Elvis playing Buenos Aires, Oct .29

Pretty self-explanatory
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Elvis playing Buenos Aires, Oct .29

Post by johnfoyle »

Can someone translate and confirm this ?

http://eduardofabregat.blogspot.com/200 ... cenar.html

Mirá quién viene a cenar

El 29 de octubre, en el Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires, la segunda edición del festival BUE promete una nochecita intensa. Si el año pasado nos dimos el demorado gusto de ver a Massive Attack, el cartel ya confirmado incluye a Morcheeba, The Strokes, Nancy Sinatra y Kings Of Leon, aunque según se bate por ahí están tratando de cerrar a... ¡Elvis Costello!

Dale, Elvis, date una vuelta. Así queda claro a quién le viene afanando Fito Páez desde hace varios años.
Last edited by johnfoyle on Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bambooneedle »

Look who's coming to dinner

On the 29th of October, at the Club Ciudad (Club City) of Buenos Aires, the second edition of the festival BUE promises an intense little night. If last year we gave ourselves the long awaited pleasure of seeing Massive Attack, the line up of already confirmed acts includes Morcheeba, The Strokes, Nancy Sinatra and Kings Of Leon, although yet according to rumour 'round there they're trying to confirm... Elvis Costello!

C'mon, Elvis, give yourself a trip. This way it remains clear who's had Fito Páez fanized since various years.
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Post by Extreme Honey »

Wow this is good news! I'm going to Buenos Aires this month as a summer trip. I lived there for my first 8 years ofmy life. It's a beautiful city and it's about time Elvis payed a visit! If Elvis is actually going to play there contact me guys and I'll report on the show!
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Post by johnfoyle »

This seems easy to understand.............

http://kissmenow.blogspirit.com/archive ... rmado.html


Festival BUE - 29 de octubre
The Strokes, Kings Of Leon, Nancy Sinatra, Morcheeba, Frankie Knukles, Dizzee Rascal y Cut Chemist, Elvis Costello son los nombres confirmados para la segunda edición de festival Bue, que se realizará el sábado 29 de octubre en el Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires.


viernes 15 de julio, 8:18 PM

Elvis Costello se sumara al Festival Bue a realizarse el 29 de octubre en Club diudad

BUENOS AIRES, jul 15 (DyN) - El músico Elvis Costello se suma a la lista de artistas que participarán el 29 de octubre en el Festival Bue, que se realizará en el Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires de Capital.

Costello llega acompañado por su banda "The atractions" para presentar su espectáculo.

El músico se suma a otros participantes de ese festival, como Nancy Sinatra, The strokes, Kings of León, Morcheeba, Dizzee Rscal, Frankie Knuckles y Cut Chemist.

Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus, verdadero nombre de Elvis Costello, es originario de Paddington, Londres, y en plena adolescencia viaja con su madre a Liverpool en donde forma "Rusty, Rusty", un dúo con Allan Mayes al que se sumarían el cantante Dave Jago y el bajista Alan Brown.


Google trans -

The musician Elvis Costello adds itself to the list of artists who will participate the 29 of October in the Bue Festival, that will be made in the Club City of Buenos Aires of Capital. Costello arrives accompanied by its band "The atractions" to present/display its spectacle. The musician adds other participants of that festival, like Nancy Sinatra, The strokes, Kings of Leon, Morcheeba, Dizzee Rscal, Frankie Knuckles and Cut Chemist. Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus, true name of Elvis Costello, is original of Paddington, London, and in the heat of adolescence travels with its mother to Liverpool in where it forms "Rusty, Rusty", a pair with Allan Mayes to which the singer Dave Jago and the bear would add themselves Alan Brown.
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Post by Extreme Honey »

So he's playing with the attractions as well?!?!?! This is a must see!!
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Post by ReadyToHearTheWorst »

johnfoyle wrote:... Elvis Costello, is original of Paddington..."Rusty, Rusty", a pair with Allan Mayes to which the singer Dave Jago and the bear ...
So, Elvis is finally outed, as Paddington Bear :wink:
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

No doubt Davey keeps marmalade sandwiches for Elvis under his hat.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Post by idle hands »

