'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Pretty self-explanatory
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sweetest punch
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'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by sweetest punch »

Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
sweetest punch
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Re: Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by sweetest punch »

Preview with interview by phone: https://www.hbl.fi/artikel/elvis-costel ... dens-kung/#

Elvis Costello är varken arg eller ung längre. Men sina ideal har han inte övergivit.

– Det är mycket skrikande i den nuvarande politiska situationen. Det är många män som står och skriker och viftar på sina kroppsdelar med pompa och ståt, i en laddad uppvisning av makt och högmod, säger Elvis Costello till mig via telefon när jag frågar vad han tänker om världspolitikens vändningar.

Costello slog igenom under 1970-talets senare hälft med sina skarpa politiska texter. Hans musik har kallats för en arg ung mans musik. Fyrtio år senare är Costello inte längre någon arg ung man. När jag frågor honom vad han tänker om Brexitprocessen säger han att det inte är något man lättvindigt ska gå och skrika om.

– Man måste kunna sin historia och försöka förstå de olika inblandade människorna, man måste försöka lyssna på dem alla. Jag har inget kort och enkelt svar, jag tror inte det finns något sådant. Det är en väldigt komplicerad fråga. Hade jag ett enkelt svar skulle jag vara hela världens kung.
Inga enkla sånger
Elvis Costello menar att hans sångers budskap inte heller är enkla och entydiga.

– Jag har aldrig varit särskilt intresserad i att skriva enkla slogansånger. Bara för att en låt är en poplåt som blir en hit betyder det inte att man förstår idén med låten genom att veta vad den heter.

En av Costellos största hittar är Oliver’s Army från 1979.

– Jag skrev låten i min förargelse över att det brittiska imperiets skitjobb gjordes av unga arbetarmän, människor som kommer från en likadan bakgrund som min familj, och inte av kungarna. Det är vad låten handlar om. Men jag ville aldrig säga till folk vad de ska tycka, låten är mer som en virvel av besvärande bilder som fanns i mitt huvud vid den tiden.

En annan låt som beskriver Costellos frustration med krig är Shipbuilding.

– Texten handlar om en man som återvänder till sitt jobb vid stadens skeppsvarv för att bygga ett skepp som tar hans son ut i krig. Jag skrev sången om Falklandskriget men den handlar om ett moraliskt dilemma. Jag har sjungit sången nu i 35 år och den blir bara sorligare för varje år som går. Jag har hittar ett nytt sätt att sjunga låten och dess betydelse ändrar med tiden.

Ett ansikte i massan

År 2014 spelade Costello Shipbuilding som sitt första extranummer under en spelning i Tammerfors. Han säger att han spelat i Finland under olika faser av sitt liv.

– Mina upplevelser av att spela i Finland har varit väldigt olika. I Tammerfors spelade jag i en väldigt fin konsertsal, som antagligen oftast används för klassiska konserter och jazzspelningar. Stämningen var intim och akustiken var bra.

År 1987 spelade Costello på festivalen Provinssirock i Seinäjoki.

– Det var mer som någon sort backanal, det var sommar och folk festade loss. Jag minns att vi körde in på festivalområdet och jag undrade om publiken kommer att vara livlig eller lugn. Jag tittade upp mot ett träd, och uppe på en gren låg någon och sov. Det var ett bra tecken, det är min sorts publik! säger Costello och skrattar.
Musikal på gång
Elvis Costello spelar på Finlandiahuset i Helsingfors den 20 februari. Sitt senaste album gjorde Costello med hiphoplegenderna The Roots 2013. Hans nya projekt, som han kommer att spela delar av på Finlandiahuset, är något helt annat.

– Jag skriver en musikal som bäst. Den heter A Face in the Crowd och handlar om en hillbillysångare som blir en politisk demagog.

Musikalen är baserad på Budd Schulbergs novell Your Arkansas Traveler, som också gjorts till film.

– Musikalen kommer förhoppningsvis att sättas upp i en nära framtid. Jag har spelat några sånger från den live och publiken har gillat sångerna. Sångerna är svåra för mig att sjunga ensam, eftersom de hör hemma i en musikal.

Jag frågar om man kan dra paralleller mellan musikalens teman och det politiska läget i USA, där populisten Donald Trump blivit president.

– Olika idéer finns bakom min musik, men när jag börjar sjunga glömmer jag dem alla. När man pratar om saker som vi gör nu blir det alltid seriöst och lite förbjudande. Att göra något är alltid mycket mer glatt. Och min musiks själ existerar endast i uppförandet.

– Men idéerna är ändå underförstådda i uppträdandet, i alla fall för mig, och förhoppningsvis också för publiken när de hör vilka låtar jag väljer att spela och de historier jag har att berätta. De handlar om mina egna erfarenheter och några är roliga medan andra gör en arg. Vi är alla där tillsammans och det är något som inte går att ladda ner över internet, man måste vara på plats i salen. Och vad skulle vara bättre än det?

Google translation:

Elvis Costello is neither angry or longer young. But his ideals, he has not abandoned.

- It is much screaming in the current political situation. There are many men standing and screaming and waving their body parts with great fanfare, in a loaded display of power and pride, says Elvis Costello to me over the phone when I ask what he thinks about world politics twists.

Costello became popular during the 1970's second half with its sharp political texts. His music has been called an angry young man's music. Forty years later, Costello is no longer angry young man. When I question him what he thinks about Brexitprocessen he says that it's not something you casually go and shout about.

