This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Post by A rope leash »

Well, I had a big write-up on Notepad regarding GWB's phoney space program revival, but Dell crashed on me, and I lost it. What an asshole.

Anyway, I came across this today, and I'm feeling much better about myself:

http://www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary ... hasty.html

Look out for the Pod People!
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Post by noiseradio »

Rope, buddy...That article isn't helping your case any.

Trilateral commission...Did he say anything about the Illuminati? 'Cause I missed it if he did.
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Can you prove any of it to be incorrect? Or do I just have to take your word for it?
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Explain this, please...

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Post by noiseradio »

You have to take my word for it.

Actually, a better question would be how in the hell the author of the article can prove his assertions (and citing other web pages that spew the same stuff doesn't cut it). Like how do they know where and for how long the members of the Cabinet were sitting on 9/11? And let's pretend we really do somehow know that. Whay does that mean they were doing nothig. The fact that the real life White House may not respond like they do on the West Wing seems a fairly stupid criticism. And if it's proof, it's the flimsiest kind.

And the other web page is just as goofy as it can be. Let's have one that shows photos of the "moon landing" that was actually fillmed on a sound stage...

It's all too much, as George Harrison wrote.
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You are sleeping

Post by A rope leash »

They know where people were because it's a matter of record.

You just watched a video of WTC7 falling within it's own footprint, and you say it's laughable? That's CBS and NBC video. Are you saying that it's phoney?

Yawn all you want. You'll think of me when it all comes down...

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Post by noiseradio »

The collapse of the building is not laughable. The conclusions are. Because something hasn't happened before means it can't happen? The article admits that the Twin Towers collapse were the largest ever. That happened in the same block as WT7. WHy is it so hard to believe that the heat and fire that cause 1 & 2 to go down could have caused structural damage in 7? Even the bin Laden videotape that surfaced after 9/11 made clear that the terrorists didn't even know that 1 & 2 would come down. Bin Laden comments that they wanted to kill a bunch of people and wreak havoc on the building and that the collapse of the two buildings was just bonus. (not in those exact words, obviously).

The article is nonsense. It's mumbo jumbo. I guess I'm a conspiracy atheorist.
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Post by A rope leash »

The building would not have fallen in it's own footprint. There was no official investigation, and all the steel was carted off and recycled.

That building may have been on fire, but we don't see a whole lot of smoke, do we? Are you saying that a fire burned all the steel evenly and it just all failed at the exact same time?

It looks like a controlled demolition to me, and I think the same thing may have happened to the Towers.

But, I understand your disbelief. How could anyone do something so dastardly? Did you know that GWB's brother runs the security company that contracted with the WTC? Come on, connect the dots!
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Post by noiseradio »


By Alexander Murdoch
Conspiracy Theorist
Dear Conspiracy Theorist,

I recently moved to Florida from Wisconsin for my career, and it's made me very unhappy. My job is fine and the weather here is beautiful, but the people are really different from what I'm used to. To make a long story short, I'm having trouble finding a Florida man with good old-fashioned Midwestern values! Should I move back? Or should I tough it out and learn to adjust?

— Confused In Coral Gables

Dear Confused,

Don't fool yourself into thinking you know what's going on in this world. The first duty of power is to perpetuate itself, and we don't even know who the actual powerful people are. Truman started the whole American tradition of secrecy after WWII with Project Paperclip, in which the CIA put captured Nazi scientists to work on America's nuclear arsenal, the space program, and all this "otherworldly" technology they'd come across. (And you know what I mean.) Then they got Truman to create the super-secret Majestic 12 committee to oversee Project Paperclip, not to mention other weird stuff the government wanted hidden. They ran the whole thing, and they've been running it for years, but nobody knows who "they" are. But I'm pretty sure they're all Freemasons.

