning his penalites, Drogba keeps winining his free kicks and Wenger keeps signing the best African 16 year old for 50k...who cares?
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

I recommend the Radio 5 '606' post-match phone-ins. A torrent of anger. I've got better things to be angry about, but then I am in the category of people for whom their club's performance will always be more significant, unless England did something like win the World Cup, of course! I'd like to see it happen in my lifetime, apart from when I was about to hit 2, that is.
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Hypocrites. The vast majority of the people on this forum are prepared to argue that they have left wing views when it comes to politics, free trade, abuse of power etc.

Basically they have no problem with the exploitation of young African footballers as long as it benefits their own club.

As I say...hypocrites.

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Post by Fishfinger king »

Jackson Monk wrote: Totally disagree. Do you think if Rooney,Terry, Lampard or Hargreaves were playing for their clubs they would have played like that??? Of course they wouldn't. Basically they are cunts who are only interested in money. Very few of them deserve to wear the shirt imho. Bunch of selfish gits who just dont give a toss.

Anyone want to defend them?
Not me. You speak the truth! No commitment at all yesterday - maybe only Hargreaves deserves an exception. International weekends are so boring. Can't wait to get back to the real thing. How about some predictions? Here are mine:

Premiership: Manure. Sky spend millions persuading everyone that the Chelsea-Manure tie is the premiership decider. However, Ashley Cole is sent off soon after half time in the match before at the Emirates (for being foul and offensive - he did nothing new- it was just astute refereeing) and Robin van Persie scores late for a 2-1 Arsenal win that hands Siralex the title. Sky gnash teeth.

FA Cup: Chelsea The semis go with form. However, Manure go into the final without Rooney and Ronaldo who are both sent off at Stamford Bridge in the league match beforehand. Wayne had waited to exact his revenge in a match that didn't matter and Cristiano foolishly retaliated. Doh! Goals from Drogba and Robben are enough.

Champions league: Chelsea The blues win the Liverpool semi with a deflected, offside, handball that doesn't actually cross the line. The Bayern-Manure semi is poised at 1-0 to the Germans 89 minutes into the second leg. Surprisingly nothing else happens. Chelsea win the final 2-1 against Bayern with 2 Ballack goals. Abramovich can no longer sack Mourinho, so sells soon after.

A happy ending!!
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

I don't think it's the England players that are the problem. You've had two clueless managers in a row. I was shocked when they chose McClaren for the job - not exactly a tactical/motivational genius. The best thing to happen to England would be for you to miss out on Euro 2008, forcing a change of manager. Of course, they would probably just screw it up again.

In the meantime, people will probably go on blaming all of England's woes on Frank Lampard.
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Post by Gillibeanz »

Jackson Monk wrote:I cannot beleive I am the only person who is unhappy with the shite we have had to put up with since christ knows when.......

never mind...as long as Ronaldo keeps winning his penalites, Drogba keeps winining his free kicks and Wenger keeps signing the best African 16 year old for 50k...who cares?
Totally agree Jackson and I do care - passionately!!! Had an appointment we couldn't break so taped the match, avoided the results and watched it in the evening. I couldn't wait to watch it and I was gutted! We were crap! Better in the second half but we just can't score!

Steve McClaren says he still has the backing of his players, despite the dismal 0-0 draw in Israel - well get this useless manager incase you hadn't realized it already the England fans are pissed off bigtime and we dont forgive you or the players! I feel sorry for all the loyal England supporters who paid good money to go all the way over there.

McClaren has to go. Our players were colliding with each other and not reading the game or each other at all, and 2 goals both offside?! :roll: Lampard & Gerrard can't play together. He leaves Rooney on who was as much use as a chocolate teapot and takes off Andy Johnson who was at least trying! The only player that performed and was creating goal chances was Lennon and he takes him off! Play him on the wing he is best at for christs sake!! Then in a moment of sheer genius known only to himslef McClaren brings on Downing - for what purpose???? :roll:

McClaren has had enough time as manager now to begin to get results - five games without a win and England managed only one goal during that time - with players of the quality we have thats outrageous!

I feel so gutted and disheartened that I may do something i've never ever done before and thats not bother to watch the match on wednesday....... :cry:
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Post by Boy With A Problem »

Fishfinger king wrote:
Jackson Monk wrote: Totally disagree. Do you think if Rooney,Terry, Lampard or Hargreaves were playing for their clubs they would have played like that??? Of course they wouldn't. Basically they are cunts who are only interested in money. Very few of them deserve to wear the shirt imho. Bunch of selfish gits who just dont give a toss.

Anyone want to defend them?
Not me. You speak the truth! No commitment at all yesterday - maybe only Hargreaves deserves an exception. International weekends are so boring. Can't wait to get back to the real thing. How about some predictions? Here are mine:

Premiership: Manure. Sky spend millions persuading everyone that the Chelsea-Manure tie is the premiership decider. However, Ashley Cole is sent off soon after half time in the match before at the Emirates (for being foul and offensive - he did nothing new- it was just astute refereeing) and Robin van Persie scores late for a 2-1 Arsenal win that hands Siralex the title. Sky gnash teeth.

FA Cup: Chelsea The semis go with form. However, Manure go into the final without Rooney and Ronaldo who are both sent off at Stamford Bridge in the league match beforehand. Wayne had waited to exact his revenge in a match that didn't matter and Cristiano foolishly retaliated. Doh! Goals from Drogba and Robben are enough.

Champions league: Chelsea The blues win the Liverpool semi with a deflected, offside, handball that doesn't actually cross the line. The Bayern-Manure semi is poised at 1-0 to the Germans 89 minutes into the second leg. Surprisingly nothing else happens. Chelsea win the final 2-1 against Bayern with 2 Ballack goals. Abramovich can no longer sack Mourinho, so sells soon after.

A happy ending!!
That was sort of my point. International football is the lowest of priorities for these guys.
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Post by Jackson Monk »

Who Shot Sam? wrote: In the meantime, people will probably go on blaming all of England's woes on Frank Lampard.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/606/A21138095 :lol:
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »


I didn't think Lampard was noticeably worse than any other England player on Saturday. Rooney was pretty anonymous.

I don't really buy the argument that Lamps can't play alongside Gerrard in midfield. He's played with Ballack this season and scored about 20 goals in total.
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Post by mood swung »

Meanwhile, ATP, it was a pretty gosh darn good day in Tampa.
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Post by Jackson Monk »

Who Shot Sam? wrote:hehe

I didn't think Lampard was noticeably worse than any other England player on Saturday. Rooney was pretty anonymous.

I don't really buy the argument that Lamps can't play alongside Gerrard in midfield. He's played with Ballack this season and scored about 20 goals in total.
Agreed. They were all pretty shocking.
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Who Shot Sam? wrote:I don't really buy the argument that Lamps can't play alongside Gerrard in midfield. He's played with Ballack this season and scored about 20 goals in total.
Maybe it's become a psychological issue, but there's more than enough evidence to support the theory.
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