Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Pretty self-explanatory
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Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by johnfoyle »


Steve posts to F/book -

I am playing a solo piano concert on the world's tallest piano in November. Tubingen is beautiful, inside the Black Forest a short drive from Baden-Baden. Take the TGV from Paris to Strasbourg and it's a two and a half hour drive through some of the most gorgeous countryside. If you want information on hotels etc. email me on The gig is Saturday November 8th and I have created an events page for this concert with more info to follow. Hope you can make it!!

Tickets here - ... mber-2014/

I've just got one so I guess I'm going!
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by Jeremy Dylan »

I rather wish I could be there. I had an interesting chat with Steve about the dynamics of what the scale of this piano does to the sound. Apparently, you get an incredibly rich bass sound because of the physical depth of the instrument.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by MOJO »

Yeah, but where's the hot tub? Second floor? Ha, ha (ok, not that funny. Need coffee desperately.)
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by sulky lad »

I think I've just ordered a ticket too - though my German translation seems a bit dicey - I might have just booked a therapy session at a Piano Clinic ! It's a Keyboard Jungle out there :roll:
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

Steve posts to f/book -

November 8th 2014 in Tubingen, Germany, in the Black Forest. I will be playing a solo piano concert on the tallest piano in the world. My program will include some of my favorite Elvis Costello melodies. If you have any Costello requests don't hesitate to post them on the events page. I hope you can come and listen... The main theme of the evening is around the french word 'Insepare'. Title of a book by my friend Dominique Quessada L'Insepare... ... -11374576/

Details for you all on the 8th November solo piano concert in Tubingen, a fascinating town in the heart of the black forest. All the details are here. Grab your tickets while there are still some left. And if you want to hear my solo piano version of one of Costello's songs, played on the Tallest Piano in the World, leave a Costello title or two...... Thank you for all your requests,
Sincerely, Steve Nieve ... mber-2014/
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by sulky lad »

Can't seem to get to the events but as I'm now definitely going, can you ask Steve for "The Invisible Man", "Talking In The Dark", "Little Triggers" "Green Shirt" .... and so on ! Any of the versions of songs we heard so many times in 1999 would be perfect - or just play what you like, Steve !
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

Here's a Google translation of the article that Steve links .

The Other has disappeared. From this singular premise , the philosopher Dominique Quessada offers an iconoclastic interpretation of our world in crisis.

" A world without Other " narrowing to the fact that less iconoclastic philosopher Dominique Quessada of our human condition deserted could stumble on some empirical obstacles. Who does not experience indeed in his daily challenge of otherness does not measure weight, weighing or liberating relationships with Others? The dissolution of the Other is not it a pure conceptual delirium detached from the sensible perception ?

In his new essay, The Inséparé , continuing a discussion begun in The Slave Master (2002) and Court altéricide Treaty (2007), published in Portraits , Dominique Quessada offers a paradoxical reversal in the way even think the be . As part of a broad metaphysical current marked by authors such as Peter Sloterdijk and Alain Badiou , a philosopher , a member of the journal Multitudes , theorizes here a new relationship with the world .

"Everything shows that we now operate in a inséparation regime , whatever the scale considered ," he says bluntly .

This " fundamental inseparability " affects both the " inséparation " between men than between men and the world, or that between the living phenomena ... The globalization and interconnection of economic phenomena are the most readable proof of this inséparation as a result of a gradual " logic of interdependence and interrelation generalized " irruption . The identity crises are another contemporary face of the mourning of the Other. Quessada for the current crisis can be defined as a "crisis of separability ."

This quirky look or destabilizing his book takes its attraction, fatal and nebula at once. This metaphysical meditation slightly exaggerated claims redraw a new configuration of reality no less than a " new existential topography " ! Through its concept of " altéricide " - volatilization of the Other - the philosopher challenges our whole spiritual tradition based on a dualistic metaphysics classical bivalent structure of the world, born with the ancient Greeks, disappears with this new principle of non-differentiation and resorption of all series of conceptual opposition.