Dear Conspiracy Theorist,

I'm what my friends call a "neatnik." I like to have absolutely everything in its place. Problem is, the woman I love—I'll call her "Nicole"—is the kind of person who can't be bothered to shelve books, rack CDs, or keep computer files organized. And now she wants us to move in together! How can I get her to change before she drives me nuts?

—Organized In Orchard Park

Dear Organized,

The whole Kennedy thing is so huge because it's at the center of so many other covert shadow-government operations. Kennedy himself was the smallest part of it, because it was actually a power play between Dulles' CIA, the anti-Castro military, LBJ, the Giancana Mafia, and a bunch of other dirty players. Oswald was a patsy, sure, but he put a gun on Jack. Of course, so did other test-mules from Dulles' MK-Ultra LSD-mind-control experiments. Zapruder was in on it, too: He was a KGB mole from way back. And the whole thing had ripple effects, like Jonestown, which was an assassin training camp that got found out. As for the Warren Commission, that thing was a joke—Dulles himself was on it, and there was only one person on the whole commission who wasn't on the CIA payroll and suspected Oswald didn't act alone. He died in a plane crash, after a young congressional aide named Bill Clinton drove him to the airport. It's all true, but nobody wants to admit it. Nobody.

Dear Conspiracy Theorist,

I've been married to the same woman for 30 years, and I still love her very much. But recently, I found out that she had a brief affair in the '70s. It's water under the bridge, and I don't want to ruin a good marriage, but adultery is adultery! What should I do?

—Betrayed In Bethlehem

Dear Betrayed,

Now, Roswell, that's a bunch of crap. The Air Force was in possession of captured alien technology years before that. In '43, they started reverse-engineering a torus-shaped craft that came down in Arizona, and the next thing you know, America has The Bomb, supersonic aircraft, and a space program. Glenn saw stuff up there, flying lights. You can look it up. You know what I think? I think that skirt-chaser Kennedy wanted to spill the beans about our alien friends, so they killed him. He told his girlfriend Marilyn Monroe, and they killed her, too. No doubt, you're wondering, "Who are 'they'?" Well, I think the numbers speak for themselves: The Trinity site, where the first A-bomb was detonated, Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy bought the farm, and Area 51 are all on the 33rd parallel. And what other significance does the number 33 happen to have? It's the highest rank of the Masonic order. Wheels within wheels, my friend. Wheels within wheels.


Alexander Murdoch is a syndicated columnist whose weekly advice column, Ask A Conspiracy Theorist, appears in more than 250 newspapers nationwide.

http://www.theonion.com/onion3531/ask_c ... orist.html
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Post by laughingcrow »

Rope...are you into David Icke at all?
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Now, now...

Post by A rope leash »

Noise, you know you can't paint me with that brush. That guy is syndicated as a CIA plot to make all conspiracy theorists look silly! And it's working! (that's a joke, by the way, but doesn't it sound true?!)

Seriously, though, there's a big difference between sites like http://www.rense.com and sites like http://www.whatreallyhappened.com

Rense goes way out on a limb in some cases, and perhaps it deserves a bit of ridicule. But sites like http://www.informationclearinghouse.com merely link to legitimate news sources and to other organized media sites like http://www.counterpunch.com, http://www.buzzflash.com, and http://www.axisoflogic.com Sure, they have an agenda, but so does Fox News.

I don't know anything about the Free Masons, but I heard once that at their meetings they eat their own excrement. Now, you all know I wouldn't believe something like that unless I saw it, don't you? A lot of the stuff I see on the web has legimate documentation to back it up, and I know that I know things that are fact that I would have never learned about had I not visited these sites ( that is to say, if I just got my information from newspapers, radio, and television).

Now, Noise, I'm not really sure what you would consider a legitimate source for information, but they don't call it the "information superhighway" for nothing, you know. As with all conspiracy "theories", time will tell, and everyone is well advised to wait until they have hard proof to say that anything is "true" or "not true".

