Post a Toast

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Mr. Average
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Post a Toast

Post by Mr. Average »

This forum is a good one. Elvis Costello is an enigmatic figure of high intellect and even higher artistic talent. Some of the brightest people that I have ever interacted with are principle contributors to this forum…a direct testament to the quality of Costello and the mark he is leaving on the world. He is a Man Out of Time...I truly believe that, like Cole Porter and Hoagy Carmichael, the world will only come to know of this man’s brilliance posthumously...hopefully, many years from now when our children (and in my case, my children’s children) utter "Ohhh!, now I get it...”

I propose a thread that is designed to recognize those who make this forum what it is...a powerful look at Elvis and his music, but much, much more. A forum that provides insight into benevolence, politics, strife, world events, and other forms of artistic expression that serve to enrich our lives. It is not a waste of time, and this is a direct function of the people who have made this a good place to be. It also occurs to me that there seems to be an unprecedented number of new contributors that may have merely audited in the past, but are coming forward to contribute. This thread will help provide some identity to some of the mainstays of the forum. Sort of a ‘networking’ thread. A forum 'social'.

So I propose this. I will start the thread by naming a contributor that I think enriches the board in some specific way. It is an almost impossible task. I solicit all of you to post recognition for a single contributor to this forum that you always look forward to reading. Only one primary recognition, and one honorable mention. This cannot evolve as a mutual admiration society. If BlueChair chooses Vincent Vega, for example, Vinnie should not be compelled to reciprocate and choose BlueChair because he doesn't want to hurt his feelings. I think, I hope, that we are all beyond that...

Final ground rule is ONE primary recognition, and One Honorable Mention.

My Primary Recognition goes to NoiseRadio. He has exhibited a deep knowledge of the music of Elvis; he has added to the breadth of my musical interests by sharing his views on other artists; he is both benevolent and kind, thought-provoking, can be intensely acerbic and witty ("Descartes") and has a great sense of humour. Finally, he is a family man that I admire.

My Honorable Mention goes to Toy Soldier/ScareMonger, who has made significant contributions to this forum since the very early days, and has recently made a glorious comeback. His musical tastes are eccentric and broad. He appreciates Elvis against a backdrop of divergent musical genre's and styles, which colour his comments with a flair that I look forward to.

Anyone else want to play?
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Post by Toy Soldier-Scaremonger »

Mr. Average is above average! Thanks very much for your kind words, Dan. There are a lot of terrific people such as yourself on the board who's comments I missed after about a year and a half which is why I came back. I could name quite a few but there's one bloke who's as passionate, knowledgeable, and well versed in his appreciation of Costello's artistry as anyone I know and that's the Jacksonian Doopster! Now there's a cat who knows where it's at! :D
I can't remember being any younger.

Post by selfmademug »

I like this idea, it's typically thoughtful of Mr. A. And I too am very glad to see you back after all this time, TSS! (Among other crucial things, I believe he was the one who first informed who us that Elvis's shit does indeed stink?? :wink: )

I raise a glass to Boy With A Problem, moderator of the Tower of Song, Serious Music Lover Who Has Taught Us Much (note all caps) and all-around great guy.

And I give two on-the-sly air kisses to two shy but great and knowledgable folks on this board: Mr. Misery and Ms. Whtsde.

I have something nice to say about almost everyone here, but I know those things'll get said by others. If they don't I'll pipe up again!
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Post by laughingcrow »

There's a lot to be said for everyone who posts regularly on the board, all thoughtful, funny and inciteful.

However, I salute Spooky, for her relentless enthusiasm, the kindness and interest she shows to us all, and her endless love of KoA!
DrSpooky and their children are truly lucky to have such a kind, caring woman in their lives, and from the way she speaks about them, they most definitely appreciate and love her.

Thankyou Spooky. :D
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Post by Boy With A Problem »

Thanks so much for the very kind words Mug. You've made me blush.

I count several you on the board as good friends, though I've never met or talked to any of you.

I hoist one for Narbawlz, wherever you are.

Too many honorable mentions, but none as honorable as Spooky G - for all the reasons Laughing Crow layed down. She is truly the soul of the board.
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

I just came in from one of the longest days of my life - I had so many places to be today and so many people to do things for. I've now been awake for more than 20 hours and I can't tell you how much of a pleasure it was to come home to find this thread. You're all so very kind.

I've had so many people from this board to show me kindness during the past year. There's been much going on in my life and this board has been a constant for me. I joined last year on April 1, before the old board crashed. My Elvis epiphany last March has changed much in my life. It has brought me even closer to DrS, since he was already a fan, and in touch with all you wonderful people here that I wouldn't have otherwise known. Some of you I have had the pleasure of meeting, others of you I still hope to have the opportunity to meet one day.