Founding myth of the West, the separability of the world falls into the water and with Plato , who was one of the first to oppose the shadow and light, the sensible world , immanent , contingent, and the intelligible world , absolute and infinite. But for Quessada Plato crashed : general grammar in which we used to evolve since its Republic now seems " inadequate." We are now inséparés of human beings : " There are more of us instead of the other. "

This disappearance of the Other thus opens a world he must " survey , map and name ." But without the Other , the world is it not precisely an unspeakable world? The best way to achieve this remains Quessada applying it is first a world without depth, without interiority. The "inside" and "outside" are purely conventional representations . There is a " plane of immanence ", that is to say a inséparation plan and nothing else . " There is neither above nor below nor beyond nor outfield plan , because everything that happens , exists or occurs , occurs through being a way of folding singular . the plan " the degradation of the biosphere or the phenomena of economic globalization emphasize perfectly that no one - neither individuals nor states - can not think" outside "" because it is more enforceable in a outside " .

From this drawing of a plan, where all the elements side by side by contiguity , the author draws some son , including the decisive one of " delayering " of things and beings. Everything equivalent of being put on the same plane. The world is characterized by the general disintegration of fences, as revealed by many modes of artistic and intellectual expression ( the mix, sampling, mash -up , collective intelligence ... ) . The " déessentialisation " the " creolization " (a concept borrowed from Édouard Glissant ) form the heart of this general principle of equivalence . What matters most is the relationship between all elements of the Plan inséparation interconnected as in a crossfade, true aesthetic paradigm without Other.

This concept has implications déclôturation political space. Because the inséparation regime calls for a new practice of the relationship: " A factory -Being common . " Rethinking a world without Other requires a redefinition of the concept of human rights to move to " the right of men, " which is also the law of nature or the law of avatars.

Near this point Bruno Latour in his willingness to think the multitudes and singularities , Dominique Quessada called to build a " ontological contract." Succeeding the social contract , the new contract notes a transition from a state of nature, which he had to go to a state of nature, " which we became inseparable ." Party of metaphysics, to reshuffle the cards , Quessada manages to politics, to rethink the rules . The inséparation also applies to metaphysics and politics, connected through a raging fade .
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

I've just booked flights for this. Has anyone got tickets yet? All I have so far is a Paypal receipt for payment. Somehow , however , I don't think this will be a problem. Given the eccentricity of the whole affair and his willingness to tell us about hotels etc. I fully expect Steve to meet me at the airport with a horse and carriage and for him to plump my pillows before I retire ( not a euphemism - honest!).
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

Steve has re-titled this show - it's now going to be a all singing, all dancing Steve Plays Elvis show.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by sulky lad »

Still no sign of tickets , have you got yours , John ?
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

No ticket yet but Steve has told me via Facebook that it'll be there for at the venue & not to worry.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 2014

Post by johnfoyle »


This is almost upon us and the above is the latest poster for the show. I fly there on Friday and will , of course, keep you all informed.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by verbal gymnastics »

And no doubt sulky lad will record the show in the interests of posterity.

Enjoy your weekend!
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by sulky lad »

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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

Tiny town. I just found the venue, minutes from my hotel. It's right next to the police station so no messing tonight! Sulky is due in town any minute so we hope to do some sightseeing. It's a lovely day for it - crisp & sunny.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by terryhurley »

Hope you guys enjoy it!
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

We had a great evening. I'll tell all when I get back to my computer in Dublin this evening.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by johnfoyle »










Two brief clips I got - ... aTm_qEdxdA ... aTm_qEdxdA

Walking around Tubingen yesterday with Sulky I was sure we would eventually bump into Steve and Muriel his partner. Every now and then a Facebook update on my 'phone would tell me Muriel had just posted a photo of a building that we seemed to have just gone by. It wasn't to be as we rambled the picturesque town (including a jolly jape where we went into a bookshop and were asked to leave because only women were allowed) , eventually heading back to the hotel for a rest in the late afternoon before the show.