I'm saying I've got a pretty good track record on this board of calling the shot before it happens, and I think the next year will demonstrate the validity of many of my current claims, all of which I stand by because the evidence is there, it's just not well known, or taken seriously. Trust me.

I never interrupt people's conversations and claim that it is all explainable with giant, improbable scenarios. I hope that Noise is not implying that, because I sure don't see it that way. I really believe that the USA has had an extrremely bad turn of late, and it is my duty to point out to friends just what the possibilites are.

Yawn all you want, and make fun. Time will out.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from it's government..." - Thomas Paine (supposedly)

I don't know who David Icke is.
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Also, too

Post by A rope leash »

...and by the way, did you see 60 Minutes tonight? A new book by Don Susskind documents much of the first years of GWB's reign. The major source? Former Treasury Secretary O'Neil, who served under Bush until he was forced out by Cheney and Co.

One of the major revelations? They had plans for war with Iraq from day one.

Ain't that just what I said?
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Post by noiseradio »

I was quoting a feature that The Onion runs, which is a fake advice column wherein the columnist is not actually answering the quesions. Sometimes, the columnist is an inanimate objct (once it was a colony of ants). So I was not meaning to imply that you interrupt people's conversations with anything. But I do think it's funny that some of the studff you posted, as well as many of the articles you link to sound like dead ringers for the straight up satire of the Onion.

I intend to yawn and make fun a lot, but thanks for the permission, anyway. As a heads up, most of my fun making will take the form of pointing and uttering, Nelson-like, "Ha Ha!" So it may not actually get posted.

But trust me: the taunt is out there.
Last edited by noiseradio on Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ya got me!

Post by A rope leash »

Now that I think of it, I do recall something like that in the Onion. I knew it somehow didn't make sense.

Anyways, nice shot.
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Post by laughingcrow »

Rope..I seriously think you should take some time to check out David Icke's site...


Some of the things he says will blow your mind, even if you don't agree with all of them.....
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Post by noiseradio »

From http://www.davidicke.com:

"Turquoise is a very significant colour, it is now officially proclaimed. Indeed, says an "expert", it is the very base colour of the universe.

So reports of my madness, as they say, were greatly exaggerated. Not that I give a bugger either way.

If a scientist from John Hopkins University says it, he's credible. If an ex-television presenter says it eleven years earlier, he's crazy. Way of the world, I'm afraid.

Don't think for yourself, let those with fancy titles and letters after their names do it for you. Go back to sleep, your experts know best. Zzzzzzz.

Back in 1991, when my life and perceptions were changing with the speed of light, there were many things amid that fog of transformation that I knew to be true, even though I couldn't tell you why at the time.

One was the power of turquoise, a colour held sacred by Native Americans and other native peoples for thousands of years. In 1998 when I met my great friend, Credo Mutwa, the most famous shaman in Africa and the official historian to the Zulu nation, he greeted me bedecked from neck to toe in a brilliant shade of turquoise. He knew the truth too.

These "new revelations" about the significance of turquoise are merely an example of the stunning limitations of "modern" science catching up, just a little, with the knowledge known by the ancients since before the dawn of history.

The arrogance of official "science" and the public's unquestioning awe for its pay-rolled promoters is the greatest block we have on human understanding.

I was interested to see that the scientist involved, Karl Glazebrook, talks of a colour being a wavelength. This is precisely the point I was making in 1991 to a media doubled over in laughter.

Everything is a wavelength, a frequency. Look at anything under a microscope, no matter how apparently "solid" it may appear, and you will see it is vibrating energy.

The slower it vibrates the denser and more solid the object looks (see House of Commons for confirmation). The faster it vibrates the less dense it appears until it is vibrating so quickly that our physical senses can no longer see it and it "disappears".

This is what happens when ice becomes water then steam then invisible. Heat raises the vibration of a substance and therefore changes its form.

And, incidentally, because the vibration of Planet Earth is currently rising, so is the temperature of our atmosphere (wrongly blamed on "global warming").