I find it so very difficult to stick to the rules on this thread, and I ask Mr. Average - who I have a feeling is actually rather above-average - to forgive me. Tonight in my very exhausted state, I raise a glass to the board as a whole - for the smiles it brings to me and the way it makes me think, and the people it puts me in touch with.

I will continue to throw myself at the mercy of the board for advice, encouragement, sympathy, the opportunity to post pics or hunt down info or tickets, or just to listen to whoever wants me to.

Oh, yeah, and to spread the love of KOA.
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Post by so lacklustre »

The Foyle's count as one right? I used to get time to trawl the net, but now that I don't I rely on their information services (along with JE). Thanks a lot Irishmen.

Honourable mention to OS, cos he invariably makes I larf. A United Studlian with irony!
signed with love and vicious kisses
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Post by crash8_durham »

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bottoms up
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Post by oily slick »

so lacklustre wrote: Honourable mention to OS, cos he invariably makes I larf. A United Studlian with irony!
assuming you don't mean Omar Sharif, sol, thanks. (didn't we fight about something once?) i wouldn't have expected to pop up here and i'm delighted the thread isn't "post a complaint" about the most annoying contributor.

i might mention something about my friend mood swung and her ability to take the cap off a bottle of water using nothing but her tongue, but you'd all get the wrong idea of course, so i'll toast Goody2Shoes. she is a long-time unsung contributor to this place. she is knowledgable, intelligent, judicious, and helpful. she also seems more well-balanced than most of us, dammit. A TOAST!
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

So, would you take back 'well-balanced' if I said that I want to hang Dora the Explorer and her little monkey-friend by their thumbnails? Really, that's awful nice of you, Slick, but if I am 'unsung', it is with good reason. You flatter me.

I'm gonna toast Gillibeanz for her steadfast and graceful defense of her oft-beleaguered nominations to the Tower of Song, and for wearing her most kind and generous heart on her sleeve for all of us to see.

Honorable mention to Miss Buenos Aires for wearing formal attire to the grocery store just because it makes her happy.
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Post by BlueChair »

I guess the expected thing will be to toast RedShoes, but she already knows how much I love her :D

My toast goes to El Vez. I had a wonderful year in England last year, but he was there at a time where I very much felt like an outsider. I remember PMing with him back and forth for hours at a time, while he was in a more extreme state of outsiderness in South Korea. He's not around as much anymore, but I think about him a lot. A class gentleman, and someone I hope to meet some day.

I hope that didn't sound too cheesy.

My honourable mention goes to pip_52. She's the only board member I've met, and one of the coolest people I've had the pleasure of getting to know (though most of that has been through her posts and e-mails. Now that she's living in New York City, her coolness factor has only multiplied. If any of you ever get the chance to meet this girl, go for it. You'll end up talking about the sorts of things you have always hoped to talk about with someone. At least if that subject is music :lol:
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Post by miss buenos aires »

A toast to lapinsjolie, who is all sweetness and light, and never told me anything I was doing was stupid or dangerous.

Honorable mention to bambooneedle, who is not all sweetness and light...
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Post by Jackson Doofster »


thank you very much for such kind words. However, they are very much undeserved as I have neglected this board substantially over the past 6 months.

I salute you in return for your genorosity , but have great difficulty selecting other people because there are so many i admire.

The Foyles are almost a given. I can't pretend to have formed a close bond with them but that is completely my responsibility - I take and do not give. Whilst they (and many others) trawl the cyber world for golden nuggets of EC info, i lap it all up and then check my mail .....totally selfish :oops: :oops:

Lapins (cos I LURVE her for her intelligence and wit...and gorgeousness :wink: ), VG , Otis (my best board pal), SMM (who is indispensable) Gilli (fellow sufferer), PoP, BBneedle, Noise, BC (of course), Dr J, SpookyG (lovely SpookyG), Laughing crow, So LL (some1 has to be a gooner)....oh many cool dudes....dont want to leave any1 out but...feel like Gwyneth at the Oscars....I need to say a special mention to someone I have had little interaction with but who I admire for a special non EC reason...


We live in an age where Politics (cap P) are becoming marginalised by trivia. He may not thank me for saying it but he is the Michael Moore of this board for me. What he has to say is often uncomfortable reading...but is life.

I salute you alll!
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Post by selfmademug »

Thank you Doofster, that means a lot to me coming from you.
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Post by bobster »

First, you all make me post lists of favorites -- then you make me choose among you...


Next, you'll be forcing parents to choose among their children!!! I can't do it! You're all great!!!

