Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Pretty self-explanatory
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Judge Holden
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Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by Judge Holden »

After the final reckoning this morning, Elvis would be missing a trick not opening with 45 - would resonate with most of the locals.
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by Bradwellboy »

Now boarding delayed Easyjet from Stansted with Mrs E

Who's going

Where the best/ nearest pub

Will he do Comedians

More questions later

Mrs E says will Davey be there ????? (Think not)
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by kilyuradeo »

Venue says some tickets have been released for tonight -- http://www.usherhall.co.uk/
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by johnfoyle »

Psycho got the usual we're-in-Scotland outing, according to a text from Nicola.
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by docinwestchester »

3 minutes ago
Elvis Costello #usherhall #genius
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by And No Coffee Table »

Mark posts to Facebook:

Start 20:05

1 45
2 Either Side of The Same Town
3 Veronica
4 Poison Moon
5 Accidents Will Happen
6 Ascension Day
7 Big Boys Cry
8 Lonely Blue Boy
9 Opportunity
10 Come The Meantimes
11 Walking My Baby Back Home
12 Ghost Train
13 When I Was Cruel #2
14 Wave A White Flag
15 She
16 Which Side Are You On ?
17 Watching The Detectives
18 April 5th
19 If I Could Believe
20 Shipbuilding
21 Lost On The River #12
22 Oliver's Army
23 Psycho
24 The Comedians
25 Shot With His Own Gun
26 Mathew Met Mary
27 Good Year For The Roses
28 Jimmie Standing in The Rain
29 The Last Year of My Youth
30 Peace Love & Understanding

End 22:28
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by verbal gymnastics »

Wow - there are some fantastic new old songs. Was Which side are you on? the Leon Russell song?
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by The imposter »

It was this traditional folk song http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Which_Side_Are_You_On%3F According to the wiki this is the 4th EC performance of this workers' anthem associated with Pete Seeger http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... _You_On%3F
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by oliversa1 »

What a fantastic show, even converted my wife to appreciate his talent. Made the long journey from Ellesmere Port, flying from Manchester and making a long weekend of it, weather was superb especially on Friday.

Only down side, was handed a set list (only two on stage) by stage hand, only to have an obnoxious git rip it out of my hand, very rude. He had already upset the stage hand by demanding it not even saying please, so the guy handed it to me. I would like to hope it's nobody on this forum. Not a true fan.
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by FAVEHOUR »

The imposter wrote:It was this traditional folk song http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Which_Side_Are_You_On%3F According to the wiki this is the 4th EC performance of this workers' anthem associated with Pete Seeger http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... _You_On%3F

This is the one he wrote new words for in 2013, right?

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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by And No Coffee Table »

http://www.scotsman.com/what-s-on/music ... -1-3577495

Gig review: Elvis Costello, Edinburgh

Elvis Costello told stories about his father and grandfather, providing links between their music and his own

“I’m gonna introduce you to my special guest for the evening,” announced Elvis Costello midway through the show, before leaving his centre-stage mic and planting himself in a chair off to the side with an acoustic guitar to hand. “It’s me.”

Elvis Costello - Usher Hall, Edinburgh

* * * *

Forfeiting the full band “Wheel of Songs” format used of late, which has seen the singer reprise his back catalogue in random, audience-selected fashion, this solo show was about as intimate as it gets for a global star playing before a hall packed with 2,000-plus people.

Sauntering between piano and electric and acoustic guitar, he regaled us with warm tales of playing clubs with his orchestra singer turned hippie dad and of his grandfather’s career as a musician on the great cruise liners of the 1920s, until the Great Depression hit.

This sense permeated the show, that he’s a star who remembers the working class roots of his own music and the styles he adapts, through the jaunty music hall rag of Walkin’ My Baby Back Home, the tribute to variety’s glory days Ghost Train and the elegy for his grandfather Jimmie, Standing in the Rain, even as a crippling darkness lingered at the edges of Come the Meantimes, When I Was Cruel No.2 and Country Darkness.

Amidst the two-and-a-half hours played, his family roots, his punk days (Watching the Detectives, Shipbuilding, Oliver’s Army and more were all present) and his current status as a transatlantic conduit to the Great American Songbook were all explored, the latter through April 5th (written with “my friends Roseanne Cash and Kris Kristofferson”) and a sublime contribution from Dylan’s New Basement Tapes, Lost On the River.

It was this combination of versatility and humanity which made the show so memorable.
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by Bradwellboy »

When he was sat in the chair When I was Cruel was just AWESOME
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by And No Coffee Table »

I guess only one critic attended this show, because this is written by the same person who wrote the previous review.

http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-enter ... 05822.html

Elvis Costello, Usher Hall, review: A commanding show
The singer conjures period as much as emotion

By David Pollock
Monday 20 October 2014

For some time now, Elvis Costello and his band have been appearing with a Wheel of Songs, an arrangement which has allowed eager audience members to select at random from his song catalogue.

Yet here, a solo Costello’s only onstage affectation was a glowing ‘On Air’ sign, its intimation of a radio session in progress and the modest arrangement of guitars and a piano around the singer reaching for an up-close-and-personal atmosphere.