Hopefully he's invited to the SUE festival in Santiago, because that's a terrible date for me to travel.... I'm working on a project that starts on Nov. 2nd, so if everything works as planned (which I know it won't!!) I'll have to work that weekend...

anyway, I have enough time to make up good excuses and boicot the start up of the project... :twisted:
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Post by Extreme Honey »

Hold on a frekin second....DOESN'T ANYONE CARE ELVIS IS RE-UNITING WITH THE ATTRACTIONS THAT NIGHT!!!! No offence, Dave, but Bruce can kick you ass at bass!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!
Preacher was a talkin' there's a sermon he gave,
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Post by invisible Pole »

Don't hold your breath, thomasso. I am sure it's a mistake. They probably meant "The Attractions minus Bruce Thomas, who has been replaced by Davey Faragher".
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Post by johnfoyle »

Bump, bump !
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Post by johnfoyle »

Translation/summary , anyone?

http://www.clarin.com/diario/2005/10/27 ... -00811.htm


"El rock no es mi único hogar"

El músico inglés cantará el sábado por primera vez en Buenos Aires, en el Festival Bue. En Brasil habló de su relación con la Argentina, criticó al Live 8 y no descartó un disco en conjunto con su esposa, la cantante Diana Krall. El otro Elvis, a fondo.

José Bellas. Enviado especial a Río de Janeiro

Ahí está Elvis. Integro de negro, con una camisa de estampados country. Las entradas ya se quedaron a vivir en su cabellera. Y los lentes, negros ahumados. Caminando por el piso 23 de un hotel con vista al Pan de Azúcar, sobre Copacabana, el hombre con fama de espantar periodistas y sumar ataques de ira pide un té y sonríe. No se sabe si por simpatía o porque acaso le resuena su propia frase acerca de los periodistas de música: "Escribir sobre múisca es como bailar sobre arquitectura".

En una carrera pública de casi 30 años, Elvis Costello creó un personaje que llegó a ser conocido como "el Woody Allen del rock". Esa idea del nerd que triunfa a fuerza de talento y a pesar de su imagen (su pasado inmediatamente anterior al de la música lo sitúa como ex programador de computadoras), fue trabajada de una manera cuidadosa. "La gente no compra mis discos por mi aspecto", lanzaba desafiante hacia fines de los 70

A cambio, Costello se mostraba prolífico en su accionar, aceitado en su forma de tocar y cínico en su visión del mundo de las relaciones humanas. Aquí puede rastrearse su influencia en momentos de las carreras de Calamaro y Páez. En los últimos años, Costello se acercó sucesivamente al mundo de la música clásica y el jazz. Antes, llegó a hacer un álbum de música country, colaboró codo a codo con Paul McCartney en Flowers in the Dirt (1989), hizo dos magníficos CDs. junto a Burt Bacharach y tuvo un éxito impensado con She, un cover de Charles Aznavour incluido en la película Un lugar llamado Notting Hill.

"Sé que tanto aquí como en Argentina me conocen más por ese tema que por otros. No es muy característica de mi repertorio, pero supongo que la gente espera que la toque", dice estrangulando un saco de té. Esa misma noche (ver recuadro), le daría el gusto al público carioca.

Teniendo un repertorio tan grande... ¿cómo hacés para elegir los temas de un show?

¡No tengo idea! Rara vez damos el mismo show dos veces. Esta es la primera vez que tocamos en Sudamérica con mi banda (The Imposters). Antes, estuve en un festival de Free Jazz aquí en Rio. Toqué cuatro temas con la Mingus Jazz Band.

Después de tantos años de llevarlo...¿estás conforme con tu nombre artístico?

No pienso mucho en él. Muy poca gente me llama Elvis. La mayoría me llama por mis iniciales, EC. Siempre me han llamado por mis iniciales, incluso desde chico. Mi nombre de pila es Declan y mi segundo nombre es el de mi abuelo, Patrick. Como es muy común entre la gente de origen irlandés, mi padre me llamaba por mis iniciales, DP. En el mundo del espectáculo, uno se pone disfraces. El mío es Elvis Costello.

Prácticamente no hay género que no hayas abordado. ¿Cómo es el proceso por el cual elegís qué tipo de álbum vas a terminar haciendo?