- You have to know their history and try to understand the different people involved, one must try to listen to all of them. I have no short and simple answer, I do not think there's any such thing. It's a very complicated issue. I had a simple answer, I would be king of the whole world.
No simple songs
Elvis Costello says his songs to messages, nor are simple and unambiguous.

- I've never been particularly interested in writing simple slogan songs. Just because a song is a pop song becomes a hit does not mean that you understand the idea of ​​the song by knowing what it's called.

One of Costello's biggest find is Oliver's Army to 1979.

- I wrote the song in my annoyance over to the British Empire's dirty work was done by young workmen, people who come from a similar background as my family, and not of the kings. That's what the song is about. But I never wanted to tell people what to think, the song is more like a swirl of disturbing images that were in my head at the time.

Another song that describes Costello's frustration with the war Shipbuilding.

- The text is about a man who returns to his job at the city's shipyards to build a ship that takes his son to war. I wrote the song about the Falklands War, but it's about a moral dilemma. I have sung the song for 35 years now and it just gets sorligare each passing year. I'll find a new way to sing the song and its meaning changes with time.

A face in the crowd

In 2014, Costello played Shipbuilding as their first encore during a gig in Tampere. He says he played in Finland during different phases of his life.

- My experience of playing in Finland have been very different. In Tampere, I played in a very fine concert hall, which is probably most often used for classical concerts and jazz performances. The atmosphere was intimate and the acoustics were good.

In 1987, Costello played at the festival Provinssirock in Seinäjoki.

- It was more like some kind bacchanal, it was summer and people partied loose. I remember we drove into the festival area and I wondered if the crowd will be lively or tranquil. I looked up at a tree and perched on a branch was someone sleeping. It was a good sign, it's my kind of crowd! Costello says, laughing.

Musical underway

Elvis Costello plays at the Finlandia Hall in Helsinki on 20 February. His latest album, Costello did with hip hop legends The Roots in 2013. His new project, which he will play the parts of the Finlandia Hall, is something else entirely.

- I'm writing a musical best. It's called A Face in the Crowd and is about a hillbilly singer who becomes a political demagogue.

Musical based on Budd Schulbergs novel Your Arkansas Traveler, which is also made into film.

- Musical will hopefully be set up in the near future. I have played a few songs from the live and the audience liked the songs. The songs are hard for me to sing alone, because they belong in a musical.

I ask if you can draw parallels between the musical themes and the political situation in the US, where populist Donald Trump become president.

- Different ideas are behind my music, but when I start to sing I forget them all. When talking about the things we do now will be always serious and a little forbidding. Doing something is always much more happily. And my music's soul exists only in construction.

- But the ideas are still implicit in the behavior, at least for me, and hopefully for the audience when they hear the songs I choose to play and the stories I have to tell you. They are about my own experiences and some are funny while others make one angry. We are all there together and it is something that can be downloaded over the internet, you have to be in place in the courtroom. And what could be better than that?
Since you put me down, it seems i've been very gloomy. You may laugh but pretty girls look right through me.
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Re: Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Who's going?
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Re: Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

"This is the last Detour tour and perhaps the last tour of my life, who knows? I'm going to really pull this together to finish the job before I concentrate months Face in the Crowd project. "

http://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-20000050 ... weet-share

Elvis elää ja kertoo avusta dementiaan – konsertoi Finlandia-talossa maanantaina

Legendaarinen lauluntekijä Elvis Costello työstää Trump-tarinaa 1950-luvulta, katuu syntejään ja kertoo miten oman isoäidin ja isän kaltaisia dementiapotilaita voi auttaa musiikilla.

Elvis Costello näki musiikkiterapian voiman, kun oma isä dementoitui.

Vesa Sirén HS
Julkaistu: 18.2. 13:47

HÄN TODELLA ON ”kaikkivoiva suu”, joka ”voi puhua läpi yön” ihan laulujensa Mouth Almightyn ja Oliver’s Armyn tapaan.

Pr-porras on luvannut legendaariselta lauluntekijältä Elvis Costellolta vartin puhelinhaastattelun, mutta hän puhuu 75 minuuttia. Itsevarmasti. Luovuudestaan nauttien. Ja pakaten samalla matkalaukkuaan Suomen-keikkaansa varten Vancouverinsaarella Kanadassa.

Konsertti on Finlandia-talolla maanantaina 20. helmikuuta.

”PUHKUN INNOSTA, koska Helsingistä alkaa yli kaksi vuotta jatkuneen Detour-kiertueeni viimeinen ja uudistunut osuus”, hän mainostaa.

”Tampere-talossa kaksi vuotta sitten vasta aloittelin tätä konseptia. Nyt soolokonsertissani lavalla on kitara, luultavimmin se siniseksi maalattu pianoni sekä jättimäinen tv-ruutu, jonka visuaalinen anti täydentää laulujani. Ja kaikkea muuta aikuisen miehen leikkikentäksi sopivaa.”

Hän vaihtelee settiään joka ilta.

”Otan paljon riskejä. Vanhat hitit pitää tuoreuttaa aivan samoin kuin sinfoniat, koska mikään ei ole tappavampaa kuin rutiinimainen läpiluenta. Aion laulaa myös uusia ja vanhoja levyttämättömiä lauluja.”

