Logan Hall 09/03/1985 - Miners Benefit

Pretty self-explanatory
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Logan Hall 09/03/1985 - Miners Benefit

Post by Pars »

I have been somewhat dilatory in finding time to plough through " Unfaithful Music " ( the book ) but have just read EC's account of the South Wales miners benefit at Logan Hall in London on 09/03/1985 ( page 165 hardback ) It was, without doubt , the most moving concert I have attended. The Attractions were on fire, Billy Bragg was seated behind me in an aisle seat and casually sauntered to the stage when it was his turn to perform and he performed admirably, the miner's choir had grown men and women dabbing their eyes. I don't, however , recall the The Men They Couldn't Hang. Very poignant occasion as the strike had been called off six days earlier. Thanks to EC for bringing the bittersweet memories flooding back.
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Re: Logan Hall 09/03/1985 - Miners Benefit

Post by DodgyTC »

I was there too and you must have been two rows in front of me as I was sitting directly behind Billy.
Great show!
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Re: Logan Hall 09/03/1985 - Miners Benefit

Post by johnfoyle »

You can listen to the show via this -

http://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/inde ... -09_London
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Re: Logan Hall 09/03/1985 - Miners Benefit

Post by Azmuda »

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