En general compongo las canciones en la intimidad y espero la oportunidad de darlas a conocer. No decidí componer música instrumental para una compañía de ballet hasta que ésta vino y me lo pidió. Y se dio que este álbum (Il Sogno), salió a la venta al mismo tiempo que mi último disco de canciones, The Delivery Man. Alguna gente será lo suficientemente curiosa, como yo, para apreciar ambas obras. Otros pensarán que ya no soy tan "rock". Como sea, el rock ya no es mi único hogar.

¿Alguna vez pensaste en componer un disco con tu esposa, Diana Krall?

De hecho, compuse seis canciones para su último disco. Fui una especie de editor de sus letras. Fue a causa de una serie de problemas que ella tenía en ese momento: decía que no podía expresar lo que sentía. Había pasado por algunos cambios en su vida, algunos de ellos muy tristes, y sentía que no podía volver a cantar cierto tipo de canciones. Así que me puse a escribir yo. Me sentí contento de ayudarla y estoy seguro de que volveremos a trabajar juntos. Ahora está por editar un disco de Navidad que es maravilloso. Todo lo contrario al anterior: muy alegre, con una gran banda. Lo que no sé es si haríamos un CD donde aparecieran las caras de los dos. No es necesario: que cantemos en casa no significa que tengamo que hacerlo en público.

Eso me recuerda que alguna vez le echaste la culpa al disco Plastic Ono Band (John Lennon) de iniciar la era del rock introspectivo...

Aquella es una gran obra, pero puso de moda que todo el mundo quisiera escuchar a muchos autores diciendo de qué lado de la cama dormían. Todos empezaron a ventilar su intimidad como única forma de catarsis y, lo que es peor, de componer una canción.

Tenés una camisa que recuerda a las que usaba Johnny Cash. No creo que sea casualidad: alguna vez hiciste un disco de música country ("Almost Blue"). Y, de hecho, Johnny Cash grabó dos canciones tuyas...

Escribí una canción para él, pero nunca llegó a grabarla. Creo que no le gustó: de todas formas, grabó otras dos canciones mías antes de morir y eso es una de las cosas más maravillosas que me sucedió . Es uno de los más grandes artistas de la historia... ¿qué más puedo decir? Mi amigo y productor Nick Lowe estaba casado con una de las hijas de June Carter (N de R: esposa de Cash), así que pudimos visitarlo una vez y comprobar toda su hospitalidad, como si fuéramos de la familia.

Hace 20 años tocaste en Live Aid, pero este año no estuviste en el Live 8.


¿Cuál es tu visión de esos festivales a beneficio?

Es una pregunta muy complicada. Live Aid fue, en su momento, parte de la convicción de Bob Geldorf de transmitir la urgencia de la hambruna existente en Africa. Veinte años más tarde tenemos el Live 8, con una idea más grande. Ya no estamos hablando de una hambruna, sino de un cambio en la forma en que los países desarrollados (para mí no tan desarrollados) llevan a cabo su política exterior en favor de los países pobres. Y hay que vérselas con el cinismo de los dirigentes de esos países poderosos que quieren imponer condiciones a su ayuda referidas a la moral, a la política y al uso de los recursos de esa región. Aunque muchos crean lo contrario, admiro a gente como Bono o Bob Geldorf. Ellos son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para darse cuenta que existe ese equilibrio complicado entre el deseo de modificar algo, la capacidad de hacerlo y el mecanismo necesario. Se pueden hacer declaraciones y es fácil quedarse fuera de todo y hacer críticas, pero nada cambia.


La verdad es que cuando organizás un gran concierto la mayoría de la gente sólo quiere pasar un buen día. No escucha con tanta atención las complejidades de estas discusiones, porque realmente son agobiantes. Hay muchas cosas de la vida moderna que han sido creadas en un lenguaje que es imposible de entender... ¡por eso son tan importantes los abogados! Es ostensiblemente malo que la gente viva como vive, con una deuda externa que jamás podrá pagar. Pero la forma de resolverlo es mucho más complicada porque los poderosos lo han hecho así: para que no haya una solución de un día para el otro.