All this makes the colours we wear very important because every shade of colour represents a frequency and frequencies attract each other, like tuning a radio dial to the station you want. So if you wear red that will attract to you the vibration represented by red.

This is why when people wear certain colours they look radiant, healthy, and glowing. Yet when they wear other colours they can look (and often feel) anything, but radiant.

The difference is how that vibration (colour) stimulates or depresses your particular energy make-up. What stimulates one might depress another.

"That colour makes you look great" is really "that vibration makes you look great."

So if a shade of turquoise is the base colour of the universe, wearing turquoise will help to "tune" you to the universe and all the knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive "knowing" that exists there. It will help you connect vibrationally to the Great Infinity of existence by tuning you to its wavelength.

"Nonsense" the scientific establishment will scream [ed: emphasis mine, so that I may also scream, "Nonsense!"], just as their predecessors did when someone had the audacity to say the Earth was round.

If we wait for "science" to solve the so-called mysteries of life and existence we will wait forever. Open-minded intelligence is not dependent on a fancy title. Truth does not become truth because a scientist publishes a paper. Truth just is.

As Gandhi said: "Even if you are in a minority of one, the truth is still the truth."

Yet ironically, like so many throughout human history, when you speak it they call you dotty or dangerous. What they really mean is "different".

As I saw on a car sticker once: "You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you are all the same."

Now, where did I put that turquoise shirt?"

David Icke
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Post by laughingcrow »

That's just a tiny part of it....read about the illuminati.
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Post by noiseradio »

Also from http://www.davidicke.com:

"William F. Buckley Jr. (the American publisher who heads the elite Janus mind control project at NATO headquarters) was the most awful of all of them. Quite honestly he used his teeth a lot. He used to bite a lot. He got pleasure out of hurting people by biting them after he shape-shifted. To this very day I have an aversion to that kind of thing."

Me too, quite an aversion. This by the way, is an excerpt from an article by Icke in which (follow me now), he attempts to discredit a reptilian shape-shifter who in turn has discredited Icke's work. Evidently, Gardner(the shape shifting reptile in question) claims that he has the bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdelene and that tht's what gives him the ability to shape-shift. NOT SO! say's Icke, who boldly asserts that this is just a ruse to cover up the fact that Gardner, in fact, has reptilian blood and is part of a long race of serpent-people who can shape-shift (including William F. Buckly, Jr.). This is not the same article in which Icke reposrts the same theories about 9/11 as have been mentioned above, but I think the fact that he espouses both a"Bush-Planned-9/11"" theory and a "Reptilian-Shape-Shifters-Live-Among-Us" theory is entirely appropriate.

If you want a good laugh, click the link and read away.
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Post by noiseradio »

http://www.davidicke.com on the illuminati (as per LC's request):

"Just been watching CNN (Criminal News Network, Claptrap No News) and there is clearly a new code for centralised global control - the Virtual Village.

It was a documentary on the use of the Internet in the "developing world" and all the classic triggers were there & everyone on the planet is now just a click away, the Virtual Village crosses all borders and makes them irrelevant...etc..etc... and in the advertisement breaks we had propaganda from the Illuminati's World Bank in which it said it wanted the whole world "connected" (controlled, monitored) and free from poverty.

What a joke.

This from an organisation which has been responsible for massive grants to support the agenda of the transnational corporations in these same "developing countries", a policy that has destroyed again and again the ability of those people to be self-sufficient, thus creating widespread poverty, hunger, and death.

So we have had "The Global Village" (New World Order), the "Global Commons" (New World Order), "One World" (New World Order) and now the latest, the "Virtual Village" (New World Order).

That is not to say that connecting the world's population for inter-action and dialogue is not a desirable development - in the right hands with the right motivation. But that is not we are talking about here. One World - discussions and negotiations for mutual benefit - is not what is being offered here. It is a centrally controlled dictatorship.

