Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Pretty self-explanatory
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Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by krm »

Who´s going? ME!!!!!!
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

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I am really looking forward to this one now!!!!!
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by Man out of Time »

Preview at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival website.

Thursday 30/6 2022, kl. 20:00
Elvis Costello & The Imposters (UK)

Amager Bio , København S

Siden Elvis Costello var 13 har han skrevet musik og 2017 markerede 40-året for udgivelsen af hans første palbum ’My Aim Is True.’

Bedst kendt er han for sangene ‘Alison,’ ‘Pump It Up’, ‘Everyday I Write The Book’ og gengivelsen af Nick Lowe sangen, ‘(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love and Understanding’.

Hans pladekatalog rummer mere end tredive udgivelser og omfatter de kontrasterende pop- og rockudgivelser ‘This Year's Model’, ‘Armed Forces’, ‘Imperial Bedroom’, ‘Blood and Chocolate’ og ‘King Of America’ og dertil et album med country covers, ‘Almost Blue’, samt to samlinger af orkesterakkompagnerede klaverballader, ‘Painted From Memory’ og ‘North’.

Costello har arbejdet sammen med Paul McCartney, Burt Bacharach, Brodsky Quartet og med Allen Toussaint på albummet ‘The River In Reverse’, det første store label indspilningsprojekt i New Orleans efter orkanen Katrina, hvor byen stadig var underlagt udgangsforbud.

I 2019 udgav Costello EP’en ’Purse’, der indeholder sang-samarbejder med Burt Bacharach og Paul McCartney samt sangtekster af Johnny Cash og Bob Dylan.

Samme år fik Costello både overrakt en Lifetime Achievement Award for sangskrivning af Americana Music Association og blev tildelt en O.B.E. (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) for sit musikalske virke. I 2020 fik han desuden sin egen Hollywood Walk of Fame-stjerne.

Han har optrådt over hele verden med sine bands, The Attractions, His Confederates og hans nuværende gruppe, The Imposters - Steve Nieve, Pete Thomas og Davey Faragher - samt solokoncerter, senest hans roste solo ‘Omvej’. Det er med The Imposters han gæster Amager Bio."

Tickets are DKK 695 kr. / 720 kr and still available.

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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by Impatience »

Wonder why he is performing under the Jazz Festival umbrella?
I also see it advertised as "The Boy Named If & Other Favourites Tour" so wouldn't expect a radically different setlist?

- well, we'll see tomorrow.
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

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I’ve seen the same sort of thing in England where he’s played an Americana festival or a jazz festival and the outcome is tff he at it’s usually the set he’s playing at the time with 1 or 2 country or jazz numbers thrown in. You might get a rare cover version!
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by VonOfterdingen »

I'm going!

Amager Bio seems like a very different venue. No seating with a capactity of 1300 standing up. Great place. Have the other venues been full seating?

Wonder if EC is staying for the Tour de France in Copenhagen tomorrow.
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by krm »

VonOfterdingen wrote:
Wonder if EC is staying for the Tour de France in Copenhagen tomorrow.
Yes and no. There is a gig in Aarhus tomorrow, but then again Diana Krall is also playing Aarhus on the 2nd and Copenhagen on the 3rd.
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by And No Coffee Table »

Setlist from setlist.fm:

01. Heart Of The City
02. Green Shirt
03. Either Side Of The Same Town
04. Hetty O'Hara Confidential
05. The Death Of Magic Thinking
06. Watching The Detectives - including Invisible Lady
07. Big Stars Have Tumbled
08. Mystery Dance
09. I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down
10. High Fidelity
11. Maybe Just This Once
12. Newspaper Pane
13. Tipsy Woman
14. Penelope Halfpenny
15. What If I Can't Give You Anything But Love?
16. Good Year For The Roses
17. The Man You Love To Hate
18. (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea
19. Magnificent Hurt
20. (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea
21. Pump It Up
22. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?
23. Mr. & Mrs. Hush
24. Alison
25. Mistook Me For A Friend
26. I Want You
27. Farewell, OK

But they didn't really play "Chelsea" twice, right?
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by sweetest punch »

And No Coffee Table wrote:Setlist from setlist.fm:

But they didn't really play "Chelsea" twice, right?
Setlist is edited: https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/elvis-co ... 5c9c5.html
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by VonOfterdingen »