Ahora Elvis pide una tregua al grabador. Se le acaba de secar la garganta. Dice que estuvo dos veces, de paso, por Buenos Aires. "Fui a las Georgias del Sur, desde Ushuaia. La anterior pasé por Calafate y Trelew. También estuve en Chile, en Punta Arenas".

¿Te interesás en la música regional de los países que visitás?

Para ser sincero, no estoy demasiado familiarizado con los artistas nuevos. Quizá los brasileños más clásicos han logrado llegar al hemisferio norte porque músicos de jazz se han sentido atraidos por sus ritmos. La comprensión de la gente de mucha de la música latina empieza recién en Cuba. También hay intercambio entre Texas y México, pero muere ahí. Ya me cuesta seguirle el ritmo a todos los discos que salen en Inglaterra y EE. UU, pero me consta que hay buena música en todo el mundo. Lamentablemente, no tengo facilidad para aprender otros idiomas.

¿Qué tipo de música estás escuchando ahora?

De todo, por supuesto. Ahora soy un esclavo del iPod: esas maquinitas son una gran cosa. Antes solía ocupar buena parte de mi equipaje con una valija llena de discos. Ahora llevo un aparatito del tamaño de un paquete de cigarrillos que contiene todo lo que quiero escuchar. Puede ser Schubert o Johnny Cash, según mi ánimo.

Trabajaste con Paul McCartney y Burt Bucharach. ¿Con qué otro músico te gustaría trabajar?

Nunca tuve la ambición de trabajar con nadie. Esa es la verdad. Esas oportunidades me llegaron por casualidad y me alegra mucho de que así haya sido. No tengo ninguna lista secreta de músicos con los que aspiro a trabajar.

Gardel, Piazzolla y... ¡Fito!

En Argentina, se editó puntualmente el segundo (This Yea's Model, 1978) y el tercero (Armed Forces, 1979) de sus discos. Pero a pesar de los intentos de la prensa local de la época (Expreso Imaginario) y programas radiales como el legendario Tren Fantasma, su discografía empezó a llegar vía el arduo ítem del "importado". Y Costello pasó a ser un músico de músicos. Su relación con nuestro país también es extraña. "De la música argentina sólo conozco el tango. Obviamente conocemos a los artistas de renombre internacional, clásicos como Carlos Gardel y Astor Piazzolla. Hace unos diez años conocí a Fito Páez en Nueva York y hablamos un par de veces de hacer alguna colaboración, pero no pudimos hacer coincidir nuestras agendas. Sería interesante poder hacerlo. Es bueno lo que hace".

Aquella canción sobre Malvinas

Una de las canciones más emotivas que se hayan escrito jamás sobre una guerra es Shipbuilding. Justamente una canción sobre Malvinas, escrita por Elvis Costello. La incluyó en el disco Punch the Clock (1983, con solo de trompeta de Chet Baker) y fue reversionada magistralmente por Robert Wyatt. "Las cosas de las que habla la canción se han repetido varias oportunidades. Se trata del mismo proceso de mentiras donde se nos dice que debemos ir a la guerra para proteger algún interés económico o político. Ambos gobiernos estaban siendo muy impopulares, tanto el de Margaret Thatcher como el militar. Y no hay mejor manera de unir a un país que inventar un conflicto artificial que haga a todos agitar la bandera y decir que están haciendo algo en nombre del país".

El TIM, una especie de Bue carioca

Para ser alguien que asume que el rock ya no es su hogar, Elvis Costello y sus Imposters no hacen nada por desmentir que muchas de sus mejores páginas pertenecen a sus cuatro primeros discos, justamente los más cercanos al rock.

Así quedó claro el domingo pasado, donde compartiendo cartel central del Festival TIM (Rio de Janeiro) con los no menos legendarios Television, cuando se despachó con una lista de 23 canciones ejecutadas con vértigo y frenesí. Como si alguien lo apurara, Costello capitaneó a los Imposters (una clásica formación de teclado, bajo y batería) y se apoyó en una seguidilla de clásicos como Uncomplicated (tema de apertura), Everyday I Write a Book, Oliver's Army, Radio, Radio, Less Than Zero, Alison, Watching The Detectives y (What´s So Funny About) Peace, Love and Understanding.