As much as his artistry remained unimpeachable throughout the two and a half hour set, with Costello favourites ‘She’, ‘Watching the Detectives’, ‘Shipbuilding’ and ‘Oliver’s Army’ appearing amidst a slew of album tracks and covers, it was the power of his easy, downhome personality which carried the evening.

He regaled us with tales of writing ‘Accidents Will Happen’ in the back of a cab on the road to Mexico, his father playing the Royal Command Performance (not just for “no-hopers from X-Factor” back then) and his granddad working the White Star liner bands of the 1920s, even as his repertoire flitted between the music hall tribute ‘Walkin’ My Baby Back Home’, his stark contribution to Dylan’s New Basement Tapes ‘Lost On the River’ and the poignant ‘The Last Year of My Youth’, a song he debuted as a stand-in on Letterman.

As a songwriter, his ability to conjure period as much as emotion is what commands a show like this.
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Re: Elvis solo, Edinburgh, Oct 18, 2014

Post by Man out of Time »

Review by Jonas, that was published in the November 2014 issue of Gazeta Polonijna Scotland - a magazine for Polish speakers living in Scotland.


W muzycznym Šwiecie byto dwóch wielkich Elvisów. Pierwszy z nich to Elvis ,,King” Presley, a drugi to Elvis Costello. Artysta nietuzinkowy, który na przetomie lat 70 i 80 uchodzit za jednego z najlepszych tekšciarzy na šwiecie. Mówiono o nim, że potrafi w trzy minutowych utworach zawrzeć calą powiešć. Włašnie on zawitał w paždzierniku do Edynburga, aby podczas swojego występu w Usher Hall udowodnić, że wciąż jest w dobrej formie.

Legenda gtosi, że w roku 1976 przez nikogo niezapowiedziany i nieproszony Costello, z gitarą w reku, wtargnł do biura menadzera wytwórni Stiff Records. Wyszedt z niego z gotowym kontraktem płytowym. Kilka miesicy póniej byl jul popularnym artyst. Jednak w Polsce nie na lezy on do popularnych artystów. Myšle, że gtównym powodem byto to, że bardzo wazne byty u niego teksty. Costello nigdy nie špiewat prostych przebojowych piosenek, w kazdej z nich starał sie porusza istotne sprawy, czesto zrozumiate gtównie dia Brytyjczyków, mówice o ich historii i problemach spotecznych. Byl on równiez artyst silnie zaangazowanym (ješli chodzi o teksty) politycznie. Antybohaterem pierwszego sing la Costello ,,Less Than Zero” byl Oswald Mosley - minister w rzdzie Labourzystów, który w latach 30 stworzyt Brytyjsk Unie Faszystów. Nalezało do niej 50 tysiecy Brytyjczyków, którzy organizowali antyzydowskie i antykomunistyczne demonstracje. Ješli miatbym porówna Costello do kogoš z polskich artystów, to jest on brytyjskim Kazikiem: od strony lirycznej obaj ostrzy obyczajowo i politycznie, niezwykle trafni obserwatorzy rzeczywistošci, która ich otacza. Strona muzyczna Costello jest równiez fascynujca. Wspominany wczeŠniej pierwszy przebój Costello ,,Less Than Zero” (czyli znajomo brzmicy ,,mniej niz zero”) stat sie punkowym hymnem, który dorównywat produkcjom Sex Pistols i Ramones. Wkrótce Costello zwizat sie z grup The Attractions, a niebawem rozpoczt tamanie wszelkich barier pomidzy punkiem, hard rockiem, popem i rhythm and bluesem (R’n’B), inicjujc ruch nowej fali w muzyce rockowej. Mniej wiecej od roku 1977 do potowy lat 80, Costello cieszyl sie wielkim uznaniem krytyków muzycznych. Ješli spojrze na rankingi ptytowe podsurnowujce tamte lata, praktycznie kazcly jego album, znajdowaf sie na czele. Można šmiało napisac, że nie byto w dziejach muzyki drugiego takiego artysty, który miat tak pozytywn serie wšród kapryšnych j wiecznie niezadowolonych dziennikarzy muzycznych. Przecieì nawet naj wieksi musieli swoje odcierpie, zanim ¡ch doceniono. Przyktadowo pierwsze ptyty Led Zeppelin dostawaty bardzo przecietne oceny. Led Zeppelin było inne od wszystkiego na rynku w tamtym czasie i pewnie stąd asekuranckie podejšcie recenzentów, bo nie mieli ,,czuja” czy plyta jest wybitna, czy do kitu. Z takimi problemami nie musial zmagać się Costello. Szybkie uznanie spowodowato, że wzbudzit zainteresowanie branzy muzycznej i wspótpracować z nim zapragnęli tacy artyšci, jak Paul McCartney czy Bob Dylan.