Simply brilliant show for so many reasons:

- EC was the happiest I've ever seen him. Talking a lot, clearly enjoying himself, great with the crowd
- The crowd was almost perfect. Probably the most enthusiastic EC crowd I have experienced since Vega, Copenhagen in 2004. Lots of sing-along. Only one annoying guy constantly shouting "Last Boat Leaving" too many times
- The sound was punchy and clear after the first 3-4 songs
- EC's voice was in great shape
- They played for 2 hours and 40 minutes without any sort of break
- Absolute highlights: Either Side of the Same Town, Hetty O'Hara, Big Stars Have Tumbled, I Can't Stand Up For Falling Down, Magnificent Hurt, Pump it Up, Mr. and Mrs. Hush, I Want You

Charlie Sexton seemed like a luxurious add-on. Probably one of my Top 3 EC concerts :)
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by Psc »

Wow sounds like a brilliant night! It seems like these European shows are a step up from some of the UK ones, in terms of setlist and performance. I need to get over to Europe next time :wink: :D
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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by Man out of Time »

Review by Ivan Rod in Gaffa.

”Amagerkaneren” kom, så og sejrede

Amager Bio, København
4 of 6 stars

Jeg var ung, da Elvis Costello debuterede. Ung og optaget af den forunderligt anderledes figur, han var – indplaceret som han hurtigt var på den britiske post-punk-scene. Der var noget ved ham – noget uventet, på én gang pænt og rebelsk, noget no nonsense, noget intellektuelt, noget uudgrundeligt. Noget helt andet end Sex Pistols og alle de andre punkere, han fulgte. Og dette helt andet – dette helt uudgrundelige – har han faktisk bibeholdt i mere end 40 år som aktiv. "

The rest is behind a paywall. Does anyone have the full article they can share?

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Re: Elvis & The Imposters, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 30, 2022

Post by And No Coffee Table »

Man out of Time wrote:The rest is behind a paywall. Does anyone have the full article they can share?
Ivan Rod seems to have posted it on his own site.

http://www.ivanrod.dk/2022/06/30/elvis- ... mager-bio/

Jeg var ung, da Elvis Costello debuterede. Ung og optaget af den forunderligt anderledes figur, han var – indplaceret som han hurtigt var på den britiske post-punk-scene. Der var noget ved ham – noget uventet, på én gang pænt og rebelsk, noget no nonsense, noget intellektuelt, noget uudgrundeligt. Noget helt andet end Sex Pistols og alle de andre punkere, han fulgte. Og dette helt andet – dette helt uudgrundelige – har han faktisk bibeholdt i mere end 40 år som aktiv.

Vel har han strejfet andre genrer end post-punken – blandt andet i kraft af sine samarbejder med Burt Bacharach, Allen Toussaint og Brodsky Quartet (og i kraft af sit ægteskab med den canadiske jazzsangerinde og –pianist, Diana Krall) – men post-punken, det rebelske og det intellektuelle – det er forblevet hans kerne, hans profil.

Jeg har fulgt ham siden det første album, My Aim is True fra 1977, og ofte været imponeret, skuffet eller frustreret. Men også altid været opmærksom på hans færden og færd, opmærksom på hans samarbejder, udgivelser og koncerter – fordi der netop har været noget ubestikkeligt over ham, noget uforudsigeligt, noget, ja, uudgrundeligt…

Til de mange koncerter, jeg har oplevet med ham, har han generelt været generøs – optaget af at levere mest muligt på kortest mulig tid. Han har altid været god til at afslutte numre; god til at komme videre; altid været effektiv og sprudlende – selv når han har været forkølet og har måttet kæmpe med sin stemme.

På scenen i Amager Bio torsdag aften var han tydeligt sig selv. Lidt rundere måske, fysiologisk, men også mentalt. I Amager Bio, hvor han optrådte som et af årets navne på Copenhagen Jazz Festival (forstå sammenhængen mellem Costello og CJF, hvem der kan), talte han med vid, ironi og især selvironi om dette og hint mellem numre – om København, om Tour de France, om sin søn, om sin gamle skolelærer, om sit første møde med musikken etc. Og det samtidig med, at han havde det der med sig – med at afslutte numre og straks kaste sig over nye, uden unødige pauser. Balancen mellem det ene og det andet holdt han.