COSTELLO syntyi Declan MacManuksena muusikkoperheeseen vuonna 1954. Swing ja jazz tulivat tutuiksi vanhempien kautta, sitten myös The Beatles, Bob Dylan ja The Band. Kirjavat vaikutteet piti osin piilottaa, kun esikoisalbumi My Aim is True julkaistiin punk-vuonna 1977.

“Ajattelin laulaa peräkkäin esikoisalbumini laulun sekä vuoden 1975 intiimin ja levyttämättömän laulun, joka olisi toisenlaisissa olosuhteissa voinut olla esikoisalbumillani. Pystyin silloin ja pystyn yhä dominoimaan mitä tahansa tilaa, mutta se ei ole ainoa roolini. Minussa on entistä enemmän dynamiikkaa myös hiljaisen ja herkän ääripään suhteen.”

Elvis Costello tuli tunnetuksi vihaisena nuorena miehenä. Olisiko imago ollut toinen, jos levyt olisi julkaistu nuoren perheenisän Declan MacManusin nimellä?

“Olin huomannut, että oma nimeni oli englantilaisille vaikea muistaa ja sillä oli vaikea tehdä uraa. Tiesin aina kuka olin, mutta Elvis-nimi jäi kerralla mieleen, ja isänikin käytti välillä Costello-taiteilijanimeä.”

Hän myöntää nuoren vihaisen miehen imagon olleen myös ansa. Hän kieltäytyi pitkälti haastatteluista tai teki ne rohkaisuryyppyjen jälkeen tavallistakin provosoivampana.

PAHIN MOKA oli yrittää saada vanhempi muusikko Stephen Stills baaritappeluun loukkaamalla kaikkea yhdysvaltalaista. ”Etkö pidä Yhdysvalloissa edes James Brownista”, Stills kysyi hämmentyneenä. Tuhannen kännissä ollut Elvis käytti n-sanaa ja häpeää tapausta yhä.

Nuoruudessa tapahtui myös huume- ja seksisekoiluja. Hän ajautui suhteeseen esimerkiksi Beau Burrellin kanssa, joka oli keräillyt kokemuksia rocktähtien kanssa Jimmy Pagesta ja Steven Tyleriin.

Costellon ensimmäinen avioliitto kariutui, samoin toinen pitkä liitto The Pogues -yhtyeessä bassoa soittaneen Cait O’Riordanin kanssa. Vuonna 2002 hän kävi julmuuksia läpi When I Was Cruel -albumilla ja vuonna 2003 North-albumi tuntui käsittelevän eroa O’Riordanista ja uutta yhä jatkuvaa liittoa jazzartisti Diane Krallin kanssa.

“En ole kaikesta ylpeä, mutta en usko olleeni yksiulotteisen vihainen. Kuulen varhaisillakin levyilläni paljon huumoria, haavoittuvuuden tunteita ja hellyyttä, vaikka sitä ei ilmaistu tavanomaisimmin sanankääntein. Mutta on totta, että esitykset saattoivat vaikuttaa vihaisilta.”

VIHAISUUS ulottui politiikkaan. 1980-luvulla hän toivotti esimerkiksi Britannian pääministerin Margaret Thatcherin hautaan Tramp the Dirt Down -klassikossa. Mitä hän ajattelee nykyisestä Britanniasta?

”Asumme Kanadassa ja pidämme toista asuntoa New Yorkissa, mutta seuraan kyllä klaustrofobian etenemistä ja miten se vaikuttaa esimerkiksi kaksoiskansalaisiin ja kahdessa kulttuurissa kasvaneisiin, kuten omiin lapsiini”, hän sanoo.

Donald Trumpia hän käsitteli jo vuoden 1986 kiertueellaan. Mitä hän ajattelee presidentti Trumpista?

”En sano, että ennustin trumpismin, mutta ihmisluonto nostaa ajoittain valtaan tällaisia tyyppejä. Monet uusista lauluistani liittyvät valmisteilla olevaan Face in the Crowd -teatteriproduktioon, joka perustuu Budd Schulbergin tarinaan. Siinähän pyrkyri saa naisia, rahaa ja mainetta, jonka turvin hän suuntautuu politiikkaan.”

Kyse on tarinasta, josta Elia Kazan ohjasi Kasvot väkijoukossa -elokuvan vuonna 1957.

”Elämme nyt samaa tarinaa. Se on sekä häiritsevää että koomista.”

Costello ei väitä Trumpia hirviöksi tai mailman pahimmaksi mieheksi.

“Siihen rooliin on parempiakin ehdokkaita. Mutta eipä hän niissä vaaleissa kovin vetäväkään vaihtoehto ollut.”

Costello boikotoi taannoin Israelia. Mitä muita maita hän boikotoisi?

“En kuulu mihinkään boikottiliikkeeseen, vaan päätin tuolloin tapauskohtaisesti, että laulujani ei siinä tilanteessa ja dialogin puuttuessa kannattanut esittää siinä maassa.”

Poliitikkojen opettajaksi Costello ei halua ryhtyä.

“Nämä ovat kompleksisia asioita, ja taiteessa käsittelen niiden nostattamia tunteita. Esimerkiksi 1980-luvun Shipbuilding-lauluni on sanottu käsitelleen Falklandin sotaa. Se on yksi taso, mutta itse asiassa käsittelin kompleksista tilannetta, jossa varustamon työntekijä tietää rakentavansa laivaa, jolla hänen poikansa lähtee sotimaan.”

