Nurnberg review, June '05

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Nurnberg review, June '05

Post by johnfoyle »


Photo: Stefan Hippel

Der King ist tot, es lebe der King! Furioses Konzert des Rock-Poeten Elvis Costello im N�rnberger Serenadenhof

Dass die Welt eine ungerechte ist, geh�rt zu den banalsten Erkenntnissen, wenn aber ein musikalischer Gigant wie Elvis Costello den Serenadenhof nur zur H�lfte zu f�llen vermag, dann ist das erschreckend.

Es stimmt eben doch: Der englische S�nger, Songwriter, Gitarrist und virtuose T�nzer auf allen Hochzeiten ist und bleibt der bekannteste Unbekannte des Musikgesch�fts. Dar�ber kann man deprimiert den Kopf sch�tteln. Oder sich freuen, dabei gewesen zu sein: Costello und seine �Imposters� lieferten ein �ber zweist�ndiges, konzentriertes, hochenergetisches Set ab, das absolut keine W�nsche offen lie�.

H�chste Pr�senz

Los geht�s mit dem dr�hnenden �Tear off your own head�, gleich gefolgt von �Uncomplicated�, getrieben von Pete Thomas� h�mmernden Beat. Keine Frage, dass ist nicht der sophisticated Kammermusik-Costello, das ist der Rock�n�Roll-Elvis. Die �Imposters� � bis auf Bassist Dave Faragher besetzungsgleich mit den alten �Attractions� � spielen schn�rkellos druckvoll und mit h�chster Pr�senz, allein Keyboarder Steve Nieve holt die verr�cktesten (aber immer passenden) Sounds aus seinen Ger�tschaften. Elvis selbst ist in seinem dunklen Anzug cooler als Travolta, gibt der Gitarre Saures ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken und spuckt seine kehligen Wortausbr�che scheinbar ohne jede Antrengung ins Publikum. Was f�r eine Stimme: Blutend, w�tend, sarkastisch, z�rtlich, verletzt, verletzend, furchtlos und alles durchdringend.

Das Repertoire umfasst einen Gro�teil des aktuellen �Delivery Man�-Albums plus einen wilden Ritt durch sein gesamtes Schaffen: Vibrierende Balladen wie �Our little Angel�, �Toledo� oder �Still�, alte Klopfer wie �Watching The Detectives�, �Oliver�s Army� oder �Pump It Up�, �berraschendes wie �Clubland� oder �Hurry Down Doomsday�. Der lange, enthusiastisch geforderte Zugabenteil endet mit dem wundersch�nen �Allison�, welches auf einmal in Presleys �Suspicious Minds� m�ndet. Typische Costello-Ironie: Elvis singt Elvis. Dann noch ein zu Tr�nen r�hrendes �Scarlett Tide� und der Traum ist � nach 28 Songs � vorbei. Erz�hlt uns nichts � wir haben den King gesehen.


Aktuelle CD: Elvis Costello & The Imposters, �The Delivery Man� (Lost Highway)

Aktuelle DVD: Elvis Costello & Zhe Imposters, �Club Date live in Memphis� (Eagle Vision)
30.6.2005 0:00 MEZ

Google translation -

The King is dead, it lives the King! Furioses concert of the skirt poet Elvis Costello in the Nuernberger Serenadenhof

That the world is an unfair, belonged to the most banal realizations, if however a musical giant is able to fill such as Elvis Costello the Serenadenhof only to the half, then that is frightening. It is correct evenly nevertheless: An English singer, Songwriter, guitarist and a virtuose dancer on all weddings is and remains the most well-known unknown quantity of the music business. Over it knows one deprimiert the head to vibrate. Or are pleased thereby to have been: Costello and its "Imposters" delivered over two-hour, concentrated, high-energy set, which left absolutely no desires open.

Highest operational readiness level lot geht's with the roaring "Tear off your own head", equivalent followed of "Uncomplicated", floated of Pete Thomas ' hammering Beat. No question that sophisticated the Kammermusik Costello is not, that is the Rock'n'Roll Elvis. The "Imposters" -- up to bassist Dave Faragher occupation with the old "Attractions" -- plays schnoerkellos pressureful and with highest operational readiness level, however Keyboarder Steve Nieve gets the craziest (however always suitable) sounds from its geraetschaften. Elvis is more cooler in its dark suit than Travolta, gives the guitar sour without with the lash to twitch and spits its kehligen word outbreaks apparently without each Antrengung in the public. Which for a voice: Bleeding, furiously, sarkastisch, tenderly, hurts, hurting, fearless and all penetrating.

The repertoire covers a majority of the current "Delivery of Man" album plus a wild ride by its entire work: Vibrating Balladen like "Our little fishing rod", "Toledo" or "quiet", old Klopfer like "Watching The Detectives", "Oliver's Army" or "pump It UP", surprising like "club country" or "Hurry down Doomsday". The long, enthusiastisch demanded addition part ends with the beautiful "Allison", which into Presleys "Suspicious Minds" flows at one time. Typical Costello irony: Elvis sings Elvis. Then still another "Scarlett tide" and the dream agitating to tears is -- after 28 Songs -- past. Tells us nothing -- we saw the King.
Last edited by johnfoyle on Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Otis Westinghouse
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Google translate from German has to be the best!

Is that a first on this tour for Tear Off Your Own Head?
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Post by King Hoarse »

Elvis a virtouse dancer on all weddings? :lol:

I wonder what the choreography to "Our Little Fishing Rod" looks like.
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Post by bambooneedle »

Otis W wrote:Is that a first on this tour for Tear Off Your Own Head?
He was doing Tear Off Your Own Head back in November.
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Post by johnfoyle »

In London it was water wheras in Germany foliage kept the fans away ! ... tom_loewel

2005-06-28: Nürnberg, Serenadenhof - with the Imposters
Photos courtesy of Tom Loewel© 2005.
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Post by Otis Westinghouse »

Looks like a homage to Norwich City.

'You're not going to do a thing
To our little fishing rod'

Nice alternative version! So funny that this was in English when in German!

I wonder did Elvis play Night Rally at this gig... (apologies to anyone who finds that to be in poor taste!).
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Post by mood swung »

skirt poet? more cooler than Travolta?
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Post by oldhamer »

"Keyboarder Steve Nieve gets the craziest (however always suitable)"

I could just post random sentences all day, it's hilarious, might get a bit annoying though :lol:
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Post by johnfoyle »

Elvis later had this comment -

Occasionally, the circumstances were more unexpected. One evening, we found ourselves playing the ivy-covered courtyard of Hitler's unfinished Congresshaus, a mere flaming torch's throw from the Nuremburg Rally Grounds. A small but enthusiastic crowd redeemed the rather oppressive and sinister feeling of the venue.
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