Jego wizyta w Edynburgu byta zwizana z tras, którą obecnie odbywa po Europie. Elvis Costello solo, tak się rekiamuje i tak faktycznie jest. Na swój występ w Edynburgu wybrat najpikniejsz sale koncertow w Szkocji, czyli Usher Hall, które w tym roku obchodzi 1OOlecie powstania. Zanim artysta pojawit sie na scenie, oczom przybywajcych widzów ukazata sie scenografia. Niezwykle skromna. Szešć gitar ustawionych pionowo, jedno pianino elektryczne i neon z na pisem radiowym ON AIR, który zapalit sie na czerwono po tym, jak artysta dostownie wbiegt na scene i wykonaf unplugged dynamiczny utwór ,,45”. Caly wystep odbył się w formie akustycznej. Costello wymieniał gitary, między utworami sypał anegdotami, publika go kochała. W polowie koncertu šwiatło punktowe padło na krzesło, które stało z boku sceny, Costello rzekł ,,Państwo pozwol, że przedstawie teraz wyjtkowego gošcia na moim wystepie”, po czym podszedl do krzesla, usiadt i dokoñczył ,,którym jestem ja sam”. Caty Elvis Costello, niezwykle barwna posta i znakomity showman, ponad 2 godziny muzyki najwyższych lotów (dokładnie 29 utworów), żadnych telebimów, fajerwerków, tanecznych wygibasów, mimo tego ani przez moment nie było nudno. Ten koncert pomógł mi zrozumieć zachwyt nad Elvisem Costello, którego - dopóki osobišcie go nie zobaczylem, szczerze przyznaję - nie pojmowałem.
EC on stage at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, October 18 2014
EC on stage at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, October 18 2014
2014-11 Gazeta Polonijna photo 01.jpg (82.1 KiB) Viewed 14306 times
Photo credit: Jonas/Gazeta Polonijna Scotland.

Or in "English" via Google Translate:

Elvis In Usher Hall

"There were two great Elvis in the musical world. The first of them is Elvis ,, King "Presley, and the second is Elvis Costello. An extraordinary artist, who at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s was regarded as one of the best writers in the world. It was said about him that he could cover the whole story in three minutes. He also visited Edinburgh in October to prove that he is still in good shape during his performance at Usher Hall.

Legend has it that in 1976 Costello, unannounced and uninvited, with a guitar in his hand, invaded the manager's office of Stiff Records . Leaving him with a ready record contract. A few months later he was a popular artist. However, in Poland it is not for popular artists. I think the main reason was that the texts were very important to him. Costello has never sung simple hit songs, in each of them he tried to touch important matters, it is often understood mainly for British people, talk about their history and meeting problems. He was also an artist strongly involved (in terms of texts) politically. The protagonist of the first singing of la Costello, " Less Than Zero " was Oswald Mosley - minister in the Laborite government, who in the 1930s created the British Union of Fascists. There were 50,000 Britons who organized anti-Semitic and anti-Communist demonstrations. If I compare Costello to someone from Polish artists, he is a British Kazik: on the lyrical side, both blades are morally and politically sharp, extremely accurate observers of the reality that surrounds them. The Costello music website is also fascinating. Earlier mentioned the first hit of Costello, "Less Than Zero" (meaning familiar, "less than zero"), become a punk hymn that matches the productions of Sex Pistols and Ramones. Soon, Costello joined the groups of The Attractions , and soon the beginning of all barriers between punk, hard rock, pop and rhythm and blues (R'n'B), initiating the movement of the new wave in rock music. More or less from 1977 to the sweat of the 1980s, Costello enjoyed great appreciation from music critics. If you look at the postings ranking puffball of those years, practically his album, be at the forefront. It can be said that there was no other artist in the history of music, who struck such a positive series among the capricious of his ever-displeased music journalists. After all, even the youngest had to get their hair off before they were appreciated. For example, the first Zeppelin pylons delivered very average marks. Led Zeppelin was different from everything on the market at that time and probably from the securing approach of the reviewers, because they did not have a "feel" whether the disc is outstanding or sucked. Costello did not have to face such problems. The quick appreciation caused that the interest in the music industry and cooperation with him was desired by such artists as Paul McCartney or Bob Dylan .

His visit to Edinburgh was related to the routes he is currently taking in Europe. Elvis Costello Solo, that's how she keeps in check, and it really is. The most beautiful concert halls in Scotland, ie Usher Hall , which this year celebrates the 100th anniversary of the uprising, will take place in Edinburgh. Before the artist appeared on stage, the set design was shown to the eyes of the arriving viewers. Extremely modest. Six vertically guided guitars, one electric piano and a neon with ON AIR radio, which turned on red after the artist got ready for the scene and performed a unplugged dynamic song " 45 ". The entire performance took place in an acoustic form. Costello exchanged guitars, he wrote anecdotes between the songs, the public loved him. In the middle of the concert, the spotlight fell on the chair, which stood at the side of the stage, Costello said, "You will let me present a special guest at my performance", then went to the chair, sit down and finish, "which I am myself". Caty Elvis Costello, extremely colorful post and excellent showman, over 2 hours of music of the highest flights (exactly 29 tracks), no telebims, fireworks, dance bends, even though it was not boring for a moment. This concert helped me to understand Elvis Costello, who - until I personally saw him, I honestly admit - I did not understand."

There may be some scanning errors in the original Polish text, leading to some of the meaning being lost in translation to English. If any Polish speakers can improve on the original text I would be happy to hear from them.

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