COSTELLOA on kuvattu musiikin haikalaksi, jonka pitää olla jatkuvasti liikkeellä. Hän levytti kesken uuden aallon vuosien countryalbumin. Myöhemmin hän teki yhteistyötä Paul McCartneyn, Burt Bacharachin sekä klassiseen musiikkiin hurahdettuaan myös Brodsky-kvartetin ja ruotsalaismezzo Anne Sofie von Otterin kanssa. Sibeliusta hän ei sentään vielä ole laulanut, vaikka on myös kova Sibelius-fani.

”En tee crossoveria ja Anne Sofien levyltä voi olla vaikea päätellä, onko taustalla klassinen tai ei-klassinen säveltäjä. Olen tehnyt myös balettimusiikkia sinfoniaorkesterille, mutta en lokeroi sitä klassiseksi musiikiksi. Opeteltuani nelikymppisenä kirjoittamaan musiikkini nuoteiksi ja sinfoniaorkesterin instrumenteille pystyn tietysti työskentelemään entistä monipuolisemmin.”

Costello säveltää yhä myös countrya ja rockia. Vuonna 2013 syntyi albumi hiphopista ponnistaneen The Roots -yhtyeen kanssa.

”The Roots esiintyy säännöllisesti televisiossa, joten kiertueelle emme lähteneet. Se on suurin muutos: en kierrä promotoidakseni yksittäisiä levyjä. Olen löytänyt aivan uudenlaisia tapoja koota konserttiohjelma.”

Mitä yhteistyöprojekteja hän vielä haluaisi toteuttaa?

”En hakeudu niihin, mutta tartun kiinnostaviin tilaisuuksiin, jos sellaisia on ehdotettu. Vuonna 2014 sain täydentää albumillisen Dylanin keskeneräisiä lauluja lauluntekijäystävieni kanssa. Sekin oli fantastinen kokemus.”

VANHEMMITEN hän kokee kirjoittavansa yhä monipuolisemmin.

“Kirjoitan yhä enemmän muusta kuin omasta näkökulmastani. En ole väkivaltainen, mutta voin kirjoittaa murhaajan näkökulmasta. Voin kirjoittaa Face in the Crowd -teokseen laulun naisesiintyjälle, ja laulaa I’m no man’s woman now sanaakaan muuttamatta. Vaikka en olekaan nainen.”

ENSI kuussa Costello on mukana Paul McCartneyn 1980-luvun Flowers in the Dirt -materiaalista laajennetulla boksilla. He tekivät tuolloin osan lauluista yhdessä.

”Siinä on paljon aiemmin julkaisematonta materiaalia. Minulla on itsellänikin hyvin paljon julkaisemattomia uusiakin teoksia. Olen tehnyt kolme musikaalia, joista kaksi on täysin julkaisematonta materiaalia. Mukana on esimerkiksi kymmenen uutta Burt Bacharachin kanssa tehtyä aivan loistavaa laulua. Jotenkin nämä täytyisi saada ulos kauniina objekteina, ei välttämättä perinteisinä albumeina saati pelkästään verkossa.

KAUNIS objekti on tietysti myös vuoden 2015 yli kuudensadan sivun muistelmateos Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink. Costellon laulujen tarinoista voisi rakentaa myös novelleja ja romaaneja, mutta kirjasuunnitelmista kysyessäni hän palaa omaelämäkerrallisuuteen.

”Muistelmat selvittivät pääni vuosikymmeneksi”, hän arvioi. ”En aio kirjoittaa mitään niin laajaa enkä toisia muistelmia. Mutta on siivuja joista voisi kirjoittaa. Asioista, joista en ylpeile. Ja vanhemman kuolemasta.”

COSTELLO menetti aikoinaan Veronica-lauluun ikuistamansa isoäidin Alzheimerin taudille.

Rakas muusikkoisä Ross MacManus taas kärsi Parkinsonin taudista sekä dementiasta ennen kuolemaansa.

Viime viikolla Elvis Costello osallistui Music and Memory -kampanjaan, jolla kannustetaan auttamaan dementikkoja musiikkiterapian keinoin.

”Olisinpa ymmärtänyt asiasta enemmän, kun isoäitini sairaus hiljalleen eteni. Siihen aikaan ajateltiin, että vanhat ihmiset nyt vain toistelevat asioita.”

Oman isän sairauden edettyä puhekyvyttömyyteen Costello piti huolta, että isä sai kuunnella lempimusiikkiaan. Laulun avulla hän sai muodostettua edelleen sanojakin. Isä nukkui lopulta pois kuunnellessaan lempitrumpetistiaan Clifford Brownia.

”Aina kannattaa kokeilla dementikon suosikkimusiikin kokoamista soittolistaksi. Tuttu musiikki näyttäisi tuovan monille lohtua. Kuulokkeilla kuultuna se voi myös suojata pelottavilta tai häiritseviltä ääniltä hoitokodeissa”, Costello muistuttaa.

Sukurasite lisää riskiä siihen, että myös Elvis Costello menettää joskus muistinsa. Mutta lempimusiikin lista on valtava, jos lapset joskus joutuvat kokoamaan soittolistan isänsä kuunneltavaksi.

”Lempimusiikin lista kasvaa jatkuvasti. Kuuntelin juuri Solange Knowlesin levyn, josta pidin paljon. Ja Bob Dylanin uutta kolmoisalbumia odotan oikein kovasti!”