A la hora del esperado She, un atril le sostuvo la letra, como si quisiera indicar que no le es un tema muy afín. Nada de esto impidió que muchas parejas de cariocas, que pagaron 100 reales sólo para escuchar el tema, se balancearan como tortolitos frente al clásico de Charles Aznavour. Bastante más contundente como canción de amor es la definitiva I Want You, con la que decidió cerrar el set y el festival.

Antes de Costello y a lo largo de tres noches, el TIM albergó otros debuts sudamericanos. Entre los más festejados, los de The Strokes, Kings of Leon, Morcheeba, Dizee Rascal y M.I.A., que entre mañana y pasado animarán en el Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires el Festival BUE. En Rio de Janeiro, además, se presentaron glorias del jazz como Wayne Shorter y John McLaughlin, rockeros independiente como Wilco, The Arcade Fire y Kings of Convenience, el actor Vincent Gallo ofreciendo su costado de cantautor intimista y pesos pesados del hip hop como De La Soul.
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Extreme Honey
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Post by Extreme Honey »

That article was translated (unless EC secretly knows spanish), so it's gotta be somehwere on the net, and I think you're pretty good at finding things on the net. Of course you can take the easy way out and translate it at dictionary.com or google.
Preacher was a talkin' there's a sermon he gave,
He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved,
You cannot depend on it to be your guide
When it's you who must keep it satisfied
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Post by johnfoyle »

Google trans .


"the rock is not my only home"

the English musician will sing Saturday in Buenos Aires for the first time, in the Bue Festival. In Brazil it spoke of his relation with Argentina, criticized to Live 8 and it altogether did not discard a disc with his wife, the singing Krall Morning call. The other Elvis, thoroughly. Jose Beautiful. Special envoy to Rio de Janeiro jbellas@clarin.com is Elvis There. Integral of black, with a shirt of printings country. The entrances already remained to live in their hair. And the lenses, black smoky. Walking by floor 23 of a hotel with Vista to the Sugar Bread, on Copacabana, the man with fame to frighten journalists and to add wrath attacks requests a tea and smiles. One does not know perhaps if by affection or because its own phrase resonates to him about the music journalists: "To write on múisca he is like dancing on architecture". In a public race of almost 30 years, Elvis Costello created a personage who arrived to be known like "the Woody Allen of the rock". That idea of nerd that it prevails by force of talent and in spite of its image (its past immediately previous to the one of music locates it like ex- programmer of computers), was worked of a careful way. "people do not buy my discs by my aspect", sent challenging towards aims of the 70 In return, Costello was prolífico in his to drive, oiled in her form to touch and cynical in her vision of the world of the human relations. Here its influence at moments of the races of Calamaro and Páez can be tracked. In the last years, Costello successively approached the world of classic music and the jazz. Before, country got to make an album of music, collaborated elbow elbow with Paul McCartney in Flowers in the Dirt (1989), made two magnificent CDs. next to Burt Bacharach and was an unthinkable successful with She, cover of Charles Aznavour including in the film a called place Notting Hill. "I know that as much here as in Argentina they know more me by that subject than by others. She is not very characteristic of my repertoire, but I suppose that people hope that the touch ", says strangling a tea coat. That same night (to see box), would please to him to the from Rio de Janeiro public.

Having a so great repertoire... how hacés to choose the subjects of a show?

I do not have idea! Rare time we give the same show twice. This is the first time that we touched in South America with my band (The Imposters). Before, I was in a festival of Free Jazz in Rio. Toque' here four subjects with the Mingus Band Jazz.

After so many years to take it... you are in agreement with your stage name?

I do not think much about him. Very little people call Elvis to me. The majority calls me by my initials, EC. Always have called to me by my initials, even from boy. My christian name is Declan and my second names is the one of my grandfathers, Patrick. As it is very common between the people of Irish origin, my father called me by my initials, DP. In the world of the spectacle, one puts disguises. Mine it is Elvis Costello. Practically there is no sort that you do not have boarded. How it is the process by which you choose what type of album you are going to end up doing? In general I compose the songs in private and I hope the opportunity to present them. I did not decide to compose instrumental music for a company of ballet until this one wine and I requested it. And one occurred that this album (Il Sogno), left at the same time that my last disc songs on sale, The Delivery Man. Some people will be the sufficiently peculiar thing, like I, to appreciate both works. Others will think that no longer I am so "rock". As it is, the rock no longer is my only home.

