Strom Thurmond's Dark Secret

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Strom Thurmond's Dark Secret

Post by SoLikeCandy »

It's been confirmed that Strom Thurmond, century-old Dixiecrat and celebrated segregationist, fathered a biracial child. The mother of the child was a domestic in the Thurmond home--at the time of the child's birth, Thurmond was 22--the maid was just 16. ... 488345.htm

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Post by RedShoes »

I *love* cases like this. Strom and Rush are both recent cases of people being a part of something they speak so violently against their entire careers. Now all we need is one of the Bush girls to move to Canada so she can marry a female partner. :lol:
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Southern Gentlemen

Post by A rope leash »

Those old white fellas back then didn't have any problems when it came to having sex with other races. They just didn't want them to have equal status under law. ANY law.

What's the full story? I had heard about this some months back. Did Strom support the child?
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spooky girlfriend
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Majoring in communications taught me to notice a lot about people. One thing I have learned on my own though is that many times, when people have something to hide (and let's face it, everyone has something to hide) it becomes the thing they hate most - the thing they speak out against the strongest - the thing they draw the most attention to. That way, no one would ever guess they have a connection to what they preach against.

I also think that the public figures that use this "strategy" actually end up convincing themselves the secrets they hide never really happened. Sort of a mind game they play on themselves. I guess they somehow stomach not only lying to themselves, but to everyone else as well.

It's too bad he's not alive to dodge all this himself.

And I'm assuming, SLC, that there was no pun intended by the name of the thread being "Dark Secret." :wink:
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Post by noiseradio »

Hot diggity damn. That's the dictionary definition of janus-faced, right there. Still, as Rope says, it doesn't really mean he felt any differently than he claimed to about segregation. What a bastard. (Strom, not the girl, who I'm sure is more upset than we are.)
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