I Amager Bio optrådte han med bandet, The Imposters, som han har delt scene med i mange år, og sammen med dem gav han et ublu vue tilbage over sit eget (og andres) materiale – om det så var materiale, han i sin tid havde forløst med bandet, The Attractions, eller som solist. Han åbnede med en versionering af Nick Lowes ”Heart of the City”, fortsatte med en versionering af Attraction-nummeret, ”Green Shirt”, og yderligere 25 numre, før alt efter godt to timer sluttede. Undervejs var der flere perler – ”Tipsy Woman”, ”(I Don’t Want to Go to) Chelsea” og ”Alison” med mange flere. Perler som han ikke forsøgte at forskønne, men bare trykkede af – med kant og befriende fanden-i-voldskhed. Netop det er én af de kvaliteter, der skal fremhæves ved Elvis Costellos optræden: Han trykker sangene af, bruger ikke unødig tid på at søge teknisk skønhed eller præcision, men får sagt og spillet det, der presser sig på – også torsdag aften – i en ukrukket, direkte og edgy stil. I netop dén forstand var Elvis Costello og Amager Bio som fod i hose. Havde Elvis Costello været københavner, havde han været amagerkaner og fuldstændig – som tilfældet var torsdag aften – sunget om ”Either Side of the Same Town”.

**** / Koncert også anmeldt i musikmagasinet gaffa.dk

Google translation:

I was young when Elvis Costello debuted. Young and preoccupied with the wonderfully different character he was - ranked as he quickly was on the British post-punk scene. There was something about him - something unexpected, at once nice and rebellious, something no nonsense, something intellectual, something unfathomable. Something completely different from the Sex Pistols and all the other punks he followed. And this completely different thing - this completely unfathomable one - he has actually maintained for more than 40 years as an active person.

Well, he has touched on genres other than post-punk - among other things due to his collaborations with Burt Bacharach, Allen Toussaint and Brodsky Quartet (and due to his marriage to the Canadian jazz singer and pianist, Diana Krall) - but post-punk , the rebellious and the intellectual - it has remained his core, his profile.

I have been following him since the first album, My Aim is True from 1977, and have often been impressed, disappointed or frustrated. But also always been aware of his movements and movements, aware of his collaborations, releases and concerts - because there has just been something incorruptible about him, something unpredictable, something, yes, unfathomable…

For the many concerts I have experienced with him, he has generally been generous - busy delivering as much as possible in the shortest possible time. He has always been good at ending numbers; good at moving forward; always been efficient and bubbly - even when he has a cold and has had to struggle with his voice.

On stage in Amager Bio on Thursday night, he was clearly himself. A little rounder perhaps, physiologically, but also mentally. In Amager Bio, where he performed as one of the names of the year at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival (understand the connection between Costello and CJF, who can), he spoke with wit, irony and especially self-irony about this and that between tracks - about Copenhagen, about Tour de France, about his son, about his old schoolteacher, about his first encounter with music, etc. And at the same time that he had it with him - by ending tracks and immediately throwing himself over new ones, without unnecessary breaks. The balance between the one and the other he kept.

In Amager Bio he performed with the band, The Imposters, with whom he has shared the stage for many years, and together with them he gave an exaggerated view over his own (and others') material - whether it was material he in his time had redeemed with the band, The Attractions, or as a soloist. He opened with a version of Nick Lowe's "Heart of the City", continued with a version of the Attraction number, "Green Shirt", and another 25 numbers, before ending after just over two hours. Along the way there were several gems - "Tipsy Woman", "(I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea" and "Alison" and many more. Pearls that he did not try to beautify, but just pressed off - with edge and liberating fuck-in-violence. This is precisely one of the qualities that should be highlighted in Elvis Costello's performance: He prints the songs, does not spend unnecessary time seeking technical beauty or precision, but gets to say and play what is pressing - also Thursday night - in an unruly, direct and edgy style. In that very sense, Elvis Costello and Amager Bio were at a loss. Had Elvis Costello been a Copenhagener, he would have been an Amager Khan and completely - as was the case on Thursday night - sung about "Either Side of the Same Town".

**** / Concert also reviewed in the music magazine gaffa.dk
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