Except that I've changed my mind and realized that I really should send out a big toast (spread with delicious Canadian lemon curd, I suppose) to our own erstwhile moderator Blue Chair....he of the award-winning hair, the wide-ranging knowledge of music that shames those twice his age, and the ominpresent semi-sanity that reigns over this here board.

And while I'm at it, honorable mention to Misha -- who's been the L.A. ringleader and a doer of many good works and deserves our credit and thanks. Also the chick who thought she was dissing us on another board by describing us as the "thoughtful persons" board. With enemies like those, who needs friends? -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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Post by Poppet »

i can't choose. i CAN'T!

everyone is special, each for their own reasons. i wouldn't bother being here if it wasn't fun, if i didn't feel welcome and cared for. y'all are a special group of folks. let's all get maudlin and weepy now, okay?

uh, i lied. sort of. i have to shout out to spooky, who sent me cookies at christmas. anybody who cooks for me gets major props from me. *I* don't even cook for me.
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Post by crash8_durham »

I would rather be with the people on this forum.....than with the finest people in the world.
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Post by BlueChair »

crash8_durham wrote:I would rather be with the people on this forum.....than with the finest people in the world.
You've yet to be with us for a week. Give it time, and you will change your mind.. trust me :lol:
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Post by lapinsjolis »

Miss Buenos Aires-Thank you. Your thirst for misadventure and mischief is far too endearing to merit scolding.

Jackson Doofster-You generous words almost exceed your charm and wit. .almost.

A toast to all those who dwelt in the basement. I know it's nostalgic but I love you all. Flirtation, music, literature and recipes? How can you beat that?

Honorable mention-PlaythingorPet for her adoration of the brilliant Mr. Nieve, her photography and her 'Incredible Exciting New Game' thread. Hey guys next song is 'Blue Chair'.
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

crash8_durham wrote:I would rather be with the people on this forum.....than with the finest people in the world.
They're one and the same aren't they?
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Jackson Doofster
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Post by Jackson Doofster »

oooohhh...Lapinsjolis. :oops: :oops: bring me out in goosebumps.... :D
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

oooh, Doofster, I forgot to mention that you have the same effect on me. :wink:
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Post by PlaythingOrPet »

Aww, laps, thank you. You're all beauuutiful people, which makes this all the more difficult.

I'd like to congratulate Poppet for still possessing the ability to make me think there is an energetic 18 y/o behind the name (don't ask me why), posts which are as close to vaudeville as you can get on a computer screen, reading fanfic and random journals while work festers on a desk somewhere nearby (same here), and last but not least, your love of men in glasses. It's certainly safe to say this place would be a lot more colourless without you.

HM to 'Boo for the extremely cute and appreciated birthday present and being a thoroughly decent chap.
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Post by Misha »

Mr. Average.....

How can you do this? Why don't ya just ask me to commit to a favorite EC song for a year straight??!!!

First of all....Thank you to the Bobster!!! Since I can't reciprocate, due to the facist rules of Mr. A...( :D ) (just a joke....don't come up here!!) I can't pick you, but you did loads to help me feel welcome, nevermind go out with me to a great movie..!!!

Ok, my choice is Verbal Gymnastics......for reasons known only to him....ok, let's just say he has made me laugh, more than once, and when I'm in my car, and all the damn time when I think about him. He has saved the life of many a slow driver with his humor!

Geez...I have only one more to pick???!!! How hard is this?

I pick Poppet.....for all she is trying to do........she knows what I mean!!! Go see them old folks!!

:) Misha---who declares that in one hour, her choices will change...but it is apparently against the rules to post many times....I think it is an unwritten rule....

(Misha will not mention loving Mr. Average, Spooky G, So Lacklustre, Bambooneedle, Noiseradio, Oily Slick, Mood Swung, Miss BA, Blue Chair, Taz, John Foyle, Martin Foyle, Gilli, Cope, SLC, ARL, ECLover, SMM, Jillbeast, Pip, Jackson, Sweetpear, Legman, Hungup and Burning Dec---she will not mention them at all.)

And to all the new people I don't know yet......welcome!!

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Post by Poppet »


oh misha, do i hafta????? i know i said i would, but, but,

they're so OLD!

okay, i'm teasing there. misha and i discussed volunteering, and she's my volunteering coach. not that i've done anything to even MERIT a coach (i wrote couch, i way merit a couch) yet, but there it is.

i walk past the 'assisted living' place every day on the way to the bus stop. so, i *should* volunteer. 'cause volunteering is something important to me.

and now you all know, and can pester me about it.

and i told you all why exactly? no freakin' clue. i must be drunk.
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