Just before heading down to the foyer to meetup at six , I saw another f/book update , this time Steve posting a photo of a article in a local 'paper about the show. The hotel had local 'papers on a table across from the reception desk. We picked them up to have a look through them and see if we could see the article. As we looked we were aware that people were talking at the desk. They moved from it, going towards the exit , near the table we were at. It was Steve & Muriel, along with a couple who we would meet later. Muriel spotted me ( I've never met her but we've had exchanges online and she had seen me on f/book etc.) and there ensued a round of handshaking and greetings and the like. Muriel said she had put our names on tags on front row seats. Steve said they had to dash because he had to get batteries for his recorder. And of they went. We did too, intending to have a quick drink or snack before the show at the nearby venue , only minutes away.

We met up with Pete and Simon from London in a bar by the bridge. After a drink we headed to the venue, Pete saying he had been told to be there for 6.45 to get tickets and so on. Getting there we saw the first signage about the show that we had seen all day. Opening the door we went up steps and through a reception area , a table with wine and glasses and plates of biscuits to the left and one on the left with bundles of Steve's cds and a man found us on a list and issued us with tickets. We then went on into the performance area , down steps as we looked across at the Tall Piano.

There was also a small piano, later called a , I think, Unicorder. We were seated in the front row, with our names written on pieces of paper on the red cushions ( well, cushions of sort - some of our party later said they would have preferred if they were more padded etc.- softies!). We took our seats and chatted as people arrived. All ages were present , about 80 in total, right down to what looked like blond haired, twin infant boys playing with lit up sabre like toys. Steve and Muriel arrived in with the couple and took the seats that made up the the other end of our row. The couple were Alain and Michèle Blondel, Paris based art dealers. Steve was up and down a bit , setting up his micro recorder ( 'got them !' he smiled over at us , holding up some AA batteries ) and fiddling with a sheets of paper and the like , maybe a bit of pre-show nerves. Steve then went through a door to the left of the steps up to the Tall Piano. Muriel started helping someone light rows of night lights near the pianos as the show started.

First up was the premises owner David Klavins (b. 1954) , standing up by the elevated keyboard, speaking in German about ( as a subsequent precis in English told us) about the keyboards. The lights went down and Steve appeared out to applause. After a brief greeting and a apology for not being able to speak German he started playing the small piano. After one of his own compositions ( if he identified it I missed hearing) he did Unwanted Number , really bringing out the beauty of the tune. He then ran up the stairs ( later joking about the much needed exercise the evening was involving) and deconstructed and reassembled 'Chelsea and Almost Blue and The Birds Will Still be Singing ( the light sabre kids left with a woman during this) , really letting us know the power and range of the unique keyboard.

Descending one again , he told us the story of his audition for the Attractions , varying slightly from other accounts but still very amusing. He then did The Long Honeymoon ( including a brief quote from Unwanted Number). Back up to the Tall Piano then for a new piece he's written for a ballet ( called something like , I think, Separate) and God Give Me Strength , worked up like the earlier rearrangements. Back down for an amusing and poignant story about selecting the piano for the North recording session in 2003. Another untitled piece followed, played into Shot With His Own Gun. He then made a comment about a lot of his friends having twin children recently, which has inspired him to compose some tunes. He did two , appropriately contrapuntal etc.

Back up to the Tall Piano after he asked for a suggestion of a Costello tune and he went with 'Detectives , which he said he hadn't done like that before. He explored that tune to some extent but segued into Muriel On The Beach from his Lazy Point album, as powerful as ever, a real highlight of that release.

More tunes were done but I was so wrapped up in the music that I stopped making notes. Sulky's recording will , eventually, tell us. The show wrapped up, Steve was given a bunch of flowers and applause etc.