Sometimes you thought about composing a disc with your wife, Krall Morning call?

In fact, I composed six songs for its last disc. I was a species of publisher of its letters. It was because of a series of problems that it had then: it said that it could not express what felt. It had passed through some changes in its life, some of very sad them, and felt that it could not return to sing certain type of songs. So I put myself to write. I felt like contentment to help it and I am sure that we will return to work together. Now it is about to to publish a disc of Christmas that is wonderful. All in opposition to the previous one: very glad, with a great band. What I do not know is if we would make a CD where they appeared the faces of both. It is not necessary: that we sing in house does not mean that tengamo that to do it in public. That remembers me that sometimes you threw the fault to him to the disc Plastic Ono Band (John Lennon) to initiate the era of the introspectivo rock... That is a great work, but it put fashionable that everybody wanted to listen many authors saying of what side of the bed slept. All began to ventilate their privacy as only form of catharsis and, which is worse, to compose a song. Tenés a shirt that remembers to that Johnny used Cash. I do not believe that it is chance: sometimes you made a disc of music country ("Almost Blue").

And, in fact, Johnny Cash recorded two songs yours...

I wrote a song for him, but never it got to record it. I believe that not him taste ': in any case, it recorded other two songs mine before dying and that is one of the things more wonderful than it happened to me. He is one of the greatest artists of history... what plus I can say? My friend and producer Nick Lowe were married with one of the daughters of June Carter (N of R: wife of Cash), so we could visit it once and verify all its hospitality, as if we were of the family. 20 years ago you touched in Live Aid, but this year you were not in Live 8. No. Which is your vision of those festivales to benefit? It is a very complicated question. Live Aid was, at its moment, leaves from the conviction of Bob Geldorf to transmit the urgency of hambruna existing in Africa. Twenty years later we have Live 8, with one more a greater idea. No longer we are speaking of one hambruna, but of a change in the form in which the developed countries (for me not so developed) please carry out their foreign policy in the poor countries. And it is necessary to see them to it with the cynicism of the leaders of those powerful countries that they want to impose conditions to its aid referred the moral, to the policy and the use of the resources of that region. Although many create the opposite, I admire to people like Bono or Bob Geldorf. They are the sufficiently intelligent thing as to realize that exists that balance complicated between desire to modify something, the capacity to make it and the mechanism necessary. Declarations can be done and is easy to remain outside everything and to make critics, but nothing changes.


The truth is that when organizás a great concert most of people only wants to pass good day. It does not listen to with as much attention the complexities of these discussions, because they are really exhausting. There are many things of the modern life that have been created in a language that is impossible to understand... for that reason the lawyers are so important! He is obviously bad that alive people as he lives, with an external debt that never will be able to pay. But the form to solve it is much more complicated because powerful they have done it asi ': so that there is not a solution of a day for the other. Now Elvis requests a truce to the recorder. One finishes to him drying the throat. It says that it was twice, of step, by Buenos Aires. "I went to the Georgias of the South, from Ushuaia. The previous one I happened through Calafate and Trelew. Also I was in Chile, in End Sands ".

You interesás in the regional music of the countries that visitás?

To be sincere, too much I am not familiarized with the new artists. Perhaps Brazilian the most classic ones have managed to arrive at the North hemisphere because musical of jazz they have felt atraidos by his rates. The understanding of the people of much of Latin music begins just in Cuba. Also there is interchange between Texas and Mexico, but it dies there. It costs to me to follow the rate to him all the discs that leave in England and EE. UU, but already consists to me that there is good music anywhere in the world. Lamentably, I do not have facility to learn other languages. What type of music now you are listening to? Of everything, of course. Now I am a slave of iPod: those maquinitas are a great thing. Before it used to occupy good part of my luggage with a full disc valise. Now I take to a aparatito as large as a cigarette package that contains everything what I want to listen. It can be Schubert or Johnny Cash, according to my spirit. You worked with Paul McCartney and Burt Bucharach. With what another musician you would like to work? I never had the ambition to work with anybody. That is the truth. Those opportunities arrived to me by chance and it cheers much to me of which thus it has been. I do not have any secret list of musicians with whom I aspire to work.