Sitä ennen on kuitenkin aika venyttää itseään esiintyjänä äärimmilleen.

”Tämä on viimeinen Detour-kiertue ja ehkä elämäni viimeinen kiertue, kuka tietää? Aion todella vetää tämän homman kasaan ennen kuin keskityn kuukausiksi Face in the Crowd -projektiin.”

Google translate -

Elvis is alive and tells assist dementia - a concert at Finlandia Hall on Monday,

The legendary songwriter Elvis Costello working on Trump-story 1950s, repents of his sin and explains how patients with dementia, such as your grandma and dad can help you with music.

Elvis Costello saw the power of music therapy, when my father dementoitui.

Vesa Sirén HS
Published: 18.2. 13:47

He really is "omnipotent mouth," which "can talk through the night" just like laulujensa Mouth Almighty and Oliver's Army.

Pr-stage has promised the legendary song Artist Elvis Costello fifteen minutes a telephone interview, but he's talking about 75 minutes. In fact Certainly. Enjoying the creativity. And compressing the same suitcase for Finland, her gig Vancouver Island in Canada.

The concert is at Finlandia Hall on Monday 20 February.

"PUHKUN inspiring, because Helsinki begins more than two years of the last and renewed share of Detour tour," he advertises.

"Tampere Hall two years ago until I started this concept. Now soloist on the stage on the guitar, it probably painted blue Pianoni and a giant TV screen, a visual anti complements my songs. And everything else suitable for an adult male playgrounds. "

He settiään varies every night.

"I take a lot of risks. Old hits to keep refresh their right, as well as symphonies, because nothing is more deadly than a routine läpiluenta. I'm going to also sing old and new songs levyttämättömiä. "

COSTELLO Declan MacManuksena was born in a family of musicians in 1954. Swing and jazz became familiar through the parents, then also the Beatles, Bob Dylan and The Band. Multicolored influences had to partly hide the debut album My Aim is True was released the punk in 1977.

"I sing a song, as well as their debut album in a row in 1975 and levyttämättömän intimate song that would in other circumstances could be a debut album. I was able to then and still am able to dominate any space, but it is not the only role. In me is more dynamic in terms of quiet and delicate extremes. "

Elvis Costello became known as the angry young man. Would the image have been different if the discs would be published in a young family the father of Declan MacManus name?

"I have noticed that my name was the English difficult to remember, and it was difficult to make a career. I always knew who I was, but the name was Elvis at once to mind, and my father took from Costello artist's name. "

He granted an angry young man image was also a trap. He declined largely from interviews or did they then rohkaisuryyppyjen usual provocative.

WORST MOKA was trying to get the older musician Stephen Stills bar brawl in breach of all Americans. "You do not like the United States, even James Brown to" Stills asked confused. Thousand have been smashed Elvis used the n-word and shame still the case.

In youth were also drug and seksisekoiluja. He went relationship with Beau, for example Burrell, who was picked experiences with rock stars Jimmy Pagesta and Steven Tyleriin.

Costello's first marriage broke up, as well as another in a long alliance with The Pogues's band played the bass Cait O'Riordanin. In 2002, he went through the atrocities When I Was Cruel album and in 2003 the North-album seemed O'Riordanista on the difference between the new and more continuous union with jazz artist Diane Krall's.

"I'm not proud of everything, but I do not think olleeni one-dimensional angry. I hear of the earliest records to a lot of humor, feelings of vulnerability and tenderness, even though it is most conveniently expressed in words at that. But it is true that the proposals could have been influenced by angry. "

Aggressive extended policy. In the 1980s he wished, for example, the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's grave Tramp the Dirt Down classics. What does he think of the current UK?

"We live in Canada and we repeat an apartment in New York, but yes I follow the progress of claustrophobia and how it will affect, for example, dual nationals and two cultures grown to like their own children," he says.

Donald Trumpia he has already dealt with the 1986 tour. What he thinks of the president from Trump?

"I'm not saying that I predicted trumpismin, but human nature from time to time to bring to power these types. Many of my songs related to the new pipeline to the Face in the Crowd -teatteriproduktioon based on Budd Schulberg story. Siinähän climber gets women, money and fame, with which he directed policy. "

This is the story, which was directed by Elia Kazan Faces in the crowd of the film in 1957.

"We are now in the same story. It is both disruptive and comical. "

Costello does not claim Trumpia a monster, or the world's worst man.

"It is the role of better candidates. But let's not he in the election very much the driving had an option. "

Costello boycotted by Israel around. What other countries to boycott he?

"I do not belong to any boycott movement, but at the time I decided case by case, that my songs not in the situation and the absence of dialogue advocated shows in the country."

Politicians teacher Costello does not want to take.

"These are complex issues, and discuss their art to the emotions. For example, the 1980 Shipbuilding-my song is called DEAL Falklands war. It is on one level, but in fact I dealt with the complex situation in which the shipping company employee about to build a ship with his son going to war. "

Costello described the music Haikal, which must be constantly on the move. He recorded among the new wave over the country album. Later, he collaborated with Paul McCartney, Burt Bacharach, as well as with classical music hurahdettuaan the Brodsky Quartet and ruotsalaismezzo Anne Sofie von Otter. Sibelius after all, he does not yet sung, although it is also hard Sibelius fan.