After much milling about and chat we went up the steps to the reception area and were given glasses of wine and so on. David Klavins, Muriel , the Blondels mingled and we all chatted. Steve joined us , signed tickets and generally seemed relieved that it had all gone so well. He borrowed a coin from me so that he could unscrew the back of his recorder. Sulky produced his recorder and Steve said he'd love to hear his take . At one stage I asked Steve about his next work and got politely vague answers. The book he mentioned in a interview and the ballet he mentioned are in a 'continual process' stage. I asked about Elvis's book and Steve realised that he ' really had to go' and get some of the quickly vanishing biscuits from the table... I told David Klavins how much I like Lubomyr Melnyk & Nils Frahm and he talked about his work with them. Michèle Blonde let me gabble on about I know not what and seemed most amused. And then it was all 'goodbyes' and handshakes and we were out of there. Sophisticates that we are we went for a kebab and then the more lightweight of us ( me, of course!) declined that suggestion of 'just the one drink' and it was back to the hotel, tired but happy.

I'm sure I've forgotten lots and will endeavor to add more when it comes to mind.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by sulky lad »

Further to John's posts, when we encountered Steve and Muriel in our hotel ( I think Alain Blondell was also staying there) Steve's face lit up - he genuinely seemed pleased and flattered to meet us . Towards the end of the concert he invited the audience to pick notes for him to improvise on and he invited me ( this young man - ha!) to pick a note. I remembered him doing this at his solo concert in Meltdown in 1995 and so was about to give him a Bach motif and started with A flat and D when he pulled me up and said only one note per audience member ! The rest of the audience was strangely muted here but he ended up improvising majestically on A Flat, D, A, C and G. It was highly emotive and moving and my favourite piece if the evening slowly a compositional and improvisational talent of the highest order. The after show drinks wee great, Steve had to borrow my Sharpie for all the autographs and I wangled a poster which he signed thanking me for travelling so far. The matter of the recording was surprising as I was scared he would be annoyed by me recording but he was fine and I'll obviously send him the recording and check whether he wants it made available. John's description of our incident in the fake only bookshop tells only a glimmer of the whole truth. The lady was obviously intimidated by our mere presence and described the bookshop as a safe place for women to come where no men are allowed and he implication was certainly that it served as a refuge for women suffering domestic violence. Of course had we known the books on the window were all titled All Men Are Bastards weight have fought shy of entering.
For me , this had elements that we're lacking from my recent trip to Paris to see EC, namely a sense of adventure and experimentation and some sublime playing throughout with beautiful interpretations of Unwanted Number, Chelsea and the ballet music Inseparate (I think) and the music for the twins. I floated back to the hotel after the saltiest Kebab in Germany and felt relieved I'd seen at least one classic gig this year
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by MOJO »

Nice write up. It sounds like a great time was had by all. I hope someone follows through on the travel-size version of the tall piano. That would be awesome.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by sulky lad »

Thanks Mojo. David Klavins said he was working on another version of the tall piano because he wasn't happy with the top end sound although it was better than I had expected. I somehow got the impression he was thinking of a larger version( I'm sure he mentioned 4.5 metres at one stage ) so I guess he's not looking into making a gigging instrument. According to one of our colleagues , Simon, the tall piano has already been sampled .My brother owns a music business and some of his electronic instruments have various samples built it so that you can play this dinky keyboard and it has samples groom cathedral organs so I'm guessing this piano can also be sampled and used.
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Great work john and sulky. It sounds like a really interesting show.

Steve is a very appreciative person and is great fun to talk to. I'm glad you had a great time.

John - Steve probably realised that once you started talking about Elvis, you'd never stop :lol:
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Re: Steve Nieve plays a Tall Piano, Germany, Nov. 8th 2014

Post by terryhurley »

Just wanted to add my thanks too to John & Sulky for your reports. Great stuff.
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