Gardel, Piazzolla and... Fito! In Argentina, the second (This Yeás Model, 1978) and third (Armed Forces, 1979) of its discs was published precise. But in spite of the attempts of the local press of the time (Express Imaginary) and radial programs like the legendary Ghost Train, its discografía began to arrive via the arduous "concerned" item from. And Costello happened to be a musician of musicians. Its relation with our country also is strange. "Argentine music I only know the tango. Obvious we know the artists of international reputation, classic like Carlos Gardel and Astor Piazzolla. It does about ten years I knew Fito Páez in New York and we spoke a pair of times to make some collaboration, but we could not make agree our agendas. He would be interesting to be able to do it. It is good what does ".

That song on the Falklands One of the songs more touching than has been written never on a war is Shipbuilding. Exactly a song on the Falklands, written by Elvis Costello. It included in the Punch disc the Clock (1983, with single one of trompeta of Chet Baker) and was reversionada skillfully by Robert Wyatt. "the things of which the song speaks have repeated several opportunities. One is the same process of lies where one says us that we must go to the war to protect some economic or political interest. Both governments were being very unpopular, as much the one of Margaret Thatcher as the military man. And there is no better way to unite to a country that to invent an artificial conflict that makes to all shake the flag and say that they are doing something in name of the country ".

The TIM, a species of from Rio de Janeiro Bue For being somebody that assumes that the rock no longer is its home, Elvis Costello and their Imposters does not make anything deny that many of their better pages belong to their four first discs, exactly nearest the rock. Thus it was left last Sunday clear, where sharing central poster of Festival TIM (Rio de Janeiro) with the not less legendary Television, when one dispatched with a list of 23 songs executed with vertigo and frenzy. As if somebody worried it, Costello commanded to the Imposters (a classic formation of keyboard, low and battery) and leaned in a rollover of classic like Uncomplicated (opening subject), Everyday I Write to Book, Oliver's Army, Radio, Radio, Less Than Zero, Alison, Watching The Detectives and (What´s Under Funny About) Peace, Love and Understanding.

To the hour of the awaited She, a lectern maintained the letter to him, as if it wanted to indicate that it is not to him a very compatible subject. Nothing of this prevented that many pairs of from Rio de Janeiro, that only paid 100 real ones to listen to the subject, were balanced like tortolitos as opposed to the classic one of Charles Aznavour. Enough more forceful like love song it is the definitive I Want You, with which it decided to close the Seth and the festival. Before Costello and throughout three nights, the TIM lodged other South American debuts. Between festejados, those of The Strokes, Kings of Leon, Morcheeba, Dizee Rascal and M.I.A., that between last morning and will animate in the Club City of Buenos Aires Festival BUE.

In Rio de Janeiro, in addition, glories of the jazz like Wayne Shorter and John McLaughlin, rockers independent appeared like Wilco, The Arcade Fire and Kings of Convenience, heavy Vincent actor Rooster offering their flank of intimist cantautor and weights of hip hop like Of the Soul.
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verbal gymnastics
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Post by verbal gymnastics »

Interesting that people call him EC. I must try that one and see whether I get a slap! Naturally any Verbal abuse will be reported here first :lol:
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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Post by verena »

Hum... unbelievable jam as usual coming from a transware. Thanks for providing the Spanish version. 8)

This is a very good interview, deserves a real translation IMO.
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verbal gymnastics
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I agree - it's just trying to find someone to do it.
Who’s this kid with his mumbo jumbo?
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mood swung
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calling Miss Buenos Aires....
Like me, the "g" is silent.
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Extreme Honey
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Post by Extreme Honey »

I can speak spanish too, but that'll take too long and the google translation provides a decent resemblance.
Preacher was a talkin' there's a sermon he gave,
He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved,
You cannot depend on it to be your guide
When it's you who must keep it satisfied
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