The environmental movement has bought this illusion, so has much of the "New Age" and by the time they realise what One World really means it will be too late."

Word up.
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Post by laughingcrow »

:lol: Brilliant stuff...I love the reptile stuff, I really do.

He was on the radio the other day saying that The Matrix is very close to our own reality, that we exist on a certain plane, and once we break free of it in our minds, we can do what we like...

I hope not, I hated that film!
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What it is..

Post by A rope leash »

Now surely, I can't be compared to this...

What Icke does is create a philosphy for living based on fantasitic notions and incredible claims.

Just like most of your major religions...but we can't call THEM crazy, can we?
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Post by BlueChair »

So a rope leash,

What are you doing to change the system? Surely someone with your views must be participating in protests, writing newspaper articles, or at least writing letters?
This morning you've got time for a hot, home-cooked breakfast! Delicious and piping hot in only 3 microwave minutes.
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Post by noiseradio »


Say what you like about how crazy Icke clearly is. I'm just pointing out that he agrees with you on several of your key points about 9/11.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
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Ground zero

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I'm letting my friends know about my view of what's happening, albeit remotely from my hideout here in the woods.

No, I am not active in any sort of protest, but protests do happen, I'm sure. The thing of it is that I dug my hole years ago, and I must work very hard to pay it off. In the current climate, being active in protests is a fairly sure way of mucking up your life. I'm just hoping we get another chance to vote.

I can assure you that if I thought organizing a protest here at the local county seat would make any impact on what a bunch of satellite TV-watching ditto-heads thought, I"d do it.

I didn't say anything George Carlin hasn't.

I'd put Icke in with Rense, they're both too far out on a limb to be taken seriously. As for 9-11, the facts are still unfolding, and now we know that a major terror attack was just what the Bushies needed to further their already planned desire to invade Iraq. If they didn't do this thing themselves, they let it happen.

All this stuff on the web is not creative fiction, by my estimation, simply due to the immense amount of it. If we apply logic to the ten percent of it any reasonable person might say is factual, we can conclude much about 9-11, by connecting the selected dots.

Like this: Jet fuel burns very quickly, in an explosive burst. A building like WTC is built of glass, concrete and steel. All that would burn would be paper and furniture, and once on fire would either burn alone or smolder slowly. Have you ever set a steel girder on fire?. If these girders burned, did they all burn evenly and fail simultaneously? Do buildings that are impacted from the side implode on themselves? Isn't it odd that Marvin Bush owns the company that did security for the WTC?

Now, I'm not doing anything different than what a prosecutor does when he's examining evidence. I saw with my eyes what heppened, and I use my head to speculate on the possibilites. We can now enter a state of extreme paranoia, whereupon we question every bit of evidence given to us as being somehow faked.

I'm generally the last person to be fooled, but there's always the first time.

They couldn't let them fall over, and they would have had to be demolished anyway, so why not do the job all at once? It's not as impossible as it seems.

Turquoise is impossible.

Post by selfmademug »

Oh good Lord, ARL. My mistake for wandering in here-- I'm home sick with a stomach bug-- but yes, steel girders do burn, that's why they're coated with fire-proofing. Yes, a hugely and tall building would implode and crumble if you sent a fireball into the middle of it. Or do you think the architects and engineers in the '70s were in on this too?

There's always a simple explanation for everything, and it's almost always wrong.

For fuck sake it's a complicated world; there are so many damn dots out there they can always be connected, but that doesn't mean you've found the truth. Sometimes if you connect the dots all you get is a mess, other times you get a cartoon version of reality with bad guys and good guys. There are lots of truths out there that are hidden in the effort to oversimplify them.

Sorry, I feel sick and I just can't bear this crap. You've every right to put it down, and I've every ritgh to say it's crap and it's making my stomach hurt even more. My advice is spend your time and your considerable smarts trying to do something contstructive.


Moody Mug
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