"I do not do crossover and Anne Sofie disk can be difficult to determine whether the background of classical or non-classical composer. I've also done ballet music for symphony orchestra, but I compartmentalizes the Classical genre. Memorized the forties to write music and musical notations for the symphony orchestra instruments, of course, I am able to work on a wider scale. "

Costello still compose the country music and rock. In 2013, the album was born with the rise to the hip-hop band The Roots.

"The Roots performs regularly on television, so we did not go on tour. It is the biggest change: I do not turn promoted individual discs. I have found a whole new range of ways to put together a concert. "

What collaborations he still would like to implement?

"I do not seek them, but seize on interesting events, if any, have been proposed. In 2014, I received a supplement of unfinished album of Dylan songs with songwriter friends. That, too, was a fantastic experience. "

In later life he feels would write more and more diverse.

"I write more and more other than their own point of view. I'm not violent, but I can write a killer's point of view. I can write a Face in the Crowd, peering female performers singing, and sing I'm no man's woman now, without changing a word. While I am not a woman. "

Next month, Costello is included Paul McCartney's 1980 Flowers in the Dirt material construction with extended boksilla. They made at the time of the songs together.

"There is a lot of previously unreleased material. I have myself a great deal of unpublished works of new ones. I've done three musicals, two of which are completely unreleased material. Included are, for example, ten new agreement with Burt Bacharach absolutely brilliant songs. Somehow these needs to get out of beautiful objects, may not be as traditional as albums, let alone exclusively online.

BEAUTIFUL object is, of course, also of 2015, more than six-hundred-page memoir Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink. Costello's songs, stories could also build short stories and novels, but the book he plans to return to my offer omaelämäkerrallisuuteen.

"Memoirs explained in my head for a decade," he says. "I'm not going to write anything so widespread and not others memoirs. But there are slices of whom could write. Things that I do not boast. And the death of a parent. "

COSTELLO lost once Veronica song immortalized by the grandmother to Alzheimer's disease.

Dear muusikkoisä Ross MacManus again suffered from Parkinson's disease and dementia before his death.

Last week, Elvis Costello attended the Music and Memory 'campaign to encourage the help of music therapy for people with dementia means.

"I wish I had understood the matter more when my grandmother's illness progressed slowly. At that time it was thought that the old people now only parrot things. "

For your father's illness has progressed puhekyvyttömyyteen Costello took care of the father got to listen to your favorite music. Song help he received formed to further the lyrics. Father finally slept off while listening to lempitrumpetistiaan Clifford Brown.

"Always worth a try for people with dementia compilation of your favorite music playlist. Familiar music seems to bring comfort to many. questioned by the headphones, it can also protect frightening or disturbing noises in nursing homes, "Costello says.

Family burden increases the risk that the Elvis Costello sometimes loses his memory. But to your favorite music list is huge, if the children sometimes have to assemble a playlist to listen to his father.

"Favorite Music list is constantly growing. I just listened to Solange Knowles' disc, which I liked a lot. And the new triple album of Bob Dylan look forward very much! "

But first it's time to stretch themselves to the extreme performer.

"This is the last Detour tour and perhaps the last tour of my life, who knows? I'm going to really pull this together to finish the job before I concentrate months Face in the Crowd project. "
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by verbal gymnastics »

I'm hoping this was something slightly lost in translation.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

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I think he said something similar in Riot Act !!
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by Goon Squad »

verbal gymnastics wrote:I'm hoping this was something slightly lost in translation.
According to my multi-lingual Scandinavian wife who is "mother tongue" in Swedish and Finnish, that is definitely the correct translation ( she's always bl***y right ! :roll: ).......................but without hearing a recording of what he said we can't be sure that the translation from English to Finnish was 100% correct.........or maybe Elv was just saying it as a figure of speech.

Time will tell !
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by And No Coffee Table »

According to setlist.fm, he opened with "Waiting For The End Of The World."
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

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https://twitter.com/Niilolainen/status/ ... 3408304130

Too many highlights but Alison unamplified gave me chills
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by And No Coffee Table »

http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/elvis-cos ... 9bd88.html

01. Waiting For The End Of The World
02. Poison Moon
03. Accidents Will Happen
04. ???
05. Brilliant Mistake
06. ???
07. Indoor Fireworks
08. Everyday I Write The Book
09. Shipbuilding
10. Deep Dark Truthful Mirror
11. Still
12. A Face In The Crowd
13. Walkin' My Baby Back Home
14. Ghost Train
15. Veronica
16. She
17. Watching The Detectives
18. Alison
19. Blood & Hot Sauce
20. No Man's Woman
21. The Name Of This Thing Is Not Love
22. Almost Blue
23. Pump It Up
24. 45
25. Jimmie Standing In The Rain
26. ???
27. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?
28. I Want You
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by VonOfterdingen »

I could live with that brilliant setlist in Denmark.
I'm not buying my share of souvenirs
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Photos by Tomi Palsa






http://www.rumba.fi/live/hammastyttavan ... li-tuntia/

Google translation

Amazingly multi-disciplinary and energetic - Elvis Costello played in Helsinki for two and a half hours
Markku Roinila

02.21.2017 15:39

Tomi Palsa
Elvis Costello
Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland

Elvis is alive! This should probably every Elvis Costello estimate to start. But be supplemented to the extent that Costello may also very well. Amazingly multi-disciplinary artist Americanized threw itself an energetic two and a half hour set that included consultations with all the experimental soundscape pianoballadeihin and new wave.

Elvis Costello's solo tour Detour has been going on for a couple of years, but the Finlandia Hall started a new stage of the tour, which was also consulted levyttämättömiä songs to the delight of nearly a full changing and Tommi Western. But about them later. Let's start production design.

Multi-talented was decorated by himself four different esiintymissoppea: on the left was located in a blue-painted grand piano, the right old-fashioned likewise blue wooden chair and megaphone (which for artist called as iPhone 7 ½), the back of a giant old-fashioned telly, which was seen in a variety of visuals and in the middle of a long row of different guitars and amps.

Almost all of these were needed, although in terms of visuals felt a bit like time had run out slightly between - sometimes on TV, but became snow or it was dark. But when something came from, was seen as an interesting place setting photos, posters, videos, sun other stuff.

Playing alone is a tough job, especially when the gig with four encoreineen lasted two and a half hours. Suitably sliding the piano and kitaranurkkauksen Costello handled the matter, however, do the job just fine. Attractions really only one way, the songs became session musicians yearning, too, although a few newer songs such as Veronica, went a little läpirämpytykseksi by one man alone.

Maybe a little stiffly moved in, but the power energetically and intense by throwing played and sung songs for artist presented many different stories, which included plenty of humor Hurttia. Perhaps the biggest role of Costello's father Ross MacManus, who died five years ago.

Elvis told his father entertained the queen mother work songs If I Had a Hammer charity concert, which was headlined by Marlene Dietrich accompanist Burt Bacharach and where MacManus warm-up act was a fledgling liverpoolilaisyhtye The Beatles. Later, dad took the spirit of the time a hippie and called her son to grow long hair.

Costello, however, came to the surface during the lyhyttukkaisena new wave and punk yes something is still involved. While many of the songs are complex näppäilyherkkiksiä, together with Encore Costello suddenly jumped into the open left the telly beat Jazzmasteristaan ​​Attractions rock-piece Pump It Up. And yes man singing the physical intensity and a certain kind of intermittent kiihkoisa nervousness also refers in the same direction.

On red hat, a dark suit and sunglasses appeared on the stage Costello threw the old videos familiar gray-black Jazzmaster has the first song Waiting for the End of the World right in the dark, and it was followed by quite a carousel songs, all of which I did not feel quite active despite diggin. Costello himself still felt they thoroughly as complex lyrics went easily without any cheat sheets and sometimes arrangements had been subtly changed.

Sure, it was enough hits. As soon as the third läikähti chest when Elvis strum the acoustic Accidents Will Happen, and soon followed by King of America, which would pass through quite a few versions of the disc at a faster tempo. Everyday I Write a Book which Elvis reportedly dislikes, therefore, that the popular song was too easy in ten minutes ( "son of the Catholic guilt"). Between them were heard very impressive classical music borders protruding soundscape song which Elvis ripping off points kitarastaan ​​loops.

In the second section, Elvis withdrew from the drawing board, and the grand piano was heard a stunning version of Shipbuilding, Deep Dark Truthful Mirror and a new song A Face in the Crowd, associated with Budd Schulberg story-based theater productions, which shows quite obviously Trumpismin entire body. A great song received a standing ovation, which clearly satisfied the artist and was driven by Costello's new enthusiasm.

When Elvis was presented to the guest star ( "It's me!") Was reached vaudeville-corner, where the hat was changed to light and theme edelläkerrottuun isämuisteloon, which continued to be the grandmother ( "Veronica") remembrance. Then the acoustic palette properly placed in the new faith feedback-driven version of the first hits Costello's Watching the Detectives. But an even finer performance was harrowing Alison, whose second half of the Elvis sang without a microphone, sähkistään sluggish näppäilleen. Just magical.

Just as man's best tracks is evil beyond, so the motion was put hilarious video recording of his father, the golden 60s. It is at the end of Costello Jr. Appeared again displayed his father's kind of a showman-dressed attire. However, a purple top hat flew aside as soon as a grand piano and got a ride back a little bit unknown to the goods. We heard mm. new song No Man's Woman Now and a medley of topics The Name Of This Thing Is not Love and Almost Blue from your favorite Imperial Bedroom.

Siinähän it was absolutely the show, but you concert was far from over yet. For the first encore Pump it up onto followed the example. 45 acoustic and distorted päräytetty What's So Funny About Peace, Love and Understanding. By standing kapsahtanut the audience was clearly already received confectionery as, but let me be, after signing autographs and kättelyiden distribution Elvis Costello presented yet reverberant and särökiertoisen heartbreaker time komptaktilta called I Want You. And yes it believed. Just everyone.
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by johnfoyle »



https://www.hbl.fi/artikel/an-finns-det ... -costello/

Google translation

There's still rock in Costello



Old Man Rock Elvis Costello played and sang songs sounded raw and message carry the Finlandia Hall on Monday evening. He performed solo and played in two and a half hours. The audience listened devotedly and called in Costello on encore four times.

A man standing on stage with an electro-acoustic guitar. He plays frantically on it and roar out a song. His voice is raw and he slips into the notes in a way that often settles false against the manic accompaniment. The rhythm of his song dances around freely. This is the Elvis Costello playing his klassikerlåt Accidents Will Happen.

When he is finished, he is quiet, but only for a second. Since the audience begins to applaud and cheer, so hard that it takes on the ears. Tickets for the concert at Finlandia Hall has not sold so well - they had a place in the stands has moved down to the stalls, which are almost filled. There sits a devoted audience, and listen.

It knows Costello. On his records are relatively sound ground but all that he has left behind him tonight. Now it is his superb lyrics that will carry the support of acoustic arrangements.

From anxiety roar into butter vocals
With simple means Costello builds up a gig with large dynamic curves.

"Is it worth it? A small bunch of flowers is all you get, and a box to bury the baby," Costello sings in the song Shipbuilding.

A story about a father who builds warships on the city builder, who then for his son to war. Robert Wyatt, who is said to have "rock sorligaste voice" made the song famous with his version - but when Costello sings it as if the distressed father himself sitting at the piano. He chatter singing out of tune and ends the song with a howl of anguish discordant piano chords.

The sound is the opposite when Costello sits down with his guitar and plays the lyrical love ballad She. Raspigheten and hoarseness are gone and Costello sings like a butter singer.

Costello can sing.

- I do not think we need this, says Costello when he gets past the mic until the edge of the stage for Alison.

The amplified sound of Finlandia Hall is the echo young so it's really good to hear his naked voice against the comp on a nylon guitar. It can be heard all the way to the hall's outskirts, the audience sits silent and listen.

The next moment, Costello grasps his electric guitar and starts to build up a heavy sound, full of echo and distortion, in Watching The Detectives. A one-man rock band.

At the end of the set, Costello goes backstage for a costume change. When he comes back, he has taken on a striped jacket over the black suit. He has a purple top hat on his head and a rod in his hand. He performs with a small dance number before he throws his hat and sits down at the piano.

- I could be a candidate for president, he laughs and then play Blood & Hot Sauce.

The song is from a musical Costello writes best. It is about a country singer who makes the storm's career as a political demagogue. He also played the songs A Face In The Crowd, and No Man's Woman of the play at the Finlandia Hall. The new material is good and laps hits appropriately.

The crowd called back Costello for the encore with a standing ovation. He will return to the stage four times before he gets to go home.

- I want you, he sings in the last Encore.

A declaration of love to the audience undoubtedly can answer.
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Jan in Helsinki, via f/book private message -

Here's my version of the setlist + some notes from Costello's Helsinki show - feel free to share:

01. Waiting For The End Of The World - on electric guitar, a fairly straightforward version - the lights were more or less all out, for effect ...
02. Poison Moon - acoustic guitar
03. Accidents Will Happen - acoustic guitar
04. Ascension Day - acoustic guitar
05. Brilliant Mistake - acoustic guitar
06. Viceroy's Row - electric guitar + special effects, loops or a backing tape, not sure ... A strong, very interesting dark ballad version of this track from Wise Up Ghost. Sort of brought to mind Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, from around Your Funeral, My Trial + maybe Dead Can Dance, or so. Elvis goes "gothic".
07. Everyday I Write The Book - acoustic guitar, a fresh version, or new to me ... Rhythmic, yet simple, down-to-earth, fairly quiet, pretty good.
08. Shipbuilding - piano
09. Deep Dark Truthful Mirror - piano
10. Still - piano
11. A Face In The Crowd - piano
12. Walkin' My Baby Back Home - acoustic guitar + whistling, his best vocal of the evening, so far, Costello sitting only a few meters away from me ...
13. Ghost Train - acoustic guitar
14. Veronica - acoustic guitar
15. She - acoustic guitar - I got the feeling he's come to terms with this song. A fairly good, relaxed, sparse + down-to-earth version, kind of in a "singer-songwriter style", but not without humour + some irony. He leaned over in his chair to sing the last note into the megaphone resting on a stand nearby.
16. Watching The Detectives - think it was a half-acoustic or acoustic guitar, sounding all electric, with loops, distortion, etc.
17. Alison - acoustic guitar
18. Blood & Hot Sauce - piano
19. No Man's Woman - piano
20. The Name Of This Thing Is Not Love - piano
21. Almost Blue - piano


22. Pump It Up - electric guitar, inside TV set


23. 45 - acoustic guitar
24. Jimmie Standing In The Rain (+ Brother Can You Spare A Dime) - acoustic guitar


25. Changing Partners - piano, a good version, a bit louder than on the Secret, Profane & Sugarcane album.
26. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding? - acoustic guitar


27. I Want You - electric guitar, some fairly "hendrixy" soloing

A great show! Not all sold out, but it was a fairly big crowd, and it gave Elvis a very warm welcome, on his first gig in Helsinki since 1978. He's mainly only played festivals in Finland since then.

Elvis' storytelling was great, he had me laughing a lot. His piano skills seem to have improved, too. His singing wasn't perfect, but got better during the evening.

I don't think Indoor Fireworks was played. Can't believe I would've missed it, as it's an old favourite. Pretty sure about this. Then again, I was pretty tired, admittedly.

Might've been the best show I've seen with him, in its own way. More relaxed + entertaining than in Tampere 2014. And more varied than the earlier shows I've seen, with The Rude 5, The Imposters, or with Allen Toussaint.
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Re: 'Last tour'? Elvis 'Detour', Helsinki (Finland), february 20, 2017

Post by johnfoyle »

Jan doesn't think Indoor Fireworks was sung last night , as listed by Setlist , citing Viceroy Row for that slot. Interestingly , 'Row was last done live in Malmo, Sweden in 2014.
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